Says 90 – Confrontation with weed smoking pot-head

September 14 Friday 12:55 PM Well I was awakened again, this time by a commotion coming from the hallway. I opened my door and could see that both Kyle and Shaneese’s doors were open and the lights were on. I could also smell weed. I saw movement in Shaneese’s room and saw her sitting on her bed, leaning forward and smiling like a Cheshire cat, Kyle beside her but not showing his face. I asked what was going on and she smilingly replied, “Nothing, just hanging out and chillin.” In a voice of distain, I snapped, “It’s almost 1:00 am and you woke me up.” She stared blankly at me but said nothing. I went back to my room.

Just as I was writing the experience in my journal, I heard a knock at the door. I opened my door and Shaneese was standing there, smiling and asking me if I had a problem. I snapped back that yes I have a problem. It’s 1:00 am and I was sleeping and you pot heads woke me up. She was still grinning as she made a move toward me as if to come into my room. Before she took a second step, I stepped back and slammed the door in her face. A couple of seconds later I opened it to see a stunned look on her face. She began to give me lip, telling me to F**k off and to never slam the door in her face again. She moved away and started to make her way down the hallway toward the kitchen and as she did, she ordered me to keep my mouth shut. I followed her as she turned to go down the stairs and toward the garage. I told her I wasn’t keeping my mouth shut for anyone and that owners will hear about this. As she made her way into the garage, she said that it doesn’t matter what the f**k I say as she has been here a long time. I snapped back, “Well we’ll see about that.” With her going into the garage, I left and went back into my room and tried to go to sleep.
Well it looks like I wouldn’t be here much longer.

September 15 9:20 AM Shaneese was up when I went to the kitchen to make myself breakfast she didn’t say anything as she walked down the hallway to go to the garage for a smoke. Later I saw both her and Kyle sneaked past the kitchen door and go to their rooms. It will be interesting to see what unfolds when I talk with Frank the owner.

I’ve been around alcoholics, potheads and druggies but now it’s on a personal level as what they are doing is directly affecting me. This addiction is just another form of denial like religion, politics, buying stuff, doing things for others, working, golf, alcohol, hard drugs, prescription drugs and habits are all symptoms of deeper rooted problems. I just realized that my issue with these kids is that I have this belief that they don’t know any better as that is how they been raised. How they were brought up is an issue here and that they do what their parents allowed them to do with no real parental guidance, or having to take responsibility for their actions. In other words there are spoiled kids that control the manipulated their parents and others, as that is what their parents taught them by accepting their form of control and manipulation in allowing them this irresponsible freedom.

I had a chat with Frank, the owner, when he got up he told me he had been working till 3 AM. I realized that that’s why they decided to have a party. Frank said that he was awakened at 4 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep. I told him everything that went on last night and other stuff that has been going on, and he said it’s an acceptable and that he will have a talk with Nancy (his wife) later when she gets home.
Shaneese was out, but Kyle was in his room with the door open listening to what I was saying to Frank, because as I went to the top of the stairs, I saw him close his door.

Says 89 – Signed up for Ballroom dancing

Last week I signed up for ballroom dancing and tonight will be my first lesson. I had signed up as a single and a couple of days ago I got a call stating that they had a partner for me so it’ll be interesting to see how it works out. It’s not International ballroom that I took a few years ago, but American, and it’s just for social dancing.

Well I just got back and it was both interesting and fun. There were six couples taking the beginner class and while the woman teaching is not a professional, I think it will be okay. My partners name is Sharon, an older woman that says she took basic ballroom last year but it doesn’t feel like she really got the hang of it. The instructor came over and asked me if I taken lessons before and I told her I did. She say she noticed, as I definitely had the rumba rhythm.

Says 88 – What’s with the kids now a days?

September 13 Thursday I share the main floor bathroom with two young people, a woman and man both in their early 20’s, and last night I unplugged the toilet for the third time since I’ve been here. Fed up, I decided to post a note on the bathroom mirror stating that if you didn’t use so much toilet paper, the toilet wouldn’t get plugged and also not flush Q-tips down the toilet. It’s not like they are toddlers, as both are old enough to know how to unplug it as the plunger is right behind the toilet. While they are in their 20’s, they act like toddlers, as they just drop and spill things without picking them up and their rooms are what I call a disaster, with clothes and food laying helter-skelter on their furniture and floor.

At around 1:15 AM, Kyle came in and it was his slamming his bedroom door that woke me up. I tried to go back to sleep and just when I was drifting off, he went to the washroom, slamming the door as he was leaving his room, then slamming the bathroom door, entering and leaving, and then slamming his own door again when he went back to his room. I got up and opened my door and called out in a sarcastic tone, “Can you make any more noise you f**king ass hole?” He never said a word. I went to the washroom and then tried to go back to sleep, but it took a while.

This morning I noticed he got up at 11 AM. I saw him as I was going out of the kitchen, but before I could say anything, he rushed by me and went outside to have a cigarette. I didn’t follow him as I felt what’s the use. I really don’t get what it is with some of the 20+ year olds as they seem to be in their own little world and oblivious to other people around them, unless it is for something they want. Maybe I’m just getting old, but I feel that if left to fend for themselves, they would die.

Says 82 – Getting organized – Generation Gap

2012 Sept 02 Sunday, I never bought any food on Saturday as I hadn’t been able to talk to Nancy or Frank as to where I could put my stuff in the refrigerator, as well as where I was going to store my non perishable food stuff. I talked to Nancy this morning after they got up around noon and she gave me some cupboard and fridge space, enough to keep my basics. Other foodstuff and some of my utensils I can keep in a cupboard in my room.

2012 Sept 07 Friday It’s kind of weird as the two young people that also room here usually eat when and what Frank and Nancy eat. No one eats breakfast and supper isn’t until 8:30 – 9:00 at night. It’s like a communal kitchen, but where it’s Nancy (depending on what shift she works) or Frank that does the cooking, and Frank doesn’t get home until after 8:30pm, and the young ones just wait until supper is ready. The young guy make spaghetti for himself the other day, but he didn’t just make one of two servings, he used the whole package, enough for 10 people, and then he stuffed the pot in the fridge as leftover’s. He then eats at it during the day for days, trying to get rid of it as no one else wants it. He told me I could help myself, but I already had my spaghetti feed a day before he made his, so I wasn’t interested.

I’ve also noticed that the two young people seem lost. They both have jobs, but they are in their own little world that doesn’t include the basics of living and caring for themselves. It’s just like they are large toddlers. They leave their bedroom door open at times and I can’t help but notice how littered and messy the rooms are. When they use the bathroom, whatever falls on the counter or floor, stays there, same goes for the kitchen and even the patio. Maybe it’s just the three generation gap at work, but there seems to be this hopelessness or indifference that is reflected, not only by their rooms, but in their general attitude. They look clean and as normal as present teens can be when they go out, as that is the public perception that they want to portray, but that is not what they are really like. The young guy had his girlfriend (mother figure) over the other day and she cleaned up his room, but a few hours after she left, he had things on the floor again.

The other part of the generation gap is with Frank and Nancy as they are in their later 40’s and are consumed with their jobs, Nancy working a rotating three shift schedule, mornings, afternoons and nights, while Frank works 8 am to 8 pm, 7 days a week. Both of them have very little time for each other, or to do things around the house, other than prepare meals and clean up after the toddlers. Nancy also tries to be this cool mother figure to them, cleaning up after them (once a week) and driving them to the store to get beer, cigarettes, or maybe some food. I know the young ones are also smoking weed, but they’re not toking up in the house or yard. They are what they are, and I just do my own thing.

I don’t know what these young kids would do if no one cleaned up after them or prepared their meals and did their laundry. They are like a hoarder or litterbug that would eventually be living in and eating their own excrement. I’m not saying that one needs to be a clean freak, BUT!….

Ahhh! I just got it… It’s all about choice. People are going to be toddlers and litterbugs as long as there are people that are willing to mother them, to pick up after them and take care of them. It’s all about power and control and of course, denial, free Will and choice.

Nancy hooked up my internet, (25 character password). Apparently, the TV and movies are also available via the computer but that hasn’t been activated as yet. I don’t rally miss TV….

Says 81 – Moved to new room and city

2012 Aug 31 Friday I had called my new room rental in Brantford a couple of days ago and this afternoon at 3:00 pm I got the phone call saying that I can move in today. I had already packed up most of my stuff by early morning as it was going to be a hot day, +32C and I’m glad I did. I planned that if I didn’t get the call that I could move in today, that I was prepared to stay the night and then move out early in the morning as I had only a few things to pack.

After I got the call, I went downstairs and told the landlord that I was leaving, I waited around until his wife went to the bank to get some money to give me back my $100.00 deposit. After I got it, I stopped in at the fish and chip shop where I used to work and got an order of fish and chips for supper, before heading out to my new digs.

I arrived around 5:30pm and the place was busy. Nancy and Frank’s son and daughter-in-law were visiting them for the weekend, along with their two yappy min-pins (dogs). There was also a young man and woman that I found out were also tenants. I had met the woman before, but I didn’t know about the guy, so that makes three of us renting rooms, still better than five. My new room is about 12’x 18’ and roughly the same area as the last one that was about 15’x15’. It’s also nice that I don’t have to deal with the 19 stairs

By 6:30 I was pretty much settled in and had some bags unpacked. I was later invited to join Frank and Nancy and the others on the patio where we chatted for a while.

2012 Sept 01 When I knew I was going to be moving, I had let my food run out, especially any perishable and frozen food. So on Saturday morning, I got dressed and went out to Tim Horton’s for breakfast. Later I had a short drive around this end of Brantford just looking at what stores and services are available.

Says 80 – A change of Heart?

2012 Aug 16 This morning at 11:00 am, the property owner knocked at my door to ask if I had found a place to live. I replied that I did and that I’d be moving out at the end of the month. He said, “Okay, that’s good to hear. I just wanted to say that if it doesn’t work out, that you are always welcome back here. I know that we started off on the wrong foot, and that maybe next time we can begin on a new page.”
I said, “Thanks, I appreciate that, and I’ll keep it in mind.” There was a brief moment of silence where I felt he wanted to say more but didn’t, and I didn’t feel I needed to say anything. With that, he turned and slowly walked out of my room, closing the door behind him.

I could have asked him if he had more to say, but at the moment, I felt that that would have pressured and activated him as I felt that he was already on the edge. What he did was as much as he felt safe in doing, and that was a big step for him. Although he didn’t apologize and open up about what was really going on, this was as close as he could get to speaking the truth at that moment.

Says 79 – Editing book 2 realizations

It’s funny how you can read or listen to something several times and not pick up on the mistakes. There was one topic that I wrote where I noticed that I was switching between different subject pronouns like, I, you, we and they, all in the same paragraph. I was staying on topic, but using the different pronouns made it confusing.

The other thing was that I thought my last edit would be the final one, yet as I’m going through it again, I’m not only picking up sentence structure and grammar errors, but also errors in content, where I missed or added a word that changed the meaning of the sentence. I only noticed it a couple of times, but it was important and I’m glad I caught it when I did. I’m also wondering what other things have I missed?

Ahhhh, I just heard, “You were too busy trying to type what you were reading from your journals and remembering. Your fingers were not keeping up with your Mind and you were not focused on sentence form and structure at the time. Also the program you are using auto-completed some words, thereby giving the sentence a different meaning .”

Says 78 – Bell Canada “Prepaid plan” a rip off.

2012 Aug 09 Well it took a month to find out that was what told and sold by the Bell Canada rep, was a lie and a scam. That like my post – Says 64 – Rogers “Pay-as-you-go” a rip off and an outrage! Bell Canada is just as bad, if not worse than Rogers, just in a different way. It turns out that the ($10.75/month) prepaid plan that I was on, which stated that local calls were billed at $.10/min was a truth, but only a part truth. I started my Bell cell phone plan on July 07 and on Aug 02, I topped up my account with a $25.00/2 month prepaid amount as it was getting down to the $3.00 make . A couple of days ago I was curious as to how much I had left and it was $24.80. Today, after receiving a long distance plan which lasted maybe three minutes, I again checked my account. I was shocked to learn that I now had $13.40 in my account.

I went back to the Source (A Bell owned electronic store) where I originally got the phone activated and they told me to call #321 and I could find out what the charges were. I tried that but I got was all automated services that were of no help. I then went to the Bell store and talked to the rep and she now told me the real story of my charges.

She said that the $10.75 monthly plan I had signed up for was a MONTHLY fee for the Bell service, but that it did NOT include any airtime. So now from the $25.00/2 month I recently spent to top up my account, $10.75 goes to this month’s service fee and I’ll also be billed another $10.75 next month. That leaves me with a total of $3.50 that is available for airtime during the next 2 months and at $.10/min, that gives me 35 minutes, or a STAGGERING ….. $.714 cents/minute when I take in account the $25.00 I already paid for privilege of using Bell and divide it by the 35 minutes airtime. The next upgrade on the prepaid plan is to pay $50.00/2 months. That would give me $28.50 of airtime and at $.10/min, works out to 280 minutes. Taking the $50.00 and dividing it by 280 minutes, works out that I’ll be paying almost $.18/minute and not the $10 as advertized…

Bell Canada is just another greedy, money hungry business putting it to the consumer because they have our so-called POLITICIANS in their pocket. Canada has the highest cell phone rates in the WORLD. and our F**king politicians see nothing wrong, or they are going to spend more taxpayers money to STUDY the problem, and of course, like they do with the price of gas, they will find nothing wrong… WTF!

UPDATE: 2012 Aug 10 Bell to buy Astral Media Canada would suffer from the highest level of cross-media ownership – meaning that our communications would be controlled by a select few media conglomerates.

Says 77 – Re-focusing on eBook 2 – final edit

2012 Aug 07 The past few days I have begun proof reading and re-editing eBook 2 – My Journey – Three Levels of Healing. The present website version is still v1.9 but I’m now working on v4.3. In this edit, I’m mainly looking for and punctuation errors but I’m re-phrasing, and adding or deleting the odd word or words from the last edit. It’s amazing, as no matter how many times I edit it, there is always something that I missed. I wrote the material, so while my eyes scan what is written, I know what I said or wanted to say in my Mind. I’ve been using Natural Reader a free text to speech program to do my recent editing and that too is now becoming somewhat ineffective as I’ve listened to my material several times. I’m using Natural reader mainly to listen to how my words flows, while also using my eyes to spot what I think are punctuation errors.

It would be nice to have another person that has never read my work, do an edit, but I can’t afford a professional one so I’ll just have to do the best I can. So what it it’s not grammatically “perfect,” according to some English language rules. It’s interesting that even though society puts emphasis on good grammar and spelling, we can still read and understand what the writer meant if the spelling is terrible.. Here is an internet example. You can still read bad spelling

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it

I’m thinking that when I finish eBook 2 and Book 3, that I’ll also redo my website and have it so that if anyone wants my published eBooks, (1, 2, and 3) that they will have to email me and I will email it to them. I’ll have to wait and see what happens when I go to get the books published in print through a POD publisher, and how the eBooks will be handled. I’m not looking at making money (or at least, as little as possible) off the printed books, and would certainly still like to have the eBooks distributed for free.

Says 76 – I now have a room for Sept 01

2012 Aug 02 I’ve been watching Kijiji for a few weeks looking for a new place to live. Today I saw a room listed in the city of Brantford, Ont, that’s about 30 minutes from Woodstock. A little further than I wanted to be from Woodstock, but what the heck. I called the number and made an appointment to see the room at 2:00 pm. Just before that, I got an email regarding a furnished Bachelor apartment in Woodstock and I had arranged to see it at 4:00pm.

I drove to Brantford and with the help of my Garmin, I found the place okay. I met the woman who showed me the room, which was actually the master bedroom that is at the back of the house. It’s quite large (12 x 15) not counting a huge double closet. The bathroom is next door that I’ll be sharing with the other tenant. She showed me the rest of the house and it was quite comfortable. She was very personable and easy to talk with. I told her about the bachelor apartment that I would be seeing at 4:00 pm and told her I’d let her know after I saw it.

At 3:50 pm, I went to see the third floor bachelor apartment but the woman never showed up so I left at 4:15 pm. She didn’t have to show me the apartment as I recognized the place from a few years earlier when I worked at Mel’s Fish and Chips, a nearby business. The place on the corner, next door to the apartment was a tattoo parlor that also sold drug paraphernalia and Goth merchandise. I remember druggies hanging around at all hours, and today was no different. I parked in the back and walked around to the front entrance. It was filthy, with dirt filled carpet, old peeling paint and graffiti on the walls. While I didn’t see a roach in the entrance, when I walked back to the parking lot at the rear of the building, I could smell one coming from the Tattoo Parlor next door on the corner. This is definitely not the place for me.

I went back to my room and called the woman in Brantford telling her that I’d take the room and asked if she wanted the rent tonight, or tomorrow. She said that tonight was fine and that she would like me to meet her husband before I/she decided, just in case there was any problems. I arrived at 7:15pm and left at 9:15 pm. The three of us had a good chat, (seemed like old times) as we talked about and shared similar views on numerous topics. So now, I have a room for Sept 1. I may be able to move in sooner, depending on when the present tenant moves out to live in Toronto, where he going to be working.

It’s a nice trip from Woodstock to Brantford as Hwy 403 is a double lane divided highway. It’s only 43 km (27 miles) and it took only 35 minutes to drive from downtown Woodstock and pull up in front of my future home. So the time and distance isn’t going to be a big issue when I drive into Woodstock to see my daughter /son-in-law and my grandkids.

I haven’t told my present landlords, as I found out that they had been in my room again when I was out this afternoon. I have now put notes in my drawers, closet and fridge that say… ”Fuck off you snoops!” They will only see them when they come into my room and snoop where they have no business being, and if they get pissed off, I’ll know why. As long as they are assholes and snooping, I’ll keep them in the dark about my finding a new place until I’m good and ready.

Says 75 – Evolution not Revolution

In going through my stuff, I had picked up an old business card from a Doctor I visited when I was out West. I noticed the name of the Health care centre (clinic) that he worked out of at the top of the card, but what caught my attention wasn’t the name, but the caption underneath it that read,

“A Revolution in Health Care”

I thought about it for a few seconds and realized that any REVOLUTION doesn’t really change anything as a revolution by definition is simply a rotation of 360 degrees, a complete circle or cycle ending back at the same point. While it’s true that people, places and things can change with each revolution, what doesn’t change are the basic thoughts, ideas, imprints, programs and beliefs that the people have. When people feel they are being controlled and over-powered, they seek to overthrow those they feel are in a position of power so that they can become the ones in power and in control. So in reality there is only a change in form.

Later I thought that what we need is not a revolution, to overthrow the powers to be, but an evolution, a letting go of all our old imprints, programs and beliefs that will then enable us to create what we really desire in a totally new way, from a new blueprint. Humanity needs to awaken to a new awareness of themselves and all that is around them. To see themselves for who they really are, and not what they think and believe they are and what society presently projects they should be or try to be. They need to become aware that they are a Spiritual Being having a physical experience, and not just a physical Body coping as best they can with the life they are experiencing, and waiting for death to become a spiritual Being and have a better life. Humanities thinking is all backwards.

Says 73 – I found the cause of the pain in my neck.

2012 July 31 I had previously mentioned that I had a sore neck Says 67 – Pain in the neck and had put it down to my moving and helping my ex-wife move and arrange her furniture, but today I realized what was really going on. The irony is that the pain in my neck is directly connected to my landlord.

The landlord has been turning the A/C (Air Conditioning) off at around 8:00 pm and has been opening the doors and kitchen windows in an attempt to let cool air circulate during the night. Then anytime from 9:00 am – 11:00 am, he would turn on the A/C and close the doors and windows. Because he has been controlling the A/C, and opening and closing windows, I’ve been forced to follow his routine if I wanted any sort of comfort.

Today I realized why I have a sore neck. My window in this old Victorian house is huge, It’ measures 54 inches across and is 48 inches in height. I’ve been lifting it up about 18 inches, with my left hand while inserting a board to hold the window open. As I was opening the window today, I could feel the strain in my shoulder and neck and immediately realized that it was my opening and closing the window that had created my sore neck. Not only was this window the problem, but there is also a storm window that also needed to be opened and closed and the right hand lever was broken so it always jams in its tracks, and that also added more strain to my arms, shoulders and neck.

I’ve now decided to just leave the window partly open, day and night. If he wants to shut and open it when he shuts and opens the others, he is welcome to do it. My door is closed during the day, so any cool air that would be lost is only from my room, so it should be no skin off his nose that I leave it open.

PS: This is an actual picture of part of my room and the window in question.

Says 72 – Chat with the landlords – leaving the end of August.

2012 July 28 Saturday 11;00 am. The landlord came to my room and asked me if I had found another place yet. I invited him into my room and we had a little chat. I stated that I liked the room and the other people living here and that I’d like to stay, but that we need to clear the air. I said that I speak my mind and ask questions when I am confused or feel someone is trying to manipulate or bullshit me. And just because I express myself, that doesn’t mean that I’m the bad one for uncovering the truth that another person is trying to hide.

I asked about the A/C and was given several BS stories. I asked about why you went into my room without permission, and you questioned my questioning you. And most recently my asking your wife why she was up here at midnight, making a noise, and basically telling me to fuck off. Me asking questions is NOT the problem. You guys not answering my question in a forthright and honest manner and lying, omitting, avoiding or denying is the problem.

He then began his response by saying that what goes on between us, stays with us. We don’t like you talking with the other tenants and stirring things up. I said that the other tenants come to me and tell me things but they are too shit scared to confront you or your wife. I told him that I don’t keep secrets and I don’t hide the truth. If the problem is uncovered and the truth is honestly and openly expressed, then there is no longer a problem as it will be resolved. The problem only continues to be a problem as long as we try to deny and cover up that there is a problem.

If I were to say nothing or to agree with you even if I did it just to make you happy, then I’d be just like you, a person that lies, omits, avoid and denies telling the truth. What would make you happy is for me to obey you and agree with anything you say or do. My being real and honest is not what you want to hear, as you would like to have obedient tenants that are just grateful for what you give them, and do what you want without question, as having that power and control over others is what makes you and your wife happy.

He then suggested that I meet with him and his wife later to discuss the matter, but she was busy showing the room across the hall from me and wasn’t going to be free until early afternoon.

1:30 pm, I went downstairs and had a meeting with both, and the woman was adamant in getting rid of me, as no matter what I said, she avoided or denied answering my direct questions. In the end, the only thing that was resolved was that I would be out by Friday, August 31 (or before) if I found another place sooner. They also stated that if I left sooner, that they would reimburse me the number of days I had left to the end of the month if I paid the full month’s rent, and also return my $100.00 deposit. The landlord extended his hand and I accepted the offer.

Says 71 – Went to look at a room

July 27 9:00 pm. With the month quickly ending and rent due, and not having an alternative place to live, I went to look at a room where the owner only had one tenant. It was a small two-bedroom home in a nice neighborhood, opposite a small park. When I went in, I could tell that the guy either was never married, or was divorced and never did much around the house. While it was basically clean, but it was also messy and dark, like in dark kitchen and furniture. He also had a one-year-old German shepherd dog that had a bed by the front door that was full of hair. The guy seemed nice enough and worked days at a local factory.

The bedroom was small, I’d say it was only 10’ x 10.’ It was had to really tell with all the BIG stuff in the room. As you walked in, you were greeted on the right side by a giant five foot TV, that jutted out a good 2 feet from the wall. Then beside the TV was a small computer desk, that you had to move if you wanted to open the door to get into the closet. The room had a regular bed that was situated more or less in the middle of the room with the headboard against the wall under the window.

To the top right side of the bed in the corner was a nightstand and on top of it was a small bar fridge. To the left of the bed, in the middle of the wall was a gigantic tallboy dresser that had to be almost seven feet tall with three draws on the bottom section and two doors on the upper section. You could only open the bottom three drawers maybe six inches, before you would hit the side of the bed. He said the person that was presently renting the room was using it for clothes and also for his food and pots and pans. To say it was cramped would be an understatement. I said I would be interested, but the TV would definitely have to go and the room would have to be re-arranged so that I could use the entire tallboy comfortably. He said he had two other people coming to have a look at it on Saturday, and that if I was interested, he’d give me a call.

Later when I thought more about it, I really didn’t want it. It was also not going to be available until Aug 06, so that would mean if I moved out of where I am presently living at the end of the month, that I would have to find a room for a few days. Things seemed to be all up in the air and I didn’t know what I was going to do,yet at the same time, I wasn’t really worried or anxious.

PS: Update. He never called me and I never called him..

Says 70 – I got my hair cut

July 25 I decided today to get my shoulder length haircut that I had been wearing in a ponytail during the day. After I had it cut, I realized that I never took any profile picture with it. I have a picture of it that my daughter took a couple of weeks ago when I was playing with my grand-daughter. It’s now about 3 -4 inches in length, same length as in this picture, except a little more gray.

Says 69 – Things that go thump in the night

July 25 Wednesday, Last night I was fast asleep, when at 11:55 pm, I was startled from my sleep by a series of loud bangs that sounded like they were coming from the kitchen. My bed is next the kitchen wall, so the direction of the clamor was easy to identify. Previously, if someone was getting up for a midnight snack, I might hear them move around, but not like this.

I quickly got dressed and made my way out to the hallway and down toward the kitchen only to see the landlady hurriedly walking toward the exit door. I called out, “What the hell is going on?” She didn’t even turn around but as she opened the door, she told me to, “Go back to bed John.” While those are the words she used, her tone and manner were much more abrasive and I know she left out two nasty words at the beginning of her comment.

I didn’t peruse her, but I could hear her talking to her husband but I couldn’t make it out. I returned to my bedroom and tried to go back to sleep, which took several hours. This wasn’t the first time that she has been up here in the middle of the night. Early in my stay here, I heard her vacuuming the floor after midnight, and a tenant I was speaking to the other day said he has heard vacuuming her as late at 3:00 am. A few weeks ago, I heard her preparing the room across the hallway from me at 3:00 am. When I went out to investigate the commotion that had woke me up, and she told me that this young guy needed a place to crash for the night and she was letting him have that room. Strange that a guy needs a room in a private house at 3:00 am and even stranger that she takes the call and lets him stay, like this is some kind of a motel.

Says 68 – Tenants internet off and on – Tennant cleaning up after others – Owner asks me when I was leaving

July 21 A couple of days ago, the woman that has a room down the hallway from me, asked if the internet was working. I checked my computer and told her it was. She asked me again yesterday and said she just couldn’t figure out what the problem was as it was working fine and she never made any changes. Today she came to my room and told that this morning she ran her Windows internet repair program and it came back saying that she had been manually discounted. She said she went downstairs and raised hell, saying that she wanted to be re-hooked up instantly. She didn’t go into all the details, but suffice to say, her internet is now working. More owner hanky-panky.

I went to make breakfast this morning and found the youngest tenant cleaning the kitchen. He had already cleaned the bathroom and was now half way though cleaning the kitchen. I asked him why he was cleaning and he said that if he didn’t do it, nobody would. I said that I clean up after myself and I expect others to do the same. I know you do, so that only leaves a couple of people that are the problem. I said that if you keep cleaning up after them instead of confronting them, then they will just be happy to let you continue to be their mother and clean up after them. I said I’ve purposely let it get dirty as I wanted to make a point and confront them, but now that you have destroyed the evidence, there is nothing I can do. I told him how I got fed up with the dishes being left in the kitchen sink and how I removed them and put them and put them on a bottom shelf. After a couple of times he got the message and as you have noticed, there are no more dirty dishes in the kitchen sink.

I said some people are stupid and don’t know any better and if you stop to educate them, they will learn and change their ways. Other people only pretend to be stupid, not notice, or admit they can’t do certain things, but when asked if they want to learn, they quickly find some excuse as they have no intent to clean up after themselves as they are too happy letting others do it for them. It’s then that you need to take a stand and stop enabling them by doing it for them. In both case, if nothing is said and if you don’t make a stand to stop abusing yourself by doing it for them, then nothing changes and you will continue to be the victim.

He disagreed and then got upset when I mentioned that he could remove the stove knobs, instead of trying to clean under them like he was doing. He said, I know! Do you think I’m a child? With that outburst, he left without finishing what he had started. It’s not the first time we have had an exchange and he has left, but later, after thinking about it, he has always come around.

Later the owner was up to see me today and asked me when I was leaving. I said I had no immediate plans to leave. We had a little chat and for now, things appear to be quiet. I’m looking for another place but there is nothing new that is suitable. They are either looking for students or females only, or its smoking, or it’s just a repeat of one that I have seen and am not interested in, and it appears, neither are others.

Says 67 – Pain in the neck

July 19 Thursday – I awoke yesterday with a stiff and sore neck and I still have it this morning. I blamed it on the way I slept, but I just can’t seem to work it out, even with a massage vibrator. I think I’ll have to go see my Chiropractor to get him to do a little adjustment. It’s mostly on the left side of my neck and shoulder.

July 20 I saw the Chiropractor and he gave my neck and back a few adjustments. He asked me if had been doing any heaving lifting recently and at first I said no, but then when I thought about it, I said yes. I have another appointment next week.

Says 66 – Owners snooping in my room – Flip-flop trap.

July 16 I had my suspicions that the rental property owners were going into my room when I was gone. To prove my hunch, I placed a flip flop against the door so that I could open the door far enough to get out and back in, without flipping the flip flop. I laid the trap and sure enough when I came back and slowly opened the door only enough to get my head in to take a peer, I saw that the trap had been sprung. Even more incriminating was the fact that the flip flop had not just fallen, it had been neatly stacked up on the other one and not where it should be, had they ,or I opened the door too far.

I went downstairs and rang the doorbell. The male owner came to the door just as his wife was coming up the walkway.I asked them both, “Why were you in my room?” They answered simultaneously, one saying they weren’t in my room, and the other saying that they were just checking the A/C. Busted again. I told them they had no right to go into my room without my permission, or there being an emergency. The A/C is something that can be checked anytime, so why wait until I am out of my room to do your check and what is there to check except to see that my vent is open. More bullshit.
The woman asked me, “So when are you leaving?” I replied, “When I find a place, I’ll let you know.”

Later I looked on Kijiji and found three places that “looked” okay, so I emailed them.

Says 65 – Shower bars – Dent cheque – A/C bullshit issues

2012 July 09 – I did some more work for ex-wife’s apartment. I also took back two shower safety bars, as I didn’t want to install them in her tiled bathroom because if I cracked a tile, it would be an expensive fix up job. She approached the apartment superintendent and he said that his maintenance man wouldn’t do it either and suggested she find a professional bathroom installed to have it done. She doesn’t want to put out the money, so she is going to look around and see if she can find some with suction cups.

July 14, A week after I arrived in Woodstock, I had the dents and scratches fixed by a local dent repair shop and had sent the invoice to Superstore back in Regina Sask. to get reimbursed. Today I received a cheque in the mail, paid in full. Thank you!

4:30 pm I saw the home owner upstairs talking to one of the other tenants and I complained about the A/C and how it was off and on at different times and also how it fluctuated between operating at different temperatures from 24 – 26 degrees C to 27 to 29 degrees C where it was at the present moment

He gave me all kinds of excuses including blaming the humidity of affecting the newly installed electronic temperature sensor. I looked at him and called him on his BS and he made up another excuse. After he had finished talking to the other tenant, he came out to the deck where I was and said he was going to crank up the A/C as I was hot as a firecracker. About 15 minutes later, the temperature had dropped to 26 degrees C and was still falling.

I was speaking with another tenant and he told me the A/C has always been a problem as is the heat in the wintertime as he often needs to war layers and a sweater to keep warm. I said what about a little space heater, and he said that they don’t allow it. Then on another topic, he went on to say that several times he has heard a noise outside his door, and when he opened it, he has found the owner (woman) just standing there. He said that she would act surprised when he opened the door, but not as surprised as he was to see her standing there at 2:00 in the morning. He also said that it just didn’t happen once and that often, she would be upstairs cleaning and running the vacuum cleaner at 3:00 am in the morning. This place is just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Says 64 – Rogers “Pay-as-you-go” a rip off and an outrage!

2012 July 08 I had a cell phone with a pre-paid “pay-as-you-go” plan with Rogers for the past year. I had only used it for emergency calls, and if someone called me, I’d call them back using Skype on the internet where only costs me $3.00/month and I can call any phone in North America, and talk for as long as I want. With the move back to Ontario, I’ve been using it quite a bit and my $100.00 pre-paid card is almost empty. It’s little wonder when I get billed $.40/minute, or part therof, for any local call and $1.20/min or part therof for any long distance call. Rogers’ cell rates are outrageous and a rip off.

I checked around and found that Bell now had the lowest pay-as-you-go rates, that being $.10/min. for local calls and $.30/min. for long distance.
My ex-wife gave me her old phone a Samsung B3410 as she now has as iPhone. It was activated on the Rogers network, so I went online and got cellunlocker to send me the unlock key. I tried it and while it unlocked the phone, when I went to Bell to try to get it activated on their system, but it didn’t work.

I decided to try to buy a used Bell phone on Kijiji. I quickly found a Samsung m320 for $15.00 that had been on the Bell system. It was a flip phone with a camera and voice recorder. I then got it activated with Bell and got a one month card and now I’m good to go and no longer paranoid about using the cell phone longer than a minute.

2012 July 29 Update: This just out…. Rogers profits up again
2012 Aug 09 Update: Rogers battles for right to lie to consumers

Says 63 – Another new tenant moves in and out next door

2012 July 08 A man about my age moved in to the room across the hall five days ago and moved out today. He was also fed up with the BS he is getting from owners living below. Like the woman before him, he complained about the heat and that he wasn’t allowed to keep his door open. He was also chastised for drinking a beer outside on the balcony.

Actually I had bought a 6-pack of Corona the day before as it was hot and humid and it reminded me of Mexico and I remembered how good a corona tasted . When he came home from work, I asked him if he would like a cool one. He said he’d love one and invited me to join him on his balcony for some “fresh” air. We were sitting on the small deck off his room, quietly chatting and sipping our beer, when both owners came up and knocked on his door. He closed the balcony door and went to see them. I could hear them talking, but I couldn’t really make out what was being said.

Later, he came back out and told me that they didn’t want any drinking from bottles on the deck, and that if he had a beer, he was to have it in a glass. They never said anything to me cause if they had, I would have asked them if drinking pop from a bottle was ok, and if they said yes, I would have pulled out my Dad’s root beer that looks like a dark beer bottle…

He emailed me later saying that when he went downstairs to get some of his money back, as he had paid for a month, they refused. He said that when he promised to take them to small claims court and to also see various government agencies as to the conditions, they quickly reversed themselves and gave him back 3 weeks rent, saying that they were glad to get rid of a trouble maker and a whiner.

Says 62 – Another run in with a government agency bureaucrat

2012 July 06, Today I went to the local ServiceOntario centre the Motor Vehicle agent to get my address changed on my drivers’ license and motor vehicle registration. I got the first woman of three behind the counter and everything went smooth until she finished and asked me if I also wanted to change the address on my OHIP (Health card). I said sure; and as she entered the data into the computer she made some strange faces and told me that my OHIP Health Insurance had been cancelled and that I needed to get a new card to get it reinstated. I said I was confused as I knew they were changing over to new photo ID cards, but not that they were cancelling the old ones. I also said that I have used it the past few months and no one said anything.

Anyway, I didn’t want to be without any health insurance, so I went home and got my birth certificate and SIN card (to PROVE my identity) and went back to the agency and waited in line. As luck would have it, I didn’t get the same woman I went to earlier. Instead I got the second one, the same nasty ignorant woman that I had before when I had a problem with getting my vehicle license for my Honda. Says 57 But I was open to see what would happen this time so I gave her my documents and she filled out the data on her computer and then asked me to sign a form she handed me. She hassled me on my signature going out of the lines and I finally, after two failed attempts, scribbled a miniature signature BETWEEN THE LINES IN SMALL RECTANGULAR BOX. That made her happy, even though it didn’t look like my signature. When all was finished, I said, I’ll like to have my card back so that….. “ But before I even finished, she sarcastically stated that I couldn’t get it back. I was angry at her cutting me off and at her tone of voice. I said calmly. “You never even let me finish what I was saying before you rudely and ignorantly cut me off… Can you listen to what I have to say? She again interrupted and stated belligerently,” You can’t have your card back.”

I wasn’t going to let this die, so now I raised my voice so that everyone in the office could hear me and again repeated myself, “Can I finish what I was saying and will you listen?” But this time, before she could open her mouth, I continued, “I have some important information taped to the back of the card regarding certain drugs that I am allergic to. I want to copy them down so that I can transfer it to the new card when I get it so that if I happen to be in an accident and unconscious and someone goes through my wallet and finds my health card, they will also see what drugs NOT to give me.”

She stared coldly at me and again stated that she can’t return the card. Just then, the third woman in the office chimed in and asked this brain dead bureaucrat if there was something written on the card. The woman replied, yes, there is. The third woman then said, “Why don’t you just give him a photo copy of the health card with his notes on it?” She looked stunned. She then slowly turned, rolled off her stool, and waddled to the photocopier, made a copy, returned to her station and shoved the copy at me. I took it and said in a sarcastic tone, “Now was that so hard?” As I turned to leave, I noticed that the first woman that had previously served me was giving me a dirty look. I glared back at her but didn’t say anything as I knew, she knew what I was thinking and she quickly lowered her head and turned back to her computer monitor. Some people waiting in line smiled as I made my way past them, while others looked pissed off. I smiled at them all.

Says 61 – Met a New Age woman from the internet

July 06 I drove to Kitchener to meet a woman that I had met on an internet forum that suggested that we meet for coffee and a chat. It was the first time that I met another new age person on line that only lived ½ hour away from me. We met at a coffee shop and talked for about an hour and a half, and left with her giving me an invitation to go canoeing.

That was on Friday, but by Sunday, she had not only withdrawn the offer, but stated that she wanted nothing more to do with me. It seems that during our little coffee time chat, she had been activated by my story of communicating with demons, and saying that they are only around you when they think you are about to move out of being controlled by them. Otherwise, when you are a good sheeple, they leave you alone as you are following their orders nicely. In her emails to me she also accused me of being dark and unloving energy as I had channeled them. I replied that during our coffee chat, I made it clear that I didn’t seek to communicate with them, that they came to me. That when I felt their presence around me, I had a conversation with them and I also said that you can learn a lot from them if you are not in denial and ask them questions and FEEL what they are saying or not saying.

She didn’t say anything at the time of our coffee meeting (denial), but later, when she had time to re-live her activation and denials, she couldn’t face her fear of demons and blamed me as being aligned with the dark side and one that she never wanted to be associated with. Hence her fear was activated and her way of avoiding it was to avoid me. So what else is new?