Says 511 – NY, USA ( Bill- 2.13 Government taking control of population)

This relates to the post I made before (Says 509, on the WHO taking over every medical establishment in the world. This is coming into so-called law in May of 2024, as all the so-called government officials voted and approved it via the UN

Says 509 – WHO to take over World Health

Link to   Biill 2.31.  

Says 510 – The Dark Future for iPad Kids

This video isn’t just sad, it’s heartbreaking to think of the future these kids will have, and the effect it will have on society.

Says 509 – WHO to take over World Health

The WHO, (World Heath Organization) which is part of the the NWO (New World Order) is set to take over most of the Health Facilities of the world with the agreement of most of the world nations. This is to happen May of 2024

Says 508 – NWO satellite lasers attack Chile

NWO satellite lasers attack Chile, similar to the fires and devastation in Hawaii