Says 395 – Convid-19 and the untold story..

As I read this article the penny dropped.. Sure the convid-19 virus is real with a “listed” death rate of ~2% if …. IF… you have underlying medical conditions. This is also the case even if a person got a cold or flu that further compromised their immune system. All the WORLD governments and the media’s FEAR propaganda is working; as most people “believe” they are in mortal danger if they catch the convid-19 virus.. Keyword above is WORLD…

When I read <quote> two groups announced major developments in COVID-19 vaccine developments. <end quote> the penny dropped… What better way for WORLD governments to entice people to get a VACCINATION than to them to believe it’s to prevent them from getting the DEADLY convid-19 virus that has been labeled by the WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) as a GLOBAL PANDEMIC.. Keyword again.. WORLD…

My “gut” feeling is that the so-called “vaccine” has a more sinister application… If not immediately, then in the times to come… Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever, but this is a NWO operation… WORLD GOVERNMENT

Another thought is that if the convid-19 was so SERIOUS, why would the government and medical propaganda encourage people to self-isolate… quarantine themselves and HEAL their themselves without any so-called medical intervention except for the normal things people do when they get a cold or the flu… And when they feel better, (98 % do recover) they go about their regular routine.. Yet another psychological tactic to get people to believe and trust the government and the medical corporation….. for FUTURE events.

This article just adds to my story I just posted..

Says 321 – Death is not what we have been lead to believe.

The medical establishment is finally catching up to the fact that death is not what they have thought it to be, and they are just scratching the surface. There is a lot more that happens and our current medical practices are actually barbaric.

Here is a link to the video


Says 264 – Thoughts on Death

I was thinking about death and how I’ve been isolated from it. There have only been five times in my life that I have been personally involved, and not really directly. The first was when I was 8 or 9 and the funeral of my grandmother. What I remember was people standing around her grave as she was being buried.  I was at least 100 feet away and wasn’t allowed to go nearer.

The second was when I was when I was in grade 7 and I heard that my friend had accidentally shot himself while hunting gophers. I never went to his funeral as I heard about it after the fact.

The next was when I was 38 years old and I flew home to spend Christmas with my family, as my dad was going into the hospital in a couple of months for a heart operation. After my visit, he drove me to the airport and as we said our good-byes I knew and he knew that we would never see each other again. He died shortly after his surgery and I never went to his funeral.

Years later I went to a neighbors’ husbands wake. IT was a small somber gathering with people I didn’t know except for the wife of the deceased. There was no body present.

Years later, after I got divorced, my girlfriends aunte died and I went to her wake. This time there was an open casket and I saw my first dead human being. The thing that struck me at the time was that she seemed like an empty vessel as the life had been sucked out of her. I compared her body to a dried corn plant like the ones you often see as a Halloween decoration.  Other than that, I have had friends, auntes, and uncles die, but I have never gone to their funerals for any number of reasons.

So this thing called death is rather an unknown to me, but I also realize that disease and aging are on the path that leads to it. I just thought of the message I got on Says 255 – Seek the Doorway to Eternal Life . I feel  that INCLUDES physical life and our Body but where it is healthy and youthful. It’s kind of like the memory you have inside yourself when your physical Body is getting older and you don’t  look like it did, or are able to do the things you used to do.

I’m planning on heading back out West to see my family this summer as I feel that my mother, who is going to be 93 in July will be passing soon, as will one

Says 263 – And Life Slips Silently Away

11:00 am – I got the news today that Mike, the man I mentioned in my previous post “Death Comes Knocking” died yesterday afternoon. The comments were that if he had lived, he would need to be in a Nursing Home as he would need a constant supply of oxygen just to breathe. He would also need a colostomy bag and constant care and monitoring. The person that told me the news said that Mike said he could not live like that and so he chose to leave.

3:00 pm – While I don’t feel any grief over Mike’s passing, it does leave me pondering our physical body and life.  Our Body is our temple, our form, with which we experience life. Once it is gone, so is that part of our journey, our experience. It makes me realize just how precious our physical body is and how ignorantly and carelessly we abuse it for any number of reasons.

What if? What if we knew we only have one Body and one chance to explore and experience physical reality? Would we be so careless with our Body? We take death of the physical body for granted, as part of life, but death is NOT a part of life; it is the absence of life.  When you really think about it it’s also the absence of love. I don’t mean the micro birth and death of the cells in the body that maintain it, I mean on a macro scale, our entire physical form, when we do things that directly affect our Body in a negative way.  I don’t know where this is going but I’m just writing what is coming to my awareness.

Mike’s family was here this morning cleaning out his apartment and loading his stuff onto a couple of pickup trucks. I don’t remember seeing any of them visit him in the four plus years I’ve lived here, but they seemed to know what he had that they wanted as they asked other tenants where this and that were.  It was like they were just waiting for him to die, like vultures. Even though his rent is paid up for the month, it’s not even 24 hours and they are at it, like vultures.

Says 261 – Death comes knocking

Back on March 21, the man who is acting superintendent of the building I live in was taken to the hospital. He was complaining of being dizzy, nauseous, and having low energy.  He was a heavy drinker and smoker, and not in the best of physical condition, so this trip to emergency was not unexpected. They admitted him and after four days, the doctors finally diagnosed him with double pneumonia and started the appropriate treatment.

After a week, he was still in the hospital and they were doing further tests as he was not responding to their treatments. On April 04, his brother knocked on my door, looking for the landlord so that he could get into the apartment to get some things that his brother wanted. He told me that his brother didn’t look good and that the doctors were waiting to transfer him to the nearest BIG city hospital as soon as a bed was available.

Today, I heard that he had been transferred a couple of days ago, and that they had put him into an induced coma. I also head that yesterday, they brought him out of the coma to operate on him and that his heart had stopped two times during the operation. After the operation, they again put him back into a comatose state.  The doctors told his brother to get his things in order as they felt he was not going to make it, with no further comment.

I have mixed feelings with this. Not that he and I were friends as I really didn’t know him, but my issue is with the hospitals and doctors and the way they have handled the whole thing. I just have an uneasy feeling  that while he was sick, he was not on deaths door….

Says 237 – Heart speaks to Spirit (Mind)

237-heart-mindDec 01 3:35 pm – I began what I thought would be a meditation and suddenly became aware that my Heart was talking to my Spirit (Mind). I’m writing this after the fact as I didn’t want to disrupt the dialogue. Heart was asking it to stop running and busying itself with things that didn’t matter and to do what it says it wants to do, that of healing the Body and Will and that every time the real issues are brought up, it runs and distracts itself.

What Spirit is afraid of is DEATH and so a weak, ill and hurting Body is a sign that death is near and as Spirit has never experienced death as the Will (Soul) and Body have, it is terrified to even try to understand what is happening and why, and how its denials of the Will and Body have been causal and have created the illness, injury and aging and the slow decent toward death.

It’s time that Spirit honor its INTENT to heal the Will and Body and to see and feel what it has never seen and felt because it was afraid it would not survive if it did. But now, if it doesn’t, there is a good chance that it will just keep repeating the cycle of reincarnation.

237-every-issues-in-the-bodyHearts message was that it is also time to heal all aspects of our Being, Will, Body, Heart and Spirit that has also lost Essence, power, gifts and talents. That it is now time to accept all things that Spirit has feared, rejected, denied and cut off from its love and light. All lost parts of the Will are scattered and held in the Body. That where Spirit and Spirit Heart had judgments on the Will and Body, that there are either only partial connections there or none at all and only Heartlessness and indifference. There was no bonding and so there isn’t any love or life in these areas, only unlovingness and mistrust.

I can’t remember all that was said as I just went with the flow and was feeling and expressing any emotions that were coming up. But afterwards, I did feel a shift in energy, now how it plays out will need to be seen and felt.

Says 231 – How we kill ourselves

It’s interesting that this Meme came up on my Facebook page as I’m presently working on healing my Body. I don’t mean heal in the present social mindset, I mean heal on all levels. What I’ve discovered before in healing my emotions, was that what we deny, basically begins to die. Now I’m finding out that we do the same with our Body.

When our Body is sick or injured, we THINK we are helping our body by giving it medicine or whatever: However this is what the MIND believes (imprints, programs and beliefs) will FIX the Body and get it back to doing what the Mind wants it to do, so that the Mind can be happy. Illness and injury is the Body’s way of trying to tell the Mind that something is wrong that the Mind needs to look at. When the Mind denies the Body’s needs, the Mind does the same thing to the Body that it does with the Emotions, KILL it.. and so the Body slowly dies, and with it, a part of our Spiritual Essence is lost.

Says 230 – Realizations on Healing the Body

I spent more than two hours (in the middle of the night) writing 11 1/2 pages in my journal. I’m posting it in its entirety as I want you to see how the thought/feeling process unfolded and how I gained realizations as to how to heal my Body. The story begins with a recount Saturday afternoon experiences that triggered the middle of the night writings. Sorry that it’s kind of long. I was going to break this down into two or three segments, but felt it would fragment the flow of acquiring this realization.

230-back-pain2016 November 19 Saturday 2:30 pm – I had gone to the farmers market and while there I got a pain behind my right shoulder blade and spine that ran up to my neck. It was especially painful and felt like a knot or kink, but I don’t know what caused it. Another thing is that my right hip was also sore and hurting.

I lay down to have a brief nap and reflect on my shoulder and I got that it’s involved with a car accident, and more.  I flashed to seeing the woman in her SUV going through the intersection and I slammed on the brakes. On impact, my right leg was pressing on the brake pedal and that resulted in my right hip not moving forward like my left one as my left leg was not braced in the same way. This, and the fact that I was thrown into the driver’s door helped to twist my hip. In a similar fashion, my right and left arm were braced for impact and the jarring impact, followed by the twisting action of being hurled into the driver’s door twisted my right shoulder neck and spine.

But, there’s more. While all this was going on, my mind was thinking of survival and denied any emotional and physical expression except those that supported its survival mentality, like focusing on things that were OK, with little consideration or recognition of the real pain in the body that was numb and in shock, and unable to express itself as it needed to. It was only hours and days after the accident when the shock wore off that my mind became aware of the damage that had been inflicted on my Body, and even then, it was only related to the pain that the body was feeling at the time, that the Mind didn’t want to feel, and not what actually happened to the body, or what help the body needed to allow it to heal itself.

I got up and did two exercises from the Rudolph Stone Polarity Therapy book, chart 63 and 64, and my shoulders and lower back feel  a bit better. I still feel a pinched nerve in my left shoulder but overall, I’m not in the pain I was in before.

So now the question is how do I heal my physical body?, When I was working on healing my emotions, I would remember the traumatic experiences, and my Spirit (Mind) would allow my Soul [Will] to express everything that it never got to express during the original experiences, like heartbreak, terror, anger, rage, aloneness, unloved, betrayal, manipulated, etc. As I wrote that, I flashed to some of the healing experiences I witnessed when working with others, and while some of the previous mentioned emotions were involved, it was guilt and shame that were stored in the body, that negatively affected the physical body with aches, pains, and disabilities. Once they released the guilt and shame energy they had been holding, the body immediately responded with health and well being. So now the questions are; where does the body store any so-called negative feelings and emotions like heartbreak, betrayal, unloved, alone, etc., and how does one release them? Also, where and how does the body’s own feelings, emotions and pain get stored [trapped] in the body, and how does one release them?

November 20, Sunday 2:50 AM

230-boy-sad2:50 am – As mentioned, I had a real pain in my back between my shoulder blades and into my neck yesterday. I just got up now to go to the bathroom, and my back felt a bit better. I also got the feeling that it’s associated with the betrayal and heartbreak of getting blindsided and stabbed in the back. Not expecting to be hurt that way from people I loved and trusted. Suddenly feeling flooded with pain, disbelief and shock, and heartbroken and betrayed and not knowing what to say in a moment as you are too numb to even respond and so you react and pretend [deny] that it’s not happening and that its normal, going to be OK, that it’s just a dream, that you were wrong, or that they did mean it and were just joking.

I just remembered a poem I wrote in my teens and early twenties, that I shared in my third book. The poem is titled, Temp/Anger, and it’s basically all about this issue. Wow! It’s all about SURVIVAL, and how I have taken in unloving energy and have been holding it in my spine, my chakras, and other parts of my body.

3:10 am I just had a brief flutter of heartbreak but it came and went just as fast, but at least it moved.

I just flashed different [unexpected and unpleasant] experiences that I’ve had, and also good experiences, where I deliberately shot myself down for fear of getting hurt again, so it’s a better that I ended as it will hurt less. This was mainly with relationships, especially female, where I’d either convinced myself they were not interested in me, or that they were too good for me, or that I wasn’t good enough for them. I flashed through my teenage years of feeling ashamed of not only me, but my parents as well for being poor. I didn’t want to have a girlfriend for fear of having her find out how poor we were.

Starting school was a big time shock for me. Besides the physical, mental and emotional abuse, I felt heartbreak and betrayed by my parents, teachers and peers. I also felt an overwhelming feeling of heartlessness being directed at me with no real way of not taking it in. In believing that what was happening to me was my fault, and also based on my religious indoctrination (RC) beliefs of TRUSTING PEOPLE, thinking that they were as loving as I was. Giving them the benefit of the doubt time and time again that I heard known, or convincing myself to wait and see what else they had the say that would clear up my doubts.

230-mind-control3:25 am – This seems like a repeat of what I went through in healing my Will, but yet it seems like on a different level, as the feelings and emotions are more like shadows, and not as strong and powerful like I had previously experience. Aha! – I just realized that while I was able to move my emotions that I had denied expression, I hadn’t moved all the unloving denial energy that I had taken in during and after those experiences. I hadn’t moved the feelings my Body had experienced.  I denied myself even to the point of shutting down my physical talents and gifts so that I wouldn’t upset people, so that they would like and accept me.

I just felt more feelings of heartbreak that came and went again just as quickly.

I feel I’ve cut off and denied so much of myself, my innocence, that if I compare all my Essence when I incarnated to what I have left now, it’s like my physical body compared to my left hand. I’ve lost almost all of me, not lost, more like I can’t find. But yes, lost in that I denied and cut them off. Aha! I just realized that it’s more like this is how much unloving denial energy of others that my physical body is holding in these parts of me, energy that is not mine and is of reversed polarity.

It is my intent to move any and all unloving energy and Essence that is not mine from my body. From my physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies and chakras, and to send it back to where it came from or to its right place, so that I can heal all aspects of me.

I just added that I want to transform my own reversed polarity unloving energy that is in the form of an attachment to people places and things. That while I had no conscious intent to harm or over-power, it still is unloving through the unseen role of denial and needs to be transformed. Connections yes, attachments no.

3:45 am – I was just thinking of how I hated my body for being small, weak, different, and unacceptable. I even remember going through a stage where I wanted to change my name, thinking that would change things. I hated my body for being sick, hurt, or injured as if it was my body’s fault for what it was experiencing and for not being able to do what I (my Mind) wanted it to do.

(Again I felt some emotions move briefly.)

I pushed my body even when it was sick or hurt to do what I felt I needed to do, which was to SURVIVE this fucking cruel world. Humph!!! I have to die to live and isn’t that fucked up?

(Now I’m feeling and expressing some anger and rage.)

230-mind-king-of-dead-bodyWhoa! I just realized that I unconsciously kill my essence in order to do what I believe is needed to live. I cut off and deny parts of me that are hurt and wounded so that the rest of me can go on with this illusion called life. WTF! Now I feel numb. I’m in shock at that realization and how close I’ve come to almost having to leave my physical body and the Essence I’ve abandoned and denied, thereby giving Lucifer what he wants.

FUCK THAT!  FUCK YOU LUCIFER! You’re not going to win.

I just flashed to the light and dark wizards duel and how I lost a major part of my Essence there. I intend to get those parts back also. I’m getting all parts of me that I’ve denied and lost in all time, and dimensions. I intend to recover all parts of my Being. I will not stop until every last part of me that is out there and being held by unloving light is back into my Essence. I will move any and all unloving light back to whom or where it belongs, to its right place. I no longer accept it in and upon me. I ask for help from Mother and Father and all my guides that are here to assist me to help me in whatever way is appropriate and serves  my highest purpose, love, and light.

4:10 am – I just realized that taking medicine, pain relievers, and even chiropractic treatments and massage, etc., and even using heat and baths are unloving and controlling. While it APPEARS you are loving yourself, it is in reality [through the unseen role of denial] actually your mind trying to force the body not to be sick, weak, or in pain.

FUCK this is SUBTLE!

But the underlying intent is still unloving if it’s not what the Body is asking for, but what the Mind wants the Body to do so that it can do what it wants and be happy. It’s more unloving light that is actually the Mind that has been imprinted and program; that it is in control, that it is the master, that it knows what is best for all. I now recognize that it is my light that has reversed its polarity and has become unloving light and has been slowly killing me, although it was unconscious and unaware that it was doing so.

Aha! I realize that by denial, I’ve taken in, accepted; unloving light that has imprinted and programmed my Mind to control the rest of my Being. The more I denied, (what I believed was wrong with me) the more I changed from the loving light I was, to become what I am now. I thought my light was wrong and that this unloving light that I took in was right. That I needed to be like the others in order to live and be happy like them and that is totally FUCKED! My intent is to let go of any and all unloving imprints, programs, and beliefs that would have me reverse my lights polarity, from loving to unloving. I ask for help to become aware when I’m doing this so that I can end this action that has been slowly killing me, as what I desire is life and love.

230-i-forgot-to-live4:30 am – Having to go to school to learn things so that you can get a job and earn money, to pay for things that enable you to survive for a few years, until you grow sick and old and are of no further use and die. This reality is forced upon us the day we are born. We grow old and these imprints, programs, and beliefs are what we take to the grave, or rather have been. I’m not buying that reality any longer and I let go of those imprints, programs and beliefs.

You force your Mind to control your emotions, and you force your Body to do the things it does not want to do so that the Mind can get what it believes is the power [money] to enable it to do what it thinks it needs and wants to be happy, and to also support the family with shelter, food, clothing, and the pleasures of this so called life. This reality is actually a hideous energy form sucking the life out of our loving Bodies through our denials and willingness to be like them, the “Otherkin,” those that do not belong in this universe and that need to be moved to the right place.

4:40 am – This is somewhat of a rehash of what I went through and know several years ago, but now it takes on a new feeling and meaning. I’m also beginning to feel a new life force rising in me, a new conviction and determination, and new purpose, or maybe it’s just a rekindling of an old flame that has been put aside to finish the books and that part of my journey. Whatever it is, I like it.

4:50 am – I asked my Body to show me what it needs to show me, to move any unloving light that it is holding and help me transform any reversed polarity parts of my light. I asked it also to show me any lost Will energy that it is holding and the unloving energy that is associated with it, so that I can recover lost Will Essence and move out unloving energy.

230-baal5:05 am -I closed my eyes and saw several dark forms moving before me. Lucifer, Baal, Melchizedek, and others, hovering over me, cussing and name calling, stating that I can’t do what I’m doing and that they are not through with me, that they will stop me. I smiled as that was what they were saying the last time I was close to a breakthrough. This time I rolled over and went to sleep, and woke up at 9:15 am.


To understand what life is, you need to understand what Death is.

Says 229 – Death and Dying

I didn’t post this before as I felt confused, and felt it had no bearing on the material I was presently sharing, but with what I experienced on Nov, 20, that I will share later, it is very relevant.

2016 Nov 11 Friday

229-near-death-experience3:35 am – I woke up thinking about death that I had been dreaming about. The only reason people feel a profound sense of peace when they die, (and then come back to life) is that they’ve only experience the sensations of their Spirit (Mind), as all else, the things that were troubling Spirit like feelings and emotions and physical aches, pains and disease have been left behind, and the Spirit (mind) is no longer aware of them. The only feelings and emotions that they take with them when they temporarily die are the ones they have acceptance for, the ones that gave them pleasure. All the rest are not accepted, are denied and become lost essence and will be what they will add to the other essence they cast off and  rejected in past lives that they will again try to reclaim in their next reincarnation.

While this first glimpse of the afterlife may feel euphoric and peaceful, if they don’t come back, it’s another story, as they eventually realize what they’ve lost and it is then that they choose to try to reclaim this lost essence by reincarnating again. Unfortunately, the knowing of what needs to be done and how to do it is lost when the Spirit and Soul reincarnate. And by the time they are old enough to be able to begin the recovery, they’ve lost almost all memory of what they knew when they were in the nonphysical reality of spiritual energy. And so they have to physically, mentally and emotionally experience the issues that they reincarnated to heal and reclaim. To them it will feel like a burden, a curse, and being a victim with only pain and suffering to endure until such time as Spirit feels it can no longer stay with an aging or diseased body, and chooses once again to shed the physical Body it does not desire and return to the nonphysical realm of existence.
229-organ-donation6:33 am –  Spirit (Mind) has never experienced death and that is the reason society has the belief that death is nothing to fear, that it’s a welcome transition from the drudgery and dreariness of the physical body (for any number of reasons) to that of the peace and serenity of the afterlife. Once the Spirit has truly crossed over with no chance of returning to the physical Body and Soul it has abandoned, it reconnects with this higher self, the part of its Being that has remained in the higher vibrational energy of the Spirit realm. The Soul however, remains with the physical Body after Spirit and Heart have left, and slowly begins to withdraw her essence from the Body through a process that lasts from 3 – 5 days. The Soul first withdraws from the limbs and then the internal organs. By the way, the medical community does not transplant dead organs; they harvest and transplant living organs that still have Soul essence in them. That is why some people that receive a organ feel some of the emotional memories of the donor.  That’s also why there is the custom of not burying a person for at least three days following their death.

To understand what life is,

you need to understand what Death is.

Says 146 – How the Government controls you

birth certificateMarch 21 Thursday When you were born, the corporate entity known as the government was already formed and was being run by the elected politicians and bureaucrats who gave themselves the power to create government laws, rules and regulations that were supposedly for the benefit of the people. Your parents, being good citizens, believed the manmade law that required them to register your birth. The government then issued you (through your parents) a birth certificate that was then used to identify your sovereign being. They then used your given name to create a fictitious identity of you that they could then use to control you and what you did. death certificateEven when you die your family needs to report your death and you (who are no longer living) are then issued at death certificate, terminating your involvement with the government corporation. As you can see, neither birth or death certificates give you any choice in the matter, you are either too young to understand what is going on, or dead and unable to respond.

I am free - NOTBesides having to register all newborn humans, the government is now having blood and DNA samples taken, as well as footprints, to enable them to physically identify the actual physical being in the future. When you started school, you first learned to print your name in CAPITAL letters. This is important as it imprinted and programmed you to accept your name printed in CAPITAL Letters on documents as being you. Later when you left school to get a job and earn money, you needed to register with the government to get a social insurance number (SIN) which the government then uses to collect taxes from you when you earned money. When you got your driver’s license, you needed to register with the government. If you bought a vehicle, that too needed to be registered and you also needed to get it insured. When you got health insurance, you needed to be registered. Of course each time you registered or got a license, it cost you MONEY. If you decided to get a bank account, credit card, or loan, you needed to register with the bank. Of course that also costs money. If you buy a house, you need to register your title with various levels of government, more money and if you got a mortgage, you also paid interest on that loan. If you start a business, you need to register with the government, more money. Anytime that you register with any form of government, or any one of their agents, your name will always be printed in CAPITAL letters, and not the way you normally write or print it. They have stolen your name to create a fictitious corporate identity of your sovereign physical being in order to have you work and pay interest on a debt you didn’t have. Not only that, your birth certificate also has a hidden agenda in that the identification numbers that were issued in your name is used as collateral on the stock exchange to allow the government to incur debt on your behalf. That is the hidden truth that the government doesn’t want you to know, it’s their dirty little secret.

moneyOne thing to note is that the physical money in circulation is created, printed and owned by the government, but any money in the form of interest is created, collected and owned by the financial institutions and the banks. And you guessed it, there is a whole lot more borrowed money in circulation than real hard cash. Also of note is that while cash currency is considered legal tender, it has no real value, as it’s not based on anything commodity of value like gold or silver, but is simply a promissory note issues by the bank that is an agent for the government. While the government owns the hard cash, it borrows also money and pays interest for this cash. While the government controls the physical currency, there is nothing of value to back it up except you and your ability and willingness to pay for debt and interest you didn’t incur. Another thing is that when you pay your income taxes at the end of the year, you make your check out to (in Canada) the Receiver General, believing that the money is going to the government. This money actually goes to the Revenue Canada Agency which is not an actual department within the government of Canada, but is a private financial Corporation much like the IRS in the USS, that collects tax and interest money from the REGISTERED taxpayers and then loans money to the government and receives interest payment on that debt. As you can see, this system is flawed and democracy is a sham.

Says 39 – Realization that love is polarized

2012 April 08 Sunday, I have had the experience and understanding of what conditional and Unconditional love was for a few years now. Post 866 Insight into Conditional and Unconditional love That love has extremes that move from the darkest feelings of psychopathic loathing, hatred and cold indifference, all the way to conditional love in a state of mindless bliss, and then to Unconditional love where there are no attachments, conditions, judgments or denials. From being negative, domineering and controlling, to being positive, open and free. While I knew all this, what I realized today was that love was polarized, and I never thought of it that way before.

Polarity is the expanding principals or forces of the same essence or thing, and moving in opposite directions, away from each other. Hot-cold, dark-light, left-right, forward-reverse, large – small, and the list goes on and on. To an observer, polarity has no real meaning, as it is merely a mental concept as you would not know what hot or cold was by looking at it, unless you had some personal experience. It’s only when you experience it from a subjective state, and sense and feel the experience that you begin to understand the various attributes of that essence.

I feel there is more to it as I feel that love is also associated with life and death, from essence that desires life, to essence that desires unconsciousness and death, and everything in between. Everything is energy and is connected with love, which is life. It really doesn’t matter where anyone is on the grand scale of things as they are in their right place…………………………………….

Ahhhhh… As I wrote that last line I felt that is not the truth or we wouldn’t be in the mess that we are in. That is what this shift that is coming is all about, moving everyone and everything to its right place so that it will like what it feels. That there will no longer be the mixing together of the different essences as that is what has created the conflict in creation. While polarity provides infinite possibilities with which to experience manifestation, it is only when these polarities are intertwined or over lapping that duality is created, which brings us to the nature of good and evil.

Hummm……   This is all beginning to make sense to me in a new way.

Says 17 – Past memories of dying

2012 Feb 19 12:30 am Sunday, I just had a memory flashback of not wanting to die and how panicked my Mind was. It was in morbid terror, not wanting to die.  I don’t know where this feeling and image came from as I was just drifting off to sleep when I was startled by it.

A few seconds later I had flashed back to my childhood when my mother tried to drown me and how I felt free when my Spirit was out of my Body,  Hovering above my Body that lay still and motionless in a small bathtub, relieved that it (the hate) was finally over and that now I could have peace.

Then I flashed back to the night I was conceived and again the feelings of not wanting to be here, as there was no love.  Although they were married, my father was basically raping my mother. But this feeling of wanting to leave feels different than the previous one. It’s more like Heart feeling he didn’t want to be here as it was not the love and life he desired, or expected.

Humm, this is getting complicated.

Says 15 – Stopping the cycle of death and reincarnation

February 18 7:15 AM So in order to stop the cycle of death and reincarnation, and to bring all the presently untapped physical senses into reality, Spirit (Mind) has to begin to not only accept what the Body, Will and Heart are feeling in the present moment, but to also feel what happened to them  in the past. Spirit needs to go where it has never gone before and experience what it thinks will kill it, to a place where Will/Body were abandoned and left to die. It’s Body (form) that holds the most denials as even the Will gradually has to leave it, not that she wanted to, but she had no choice.

Feb 18 1:10 PM Not that all of Heart left after Spirit left, as only the part of Heart that is Spirit polarized left, leaving the Will polarized part of Heart to die along with Body and Will. I just felt the heartbreak of both Spirit polarity Heart in having to leave the Body/Will, and the Will polarity of itself and how he felt he had no choice, and how Will polarity Heart, felt broken, betrayed, alone and a host of other feelings and emotions. Will polarity Heart was also trapped in a dying Body and quickly losing consciousness, meaning that the physical heart and circulatory system and blood were also dying, and in the process, cutting off possibility of physical life from the rest of the Body.

This is horrible! What a fucking heartbreaking waste!  I don’t know what else I can call it as there are just too many feelings and words to describe what I just felt. It’s all based on imprinting that goes back to the very beginning, to original Cause.

Before you can know what life is, you need to know what death is.

To know what love is, you need to know what is not love.

If any part of us is in denial of another part of ourselves, that part being denied is receiving death.  So how can we call what we are experiencing life, when a part of us is dying? Cutting off parts of us that are dying only means that we are losing more consciousness and essence. Eventually Spirit, that is electric in nature, also dies because without the Wills Magnetic essence there is no longer the compliment of forces necessary for Spirit/Will to co-exist. Without the Yin, there is no Yang.

Says 14 – Body carrying the (LOAD = Lies, Omission, Avoidance, Denial)

February 18 6:25 AM I was thinking about death and how Spirit (Mind) has never experienced what our Body and Will have experienced. When a person dies, it’s the Spirit (life force) that leaves first, and then, within a few seconds, Heart (represented by our physical heart) stops and with that, there is no longer any flow of the life force to nourish the Body.

The Will, being magnetic in nature, doesn’t leave the Body immediately, nor does she want to as life is what she desires, but without Spirit presence, to animate Body with life, the Body cannot exist in the form it had. Without Spirit, the Will is slowly forced to leave the Body, and as she leaves, the parts of the Body begin to return to the original essence and elements that it was made from. One thing I need to mention is that just because Spirit and Heart have left the Body/Will, that doesn’t mean that the Body’s  and Will’s ability to feel and sense what is going on has stopped, as only Body’s ability to move and respond has ceased to function. It can still feel pain in all those parts that still have Will presence, it just can’t move and respond to them.

It’s like a person that is in a coma and while they are unable to communicate, they are totally aware of what is going on, they just can’t move their eyes, speak, or even move their finger to show they are alive and aware of their surroundings and the physical and emotional pain they are in. A person in a coma still has some part of their Spirit essence in their Body as it hasn’t totally decided to leave, yet. It has lifted most of it’s essence and consciousness, except for what is needed to keep the body/Will alive.  Heart presence is still in the Body to maintain the flow of life essence. Left unattended, the person would be unable to feed or care for themselves and unless Spirit chose to return, a slow and agonizing dying process would follow until such time that Spirit did leave and Body/Will would feel abandoned, unloved, rejected, and heartbroken.

I just felt and realized that while Spirit has never experienced what Body and Will have, that there is a part of Heart essence that has remained and experienced an aspect of dying. Although this part of Heart has momentarily remained, it has only experienced Spirit leaving and only the very beginning of the emotional and physical pain that the Will and Body was feeling, as when it felt its terror of death, it was quick to follow Spirit. Spirits terror is to experience dying and death, as life is what it is, and Heart has similar issues. When Spirit (Mind) says that death is nothing, it is only nothing to Spirit because Spirit has never experienced it, so there was NO THING to experience.

Humm? This relates back to the beginning of how Spirit is in terror of losing any part of the Body’s FULL sensations, especially sight, and sound, as then it is in the dark, the unknown, and left to the remaining senses, of touch, taste and smell, feeling crippled and powerless.

Loss of the physical senses and the body’s physical abilities of its youth terrify the Spirit and is in part, the cause of aging, as Spirit tries to deny what has happened to Body as a result of the experiences it, and the Will have had to endure without the acceptance and help from Spirit. All the times when Spirit/Will/Body/Heart were confronted with traumatic experiences, Spirit did what it thought it needed to do in order to survive, by cutting off and denying the parts of itself, it’s Will, (feelings and emotions) as well as Body sensations.  It’s all these denials, (denied reversed energy) that the body is forced to hold and carry. It’s the LOAD (Lies, Omission, Avoidance, Denial)  that gradually weighs down the Body, causing it to move and react slower and not heal like it once did , and to also diminish its senses.  That’s when Spirit begins to become aware of the things it doesn’t like about the Body, which only adds to the denials that the Body is forced to hold, thus accelerating the process of illness and aging.

Note: In looking for an autopsy picture to use on my blog post I happened upon this picture and then followed it to the main website.  If you want to see and feel what a medical team does to a Body that is still alive, but can’t move, then visit this site.

I must warn you, the pictures are very graphic and disturbing.