2012 Feb 25, I remember my high school physics teacher talking about the airplane and how it is able to fly because it is using the movement of air to suspend itself. I never said anything at the time for fear of sounding stupid, but my question I had was, “If the air is holding the plane up, what is holding the air up? What is holding up all the molecules of Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and all the other elements in what we commonly call air? What’s holding up the water vapor and dust and even the odors we smell?
I think/feel that even though we have been told by science that space is nothing, a vacuum, I think that it has substance and some form of energy that science isn’t telling us. I’m not only talking about what is termed as outer space, but also the space that is found between all things, including the space in what we deem as being physically solid and that science now says is actually 99% made up of space, with only 1% actually being what we would call solid.
Air, water and Earth are made up of molecules occupying space. The only difference between them is that water is denser than air, and earth, (soil, and rocks) is denser than water. Humm? So what is fire and where does it fit in all this? The elements that create physical reality are Earth, Water, Air, Fire and space/time. Humm, The energy of fire affects changes in the elements of earth, air and water, but I don’t see how it affects Space (Ether -Aether)/ time.

I just remembered that the same science teacher had a few ideas and experiments that the class thought weird. One that is relative to this thought process is the use of a Bell jar, in which he had four fan like blades supported on a vertical shaft. One side of the blade was painted black and the other side white. The bell jar was placed near the window in direct sunlight, and nothing happened. He then evacuated the bell jar, removing all the air and then placed it in the same position. The blades now spun wildly on their axis. Solar power, way back in the early 1960’s.
The thing that I find curious is why science is intentionally misleading us with the propaganda that space is a vacuum. I can see how rockets are used to push off from the Earth and then off the air to enable them to put the space vehicles in orbit. What I question is that when they are sending these vehicles into deep space probe missions, like to the moon, mars and beyond, how do these rockets work if there is nothing for the escaping rocket gases to push on.. Dah? It doesn’t make any sense. They are not telling us the whole truth.