This relates to the post I made before (Says 509, on the WHO taking over every medical establishment in the world. This is coming into so-called law in May of 2024, as all the so-called government officials voted and approved it via the UN
Category Archives: Medical – Drugs
Says 509 – WHO to take over World Health
The WHO, (World Heath Organization) which is part of the the NWO (New World Order) is set to take over most of the Health Facilities of the world with the agreement of most of the world nations. This is to happen May of 2024
Says 507 – Goals of Digital ID
It seems like FB censorship is getting darker, as they now don’t let you share or copy a FB Reel video… So here is what they and the dark ones are not wanting you to see.
This short video is about how the corrupt, so-called “Authority Figures” and the dark powers pulling their strings are attempting to control everybody and everything.
Says 500 – WHO to get sovereignty over 193 nations health.
Well now that NWO has played out the Covid-19 plandemic, it’s implementing the next stage of their agenda, where the US, under Biden and the UN, are proposing that 193 nations (99,4%) of the world population give their sovereignty over national Health care to the WHO. This will be voted on in Geneva on May 22-28. Forty of the most powerful nations have agreed to support Biden. Currently, 26 million people in China are in total lockdown.
SV-148G – New Age – Health & Wellness
New Age health and wellness is basically a merging of East and West, with Eastern philosophies, religions and healing modalities, mixed with Western philosophies and religion. Much of the Eastern healing modalities have been shunned by Western medicine, and have been adopted by the New Age movement. While Eastern healing modalities have much to offer, they, like Western healing, are all based in denial, denial and suppression of feelings and emotions.. While some New Age practitioners claim they’re providing a wholistic service, they’re not, as they are only dealing with the symptoms and not the cause.
Says 496 – Died Suddenly
What you won’t see or hear on Main Stream Media, the government, or the majority of the medical establishment.
SV-140A – Protesting the System
A new phrase going around is that people are “woke,” that they realize something is wrong with the system and the system needs to change. The flaw in their thinking is that they need to be the ones who change, and not the system, as the system is based in denial. The protesters don’t realize that they are going “cap in hand,” to the controllers, wanting to control them and make them do as they say. Those in a position of power aren’t going to change what they created, as their power is based in denial and MONEY. Money gives them the power to buy things, to buy people, politicians, bureaucrats, doctors, media, military, whatever they want. When the love for power is replaced with the power of love, we’ll see a change. The system is going to crumble and fall, and if you have the mindset that it can change, you are going to go with it.
So how do you create a new reality? We need to be the change, but this is something that we have never done before, as it’s the opposite of the present reality. I have a few things under my belt, but I’m just scratching the tip of the iceberg and I’ve got a lot more to do.
Says 494 – Vax’d injuries and death cover up
There was a group “Died Suddenly News” on Facebook that started a short time ago. The group shared personal experiences about people getting injured and drying from the mRNA lased “vaccine.” The group had just reached 300,000 members when it was taken down… DELETED… Not only was it deleted, but any messages I had posted were also deleted… Try to find any information on vaccine injuries and deaths and there are only some, like women’s periods might last a day longer than before or there might be the odd rash that lasts two to three days. GOOGLE is covering up what is really going on… The government, medical and media are playing dumb to what is actually going on.
I have personally seen four people that have oozing sores on their arms and body. I spoke to two people that have had loved ones die days after getting jabbed. I’ve also talked to two men that have bladder cancer and another two that have had heart attacks after taking the jab.
SV-123G – New Age Religion
Examines the New Age movement as another form of religion in that real feelings and emotions are denied, in order to be positive and feel good. Its agenda is also similar to the “mental health” establishment, where they aren’t looking for the cause of one’s so-called “negative” feelings and emotions, but rather address the symptoms with the use of drugs, or cognitive therapy or whatever they can use to make money.
SV-122G – The Mental Health Program
The medical establishment is of no real help to an empath. Psychiatrists and psychologists treat emotions as if they were constructs or aspects of the mind and hence, they use mental based techniques to try to treat emotional issues. Cognitive therapy and having a “positive” attitude and shrugging off (denying) any “so-called” negative feelings and emotions is their solution. If that doesn’t work, they’re quick to either prescribe mind-numbing drugs, or ones that create a high and a false sense of well-being. For true healing, one needs to deal with the mental, emotional and physical issues as they are all connected. Any feelings and emotions that the mind denies, have no place to go except in the body, where they create distress and dis-ease.
Says 493 – Woman with eczema after three jabs
The side effects of the so-called Covid Vaccine are now coming into full view. This is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg, as the mRNA begins destroying the bodies immune system.
Vlog SV-101 – The Empath’s Dilemma
My name is John Rieger but I also go by my pen name, Shenreed. I’m an empath, so I know what an empath goes through. Years ago, when my personal and small business world collapsed, I became frustrated with my life and traditional dogma and began my spiritual journey, my search for truth, love, and the meaning of life.
My metaphysical journey is an eclectic blend of science and spirituality. where I’n both the observer and the subject, and when I think I have a solution, I submerge myself in the experience to know if my hypothesis is accurate and valid. After years of trial and error, I discovered that my so-called negative feelings and emotions were not the cause of my problems and issues, or my flaws or weakness, but were my power, and were directly related to my denials of them. The problem with denial was that my problems and issues were being reflected to me. When I ended my denials and replaced self-hatred with self-love, my reality shifted. I was excited to share the tools and insights I experienced and subsequently wrote and published three books, as well as creating my website and blogging.
The intent of these vlogs is to help other empaths understand and heal their emotions and issues and to empower themselves. While we all have different experiences, the so-called “negative emotions” are universal. Some of the issues empaths have are that they believe they have to control their feelings and emotions to make others happy an be accepted. They are also targeted by unloving Narcissists using gaslighting techniques to manipulate and control them
Modern medicines “mental health” approach is of no use to an empath. The approach they use is basically cognitive therapy to maintain a “positive” attitude and failing that, they put you on prescription drugs. With no real help, empaths turn to food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, work, exercise, pets, hobbies, religion, etc, to help them cope with their reality.
Empaths have gifts and talents and by far, the most important one is the ability to feel the presence of loving and unloving energy. They also have the ability to feel what another person is experiencing and feeling, and often take on these emotions and then feel drained. They also possess psychic abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc., but fear to share them.
These are just some of the issues and topics I’ll be addressing in my vlogs that I hope will serve as an inspiration and a self-help tutorial to enable Empaths to begin to understand and heal and empower themselves. I plan to host them on YouTube and BiitChute and my websites. For quick reference, they will have a title and an ID number. I also plan on making them from 3-5 minutes in length, as I’d like them to be more of a “food for thought” tutorial where you need to begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together for yourself.
Well, it’s taken me a while, but I finally did it. This is my first Vlog and making the video was, and is, a learning curve, so forgive any amateurishness. The videos are going to be a replacement for the fourth book, “The Empath’s Dilemma” that I was going to write 7 years ago, but never did for multiple reasons. I’ll be creating a Table of Contents on my website where you can also get more information on these videos.
Says 487 – Sheeple – Amazing and Amusing
I find it amazing and amusing how the sheeple follow their political masters… I was going to add “alarmed”, but after two years of warnings, alarmed is no longer relevant. When their freedom and health are threatened with an orchestrated covid plan-demic, they silently obey their puppet masters (political, health and media); and after almost two years oppression, abuse and chicanery, there finally comes a whimper of protest and support when the truckers start to take a stand against the establishment; that dissipates and is abandoned when they are intimidated by local police and UN mercenaries and a show of force.
BUT.. Lo and behold… Now that the political leaders and media report that Russia has invaded the Ukranine, and the political leaders condemn the actions of Russia; the same sheeple that were being oppressed, suddenly applaud the actions of their abusive leader and bleat approval through their masks, and protest in numbers. There are also no repercussions to any protesters by the political leaders as there were with the truckers.
As long as there is a big enough distraction to take the sheeple’s minds off their personal dilemma, (if they even recognize it as that) and they can offer sympathy and support to others that they deem to be less fortunate, they are happy; but, only if those being oppressed are half a world away and not in their front yard.
I see no end to this cycle of denial and madness, except that it continues to spiral downwards and burns itself out; thus ridding the Earth of the puppet masters, their puppets and those that support them through their indifference, apathy, passivity, denials and lack of self-love to ensure their survival.
Says 485 – Dual reality ending.
This is my first post for 2022. It’s a Channeled Message that I got 2021 July 23 – 6:20 am
The mixing of the two realities, of duality, is coming to an end. Loving essence desiring life, expansion and freedom, and unloving essence that desires compression, death and loss of consciousness; will each have what they desire. No longer will there be the pressuring and over-powering of each, trying to force the other to be like them.
Those that desire light, life and love will now let go of all that does not seek it, that is within them and upon them, so that their light can shine and they can reclaim their power and essence that they either gave to others, or that others took from them.
There will be chaos and turmoil as this separation occurs, as the wheat is separated from the chaff. There will be a gathering of many tribes and colours as they begin to reclaim lost essence and know their destiny path and right place.
Mass consciousness will be replaced by collective consciousness as the community of all that is, all is one, is remembered and formed, or rather, gathered and assembled, like pieces of the puzzle; as the woven fabric, tapestry, of space and time.
The above message ties into one that I got over 20 years ago “Going in Circles”
Says 482 – Facebook ban – Propaganda talk is also a no-no.
Well I’m in Facebook’s “bad books” again… It seems the faceless “fact-checkers” that previously objected to my questioning the covid virus data and the various draconian measures being put in place to limit our freedom, and then the “vax” mandate; didn’t sit well with the well oiled multi medial propaganda machine. Toady I posted how the “propaganda” machine works, and guess what.. THEY didn’t like that either… There is just no pleasing the NWO unless of course.. you do as they say and keep your mouth shut…
Have you noticed how the media is pushing the idea that so-called conspiracy theorists and others are deliberately spreading mis-information making the government and medical agenda to vaccinate everyone (except them) so that covid can be brought under control and society can return to normal… They accuse others of doing what they are doing, (part of their propaganda process) spreading mis-information and are bombarding society with it.. It’s gone from 2 weeks to flatten the curve to 20 months and now you need a double jab to work or enjoy limited pleasure.
Says 481 – PRESS RELEASE – Covid Scam-demic
I saw a post on MeWe (USA) that stated there was no law (on the books) regarding covid. That rung a bell with me and so I came up with this meme.
So if you wondered why provinces and cities had their own covid, mask and vax rules.. you now know why… If you bought into the orchestrated press releases… you were duped.
Reminds me of Orson Well’s, “War of the Worlds” Radio broadcast that people believed was true and sent them into a panic.
It’s also a reminder of the POWER of the WORD to stir the mind and emotions. To inspire the imagination or instill fear and loathing..
Says 480 – People don’t understand the “they” in a position of power
Near the end of the video when David talks about low vibration, what he misses is what causes ones vibration to become lower. The cause is the DENIAL and suppression of true feelings and emotions in the moment they are experienced, NOT by the psychopath, but by the ones that the psychopath is seeking to control. What was wanting to move, to vibrate with love, is stopped (denied) and so the overall vibration of that Essence is slowed or lowered. The denied energy is what the psychopath feeds on… End denials and stop the food supply.
“THEY” use FEAR as “their” favourite weapon to CONTROL the minds of their subjects. Once they control the mind, they control the body and is why you’re seeing so many people OBEYING and COMPLYING to do what they are told with this covid scam-demic. They are AFRAID to face the truth of their fear, and so by denying their fear, they give their power away and become slaves to the SYSTEM that “they”, the psychopaths, control.
David talks of “they” as being the psychopaths in a position of power and mentions the HARE Psychotherapy checklist
Says 479 – NWO plan for Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan “Stubble Jumpers” are one of the CaNaDa’s provincial guinea pigs for the next step in implementing the militaristic agenda of the NWO… Here is a video of what is planned along with a PDF file you can download here.. MO-Sep-13
OK… This is the first stage of my speaking my truth (Says-a-me) in a new way.
I share this video and document as this is the illusion of power that the mass consciousness has bought into that says we are owned the government (a corporation) and therefore, must comply and obey. I say illusion, as this reality is only possible as along as people equate their “STRAWMAN”… (a government document created by issuing a BIRTH CERTIFICATE in YOUR NAME), with their sovereign, physical human being. As long as you believe that the NAME on your DRIVERS LICENCE or HEALTH CARD and the “you” that is reading this, are one and the same, you are locked into this illusion and reality.
Everyone has free Will and no one, including the GOVERNMENT, can overpower you without your CONSENT. They will however, use any means possible to try to get you to submit and consent to their “authority” over you, but that is NOT the TRUTH. The government, its bureaucrats and any agency only has power over the STRAWMAN document version off you that they created, and NOT the you… the physical being. That’s the ILLUSION they’ve created that mass consciousness has been brainwashed into accepting as truth and reality.
So you may ask.. “How do I know this is the truth?” I can’t prove it for you; you have to try it and EXPERIENCE it for yourself. It’s no different than asking me if I can ride a bike for you and for you to know what riding a bike feels like. Again.. You have free Will and what you choose, or don’t choose, is always YOUR CHOICE.
PS: Want more info on the STRAWMAN.. do a search on this site.
Says 478 – FB-Fact-checkers – CDC, FDA, & Medical – Covid spread – 180 Degree reversal
These are the meme’s I posted on Facebook – on my site – Shenreed. that gets flagged by the Facebook Fact-checkers.
And my comment with them was… A world gone mad… With close to 70% of the sheeple being double “vaccinated”; still they blindly follow the government, medical and media propaganda and continue to do what they did BEFORE being “protected” by the co-called vaccine… and NOW, they even have to get proof that they were DOUBLE jabbed so that they can go to a restaurant and take their mask off and eat.
I followed the link they provided to see why..
Fact Check: A Vaccinated Person Is NOT Wrong To Think An Unvaccinated Person Is A Threat To Their Health
I then write the following:
In the Fact Checker link, they stated… <quote> Is a vaccinated person wrong to believe an unvaccinated person is a threat to their health? No, that’s not true: No vaccine is 100% effective, so the vaccinated person is still at risk of infection and, at the time the post appeared, unvaccinated people were most likely to carry the infection. During a pandemic, with airborne viruses circulating from person to person, a vaccinated person can still be infected. Vaccine makers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration and medical professionals are unanimous in saying that vaccines are not 100% effective and that even vaccinated people should take precautions to avoid exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus since breakthrough infections have been documented. <end quote>
Look at the FACK CHECKER data… <quote> During a pandemic, with airborne viruses circulating from person to person, a vaccinated person can still be infected.<end quote>
Since the virus is airborne, this means that hand sanitizing, masks and social distancing are useless, as are self isolation, quarantines and lockdowns… A complete180 turn around about earlier Fact Checker Truths, or rather BULLSHIT they and the WHO and CDC were spewing.
Says 476 – After effects of the jab

PS: They all have some underlying (non-life threatening) medical conditions and are on meds. NOTE: Photos are google images.
Says 475 – Job requires you to get the Jab.
I saw the broken English comment on my Facebook page and thought, he’s onto something here. If your employer is demanding that you get the jab or get fired, here’s what to do. I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve dealt with them in various scenarios, (business and personal) so I have some experience. Verbal contracts in a CORPORATION are NOT legally binding as the corporate representative (your upper management or boss) can use words that require your consent, like mandate or compulsory to intimidate and coerce you into complying to get the jab, and then, when issues arise, and they will, they’ll deny saying what they said. They arrogantly assume you won’t question their so-called “authority” and just do what you’re told to keep your job. BUT, if you ask them to put it in writing… even an email… It’s a whole different story as now they can’t deny their intent and what they said. The issue here is that this is dealing with injecting something into your body that can affect your health and wellbeing, it’s not the same as you not doing your job properly, which is the present extent of your employment contract and job description.
It’s also important to get this mandate and its terms directly from the president or CEO of the corporation, as anyone on the corporate ladder does NOT have the legal authority to speak on behalf of the CORPORATION when changing the terms of employment. So, your immediate supervisor or manager may be the go-between, but they are NOT who you need to be dealing with.
The terms of requiring the “Jab” to maintain the job you have, must be clearly laid out and described in detail, with no if’s, and’s, but’s or maybe’s. As with any written contract, there needs to be a full description of what the corporation is demanding of you (who, what, where, when, why and how) and what you need to do to accept and agree to do in order to keep your job. If it’s vague and mis-leading, you need to question it, and not accept it, and because it’s now in writing, keep your copies for reference as you now have the upper hand if it goes to litigation. If by chance they agree to put it in writing, which I doubt, as they’ll either try another tactic or change the subject; deny any compliance until you get it in writing and even if they do, you can then state your non-compliance on the grounds that you’re sovereign human being and NOT the CORPORATE entity that they (as a CORPORATE ENTITY) are referring to. If they want to fire you, you can seek legal action on multiple grounds armed with any written terms.
BTW… this also applies to the schools (Corporations) demanding that your children be jabbed. It’s not good enough to get a “blanket” notice (to whom it may concern) stating they must be vaxed. It must be personal, meaning it has to come from the provincial CORPORATE head of the Board of Education or the Ministries of Colleges and Universities, and not just from a specific district or the school principal. It also needs to be addressed personally to your child and its LEGAL guardian. Anything else constitutes coercion and fraud. Even if you get this, it doesn’t mean you have to comply as you have free Will and choice as do your children. As in dealing with any CORPORATION, you can also respond with questions as to their so-called mandate, including your non-compliance on the grounds you and your children are sovereign human beings and NOT the CORPORATE entities they are referring to.
All governments, (federal, provincial, county, city, etc) and its bureaucrats and agencies are also CORPORATIONS, and are in reality, only capable of dealing with your strawman which is the corporate identity associated with your birth certificate and SIN number, etc, where your corporate persona is displayed in CAPITAL LETTERS. They have no power over the physical you, a sovereign human being unless you give them that power by complying to their demands. Of course, they want you to believe that your CORPORATE identity and the physical you are one and the same.
All the government, medical, science and media propaganda on the covid virus and the jab, etc, are all one way, meaning that their words are broadcast via mass media, (TV, radio, internet, newspaper and pamphlets) without any return dialogue. You can’t have a conversation with your TV… (OK, OK, some do, LOL). It’s really no different than going to church or watching TV and listening to the priest or minister tell you what you need to do to be a good person and get your reward in the afterlife. If you buy into and agree with their story and their point-of-view, you’re under their control and have silently abdicated your personal sovereignty and freedom.
FYI – I’ve provided quote and a link to the search for… “Are verbal contracts legal?”
<quote> The Difference Between “Legal” and “Enforceable” The simple answer to the question, “Are verbal contracts legal?” is: “Yes, in many cases. But…” Most types of contracts don’t have to be in writing, and it is not illegal to enter into a verbal business contract unless the nature of the contract itself is illegal (as in a contract for illegal drugs). <end quote>
Says 474 – More Jab (Vaccine) Truth Revealed
This video is already too late for those that got the JAB. But… if they did, they did so for a reason and with free Will choice.
Says 473 – Cognitive Dissidence
The original experiment on Cognitive Dissidence was done back in the 1950’s. The thing I got out of the video was that everyone thought the test was boring; BUT… with a little persuasion and reward, (money) they were willing to deny their truth and change their mind (reverse their truth) and now accept the lie as the truth. They then were willing to convince others that their lie was the truth.
Says 472 – mRNA Blood Clots
What you’re hearing in the media about “vaccine” side effects is just new snow fall on the tip of an iceberg. The jab is NOT a vaccine, but a “treatment” intentionally designed to make you sick and kill you. If you took the jab, life will NOT be normal, in fact, you can begin to count your days. Other parts of your body can regenerate themselves, but your Heart, Lungs, Brain and Spinal Column can’t. Once they are damaged, there is NO CURE and the damage is permanent. Those with underlying medical conditions, a weakened immune system and are overweight and/or physically inactive will be the first to suffer the consequences of the Jab.
The video by Dr. Charles Hoffe will give you some insight into what to expect from the Jab in the form of blood clots. It doesn’t go into the “other” side effects yet to be identified.
Says 471 – Last Chance
The title of this video is “If people get jabbed after watching this they are beyond saving.” and I feel the title is accurate.
For those that haven’t fallen for the government, medical and media fear mongering hype and have NOT been jabbed… but are in doubt; here is some info that could change your mind and save your life.