Says 514 – Trump assassination attempt

Something evil this way comes.
2024 July 14 – I smell something fishy about this as the shooter “they” say, was some 200 – 300 YARDS away… Funny how a security sniper was able to immediately locate and kill the shooter, and how “they” knew what he posted online..

Reminds me of how “they” found the passport of the 9/11 terrorists… Wait for it…..

Says 480 – People don’t understand the “they” in a position of power

Near the end of the video when David talks about low vibration, what he misses is what causes ones vibration to become lower. The cause is the DENIAL and suppression of true feelings and emotions in the moment they are experienced, NOT by the psychopath, but by the ones that the psychopath is seeking to control. What was wanting to move, to vibrate with love, is stopped (denied) and so the overall vibration of that Essence is slowed or lowered. The denied energy is what the psychopath feeds on… End denials and stop the food supply.

“THEY” use FEAR as “their” favourite weapon to CONTROL the minds of their subjects. Once they control the mind, they control the body and is why you’re seeing so many people OBEYING and COMPLYING to do what they are told with this covid scam-demic. They are AFRAID to face the truth of their fear, and so by denying their fear, they give their power away and become slaves to the SYSTEM that “they”, the psychopaths, control.

David talks of “they” as being the psychopaths in a position of power and mentions the HARE Psychotherapy checklist