Says 438 – Marketing Covid-19

I had posted this video back in March of 2019 and came across it today in doing my computer backups. It’s interesting how a year later, this marketing technique would be played out on a GLOBAL scale with Covid-19 –

Marketing 101

The following are tried and true marketing tactics that work.
1) Everyone believes (trusts) the labels
2) Focus on Progress (new, improved, bigger, better, faster) 
3) Willful Ignorance.
Whiles this video pertains to product marketing, you can also see how it applies to marketing the Covid-19 Virus with a simple substitution of words.
1) Everyone believes the MEDIA; what they see, hear and read on TV, internet, radio and newspapers. (Labels = Media Politicians, medical and media reporters.)
2) The constant media hype regarding the virus is always progressing; more cases, more deaths, more restrictions, etc, etc.
3) Willful ignorance… Everyone is prepared to look the other way, to do what they are told, and not question the label or the progress the media is saying.

And there you have it… the PERFECT SHIT STORM. You have been programmed by a GLOBAL marketing agency, and most are oblivious because of their willfull ignorance, aka DENIALS.

Says 284 – Labels – Social and Personal

This meme is floating around the internet and it is hogwash, NOT that it isn’t a truth, but that it’s NOT a social truth, far from it. People are socially imprinted and programmed to label (judge) people, places and things. They give other people status and authority and then kowtow or worship them. The pope, Dalai Lama, priest, minister, the Queen, president, a politician, a movie star, singer, sports player, policeman, soldier, fireman, guard, CEO, teacher, manager, supervisor, etc, etc. These are all people that we put ahead of ourselves, that we think and say have more worth or value.

But wait –  there is more! What about the labels you put on yourself. The irony is that in our brain-washed “altered” EGO state of Being, we try to be like, or at least, associate and identify ourselves with the idols we worship. I AM a Christian, I AM a Catholic, I AM a Anglican, I AM a democrat, I AM a Jennifer Lopez fan, I AM a Boston Celtics fan, I AM a patriot and support our troops, I AM Pro life, and the list goes on an on. All these I AM labels separates people and creates inner conflict, as always there will be people better or more important than you. The irony is that religion and even New Agers, put on this false bravado and rhetoric that we are all the same and equal., which is a part-truth, but what is not said, what is denied and already imprinted and programmed into our Minds is that some are more equal than others.

And now, we get to the interesting part. Because you identify yourself with another person that you think is above you; as soon as anyone says anything that appears to attack what you idolize and worship, your “altered” Ego thinks it’s a personal attack and gets it’s Belief Systems (BS) brain cells firing at anything it sees as a threat.

BUT THERE IS MORE….. Now on a more personal level, all this came about with my activation on my previous post ..  and removing the labels I had placed on others and myself, is part and parcel of working on healing my shame issues

Says 280 – Activated into Shame Issues

Says 221 – Labels (Judgments) on my Body

221-control-your-emotonsI was in a skype conversation with a friend and during our conversation I realized that I have placed unloving labels on my Body, not only present day labels, but also ones that I’ve had since I was born. I or rather my conscious Mind has confused my Will (intuition, feelings and emotions) and my Body as defining who I, or it, was and is. I AM a Spiritual Being consisting of four aspects, Spirit, Soul, Heart and Body and each one of these aspects has its own unique form of consciousness that are NOT subservient to the whims of the Spirit, but are co-equal partners in our Earthly sojourn and experiences. Placing labels (judgments) on our Will, Heart, and Body only act to alienate these aspects of our Divine Being. Basic labels that society and we have on ourselves are related to race, colour, religion, language, gender, tall, short, fat, slim, beautiful, ugly, deformed, intelligent, stupid, talented, not talented and the list goes on and on.

Some of the other labels that I now use on my Body are: too old, aging, sick, injured, feeling discomfort and  pain, lack of mobility, not attractive, not virile, not desirable, gray hair, wrinkles, not youthful, can’t do what I used to do, slowing down, keeping my Mind (Spirit) from having fun and enjoying myself. When I really think about it, I’m in denial of these judgments that I have on my body, in that I am focusing on “fixing” the problems and getting my Body back to the way it was, and even better. On top of all this are my Minds judgments on my denied feelings and emotions that come up with these judgments that I’m also not expressing, or if I am, they are only the false feelings and emotions that are aligned with the Minds judgments, and not the real ones that I’m still denying.

Says 26 – The power of labels and our core “I am” beliefs

I’m in a Facebook group where I’ve been having an exchange with a man that admits he is gay. As he defended his belief of his gender preference, I realized that he was no different than a person saying they were an alcoholic or a drug addict. While the man said, “I am gay” he totally missed the fact that he is a Spiritual Being having a physical experience which happens to be being in a sexual relationship with a man, which is labeled by society as the person being gay. Being gay is what he is experiencing; it is not what he is… BIG difference.

I also realized that any mental, emotional or physical affliction is the same as an addiction in that both carry the denied underlying causes related to their physical experiences. If people allow themselves to be identified by the LABELES that their Doctor, or society puts on them, then they will have resigned themselves to be defined by those limiting and crippling beliefs. They will unconsciously will live their lives in pain and misery until such time that they choose to let go of their label belief and decide to find the hidden cause, the unseen role of denial underpinning their experience.

Our fears are connected to our “I AM” core beliefs that limit us from being who we really are. Our fears are not bad or evil, but they have their origins rooted in real life traumatic unloving experiences were we fragmented a piece of our Essence out of our Being. While we are mentally unaware of the fragments that have been denied, we are aware of their presence by their magnetic draw to be accepted, yet we still deny them, or rather, deny dealing with the original cause that created the fragmentation and resultant programs and beliefs. It’s a double blind situation as we are unaware of what we are doing and what we need to do to resolve and heal the situation and therefore we ignorantly believe our denials as being the truth and the truth as being our denials.

The same goes for other beliefs like, I am not free, I am poor, homeless, unhappy, depressed, etc. All these are limiting “I AM” beliefs and as such, are locked into the CORE of our psyche, our BEING. Until they are cleared and released, it’s impossible to become our true “I AM” presence as these beliefs, and the denied feelings and emotions behind the experiences that led to these beliefs, are overriding our true essence and power.

Affirmations like, “I am happy, I am abundant. I am free,” etc., are just a forms of denial and role-playing that only serve to deepen the belief. As an example, simply saying “I am happy” when one is actually feeling sad is in blatant denial of our true feelings and emotions.