Says 513 – NEXRAD – Another NWO weapon against humanity.

So if you have any questions about the NEXRAD Radar sites on the sat feeds, this covers a few bases on locations AND radiation fields. Those glowing areas show field strength in relation to the coverage area, just like what you see on the sat feeds. Only the color on the feed is blue. And the fact that these fields remain constant is a clear indication it is NOT weather activity… But if you watch carefully you will find they influence the weather.

Additionally when you see massive pulses lighting up the network in sync from East to West, it’s clearly being controlled.

By whom? The National Weather Service and the Department of Defence.

This is your first clue it is known as a weapon. A “Silent Weapon in a quiet war”… An Introductory Programming Manual

If you want to know what is causing the heat waves, here’s a clue. We are being microwaved in mass.

This is beyond diabolical.

On the 16th they microwaved most of the country with MASSIVE synchronized pulses for 12 hours straight, while we slept from 9:11 at night until 9:11 in the morning.

The 17th they started at 8:11 and went until 9:11 increasing it to 13 hours.

The 18th they started at 7:11 and went until 9:11 increasing it to 14 hours.

They are ramping it up each day.Like the formula for boiling frogs, increasing by one incremental degree at a time so as not to trigger their reflexes of self-preservation.

This is using the same frequency as the microwave oven. This has the same cause/effect relationship. This causes damage to DNA, which will result in many issues from cancer to brain/neurological damage. A scientific study from the official Govern Mental sources that shows microwave radiation causes the misfolding of peptides/proteins. [PMC7309322]

The misfolded proteins associated with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob diseases as well as certain cancer types such as amyloidosis can be caused by microwave radiation… The same frequencies used in Wifi/Bluetooth, SMART meters, Radar, microwave ovens and such.?And there is evidence that NEXRAD towers were being synchronized and pulsing these frequencies across the country…

CJD is similar to “Mad Cow”. A brain wasting disorder. [Zombie] [The cows are innocent]

So many people are suffering now without even realizing it.?If you want to know what is causing the heat waves, and dis ease, here’s a clue. We are being microwaved.

On the 16th they microwaved most of the country with MASSIVE synchronized pulses for 12 hours straight, while we slept from 9:11 at night until 9:11 in the morning.

Says 508 – NWO satellite lasers attack Chile

NWO satellite lasers attack Chile, similar to the fires and devastation in Hawaii

Says 507 – Goals of Digital ID

It seems like FB censorship is getting darker, as they now don’t let you share or copy a FB Reel video… So here is what they and the dark ones are not wanting you to see.

This short video is about how the corrupt, so-called “Authority Figures” and the dark powers pulling their strings are attempting to control everybody and everything.

Says 504 – Maui Fires cover-up #3

Yet another Maui fire aftermath video… Notice the vehicles and their location, and the trees and the absence of combustable debris that could have burnt the cars.



Says 503 – Maui Fires cover-up #2

Video showing pulverized Aluminum and Liquified Glass on Vehicle caught in the Lahaina / maui grass fire. This was the work of a US military DEW weapon, (satellite lasers) that also did the rest that is being cover up.

Says 501 – NWO and Maui fires

I found this on a friends site that lives in Hawaii.
The caption was… “EXPOSED! They’re All In On it – Maui Massacre”

Wow… We here in CaNaDa have had the government ban MSM from Facebook and other social media.. . and all we are getting are bit and pieces from independent sources… Suspicion is that the current wild fires in Canada and around the world are related to DEW weapons as are the ones in Hawaii.

Says 498 – X-Files – Fiction or a prediction?

X-Files – Fiction or a prediction? Watch the video and see how humanity has been and is being manipulated.

Says 488 – Military panicked when they saw the future

Time-lines are merging, and it’s coming down to the end of the game for the elites that have been in power for eons. They can’t change the outcome; they can only prolong the game, and that is what is happening right now. However… don’t fool yourself into thinking that you’re going to be “saved” by some miracle because you aren’t in the “elite” or 1% class, those that are the super rich and powerful and also the behind the scene players.

While I say the 1%, it’s far greater than that. The 1% can be compared to the top of a military organization, and then you have all the rank and file beneath them. The order followers, including those that directly or indirectly offer support in any number of ways. The people involved are in every station and walk in life, and most just consider their reality as normal.

There are presently two realities co-existing on Earth in the same space and time. One reality contains those that are loving and empathic and can feel the energy of love. They are loving, open and expansive. The other reality is what forms the elite and their minions. They are unloving, but “act” loving and caring, and are closed and controlling. The problem is that both groups have been trying to change the other, and so far, the unloving elite group have been in control through the use of the unseen role of denial. The thing that gives them power and control over the loving group, are one’s denials, especially the denial of one’s REAL feelings and emotions towards the energy and actions of the unloving group. Denial of real emotional expression is actually submitting or giving your power away to those that want to control you. The count-down is under way and one’s choices are going to determine which reality you will go with.

NOTE: This post has been edited – 2022-03-02

Here is a link to the ORIGINAL INTERVIEW

Says 485 – Dual reality ending.

This is my first post for 2022. It’s a Channeled Message that I got 2021 July 23 – 6:20 am

The mixing of the two realities, of duality, is coming to an end. Loving essence desiring life, expansion and freedom, and unloving essence that desires compression, death and loss of consciousness; will each have what they desire. No longer will there be the pressuring and over-powering of each, trying to force the other to be like them.

Those that desire light, life and love will now let go of all that does not seek it, that is within them and upon them, so that their light can shine and they can reclaim their power and essence that they either gave to others, or that others took from them.

There will be chaos and turmoil as this separation occurs, as the wheat is separated from the chaff. There will be a gathering of many tribes and colours as they begin to reclaim lost essence and know their destiny path and right place.

Mass consciousness will be replaced by collective consciousness as the community of all that is, all is one, is remembered and formed, or rather, gathered and assembled, like pieces of the puzzle; as the woven fabric, tapestry, of space and time.

The above message ties into one that I got over 20 years ago “Going in Circles”

Says 483 – Australia Lockdown

Happening in Australia.. BUT never fear. Keep being in denial that it will happen where you live.

Says 479 – NWO plan for Saskatchewan

The Saskatchewan “Stubble Jumpers” are one of the CaNaDa’s provincial guinea pigs for the next step in implementing the militaristic agenda of the NWO… Here is a video of what is planned along with a PDF file you can download here.. MO-Sep-13 

OK… This is the first stage of my speaking my truth (Says-a-me) in a new way.
I share this video and document as this is the illusion of power that the mass consciousness has bought into that says we are owned the government (a corporation) and therefore, must comply and obey.  I say illusion, as this reality is only possible as along as people equate their “STRAWMAN”… (a government document created by issuing a BIRTH CERTIFICATE in YOUR NAME), with their sovereign, physical  human being.  As long as you believe that the NAME on your DRIVERS LICENCE or HEALTH CARD and the “you” that is reading this, are one and the same, you are locked into this illusion and reality.

Everyone has free Will and no one, including the GOVERNMENT, can overpower you without your CONSENT. They will however, use any means possible to try to get you to submit and consent to their “authority” over you, but that is NOT the TRUTH. The government, its  bureaucrats and any agency only has power over the STRAWMAN document version off you that they created, and NOT the you… the physical being. That’s the ILLUSION they’ve created that mass consciousness has been brainwashed into accepting as truth and reality.

So you may ask.. “How do I know this is the truth?”  I can’t prove it for you; you have to try it and EXPERIENCE it for yourself. It’s no different than asking me if I can ride a bike for you and for you to know what riding a bike feels like. Again.. You have free Will and what you choose, or don’t choose, is always YOUR CHOICE.

PS: Want more info on the STRAWMAN.. do a search on this site.


Says 475 – Job requires you to get the Jab.

I saw the broken English comment on my Facebook page and thought, he’s onto something here. If your employer is demanding that you get the jab or get fired, here’s what to do. I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve dealt with them in various scenarios, (business and personal) so I have some experience. Verbal contracts in a CORPORATION are NOT legally binding as the corporate representative (your upper management or boss) can use words that require your consent, like mandate or compulsory to intimidate and coerce you into complying to get the jab, and then, when issues arise, and they will, they’ll deny saying what they said. They arrogantly assume you won’t question their so-called “authority” and just do what you’re told to keep your job. BUT, if you ask them to put it in writing… even an email… It’s a whole different story as now they can’t deny their intent and what they said. The issue here is that this is dealing with injecting something into your body that can affect your health and wellbeing, it’s not the same as you not doing your job properly, which is the present extent of your employment contract and job description.

It’s also important to get this mandate and its terms directly from the president or CEO of the corporation, as anyone on the corporate ladder does NOT have the legal authority to speak on behalf of the CORPORATION when changing the terms of employment. So, your immediate supervisor or manager may be the go-between, but they are NOT who you need to be dealing with.

The terms of requiring the “Jab” to maintain the job you have, must be clearly laid out and described in detail, with no if’s, and’s, but’s or maybe’s. As with any written contract, there needs to be a full description of what the corporation is demanding of you (who, what, where, when, why and how) and what you need to do to accept and agree to do in order to keep your job. If it’s vague and mis-leading, you need to question it, and not accept it, and because it’s now in writing, keep your copies for reference as you now have the upper hand if it goes to litigation. If by chance they agree to put it in writing, which I doubt, as they’ll either try another tactic or change the subject; deny any compliance until you get it in writing and even if they do, you can then state your non-compliance on the grounds that you’re sovereign human being and NOT the CORPORATE entity that they (as a CORPORATE ENTITY) are referring to. If they want to fire you, you can seek legal action on multiple grounds armed with any written terms.

BTW… this also applies to the schools (Corporations) demanding that your children be jabbed. It’s not good enough to get a “blanket” notice (to whom it may concern) stating they must be vaxed. It must be personal, meaning it has to come from the provincial CORPORATE head of the Board of Education or the Ministries of Colleges and Universities, and not just from a specific district or the school principal. It also needs to be addressed personally to your child and its LEGAL guardian. Anything else constitutes coercion and fraud. Even if you get this, it doesn’t mean you have to comply as you have free Will and choice as do your children. As in dealing with any CORPORATION, you can also respond with questions as to their so-called mandate, including your non-compliance on the grounds you and your children are sovereign human beings and NOT the CORPORATE entities they are referring to.

All governments, (federal, provincial, county, city, etc) and its bureaucrats and agencies are also CORPORATIONS, and are in reality, only capable of dealing with your strawman which is the corporate identity associated with your birth certificate and SIN number, etc, where your corporate persona is displayed in CAPITAL LETTERS. They have no power over the physical you, a sovereign human being unless you give them that power by complying to their demands. Of course, they want you to believe that your CORPORATE identity and the physical you are one and the same.

All the government, medical, science and media propaganda on the covid virus and the jab, etc, are all one way, meaning that their words are broadcast via mass media, (TV, radio, internet, newspaper and pamphlets) without any return dialogue. You can’t have a conversation with your TV… (OK, OK, some do, LOL). It’s really no different than going to church or watching TV and listening to the priest or minister tell you what you need to do to be a good person and get your reward in the afterlife. If you buy into and agree with their story and their point-of-view, you’re under their control and have silently abdicated your personal sovereignty and freedom.

FYI – I’ve provided quote and a link to the search for… “Are verbal contracts legal?”

<quote> The Difference Between “Legal” and “Enforceable” The simple answer to the question, “Are verbal contracts legal?” is: “Yes, in many cases. But…” Most types of contracts don’t have to be in writing, and it is not illegal to enter into a verbal business contract unless the nature of the contract itself is illegal (as in a contract for illegal drugs). <end quote>

Says 467 – Succession Planning

The story is only the tip of the iceberg. If “they” know that ~50% of their work force that has been vaccinated will be sick or dead, now expand that… That means that ~50% of the people that have jobs and are vaccinated will get sick or die. So what will happen to the economy? It will collapse, that’s what, and many families will loose their homes and be starving as the food supply will also be affected..

Says 459 – NWO planed-demic on schedule

“They” are following their PLAN and arrogantly and smugly telling the world about it….

Q1-Q2, 2021 Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed medical care facilities capacity. Expected Q1-Q2, 2021
Q2, 2021 Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including inter province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021
Mid Q2, 2021 Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021
Late Q2, 2021 Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late 02 2021
Q3, 2021 Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel checkpoints Restrict travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021

Says 453 – Suez Canal – False Flag for Financial Crisis








You’ve seen it on TV... but did you know that Hillary Clinton owns the ship and also that Hillary Clinton is involved in child trafficking.  BUT… this is also affecting the global economy..  so expect the price of gas to rise as well as other goods and services.

To give you an idea of how HUGE these ships are, those containers stacked up on deck are what you see on the back of transport trucks on teh highway.. I count 10 high and 25 long and roughly 20 wide. That makes roughly 5000 shipping containers above deck.

So, Riddle me this.. With 10-12% of the WORLD trade being held up at an estimated cost of $400million per hour, you have to wonder why there is only ONE Excavator on the job site?  I’m sure there are ones that can work off barges (dredgers) that can excavate the water side..

And why aren’t there any excavators lowering the height the bank so that other excavators can dig deeper? And why not have bulldozers move the excavated material out of the way?  And where are the night lights as this should be a 24/7 emergency job?

This looks and feels like a deliberate “False Flag” operation so that there is an excuse to blame for the market crash to come.  Why else would there be such an obviously mediocre attempt to free the ship.

Says 442 – The Ten Stages of Genocide

This is happening here and now with the global plandemic, lockdown, vaccine and the psychological warfare. Those that are awake, already know what is happening, but most are still asleep and choose to remain so, or, they know, but choose to be in denial and just do as they are told; keep their mouth shut, don’t question “authority” and be like the other “good citizens” mask wearers.

This video by Henna Marie gives an outline of the genocide process and how it relates to the present issues humanity is facing.

Says 441 – NWO Timeline – Facebook deletes.

Recent USA Presidents

US Politics – whether Republican or Democrat, all have been heavily involved in the Military Industrial Complex and WAR, and the CONTROL of other nations.

Don’t be fooled by Trump… The Covid-19 Virus and the Global Lock down is not a coincidence.


Well you know you are on to something when Facebook deletes and warns you about images you are trying to post.  The NWO timeline (below) is the one that Facebook deleted.

NWO Timeline

NWO Timeline

Says 439 – NWO – Corona_Crash

I posted this video via a youtube link back in 2020 March 13. Says 397 – The 2020 CORONACRASH and things to come.  This video is no longer available due to YouTube’s draconian censorship of the truth… Luckily, I had downloaded a copy and after some effort and a learning curve, I was able to get it reduced to 142MB, down from 1.3GB so that I could upload it to my blog.

This video was made at the beginning of the Covid-plandemic and as you will note, he was pretty accurate as to what has, is and will be going on.

Says 431 – The CYBERPANDEMIC has begun


If you think the covid-19 pandemic is bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Governments and the largest corporations have not only been hacked, but hackers have also created a back door so that they can CONTROL their systems. This affects everything, from communication, transportation, finance, energy, food, medical and the list goes on and on. Here is the link to the Ice.age.farmer

UPDATE: Cybersecurity

Says 416 – The Second Wave – 2020 November

The Second Wave

I have a niggly feeling that the shit is about to hit the proverbial fan. When the man-made covid-19 virus was released onto the world from a biological research centre in Wuhan, China, in November of 2019, it was the so-called first wave. This virus attacked the respiratory system of humans where the lungs and airways swell and become inflamed. Most people never got the virus flu like symptoms and are asymptomatic. Those that contracted the virus had mild symptoms, and were advised to self-isolate, as the recovery rate is 99.985%. Those that were more severely affected and needed to be hospitalized, needed a ventilator to help them breathe, and those that died with the virus symptoms, usually had underlying medical conditions as in the elderly in nursing homes.

Since covid-19 is a man-made virus, it can be modified, and that is where the second wave that has been constantly mentioned in the media comes into play. The second “modified” version of covid-19 will be much more aggressive. Meaning, that people that have any form of respiratory problems will be most vulnerable. These will include the chronic mask wearers in particular those that either willingly wear them constantly, or are forced to wear them to be employed. There is growing medical concern by non-main stream media doctors of the risk of pneumonia for those wearing masks, because they are re-breathing their own bacteria as well as mold created by the moisture held in the mask that’s affecting their lungs and weakening their immune system and making them more susceptible to the virus.

Of course, the various governments, so-called medical experts and the NWO media will claim that it’s still the same covid-19 virus, but that it has spread because of the lack of CONTROL… lockdowns, travel restrictions, social gatherings, social distancing, hand sanitizing, wearing of masks, not getting tested, etc, etc. “They” will use this second modified version of the covid-19 virus to not only impose further restrictions on society, but the modified virus will not only over-load the medical system, but will also have other disastrous effects. The mask wearing, so-called “essential workers” (hospital staff, grocery stores, gas stations, truckers, etc) that will now be getting sick, will be shutting down services that were open during the first wave. Unlike the first wave that hit the Northern hemisphere (most densely populated) in March, near the end of winter, the second wave is scheduled to occur this coming winter, and that will add the element of severe weather to the equation, including possible power outages.

Of course, don’t forget the “vaccine” that “they” will try to push on the public as another means of flattening the curve and preventing the spread of the virus. BTW, the fear based hysteria created by the first wave propaganda was a ruse, a false flag operation to enable the governments to initiate CONTOL of the population. With the first wave of control being met with little or no resistance, it’s now time for the NWO to proceed with the next phase of their agenda, more control along with the reduction of the population.  If you don’t know what NWO is… do some research.   – Shenreed 2020 Oct 01

Says 415 – NWO Propaganda Movie

           * * * * NOTE * * * * 

After I posted this, a friend invited me to watch it. As it began, I got the uneasy feeling that it was NOT JUST A MOVIE about the so-called Covid-19 pandemic…. I felt it contained dangerous subliminal mind control programming where one would get triggered by a word or phrase.  Can you imagine what would happen if everyone that watched this movie would (in the future) get triggered to act in a certain way when they heard certain words spoken.. Zombies unleashed. 

Totally Under Control (2020) – A NWO Propaganda movie…made in secrecy the past five months.I haven’t seen it yet, so why do I say that, you may ask.

Think about it… Here it is mid October, and the “pandemic” was first mentioned in December of 2019 and took three months to get to “get out” to affect the rest of the world. No one had any idea if it was going to be any more serious than any previous flu. So riddle me this.

How did they “know” it was going to be “played out” as it was in advance of if happening… and is still happening. They had film producers and crews rolling, interviewing so-called scientific and medical experts and government officials, and gathering TV footage to portray the United States governments response to the COVID-19 outbreak during the early months of the pandemic. Not to mention the “pandemic” was/is ongoing or the time needed to edit and put the production together and bring it to market. This had to be pre-planned.

While it appears to have a US political motive, I see it as a made for TV docu-drama to further brainwash the public into believing the cover-19 “plandemic” is a global health crisis, which BTW has a 99.985% recovery rate. The movie, as far as the trailer goes, completely avoids mentioning the lockdown and the serious social implications it has, and is having: and hidden agenda of the NWO and total global control.    Here is a link to the movie Totally Under Control (2020) 

Says 411- The Fall of the Cabal.

This is rather a lengthy video, but it shares a lot of material that gives you just some idea of what is really going on.

Says 409 – A quick look at the big picture of the plannedemic

A quick look at the bigger picture of this plannedemic and how the commodity of FEAR is being used to usher in the NEW NORMAL of totalitarianism.
A video presented by David Icke Video