Says 513 – NEXRAD – Another NWO weapon against humanity.

So if you have any questions about the NEXRAD Radar sites on the sat feeds, this covers a few bases on locations AND radiation fields. Those glowing areas show field strength in relation to the coverage area, just like what you see on the sat feeds. Only the color on the feed is blue. And the fact that these fields remain constant is a clear indication it is NOT weather activity… But if you watch carefully you will find they influence the weather.

Additionally when you see massive pulses lighting up the network in sync from East to West, it’s clearly being controlled.

By whom? The National Weather Service and the Department of Defence.

This is your first clue it is known as a weapon. A “Silent Weapon in a quiet war”… An Introductory Programming Manual

If you want to know what is causing the heat waves, here’s a clue. We are being microwaved in mass.

This is beyond diabolical.

On the 16th they microwaved most of the country with MASSIVE synchronized pulses for 12 hours straight, while we slept from 9:11 at night until 9:11 in the morning.

The 17th they started at 8:11 and went until 9:11 increasing it to 13 hours.

The 18th they started at 7:11 and went until 9:11 increasing it to 14 hours.

They are ramping it up each day.Like the formula for boiling frogs, increasing by one incremental degree at a time so as not to trigger their reflexes of self-preservation.

This is using the same frequency as the microwave oven. This has the same cause/effect relationship. This causes damage to DNA, which will result in many issues from cancer to brain/neurological damage. A scientific study from the official Govern Mental sources that shows microwave radiation causes the misfolding of peptides/proteins. [PMC7309322]

The misfolded proteins associated with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob diseases as well as certain cancer types such as amyloidosis can be caused by microwave radiation… The same frequencies used in Wifi/Bluetooth, SMART meters, Radar, microwave ovens and such.?And there is evidence that NEXRAD towers were being synchronized and pulsing these frequencies across the country…

CJD is similar to “Mad Cow”. A brain wasting disorder. [Zombie] [The cows are innocent]

So many people are suffering now without even realizing it.?If you want to know what is causing the heat waves, and dis ease, here’s a clue. We are being microwaved.

On the 16th they microwaved most of the country with MASSIVE synchronized pulses for 12 hours straight, while we slept from 9:11 at night until 9:11 in the morning.

Says 508 – NWO satellite lasers attack Chile

NWO satellite lasers attack Chile, similar to the fires and devastation in Hawaii

Says 504 – Maui Fires cover-up #3

Yet another Maui fire aftermath video… Notice the vehicles and their location, and the trees and the absence of combustable debris that could have burnt the cars.



Says 501 – NWO and Maui fires

I found this on a friends site that lives in Hawaii.
The caption was… “EXPOSED! They’re All In On it – Maui Massacre”

Wow… We here in CaNaDa have had the government ban MSM from Facebook and other social media.. . and all we are getting are bit and pieces from independent sources… Suspicion is that the current wild fires in Canada and around the world are related to DEW weapons as are the ones in Hawaii.

Says 500 – WHO to get sovereignty over 193 nations health.

Well now that NWO has played out the Covid-19 plandemic, it’s implementing the next stage of their agenda, where the US, under Biden and the UN, are proposing that 193 nations (99,4%) of the world population give their sovereignty over national Health care to the WHO. This will be voted on in Geneva on May 22-28. Forty of the most powerful nations have agreed to support Biden. Currently, 26 million people in China are in total lockdown.

Says 492 – The progressive control of mass consciousness

This morning, an old image I had posted of the Sandy Hook school that was demolished, popped up on my FB account. I immediately associated it with 9/11 and how the towers were also removed. Later, I realized the pattern that had been forming since 9/11. The pattern is.

  • 9/11 – 2001 Sept 11- Foreign terrorists attacking the public
  • Sandy Hook – 2012 Dec 12 – Domestic terrorists attaching the public
  • Covid-19 – 2020 March – Global Terrorist – unseen virus attacking the public.

They are all planned events and a propaganda tactic to install FEAR in the mass-consciousness of humanity, and it worked. When most of the dumbed-down public swallowed the official 9/11 story, it was a “GO” to implement the rest of the NWO agenda.

So, what’s happening now? Have you noticed that “they” have all three TERROR threats going at the same time?  Foreign terrorists – Russia war with Ukraine.  Domestic terrorists and mass shootings, and of course, the new variants of Covid.

Says 488 – Military panicked when they saw the future

Time-lines are merging, and it’s coming down to the end of the game for the elites that have been in power for eons. They can’t change the outcome; they can only prolong the game, and that is what is happening right now. However… don’t fool yourself into thinking that you’re going to be “saved” by some miracle because you aren’t in the “elite” or 1% class, those that are the super rich and powerful and also the behind the scene players.

While I say the 1%, it’s far greater than that. The 1% can be compared to the top of a military organization, and then you have all the rank and file beneath them. The order followers, including those that directly or indirectly offer support in any number of ways. The people involved are in every station and walk in life, and most just consider their reality as normal.

There are presently two realities co-existing on Earth in the same space and time. One reality contains those that are loving and empathic and can feel the energy of love. They are loving, open and expansive. The other reality is what forms the elite and their minions. They are unloving, but “act” loving and caring, and are closed and controlling. The problem is that both groups have been trying to change the other, and so far, the unloving elite group have been in control through the use of the unseen role of denial. The thing that gives them power and control over the loving group, are one’s denials, especially the denial of one’s REAL feelings and emotions towards the energy and actions of the unloving group. Denial of real emotional expression is actually submitting or giving your power away to those that want to control you. The count-down is under way and one’s choices are going to determine which reality you will go with.

NOTE: This post has been edited – 2022-03-02

Here is a link to the ORIGINAL INTERVIEW

Says 465 – When FAKE becomes FACT

The emergence of the man-made covid-19 virus is real, in that it exists, but it was NOT as deadly as it was being made out to be to warrant the status of a global pandemic. The FAKE government, medical and media hype blew the virus health issue out of proportion with FAKE virus “modelling” and infection and death numbers that included deaths from other causes. Even if you get the virus, unless you have serious underlying health issues, you have a 99.985% recovery rate with simple home remedies. The so-called mandates to wear a mask, sanitize one hands, social distancing, stay at home and lock-downs were tools to de-humanized, de-sensitized and divide and control society. They weaponized the media to create fear and doubt, to enable them to justify their agenda and get people to comply, willingly or by intimidation, to their own self-destruction.

Initially, virus testing was done with a thermal laser aimed at the forehead to determine if the person had a temperature, and if they did, they were deemed to have Covid-19 and were told to self-isolate for fourteen days. Next came the FAKE nasal swab (PCR test) that reached deep inside a persons nasal cavity near the brain. PCR tests are not meant to test for Covid-19 and at best, have a 2% accuracy with tests that are considered positive. I say the nasal swab is FAKE as the “original“ expert medical hype was that a persons saliva was the prime carrier and cause of the virus spreading; so why not a mouth swab. The government controlled the FAKE medical data broadcast by the media; and most people bought the LIE.

Next came the so-called mRNA “vaccine” that was rushed into production by various pharmaceutical companies with no medical trials. They were granted approval because of the so-called “state of emergency” of the FAKE global pandemic. The “vaccine” doesn’t offer any immunity to the covid-19 virus, that has also suddenly mutated and is being identified by the same PCR test. The mRNA treatment “jab” does not create immunity, it however does alter the DNA of the person that is injected and will have serious repercussions as it also alters the persons immune system. Instead of helping the body fight the virus that a vaccine should do, it alters the body’s immune system to accept the covid virus and not fight it.

Now, after over a year of all this FAKE pandemic hype and people wearing masks, sanitizing, getting tested with a suspicious nasal swab, staying at home and being locked-down, and now being injected with the “mRNA-vaccine”, the FAKE is turning into FACT.  By that I mean that the people that have complied with the fear mongering have not only weakened their immune system, but also added stress to their lungs, heart and other organs. Because of a weakened immune system, the virus is now able to attack the weakened organs in the body and is what you are beginning to see happening now. More people are being admitted to ICU with serious health issues and dying.

What was once a FAKE pandemic, has now become a FACT. The “Agenda” of the NWO is in full effect and a lot of people will now be dying from the Corona virus that originally had a 99.985% survival rate. It’s now real and will only get worse as people begin to succumb to the covid-19 virus as it attacks the body’s weakened immune system and any weakened organs, particularly lungs and heart, as a result of long term wearing a mask, nasal swab testing and the nMRNA treatment. Of course, the puppets of the NWO will blatantly state that the present social restrictions are not enough and that more are needed to “flatten the curve” and reduce the rising death rate. And so it continues, the making of a global totalitarian state.

Says 459 – NWO planed-demic on schedule

“They” are following their PLAN and arrogantly and smugly telling the world about it….

Q1-Q2, 2021 Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed medical care facilities capacity. Expected Q1-Q2, 2021
Q2, 2021 Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including inter province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021
Mid Q2, 2021 Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021
Late Q2, 2021 Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late 02 2021
Q3, 2021 Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel checkpoints Restrict travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021

Says 457 – Dr. Carrie Madej – Blowing “Covid Vaccine” Interview

A powerful and thought provoking interview with Dr. Carrie Madej regarding the so-called Covid Vaccine and the NWO agenda.   Feel free to share this link, or download the video and re-post it. Get the TRUTH out !

Says 442 – The Ten Stages of Genocide

This is happening here and now with the global plandemic, lockdown, vaccine and the psychological warfare. Those that are awake, already know what is happening, but most are still asleep and choose to remain so, or, they know, but choose to be in denial and just do as they are told; keep their mouth shut, don’t question “authority” and be like the other “good citizens” mask wearers.

This video by Henna Marie gives an outline of the genocide process and how it relates to the present issues humanity is facing.

Says 441 – NWO Timeline – Facebook deletes.

Recent USA Presidents

US Politics – whether Republican or Democrat, all have been heavily involved in the Military Industrial Complex and WAR, and the CONTROL of other nations.

Don’t be fooled by Trump… The Covid-19 Virus and the Global Lock down is not a coincidence.


Well you know you are on to something when Facebook deletes and warns you about images you are trying to post.  The NWO timeline (below) is the one that Facebook deleted.

NWO Timeline

NWO Timeline

Says 439 – NWO – Corona_Crash

I posted this video via a youtube link back in 2020 March 13. Says 397 – The 2020 CORONACRASH and things to come.  This video is no longer available due to YouTube’s draconian censorship of the truth… Luckily, I had downloaded a copy and after some effort and a learning curve, I was able to get it reduced to 142MB, down from 1.3GB so that I could upload it to my blog.

This video was made at the beginning of the Covid-plandemic and as you will note, he was pretty accurate as to what has, is and will be going on.

Says 416 – The Second Wave – 2020 November

The Second Wave

I have a niggly feeling that the shit is about to hit the proverbial fan. When the man-made covid-19 virus was released onto the world from a biological research centre in Wuhan, China, in November of 2019, it was the so-called first wave. This virus attacked the respiratory system of humans where the lungs and airways swell and become inflamed. Most people never got the virus flu like symptoms and are asymptomatic. Those that contracted the virus had mild symptoms, and were advised to self-isolate, as the recovery rate is 99.985%. Those that were more severely affected and needed to be hospitalized, needed a ventilator to help them breathe, and those that died with the virus symptoms, usually had underlying medical conditions as in the elderly in nursing homes.

Since covid-19 is a man-made virus, it can be modified, and that is where the second wave that has been constantly mentioned in the media comes into play. The second “modified” version of covid-19 will be much more aggressive. Meaning, that people that have any form of respiratory problems will be most vulnerable. These will include the chronic mask wearers in particular those that either willingly wear them constantly, or are forced to wear them to be employed. There is growing medical concern by non-main stream media doctors of the risk of pneumonia for those wearing masks, because they are re-breathing their own bacteria as well as mold created by the moisture held in the mask that’s affecting their lungs and weakening their immune system and making them more susceptible to the virus.

Of course, the various governments, so-called medical experts and the NWO media will claim that it’s still the same covid-19 virus, but that it has spread because of the lack of CONTROL… lockdowns, travel restrictions, social gatherings, social distancing, hand sanitizing, wearing of masks, not getting tested, etc, etc. “They” will use this second modified version of the covid-19 virus to not only impose further restrictions on society, but the modified virus will not only over-load the medical system, but will also have other disastrous effects. The mask wearing, so-called “essential workers” (hospital staff, grocery stores, gas stations, truckers, etc) that will now be getting sick, will be shutting down services that were open during the first wave. Unlike the first wave that hit the Northern hemisphere (most densely populated) in March, near the end of winter, the second wave is scheduled to occur this coming winter, and that will add the element of severe weather to the equation, including possible power outages.

Of course, don’t forget the “vaccine” that “they” will try to push on the public as another means of flattening the curve and preventing the spread of the virus. BTW, the fear based hysteria created by the first wave propaganda was a ruse, a false flag operation to enable the governments to initiate CONTOL of the population. With the first wave of control being met with little or no resistance, it’s now time for the NWO to proceed with the next phase of their agenda, more control along with the reduction of the population.  If you don’t know what NWO is… do some research.   – Shenreed 2020 Oct 01

Says 410 – Trump’s hidden agenda?

Trump Salute

Is Trump imitating Hitler?

I have a niggly feeling that Trump is about to make his move. He’s been playing the good cop routine of “draining the swamp” and exposing government and pedophile corruption. While he’s supposedly freeing thousands of kidnapped children, there is no mention of what is happening to these children. While doing that, he also (supposedly) naïvely allowed the WHO and CDC to dictate policy regarding the so-called corvid-19 pandemic with the mandate to subtly to control and enslave the masses and cripple the economy. Originally, I have my doubts about him, but seeing the good work he was supposedly doing, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Now, I’m beginning to see him different light, and not in a good way. I mention Trump, but almost every country leader is following the WHO (N.W.O) Virus mandate.

Trump’s allowing each state to handle the virus issues under the national umbrella he set out. Riots have, and will breakout and he’s beginning to send the military in to take control of the problem. Trump is not involved in initiating foreign wars like the former presidents, and is pulling the military out to either deploy them on so-called missions to end child trafficking, or silently bringing them home for homeland security and activating FEMA camps.


Politics explained…

The political opposition is part of the act, making out like Trump is exposing and destroying them, with no real arrests, while they appear to pull out all stops to prevent him from winning the fall election, but it’s all part of the plan. Brainwashed Americans will continue to support both sides of the political system, naïvely believing that their party will bring the changes they desire. Yes, they will bring change, but not what most desire. The political system is like the old saying that, “the left wing and right wing of politics belong to the same bird,” the NWO (New World order.)

Trump’s draining of the swamp is only a decoy in order to gain the trust of the people that see corruption on all levels. His naming names and exposing documents serves to manipulate the people to get them believe that positive change is coming and that they are being heard. While that is going on, there is the virus to deal with and the restriction on personal freedom. The virus is another decoy. While it’s real, it’s less dangerous than the seasonal flu. It’s being used to get people to accept the NEW NORMAL form of slavery. When the second “planned” wave hits and more restrictions are enforced, the people will have past the point of no return and the government (both parties) will be in total control to form the New World order and begin to execute the mandate of global domination.

The US military has also been acting the good cop routine, supposedly supplying Trump with evidence of corruption in government and the CIA, FBI and others, except them. It’s also a ruse to give the public the impression that the mighty US military, (that was secretly planning a coup) of the government, changed their mind to support Trump and his “drain the swamp” campaign.

The lockdown is going into its sixth month and the planned “Second Wave” agenda is about to be released. Like with the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, there will be bogus medical reports and fictitious numbers of cases and deaths that will be used by the media to instill even more fear into the already glassy eyed sheeple, as the screws are again tightened to limit their freedom. As it happens, public outcry and financially destitute protesters will quickly be corralled and taken to waiting FEMA camps, and like Hitler in World War II, they will be dealt with. All hell is about to break loose as the elite try to take control of humanity, the earth, and creation itself, and trying to set Lucifer up as God.

Says 402 – Covid-19 and 5G

I have a niggly feeling that while the coronavirus was natural, it’s been genetically altered to create the corvid-19 virus that is also controllable. I don’t mean controllable as in eradicated, I mean controlled by those that created it.

Most of the world is in the first stage, but some nations are into the next stage. How this virus is being controlled is very similar to how the weather is being modified; by electronic transmissions.

I feel there is a link between the corvid-19 virus and 5G satellites and ground base electronic transmissions. The feeling I get is that the coronavirus can be tuned just like a TV audio control to deliver whatever level of contamination that the NWO powers desire. As it increases in lethal power, the death rate will be higher and faster.

I don’t know if this is true, but it’s a strong feeling, and along with the governments, medical and media propaganda and the increase in military presence, it makes one wonder.

Here are a couple of links.

Elton Musk – SpaceX 

5G danger

Says 398 – Covid-19 and the NWO

Think of all the protests against governments that were going on world-wide… and then… CRONAVIRUS and then a new term… COVID-19. and __________ everything changes.

how did “they” do it? How did the governments find the right crisis to change the momentum of the opposition against their corruption? They found a COMMON FEAR and are using it to CONTROL people.. Fear of death creating disease and fear of the unknown. Gradually at first, but then increasing the FEAR propaganda and reducing individual FREEDOM. Most people accept the limitations (quarantine) put on them without question, even going so far as to self-isolate (quarantine) themselves, believing the government is looking after their best interests and HEALTH, as they don’t want to die… by the fear based propaganda, they panic and go into survival mode, and like sheep to the slaughter… they become trapped and the NWO is in control.

Says 395 – Convid-19 and the untold story..

As I read this article the penny dropped.. Sure the convid-19 virus is real with a “listed” death rate of ~2% if …. IF… you have underlying medical conditions. This is also the case even if a person got a cold or flu that further compromised their immune system. All the WORLD governments and the media’s FEAR propaganda is working; as most people “believe” they are in mortal danger if they catch the convid-19 virus.. Keyword above is WORLD…

When I read <quote> two groups announced major developments in COVID-19 vaccine developments. <end quote> the penny dropped… What better way for WORLD governments to entice people to get a VACCINATION than to them to believe it’s to prevent them from getting the DEADLY convid-19 virus that has been labeled by the WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) as a GLOBAL PANDEMIC.. Keyword again.. WORLD…

My “gut” feeling is that the so-called “vaccine” has a more sinister application… If not immediately, then in the times to come… Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever, but this is a NWO operation… WORLD GOVERNMENT

Another thought is that if the convid-19 was so SERIOUS, why would the government and medical propaganda encourage people to self-isolate… quarantine themselves and HEAL their themselves without any so-called medical intervention except for the normal things people do when they get a cold or the flu… And when they feel better, (98 % do recover) they go about their regular routine.. Yet another psychological tactic to get people to believe and trust the government and the medical corporation….. for FUTURE events.

This article just adds to my story I just posted..