Says 34 – Letting go of the Old world and creating a new World

2012 March 30 6:40 am I awoke and was thinking of all the things that are wrong in this world and I began to write a list.

Corrupt government, federal, provincial, and municipal
Religious beliefs and conflict
The wars and military spending
Pharmaceutical drugs and medical care
High gas, food, electrical and housing prices
High CATV, satellite, telephone, cell phone and internet prices
GMO foods and animals
Polluted land, water and air
Chemtrails and government cover-up
Big brother watching you
And the list goes on and on.

I then though, this is way too much to try to fix and that the only way we are going to change things is to let go of it and let it self destruct and then we’ll build a brand new world to rise out of the ashes like the fabled Phoenix. By self-destruct, I don’t mean that the World (Earth) should be destroyed, but that the SYSTEMS that are presently in a position of power be destroyed. When they are gone, along with those that support that system; those that remain can then begin the process of creating a New World with a new blue print of how reality can be when denials are ended.

Says 33 – Message on Clearing illness and aging from the Body.

2012 March 30 2:30 am, Before I went to bed I was read a few pages in the “Right Use of Will” RUOW (Page 2) on clearing illness and habits. When I went to bed, I had been thinking of how to heal my Body and later I awoke hearing the following message. I reached now and picked up my journal that I have between my night table and my bed , turned the light on and began to write the following message.

Say this aloud and make it your intent.

Body, I am here to help you heal yourself. What is it that you desire me to help you come into full Being? I will listen to your wants, needs, and desires and will do my best to fulfill them? I know that I have not listened to you in the past and have gotten you to do what I wanted and thought was the right thing. I know you are also holding a lot of the Wills denied energy and I am ready to help you release it and to help you and the Will heal and come into full consciousness, glory and power. This is my intent, This is my intent with Body, Will and Heart. I ask that you teach me, to help me listen to you, and to know that it is your Will, your true desire. It is time to end this battle, this struggle, as it is life that we all desire and so to achieve that, we all need to let go of all that does not serve our highest purpose and good.

We sense your doubt and fear, and like your brothers comment to Peter “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt,” we want to add, that what he did not say was that,” You know that all things are possible, you have only to imagine them and they will manifest for your experience.”

I ask Father, Mother and the Company of Heaven to help me, help us bring Heaven to Earth and to live life as we have never know it. Amen.

Says 32 – Faith and your Power

2012 March 30 A few days ago, I uploaded a bunch of religious and Spiritual pictures to my facebook account. Gathering from the comments I was getting, people were being activated and confused between the words “faith” and “religion,” as religious doctrine uses the words interchangeably. I feel that faith and religion (religious beliefs) are not one and the same, as even the Bible sets them apart. To clarify this issue, today I uploaded three pictures where I had added text containing some Biblical scripture that Jesus said that defined the meaning of Faith.

Says 31 – My ear issue clearing up, but now my sister has ear problems

2012 March 28 My hearing is almost back to normal. It’s taken quite a while for the internal sounds and my heartbeat to finally subside. I still have some problems with some audio frequencies and voices but that is also improving.

My sister had the flu last week and had also been complaining about a sore ear. Well she took off early at work when she realized that things in the office just weren’t quiet, but that she had lost some healing and went to see her doctor. After some tests, he determined that her tight eardrum had been perforated and that she had a middle and inner ear infection, for which he gave her a prescription for anti0biotics. What makes matters worse is that she had lost most of her hearing in her left ear in early adolescence, so now she is really at a loss. She said it’s not too bad as over the years she has had a lot of ear infections and has learned to lip read

Says 30 – Tourettes syndrome and the denial of terror

I was watching a documentary on 20 / 20 about Tourettes syndrome  and I found it interesting that they said that the symptoms usually appeared in children around the ages of 5 – 9 and then carry on into adult life, although it decreased with age.  I watched as they followed a few children around their daily activities and saw how they functioned, as well as how the medical community was dealing with their symptoms that they acknowledged were stress related, for which they gleefully prescribed drugs as a treatment. The children not only had to deal with Tourettes, but also the drugs and their sides effects.  The doctors also suggested that the parents, who were stressed by the child’s outbreaks, should ignore any emotional displays and tantrums that the child exhibits. Even writing this pisses me off. I could just take the fucking doctors and psychiatrists and shake them until their heads fall off.  Ignorant and arrogant fuckers.

The attacks were usually activated by a loud noise, voice, crowd, or a physical touch. The activated person would then respond verbally, or physically, but not in a way that could be understood. By that I mean that they would either cough, bark like a dog, or make other animalistic sounds, or they would howl, tweet, shriek, or utter high pitched notes, snap their fingers,or they would cuss and swear as a form of verbal release. The other form of expression was a physical release (tics) where their body would momentarily freeze up and if it was mild, they would simply go into rolling or blinking their eyes a few times, or they would explode in a variety of convulsive type movements and gestures.  Some would exhibit the symptoms of OCD or ADHD and would repeat physical movements or habits for as long as they were being activated. Others would hit themselves or pull their hair as a form of self-punishment. Still others would express their denied rage by throwing a temper tantrum, or by flying into a verbal barrage of cuss and swear words and gestures aimed at those that they felt were attacking them..

As the documentary progressed I could feel  that it was their denied terror that was moving in the only way that it was allowed any expression in that moment.  Something happened to them as a  child that traumatized them and the only way they could feel safe to release the pressure of the emotions they were feeling was to ACT it out in a way that would not be understood and cause more trauma. Hence, whenever they would be activated by a similar experience to the one that traumatized them, they would go off into their non-sensible verbal and physical emotional expressions.

A few days later, I happened to be chatting with a guy in a facebook group on healing emotions. As he shared his form of emotional release, I immediately knew he had Tourettes. He was very defensive at first, but then admitted his issue and we got into a discussion. He stated that when he was terrified, that total panic would set in and that he would flip out, meaning that his Body would go off into all sorts of physical gymnastics and he would momentarily leave his Body. He said he felt a sense of relief and that it was so good to get out of his Body as what he was feeling was driving him crazy.  He also stated that he felt terror of having to go back, but not as much as he did before he gapped.  This was a man in his 30-40’s and while he said his symptoms were now a lot better than they were as a child, he was still faced with the possibility of flipping out at any time. When asked if he had traced his emotional trauma back to his childhood he became defensive again.  The only reason that Tourettes seems to disappear with age is that is just had years of denial and learned forms of avoiding the situations that triggered the re-action.

This is not the documentary I was watching, but a YouTube video on Tourettes…

Says 29 – 2012 Three Days and Nights of Darkness

I just watched a YouTube video and was reminded of a message that I got way back in 1995. This picture on the left reminds me of what I saw as the beginning or dawn of a New World. You will know what I mean after you watch the first part of the Video. Also, there are other videos that relate to it.

Humm?… The YouTube video seems to have been removed, but luckily I was able to download a copy.

Like I said, it’s interesting that when I viewed this video I was reminded of a similar message that I got back in 1995, about the three days of total darkness that was to mark the beginning of the new age and that was to last for 17 years before the next shift would occur.. Like I said, this was back in 1995 and I never really gave it more thought or related it to 2012, in fact I had forgotten about it until I saw this video…

It seems coincidental that 17 years after 1995 brings us to the year 2012 and back then, I hadn’t even heard of the Mayan calendar, and the galactic alignment that science now knows is about to happen. Now I’m wondering if I may have misinterpreted my original message. Maybe instead of lasting for 17 years, it was to be within 17 years, which would make it coincide with 2012. Things that make me say.. Hummmmmm?

From what I remember of the message I got, we, I mean our solar system will be passing through what is called the “Null Zone.” It’s like what we experience when we drive on the highway and come upon dense fog, or a blinding rain or snow storm, that completely blocks our visibility for a period of time until it moves past us. This will be similar, but even more dramatic, in that like she said, what we will experience is total darkness, no electricity, no communication, everything will be shut down for three days and three nights. The only thing that will give us light is fire

I also got that the three days and nights will give people a lot of time (without modern physical distractions) to reflect on their lives (Soul Searching). I didn’t get anything on us or Earth ascending per say, but I did get that a lot of people are going to die, and many will be by choice. Those that don’t die will come away with a new lease on life, so to speak. Not to say that all that remain will be for love and life, but their power base will have shifted and they will not be, or stay in the position of power they once had.

I’ll try to dig up my original message from my journals. I guess it’s right time for this message to be brought to the masses… Now if it manifests, that question will only be answered when the time comes.

Says 28 – Star Gates – portals to other suns and planets.

2012 March 21 A couple of weeks ago I had a vision/ feeling that the sun was a portal, and that there was a connected from our sun to other suns, and even galaxies, and that they were all inter connected, like a woven tapestry. That even the planets had portals within their solar system and that they were also connected to the sun.

On Mar 13, I went to the movies and saw John Carter, and guess what? it was about being teleported between Earth and Mars that was connected by some energy tube.. On March 14, I chatted with a friend on Skype about the portals I had envisioned, and also on the movie John Carter

March 21, I find the following link and now I’m really wondering what is going on.. Things that make you go Hummmmmm?

Says 27 – The cause of all illness and aging is denial

2012 March 19, The present issues I’m working on is healing my Body and manifesting my desires and that includes dealing with illness and aging that are manifested by the Body. While there are countless forms of disease, there is only one underlying cause, and that is denial. Denial, the denied energy (reversed polarity) from all parts of the self is what causes the disease and aging. Although it’s not obvious, it’s the unseen role of denial that is the root of our beliefs and judgments, and I’ve found that one of the biggest limitations and judgments on our Being is our social and personal definitions of who and what we are. If you make a list of all your negative “I am” faults, you will have a record of all your limiting beliefs and judgments. Some of my limiting “I am” beliefs and judgments are:

I am getting old because:
I’m not as strong as I once was
I’m not as energetic as I once was
I am getting white hair
I am losing my hearing
I am losing my eyesight
I am feeling pain in my bones
I am feeling pain in my muscles

While I have some knowledge, insights and understandings into the issues in my life from my past emotional healing experiences, I still don’t have the understandings I need to solve this current illness and aging issue with my Body. I have yet to apply my knowledge and experience it in a real life situation, in the “now” or present moment, to see if what I think I know, really works.

The cause of all pain and suffering is denial.

Says 26 – The power of labels and our core “I am” beliefs

I’m in a Facebook group where I’ve been having an exchange with a man that admits he is gay. As he defended his belief of his gender preference, I realized that he was no different than a person saying they were an alcoholic or a drug addict. While the man said, “I am gay” he totally missed the fact that he is a Spiritual Being having a physical experience which happens to be being in a sexual relationship with a man, which is labeled by society as the person being gay. Being gay is what he is experiencing; it is not what he is… BIG difference.

I also realized that any mental, emotional or physical affliction is the same as an addiction in that both carry the denied underlying causes related to their physical experiences. If people allow themselves to be identified by the LABELES that their Doctor, or society puts on them, then they will have resigned themselves to be defined by those limiting and crippling beliefs. They will unconsciously will live their lives in pain and misery until such time that they choose to let go of their label belief and decide to find the hidden cause, the unseen role of denial underpinning their experience.

Our fears are connected to our “I AM” core beliefs that limit us from being who we really are. Our fears are not bad or evil, but they have their origins rooted in real life traumatic unloving experiences were we fragmented a piece of our Essence out of our Being. While we are mentally unaware of the fragments that have been denied, we are aware of their presence by their magnetic draw to be accepted, yet we still deny them, or rather, deny dealing with the original cause that created the fragmentation and resultant programs and beliefs. It’s a double blind situation as we are unaware of what we are doing and what we need to do to resolve and heal the situation and therefore we ignorantly believe our denials as being the truth and the truth as being our denials.

The same goes for other beliefs like, I am not free, I am poor, homeless, unhappy, depressed, etc. All these are limiting “I AM” beliefs and as such, are locked into the CORE of our psyche, our BEING. Until they are cleared and released, it’s impossible to become our true “I AM” presence as these beliefs, and the denied feelings and emotions behind the experiences that led to these beliefs, are overriding our true essence and power.

Affirmations like, “I am happy, I am abundant. I am free,” etc., are just a forms of denial and role-playing that only serve to deepen the belief. As an example, simply saying “I am happy” when one is actually feeling sad is in blatant denial of our true feelings and emotions.


Says 25 – Distilled water and the Heart, circulatory system & blood

Today I bought some steam distilled water(aka Rain water) as a form of cleanse as I feel that is what the body needs or rather, what the blood needs to help process the nutrients it needs to nourish the body and eliminate the wastes. Rainwater is free of any chemicals and as such, it doesn’t add toxins to the Body that the Body then needs to get rid of.

The blood is part of an organ, our Heart and circulatory system whose job it is, is to provide life giving sustenance to the cells in our Body and to also filter and remove waste products. Bloor carries oxygen from the lungs and the digested food from our stomach and small intestine along with all the chemicals to all the other organs of our Body and as I mentioned remove any wasted produced by these organs. I don’t know how long I’ll be doing this, as right now I’m still drinking two cups of coffee a day as well as a couple cups of green tea. I’ll just monitor myself to see what I notice.

Says 24 – Dream of shit and litter and putting people in their right place.

2012 March 10, I was at, what once was, a beautiful  tropical resort but recently the people that were in charge of maintenance had walked off the job. They refused to clean up the mess made by the visitors and what was once a beautiful resort was now turning into a toxic wasteland. The visitors at the resort were not only deliberately littering and trashing things, but they were also urinating and defecating on toilets, floors, or anywhere they pleased. To top it off, the water had been turned off because of vandalism and plugged toilets. It had gotten so bad that you had to be careful where you walked and even the beach and water was disgusting and unsafe. Visitors were disgusted that the toilets were not cleaned and plugged and some went to the outside dug toilets but found that they were also filthy. In desperation, some of the cleaners did their business on the grounds and tried to bury it as best they could.No one seemed to know what to do and how to clean up the place.

I talked to the clean up people and showed them what they could do t fix the problem and those that were interested followed my instructions and fixed some of the plumbing and dug new latrines and filled in the old ones. The litterbugs and those that didn’t care still littered and did their business where ever they wanted, even on, instead of in the working and clean toilets.

Finally, I had enough of their antics and I had them removed to their own remote island where they could do what they wanted. They complained to me that I wasn’t treating them fairly, or said that they were sorry and they would change if I just let them come back. I said, “No, there is a right place and time for everyone and you are in yours until you learn to clean up after your selves and your surroundings. You will live by your choices.”

I woke up.

Says 23 – Finally finished editing book 2 and 3 intro’s

2012 March 05 Today I think I’ve finalized my introductions to books 2 and 3. I hummed and hawed, postponed and labored for years in trying not to repeat myself in my introductions, and to make each book a standalone read like my first book. This obsession also contributed to my having what is commonly known as writers block. It finally dawned on me that I’ve deliberately written a trilogy, and so it stands to reason that some parts of the introduction need to be repeated so that the reader will know what is going on, and for the book makes sense.

I also transferred the text to my MS-Word documents and then did some re-editing to get them to fit into the page format that I had previously set up, as I didn’t want to go through that process again as it’s been a few years and I’ve forgotten how I did it. I only know that I had a hard time setting it up in the first place.

Says 22 – Space (Ether /Aether) and the Elements

2012 Feb 25, I remember my high school physics teacher talking about the airplane and how it is able to fly because it is using the movement of air to suspend itself. I never said anything at the time for fear of sounding stupid, but my question I had was, “If the air is holding the plane up, what is holding the air up? What is holding up all the molecules of Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and all the other elements in what we commonly call air?  What’s holding up the water vapor and dust and even the odors we smell?

I think/feel that even though we have been told by science that space is nothing, a vacuum, I think that it has substance and some form of energy that science isn’t telling us. I’m not only talking about what is termed as outer space, but also the space that is found between all things, including the space in what we deem as being physically solid and that science now says is actually 99% made up of space, with only 1% actually being what we would call solid.

Air, water and Earth are made up of molecules occupying space. The only difference between them is that water is denser than air, and earth, (soil, and rocks) is denser than water. Humm? So what is fire and where does it fit in all this? The elements that create physical reality are Earth, Water, Air, Fire and space/time. Humm, The energy of fire affects changes in the elements of earth, air and water, but I don’t see how it affects Space (Ether -Aether)/ time.


I just remembered that the same science teacher had a few ideas and experiments that the class thought weird. One that is relative to this thought process is the use of a Bell jar, in which he had four fan like blades supported on a vertical shaft. One side of the blade was painted black and the other side white. The bell jar was placed near the window in direct sunlight, and nothing happened. He then evacuated the bell jar, removing all the air and then placed it in the same position. The blades now spun wildly on their axis. Solar power, way back in the early 1960’s.

The thing that I find curious is why science is intentionally misleading us with the propaganda that space is a vacuum. I can see how rockets are used to push off from the Earth and then off the air to enable them to put the space vehicles in orbit. What I question is that when they are sending these vehicles into deep space probe missions, like to the moon, mars and beyond, how do these rockets work if there is nothing for the escaping rocket gases to push on.. Dah? It doesn’t make any sense. They are not telling us the whole truth.

Says 19 – Hearing loss in left ear and visit to the Doctor

2012 Feb 24 Friday. Back on Feb 03 Says 05  I got an ear infection and I’ve been treating it with olive oil and inserting a small wad of cotton batten to keep the oil in place.  A couple of weeks ago I asked my guides if I needed to go see the Doctor to have my left ear flushed out, and I got the answer, “No.”

My hearing was getting better, but then took a turn last weekend and since then it hasn’t gotten any better and so yesterday, I asked my guides again and I got the answer, “Yes.” I was confused, but I called the Doctor this morning and to my surprise, I got an appointment for 10:30 this morning.

I went for my appointment and before the Doctor examined my ear, I removed the cotton batten wad. He looked in my ear and said there was something stuck in my ear. My first thought (fear) was an insect as what else could it be. He got out his bag of tools and with a tweezer like instrument; he pulled out a wad of cotton batten. I was surprised, but immediately realized it was the cotton batten wad that I thought had fallen out of my ear during my sleep, a week ago. When I woke up, it wasn’t in my ear and I couldn’t find it in my bed so I assumed that it had fallen out and dropped down behind the bed.

The Doc then flushed my right ear and removed a little bit of wax. I asked him if he was going to flush my left ear and he said it was fine, there was no wax in it. I then asked him why I still couldn’t hear with my left ear and he said that the cotton batten wad had been pushed against my ear drum and that it would take a couple of days for things to right themselves. I felt like a dummy, but that also explains why my guides had changed their answer.

Says 18 – Hearing strange clicking sounds

2012 Feb 23 I’ve been hearing a series of clicking sounds coming from the outside wall of my room.  The sound seems to be coming from near the window or the heat register directly under the window. It’s a series of 4 or 5 clicks and then it stops and a few seconds or minutes later, it repeats the sequence. I thought it might be the heat register, but the furnace isn’t on, so that eliminates that idea. I’ve gone to the area where I think the sounds are coming from and either there is no sound, or if there is, it now appears to be coming from my bed.

This has been going on and off for the past couple of weeks and to add to the confusion, it’s not constant as I haven’t heard it for the past hour. It’s also either 4 or 5 clicks, never more, never less and that is unusual also. I’m at a loss to explain what is physically causing it, so my next thought is that it is being caused by something or someone that is not in the physical.  My first thought was that it was an alien, an ET’s but I haven’t investigated that possibly yet as I have been trying to focus on editing the intros to my books.

Says 17 – Past memories of dying

2012 Feb 19 12:30 am Sunday, I just had a memory flashback of not wanting to die and how panicked my Mind was. It was in morbid terror, not wanting to die.  I don’t know where this feeling and image came from as I was just drifting off to sleep when I was startled by it.

A few seconds later I had flashed back to my childhood when my mother tried to drown me and how I felt free when my Spirit was out of my Body,  Hovering above my Body that lay still and motionless in a small bathtub, relieved that it (the hate) was finally over and that now I could have peace.

Then I flashed back to the night I was conceived and again the feelings of not wanting to be here, as there was no love.  Although they were married, my father was basically raping my mother. But this feeling of wanting to leave feels different than the previous one. It’s more like Heart feeling he didn’t want to be here as it was not the love and life he desired, or expected.

Humm, this is getting complicated.

Says 15 – Stopping the cycle of death and reincarnation

February 18 7:15 AM So in order to stop the cycle of death and reincarnation, and to bring all the presently untapped physical senses into reality, Spirit (Mind) has to begin to not only accept what the Body, Will and Heart are feeling in the present moment, but to also feel what happened to them  in the past. Spirit needs to go where it has never gone before and experience what it thinks will kill it, to a place where Will/Body were abandoned and left to die. It’s Body (form) that holds the most denials as even the Will gradually has to leave it, not that she wanted to, but she had no choice.

Feb 18 1:10 PM Not that all of Heart left after Spirit left, as only the part of Heart that is Spirit polarized left, leaving the Will polarized part of Heart to die along with Body and Will. I just felt the heartbreak of both Spirit polarity Heart in having to leave the Body/Will, and the Will polarity of itself and how he felt he had no choice, and how Will polarity Heart, felt broken, betrayed, alone and a host of other feelings and emotions. Will polarity Heart was also trapped in a dying Body and quickly losing consciousness, meaning that the physical heart and circulatory system and blood were also dying, and in the process, cutting off possibility of physical life from the rest of the Body.

This is horrible! What a fucking heartbreaking waste!  I don’t know what else I can call it as there are just too many feelings and words to describe what I just felt. It’s all based on imprinting that goes back to the very beginning, to original Cause.

Before you can know what life is, you need to know what death is.

To know what love is, you need to know what is not love.

If any part of us is in denial of another part of ourselves, that part being denied is receiving death.  So how can we call what we are experiencing life, when a part of us is dying? Cutting off parts of us that are dying only means that we are losing more consciousness and essence. Eventually Spirit, that is electric in nature, also dies because without the Wills Magnetic essence there is no longer the compliment of forces necessary for Spirit/Will to co-exist. Without the Yin, there is no Yang.

Says 14 – Body carrying the (LOAD = Lies, Omission, Avoidance, Denial)

February 18 6:25 AM I was thinking about death and how Spirit (Mind) has never experienced what our Body and Will have experienced. When a person dies, it’s the Spirit (life force) that leaves first, and then, within a few seconds, Heart (represented by our physical heart) stops and with that, there is no longer any flow of the life force to nourish the Body.

The Will, being magnetic in nature, doesn’t leave the Body immediately, nor does she want to as life is what she desires, but without Spirit presence, to animate Body with life, the Body cannot exist in the form it had. Without Spirit, the Will is slowly forced to leave the Body, and as she leaves, the parts of the Body begin to return to the original essence and elements that it was made from. One thing I need to mention is that just because Spirit and Heart have left the Body/Will, that doesn’t mean that the Body’s  and Will’s ability to feel and sense what is going on has stopped, as only Body’s ability to move and respond has ceased to function. It can still feel pain in all those parts that still have Will presence, it just can’t move and respond to them.

It’s like a person that is in a coma and while they are unable to communicate, they are totally aware of what is going on, they just can’t move their eyes, speak, or even move their finger to show they are alive and aware of their surroundings and the physical and emotional pain they are in. A person in a coma still has some part of their Spirit essence in their Body as it hasn’t totally decided to leave, yet. It has lifted most of it’s essence and consciousness, except for what is needed to keep the body/Will alive.  Heart presence is still in the Body to maintain the flow of life essence. Left unattended, the person would be unable to feed or care for themselves and unless Spirit chose to return, a slow and agonizing dying process would follow until such time that Spirit did leave and Body/Will would feel abandoned, unloved, rejected, and heartbroken.

I just felt and realized that while Spirit has never experienced what Body and Will have, that there is a part of Heart essence that has remained and experienced an aspect of dying. Although this part of Heart has momentarily remained, it has only experienced Spirit leaving and only the very beginning of the emotional and physical pain that the Will and Body was feeling, as when it felt its terror of death, it was quick to follow Spirit. Spirits terror is to experience dying and death, as life is what it is, and Heart has similar issues. When Spirit (Mind) says that death is nothing, it is only nothing to Spirit because Spirit has never experienced it, so there was NO THING to experience.

Humm? This relates back to the beginning of how Spirit is in terror of losing any part of the Body’s FULL sensations, especially sight, and sound, as then it is in the dark, the unknown, and left to the remaining senses, of touch, taste and smell, feeling crippled and powerless.

Loss of the physical senses and the body’s physical abilities of its youth terrify the Spirit and is in part, the cause of aging, as Spirit tries to deny what has happened to Body as a result of the experiences it, and the Will have had to endure without the acceptance and help from Spirit. All the times when Spirit/Will/Body/Heart were confronted with traumatic experiences, Spirit did what it thought it needed to do in order to survive, by cutting off and denying the parts of itself, it’s Will, (feelings and emotions) as well as Body sensations.  It’s all these denials, (denied reversed energy) that the body is forced to hold and carry. It’s the LOAD (Lies, Omission, Avoidance, Denial)  that gradually weighs down the Body, causing it to move and react slower and not heal like it once did , and to also diminish its senses.  That’s when Spirit begins to become aware of the things it doesn’t like about the Body, which only adds to the denials that the Body is forced to hold, thus accelerating the process of illness and aging.

Note: In looking for an autopsy picture to use on my blog post I happened upon this picture and then followed it to the main website.  If you want to see and feel what a medical team does to a Body that is still alive, but can’t move, then visit this site.

I must warn you, the pictures are very graphic and disturbing.

Says 13 – The Body and its five senses

2012 Feb 17 The Bodies sensations of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell are very much like the Will, in that they can differentiate between what is pleasant and what is not pleasant, loving and unloving. This is most evident with the senses of taste, touch and smell, as the Mind has formed judgments that override the input of sight and sound, with sight being the most overridden, as in the expression, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” This overriding of our Will, and Body is what is learned through our experiences.

Before I wrote the above paragraph, I was thinking of my hearing problem, and how I had difficulty hearing my brother last night when he came to visit me. I thought how strange and empty my world would be without sound and the ability to hear all the sounds I presently hear. I then closed my eyes and thought of all the objects, shapes, colors that would disappear if I also lost my sight, and how helpless I would be trying to make our my around and function.

All five of our senses have special properties that allow us to experience reality in different ways, and to lose even one would have a profound effect on our lives. For me, the senses I most value, in order of importance would be sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. I feel there are even more physical senses that we possess, it’s just that we don’t know how, or we can’t use them at the present moment. I feel they are much like how we can use technology to expand our awareness, but we would not need technology to experience them, as we would be able to have these abilities naturally.