Says 209 – Theory, Assumption and Ignorance.

In my previous post (Says 208) the article I quoted stated that, <quote> The Chemical Imbalance Theory Might Be Incorrect <end quote>

says-209-wrong-scientific-theories-einsteinThe keyword here is THEORY… A theory is an assumption, an idea, but until it has been “personally” experienced and put into practice, ones doesn’t KNOW if their theory or assumption is accurate and valid. Most of the so-called scientific theories are based on OBSERVATION, and not a personal FEELING EXPERIENCE, and therefore is based in ignorance and lacks understanding. Until one has personal experience, it’s just a theory, an assumption, based on ones imprints, programs, beliefs and judgments.

I often use the analogy of a person knowing what a bicycle is, has heard stories, and has even watched others ride one, but until they have personally ridden on, they have no true knowing and understanding of what it feels like to ride a bike. I find it incredible that all the so-called learned intellectuals that support this theory have never questioned it and validated it for themselves.

I just heard a soft voice say, “Most don’t have feelings and emotions, and those that do, think they are wrong, and so they try to follow those that don’t seem bothered by feelings and emotions, naively believing that the others are right in their assumption.” Of course any that are brave enough to question the self-appointed voices of AUTHORITY will not meet their approval and will be ostracized, ridiculed, and called a quack to say the least.

Says 26 – The power of labels and our core “I am” beliefs

I’m in a Facebook group where I’ve been having an exchange with a man that admits he is gay. As he defended his belief of his gender preference, I realized that he was no different than a person saying they were an alcoholic or a drug addict. While the man said, “I am gay” he totally missed the fact that he is a Spiritual Being having a physical experience which happens to be being in a sexual relationship with a man, which is labeled by society as the person being gay. Being gay is what he is experiencing; it is not what he is… BIG difference.

I also realized that any mental, emotional or physical affliction is the same as an addiction in that both carry the denied underlying causes related to their physical experiences. If people allow themselves to be identified by the LABELES that their Doctor, or society puts on them, then they will have resigned themselves to be defined by those limiting and crippling beliefs. They will unconsciously will live their lives in pain and misery until such time that they choose to let go of their label belief and decide to find the hidden cause, the unseen role of denial underpinning their experience.

Our fears are connected to our “I AM” core beliefs that limit us from being who we really are. Our fears are not bad or evil, but they have their origins rooted in real life traumatic unloving experiences were we fragmented a piece of our Essence out of our Being. While we are mentally unaware of the fragments that have been denied, we are aware of their presence by their magnetic draw to be accepted, yet we still deny them, or rather, deny dealing with the original cause that created the fragmentation and resultant programs and beliefs. It’s a double blind situation as we are unaware of what we are doing and what we need to do to resolve and heal the situation and therefore we ignorantly believe our denials as being the truth and the truth as being our denials.

The same goes for other beliefs like, I am not free, I am poor, homeless, unhappy, depressed, etc. All these are limiting “I AM” beliefs and as such, are locked into the CORE of our psyche, our BEING. Until they are cleared and released, it’s impossible to become our true “I AM” presence as these beliefs, and the denied feelings and emotions behind the experiences that led to these beliefs, are overriding our true essence and power.

Affirmations like, “I am happy, I am abundant. I am free,” etc., are just a forms of denial and role-playing that only serve to deepen the belief. As an example, simply saying “I am happy” when one is actually feeling sad is in blatant denial of our true feelings and emotions.