In watching this video clip The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina, I found it interesting that one of the victims stated that he felt he was treated like he was in a third world country. (~5 min mark) I thought how strange that he has no objections over the USA committing terror, abuse and war crimes to others classified as third world countries, but doesn’t like it when he is treated that way. I felt that what is in store for America is Karma, and as they say, ”Payback is a bitch.”
Category Archives: Society – Culture
Says 138 – American Idol – Dumbed down society
2013 Feb 13 I’ve watched American Idol over the twelve seasons and while I was originally captivated by the performances, I haven’t been a true fan and in the past few years, and I’ve only stopped to watch it a few times. Last night, while channel surfing, I happened to stumble upon the girls group night and watched it for about 20 minutes. What I noticed and was shocked by was how many girls couldn’t remember the lyrics to the songs they were singing and were writing crib notes they printed on their hands and arms. In the past seasons, there were only a handful of contestants that had trouble with their lyrics, but last night, it was like an epidemic.
My first thought was that these girls (and youth in general) have been dumbed down and they aren’t even aware of it. Whether it’s because of the chem-trails polluting the air, the fluoride and chemicals in the water and the chemicals and GMO food they eat, something is definitely affecting them mentally as they are not BRIGHT. Something has happened in the last 5 -10 years that has drastically altered the intellect and memory of our youth. Something is very wrong with this picture and it isn’t pretty… If this continues to happen, what will the next group of wanna be idols be like in another five – ten years? Reading lines from a teleprompter? That is if they are still able to read.
Says 133 – Land of Pan and Sandy Hook
2013 Jan 19 The Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut reminds me of a story in the RUOW books and the dark Wizard (Lucifer) Book 1 (Chapter – The Land of Pan). The story is about how the Dark Wizard had organized duel contests, where he defeated every wizard that challenged him by denying the validity of the others wizards approach, and by insisting that the duels had to be done according to his rules. Some wizards that saw the duels refused his challenge and said he should be stopped. Others said that he was not such a bad guy after all, and still others tried to quiet their fears by telling themselves and others that he wasn’t really gaining power, that it was only an illusion that they weren’t going to believe.
The Dark Wizard gained a lot of energy from these denials on which to feed and he got more and more powerful and found that he could do things right in front of others that they did not want to see, and they would not see them. If he was noticed, he denied what he was actually doing and said he was doing something else. Some that didn’t want to accept the horror of what was actually happening helped the wizard explain away his outrages.
Sandy Hook is a repeat of what happened in Pan, only in a different form. As long as the general public, “sheeple” continue to deny the reality they are experiencing, their reality will not only, not change, but will get worse. They avoid and deny what they see and feel because they have a false sense of hope, and have convinced themselves that things aren’t really as bad as others make them out to be and that the government will fix the problem, or that someone will save the day. Sad to say, it doesn’t look like they are going to change their denial based point-of-view until it is right in their face and up close and personal, and then watch them scream about the injustice and heartlessness they are experiencing, and then they will either be begging for help or trying to fight their oppressors.
We have been brainwashed for eons and naively believe and accept the illusions we experience, as being natural and reality. Politics, religion, media, etc., are all power and control based tools used by those in a position of power to maintain and expand their empires. The hypocrisy and unlovingness that is happening now, I witnessed and felt on a smaller scale as a child and I have seen it steadily increase, to where it is now becoming blatantly obvious and an in your face experience, yet people still continue to deny the falseness and heartlessness of it all. Politicians, religious leaders, media, etc., are caught red handed in their denials, lies, deception and heartlessness, yet it’s all dismissed by the general population (sheeple) as normal, while those that are aware and speak up, are shamed and ridiculed.
The awareness that there is something majorly wrong with this reality is what I call “the quickening,” the beginning of the stirrings of consciousness. The real challenge is to awaken and heal the parts of our Essence that has been damaged by our living in this heartless reality as that is when things will truly change.
Says 126 – Dumb as a bag of hammers
2012 Dec 28 Friday. Paul saw me take stuff out to my Honda and asked me if I was moving out today. I said I wasn’t, that I was just loading some stuff while the weather was nice as it was supposed to snow the next few days.
Later he asked me again when I was moving out. I said the end of the month , maybe sooner but I have to wait until the guy moves out before I can move in. He said that it would be good if I moved out tomorrow as he has a lot to do as his girlfriend and daughter are moving in. I then asked if his girlfriend had to be out on the 31st. He said yes, and that she has a lot of stuff to move and I’d like to have you out so that she can move in.
I then stated that while she has to be out of her apartment on the 31’st, that doesn’t mean that she can’t move in before that, as she can move in to you house anytime. Why don’t you move her stuff into the spare bedroom, or fill up your living and dining room or the room downstairs or even the garage so that you don’t have to move her on the 31st.
He then said that he has to paint my room before she moves in and it’s best to paint with no furniture in the room. I said, yes, But if I don’t get my apt before the 31st, I’ll still be here and you will be moving her on the same day I’m moving out.
He then said that he would not be home on the 31st, and added in a demanding tone that he wanted me out for sure on Monday, and with that he left the room and went upstairs. I assumed that he was going to a New Years Eve party, so the question is, how is he planning on moving his girlfriend and paint the room if he is not even going to be around, and neither is she, as I assumes she is going to the party with him. He has had almost 6 weeks to paint the bedrooms and begin to move her stuff in and he is only now beginning to think about it. Dah!!! The boy is a bright as a bag of hammers. My observation is that if he wasn’t stoned 70% of the time or had a alcoholic drink in him the other 30% of the time, he might not have the brain fog he has. Like I told him in a previous unrelated conversation, it’s his life and what he does or doesn’t do with it is his choice and responsibility.
Update: Dec 29 Saturday. Well this afternoon he had his father and his girlfriend over and the three of them began painting the spare bedroom. As I came out of my room, he made a smart assed comment saying, “See, I can paint a room in one day.” I looked at him and replied, “I know you can, you just need to get off your ass and do it.” He looked shocked but never said as word as his father and girlfriend looked at me and at him and said nothing and pretended they didn’t hear me.
Says 125 – Potheads doing what potheads do best
2012 Dec 27 I was working at my computer when I began getting a headache. I thought I had it because I had been at the computer too long. I decided to take a break. As I opened my bedroom door to go to the bathroom, I was greeted with a blast of the odor of marijuana that was overpowering. I immediately felt nauseous and began to cough . Paul and his girlfriend were toking up in his bedroom. This was the third time in the past week and a half that he has intentionally smoked his shit in the house. I guess he figures that as I’m leaving anyway, he can do whatever he wants.
The smell of weed not only makes me cough and wheeze but it also makes me feel sick, dizzy and disoriented and gives me a splitting headache that is focused behind my eyes and lasts for 6 – 10 hours. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper as I had to stop working on editing my book as I couldn’t focus. I hope to get the keys to my bachelor apartment this weekend and I’m out of this shit… Hopefully… 🙂
Says 123 – Newtown Connecticut – Sandy Hook Shootings
There are so many blatant loops holes that are being exposed, that unless a person is blind, deaf and dumb, they can’t see the obvious. 20 children and 6 adults killed, Shooter kills mother at home, then goes to school wearing bulletproof vest and kills the children and then himself. Hand guns found at the scene. Three shooters, one dead at the scene, one in woods and a boy says police handcuffed another that was in the back of a police car. Video and audio of a man caught in woods wearing camouflage and dark jacket says he didn’t do it. Assault weapon found in trunk of car. The Sheriff states that the FBI and other organizations have been called in to deal with “whistle blowers“ that re-post main stream videos or police interviews on social networks. County medical advisor says all children killed with a long rifle, not handgun.
And there is more… Firemen from across the county fly in and pay tribute to a boy that was killed that said he wanted to be a fireman and the media play it up to the max. Then the media posts a US service man dressed up in fatigues, pretending that he is defending against any would be attackers.
But what I really wanted to share is the following two videos clips. One is taken by a non media person and the other is by CNN that later edited and aired it… Either CNN hired an actor to play the part of Robbie Parker, or Robbie Parker is one cold hearted SOB.. See for yourself
Says 122 – 2012-12-21 The end of the World
It’s the beginning of the collapse of the system and the world as we know it, and
the beginning of a new world without the political and religious crap. What is happening now is that all the denials and shit is getting exposed and as it does, the system begins to fall and truth becomes the normal behavior…
Says 119 – Dumbed down Society – Frat boy mentality
December 3 Monday, On Saturday night Paul was in his room smoking weed and playing loud music until just past 11:00 pm. On Sunday morning, he and his girlfriend went out for breakfast and when they returned they smoked up again. I was getting a headache and decided to get out of the house for a while. I went downstairs to put on my shoes and his girlfriend was vacuuming the carpet by the front door. As I put my shoes on, I sarcastically said to her that Paul must really have a sore hand today with all the pot that he’s been smoking. She looked puzzled at first but then got to gist of my words as he had told me he only smokes because his right hand hurts and has arthritis. After supper, they smoked another doobie. It’s like now that I’m moving out, he doesn’t care what he does . I’ve also noticed that when I’m around him and he knows he’s did something, like smoking weed in the house, he whistles or hums which is also a sign of being activated and in denial.
Today, a roommate that was returning from work brought in a hand-delivered letter that had been stuck in the front door, and put it on the kitchen counter. I glanced at it and saw that it was from the local hydroelectric company and had the word URGENT stamped on it in big red letters. It was addressed to the owner and in the lower right hand corner of the address box, I could clearly see the words arrears and disconnect in bold red letters. For him to get such a letter, he has to be a good 2 to 3 months behind in payment. A couple of weeks ago, it was the Internet that was cut off, and now this. That makes me wonder what else is he behind in paying, his mortgage?
It’s interesting that all this is happening as I’m observing that he has a self-centered frat boy mentality and only pretends to be interested in other people if it serves his purpose. While he has a construction type job where he says he is making $25.00/hour, he is just in it for whatever money he can make to help keep him in his life style. I assume that it’s not enough because he also has three room-mates that help pay the bills. What he really likes is just to have fun with his buds, get high, have some drinks, get laid, play sports, add bling to his car, and pretend he has all the money in the world. His girlfriend, that I’ve talked to and call Cinderella, is his lover and mother figure as she picks up after him and cleans the house, while he busies himself looking over his stuff. Besides smoking, he is also brushing his teeth in the kitchen sink again as well as dirty dishes in the sink and on the counter. l know he isn’t stupid, and that what he is doing or not doing is what he has learned and has gotten away with as being acceptable behavior and all this self-centeredness is compounded by the use of pot, hard liquor and beer that clouds his thinking, reasoning and problem solving abilities.
Says 111 – The same issues are resurfacing
2012 Nov. 05 Monday Last night I went downstairs to make supper and I smelt hash/marijuana. I decided to make a quick supper of coleslaw and raw veggies and a dip and took it upstairs to my room to eat it there. I kept my door closed so that it didn’t get any worse but I had a headache for several hours. When I was downstairs, I also noticed that the dirty dishes from last night were still in the sink and on the counter.
Not only that, but the toothbrushes and toothpaste are back on the window sill and behind the kitchen sink. As I was eating my supper, I decided to take my old toothbrush and put it on the kitchen window sill along with the others. I have no intention of using it but I hope it will make him think.
This reminds me of my roommates when I was going to DeVry Tech and when I was working before I got married. At that time, all that my roommates seemed to think and care about was getting drunk, drugs, sex, cars and partying. It’s like nothing else in the world mattered except feeling good and doing what gave them physical pleasure and made them happy, even if it was short lived, they just repeated the cycle. They also liked to present the illusion that they were capable of more thought and physical action, but that’s just how twisted their reality was and how they saw themselves as being something they are not. It’s like their mind is in a fog and they can’t seem to see through it, or rise above it by stopping the substance and physical habits that are creating the fog. The only things they can see are what is in front of their nose, and even then, they only see what they want to see.
Hummmmm. As this issue is reoccurring, it means that this is not the real issue. So what is it that I am not seeing? Humm? That I’m different, that I don’t feel like running with the crowd and doing the things that they are doing. Is that why I never had any real male friends and never had that so called, “male bonding experience?” I believe that female bonding is similar to male bonding, where girls and women need to do similar things that men do, just in a feminine way. It’s like a herd and pack mentality where one just follows and mimics the actions of the leader of the pack. Is this like the dance issue, where I was afraid to be me and that I had to be like the others. YES! I think/feel that is it. It’s just another version of the same program.
Says 110 – Feeding on energy and the money illusion
2012 Nov 04 Sunday. People feed on our energy, just as we are feeding on others. They feed on our energy by what we do, work, play, shop (consumed products) and of course money. It’s in the exchange of money that most of our energy is either given or taken. Everything is energy and we exchange our physical and mental energy to get a piece of paper (money) that we then use to get energy (things) from others.
In all this there is always the middleman, the moneylenders, that feed on the interest they charge for the use of money that they fabricate without really putting anything of their energy into it. The problem with this system is in the governments, corporations, banks and other financial institutions especially the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Canada that charge interest on the money they fabricate. The personal energy it takes to print a $1 or $1,000 bill is the same, yet the interest charged is 1000 fold and doesn’t represent any real work or energy by the people authorizing the printing of it. This interest charged is energy that one needs to provide that is above and beyond what they originally expended. The people receiving this interest payment of energy do so without lifting a finger as it comes from the blood, sweat, and tears of those that are slaves to the system.
Even more of a problem is that people borrow money to buy things that they can’t afford and so they are locked into working to pay the interest on the money they borrowed. They have to work at what they don’t like so that they can have what they desire. They give up years of their lives just to pay interest on the debt they owe so, that the moneylenders can have the life they desire without having to work and do what they don’t want.
The irony is that while we desire to have the ”good life” like the moneylenders and the fat cats in big corporations and government positions, little do we know that by our buying into the mindset they have given us, that we are the ones that have put them in that position, while we have to struggle.
Says 109 – Insight in Dance lessons.
2012 Nov 02 I was thinking of my first day at school and how my dad told me that I would be okay if I just listened and watched and learned to be like the other kids. I couldn’t understand or speak a word of English, as all I knew was German, so I had no idea what was being said or being asked of me. It was to say the least, traumatic. So I took my dad’s words to heart and all my life, I constantly compared myself to others and if I didn’t have, or couldn’t do what they could do, I berate myself that I was not good enough, stupid, a loser, or whatever. I even went so far as to judge my parents and family as I also compared them to other families. Why not? I was part of this family that was not like the others as we lacked this and that, and my program said that this was a reflection on me. As a result, I was never happy and always trying to live up to unobtainable expectations, trying to be like others instead of being me.
The flip-side of this is that when I was being me that brought me joy and happiness, it made others unhappy, envious and hate me. So now my program said, don’t be you as it makes others unhappy, be like the others. Don’t show off your talents and strengths that others don’t have. To facilitate this hideous self-hatred program, I’d deny and sabotage my gifts and talents, and downplay my strengths so that I would be like the others and they would like and accept me. But of course, having already shown my true colors, they were always watching and reminding me not to be me. What a sick and twisted game I played on, and with myself, all the result of this one program that was instilled and imprinted in my young, innocent mind, when it was filled with fear, doubt and confusion on that first day of school.
I feel that these dance lessons are yet another step in my de-programming myself, not totally, but getting to some core root issues. While I still tried to be like the others in that, I was part of a group that was taking dance lessons; I was not trying to be like the others. What I learned was what the teacher was teaching the whole group and how I applied, what I learned was up to me. Others did what they did, and I did what I thought was right and what felt good, and if I was confused and the steps didn’t feel right then I’d get help from the teacher. My dance class last night was fun. Sure I and my partner made mistakes but we also learned and corrected them and there were moments when we were in our own little world, oblivious as to what others were or were not doing. I was being me and enjoying myself and not trying to be like the others, or comparing myself to them.
Says 108 – Dancing coming to an end
While I was waiting for our Oct 30, Tuesday, night dance class to begin, Linda, (my teacher) came over and gave me an envelope containing a birthday card, signed by the people that worked at the studio. It was very touching. It was difficult telling her that I would not be coming back as a part of me really was enjoying it. I also talked to my dance partner, Mila, and told her I was not going to come back and she said that she too wasn’t coming back as she was moving at the end of November, and was going to be too busy.
On Thursday, Nov 01 , I went to my level 1 class and really had fun as I felt that things were finally coming together. I guess the Tuesday night classes are like a practice for me as they are level 2. There’s a part of me that really wants to carry on, but I also know that it won’t work out. Sharon, my level 1 partner said she was going to carry on, but in a different class.
Later that evening I checked into facebook and saw a image with a simple phrase by Dr Suess that resonated with me. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” I felt it was important as it related to the dance lessons, but I still wasn’t sure just how.
Says 107 – Going to quit taking ballroom dance lessons
2012 Oct 31 While I’ve had fun and enjoyed the ballroom dance lessons, I’ve decided that I’m going to quit and not sign up for the next level. The main reason being that in order to feel comfortable and to advance, (add more tools – steps and techniques) I need to practice with a partner. While I can practice my own steps, (right or wrong) at home, it’s a whole different situation when I go to class and am dancing with, and leading a partner that has also not practiced with a partner. If I was practicing with my dance partner, we could help each other and then polish up our moves in class as well as learn the new steps, but that is not the case. While I took international ballroom dance lessons before, (1990 and again briefly in 2006) these classes are American social, so while it is similar, it is also different.
I signed up when I was living in Brantford and have since moved to Woodstock, which is a 35-minute drive in good weather. Even if I had a partner in Brantford to practice with, driving back and forth a couple of times a week and then attending the Tuesday night class is a lot, especially with winter coming on. My last lesson in level one will be on Thursday November 1 and the last class for level 2 will be on Tuesday, November 6.
Says 104 – Another sleepless night and confrontation
2012 Oct 08 2:30 am Well I’ve been awake for a good hour and a half coughing and hacking away from the smell of weed/hash. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and when I opened my door, the unmistakable smell of weed and another smell that could be hash, filled my lungs and I began to cough and hack. When I was in the bathroom, I opened the window and was able to breathe some fresh air. Even though I held my breath when I went back to my room, the damage had been done as I continued to cough, as my lungs were trying to expel the poison they had taken in. This shit tonight is not only affecting my lungs, but is also giving ne a headache and I feel disoriented. I’m letting Paul know tomorrow that I’ll be looking for another place.
9:45 am. I met Paul in the hallway, and told him that I don’t see him giving up his addiction to pot and whatever, so I’ll be looking for a new place and will be moving out by the end of the month. I told him how it was affecting me and even as I talked to him in the hallway, I could feel my breathing getting shorter and my voice raspy, as could he. He said that I was a good tenant and that he didn’t know it affected me in the way that he could now see. He said that he didn’t want me to go and that he would stop using it if it bothered me, and that he would do it outside or away from home. I said, OK, we’ll see.
We talked for a few minutes and I told him that I was also allergic to some men’s cologne and after-shave, women’s perfume, hand sanitizers, air fresheners and cleaning products, etc. and told him what they physically did to me. Well it looks like I might be living here for a while.
Says 100 – Getting settled in with my new digs.
2012 Oct 02 I was looking out my window of my new place, surveying the neighborhood and property when I noticed some “plants” growing between the shed and the backyard fence. I took my camera and used my telephoto zoom to have a closer look and sure enough, there were at least 20 + marijuana plants. So the obvious observation is that if he is growing it, he must also be smoking it. When I was originally looking at the place, he told me that a former OPP officer lived beside him. I wondered what arrangement he had with him that would allow him to grow weed in his backyard. The other thing is that the house is right next to a public school yard. Sure there is a fence, a small buss and a row of cedar trees blocking the view of the plants, but it wouldn’t take much for some curious student to look over the fence and into the yard, especially when the plants are higher than the fence.
20102 Oct 03, Paul, the owner, has a Rottweiler dog that is maybe a year or so old. He keeps the dog locked up in a cage in his room from the time when he leaves to go to work until he gets home at night. Tonight I heard the dog whining as he didn’t get home until around 9:00 pm. I was talking with Harry, the older tenant about the dog and that while I felt sorry for it, I didn’t want to become the dog sitter. Letting the dog out in the back yard, getting it back in and making sure that it wasn’t “chewing” things it shouldn’t and then putting it back it its cage is not a chore that I’m interested in.
This situation reminds me of when I was staying at my ex-wife’s place when she got the standard poodle pup and then had me look after it, taking it for a walk and such. Having a pet, especially a dog is like having a child, as they need not only care but also attention and to lock them in a cage is inhumane. Why have a dog if you can’t look after it in the way it needs to be looked after.
That evening my door was partly open and I could hear Paul talking with Harry across the hallway, and then Paul went into the bathroom to have a shower. A few minutes later a young man that I had never seen before (that had been drinking) popped his head into my room and with nodding head and a drunken grin, slurred, “What’s up?” I was working on my computer at the time and as I looked up at him, I said with a voice of disgust, “What’s up with you and who in the hell are you?” He backed off and I could then hear him talking to Harry and then a moment later, Paul joined the conversation. I could now hear this drunk boasting that they were going to a strip club to see some naked women and that us “older” guys should go as we might get lucky. The last part was either said louder, or the drunk guy had turned his head and directed his comment at me. I didn’t respond as I wasn’t sure if it was meant for me or Harry as I heard Harry talking to him but I couldn’t make out what was being said. Anyway, A few minutes the two of them left.
Paul has a girlfriend that has a four-year-old daughter that I’ve met, so why he feels he needs to go out to see strippers with this drunkard friend is beyond me. Man, what is it with these drunks and potheads and their womanizing.
Says 94 – Having a second look at potential new room
I got an reply email form the woman who had the room for rent stating that she had more questions for me before she decided to rent me the room. I replied that I too had some questions. She wanted me to come over in the morning as she had another person coming to have a look at it in the afternoon. I emailed her saying that the afternoon was more convenient for me but if the other person was ok with her, that she should rent them the room, as each of us still had unanswered questions that didn’t make the deal a certainty. I set up an appointment to see her at 4:00 pm and stated that she was to email me if she rented the room . I never received an email, so I went to see her and asked her what happened with the person that wanted to rent it and she said that she told them it was rented. I asked her why she would say that if we still have questions and we might change our minds about sharing this space. She never replied, but changed the subject.
We chatted for a good half hour and as we went along, I decided that it was not the right place for me for a number of reasons that were not evident on my original visit. She was renting a three bedroom, two-story home with a basement and was asking $500.00/month to help pay the rent, which was 25% higher than most places. She also mentioned that she was going in for a hip replacement in January and was not going to be too mobile for a while, and I felt her hinting things she would like me to do to help her. I asked her why she just didn’t move and get a smaller place, one that she could afford, and a one level apartment that would be easier for her to move around in. She became adamant that she had put too much money into this place to leave it. She was a penny pincher when it came to using hydro, yet didn’t see how she was wasting electrical energy. She had a small kitchen and what she offered me for my food was one shelf in a small cupboard. She was also paranoid about germs and near the end of our conversation she went to the kitchen and used some hand sanitizer which sent me into a coughing fit where I could hardly breathe and I had to go outside for some fresh air. She said that she would buy a different one if that one bothered me, but that really didn’t interest me. In many ways, she reminded me of my ex-wife. Needless to say she was angry when I said I would not take the room, and later she even emailed me telling me how bad I was for leading her on.
Says 93 – Another sleepless night and clearing the air
2012 Sept 19 Kyle was up until 2:00 am last night, or that’s the last time I looked at my clock to see what time it was. At one point, I tried to drown out the sound of his TV and vocals by playing my CD player, but it didn’t do much good.
I woke up at 8:00 am tired and pissed off. I started banging doors, dropping my weights on the floor and opening and slamming my dresser drawers so as to wake up the asshole. At around 10:45 am I thought that maybe he had gone out last night, that he wasn’t in his room, and that all my banging was for nothing. At 11:30 I saw him go to the bathroom and when he returned to his room, I stopped him and we had a little chat. During our conversation it turns out that the reason he slams his door is because it won’t close otherwise. I looked at it and found the screws for the top hinge were loose. I got a screwdriver and tried to tighten them, but they were just turning as if stripped. I told him to report it to the owners and have them fix it. I then showed him that if he lifted the door handle as he was closing the door, that it wouldn’t jam at the top and need to be slammed to close.
I asked him why he didn’t say that when I first commented on his door slamming and he said that he had other things on his mind. It was a good chat and cleared the air somewhat. I told him I was leaving at the end of the month and he mentioned that he was also looking for another place.
Says 92 – The last straw – Eating my Food
2012 Sept 18 6:20 pm. Well that’s it, the last straw. Last night I made a double supper of Chicken fingers, baked potatoes and vegetables, so that I wouldn’t have to cook tonight. Shaneese was in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of wine. Neither of us spoke. I went to the fridge to get my leftovers and when I opened the Tupperware container, my chicken strips were gone. Everything else was still there, but no chicken. When I saw that I exclaimed, “What the fuck!” Shanreese took off like a shot. In an instant she was down the hallway to her bedroom, glass of wine in hand. I then thought, well I’ll just have a piece of Turkey Kielbasa that I hadn’t opened yet. I went to get it and it was also gone. That was 3-4 suppers gone… I ended up frying an egg.
9:00 pm Frank, the owner told me yesterday that he was going to call a house meeting tonight. Previously, I had emailed a woman regarding renting a room so I went to see her tonight. I met the middle-aged woman that was on disability and while the place was okay, I told her I’d get back to her as I wanted to see what would happen at the meeting.
11:00 PM Well the meeting that was supposed to take place, didn’t happen. Frank didn’t get home until 10:00 pm and was having supper when I went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. He came up to me, looking exhausted and told me that he was too tired, physically and mentally to have a meeting. I didn’t say anything as I poured the hot water into my cup, but as I turned to leave, I told him that someone was into my food. He looked surprised and disgusted but didn’t say anything. I left it at that and went back to my room.
Frank has an issue with confrontation and doesn’t have the balls to confront his wife and the young tenants, as she “mother” them, as they are her drinking buddies that eagerly agree with everything she says. Later I emailed the woman and told her that I had a few more questions, but that I was seriously interested in the room.
Says 91 – New understanding of the phrase “Mother-fucker”
2012 Sept 18 As I was going into the kitchen to make my breakfast, I met Kyle as he was just leaving. He didn’t say a word as he made his way past me and down the stairs and out to the garage with his coffee. I went to the counter and saw spilled coffee grounds, sugar and water on the counter. He made a mess but either doesn’t have the mentally ability or the desire to clean up after himself. It’s like he expects his mother to look after him.
I was thinking of Kyle and just got a new understanding of the phrase “Mother Fucker.” It’s what most guys want in the way of a woman in their life. They want a woman that will replace their mother, one that will clean and pick up after them, make their meals, wash their clothes, care for them, etc, and as a bonus, one that they can have sex with anytime they want and anyway they want. But when this mother girlfriend is too tired from doing her stuff and looking after him to have sex, he will find another woman just to have sex with, and one that doesn’t play the part of his mother as all he want from her is sex. So now he has the best of both worlds, a girlfriend that is a mother figure to look after him and another fuck buddy that just wants to party and have a good time. “Mother – Fucker!”
Charlie Harper in the TV series, “Two and a half men” is a classic example of this male mental attitude towards woman, where he has a hired housekeeper “Berta” that looks after him, while he sleeps around with other women. Except that in the TV series, Charlie isn’t having a sexual relationship with Berta..
Says 91 – Drunk and partying with girlfriend
2012 Sept 17 Monday, 11:50 pm Well kyle and his girlfriend are in his room, drinking and watching TV. They have been noisy for the past hour or so, but because I was up, I didn’t say anything and I thought that she would be leaving soon. I was not trying to go to sleep, but with all this commotion, sleep was impossible. Finally I got up and knocked loudly on his door. After a few seconds with no response, I shouted out that if you plan on sleeping in tomorrow, you had better let me get some sleep tonight. “ With that, he pulled open the door, he was angry and had a few too many. He came out into the hallway, yelling at me, “What the fuck!” We got into a little yelling match and when he couldn’t intimidate me, he backed off to his room, yelling at me to never come to his door again. I closed my door and sat on my bed thinking. I heard them turn the TV down, I could still hear it, but it wasn’t blaring like before.
Well I didn’t ask. I asked the owner if there was smoking in the house, to which she said no, smoking is permitted but only outside. What I didn’t ask was… Is pot smoking allowed in the house or outside. Is drinking allowed in the house or outside. Is having friends with benefits allowed? Are sleep-overs allowed? I’ve decided, I’m out of here by the end of the month if things don’t change immediately.
2:00 am Well I woke up again, this time it was Kyle having an argument with his girlfriend. I heard raised voices and banging. I yelled out, “You woke me up again. Don’t expect me to be quiet in the morning when you want to sleep.” A couple of seconds later there was a series of loud noises, cussing and banging on my wall and then silence. But that didn’t last too long as he slammed the door when he went to the bathroom and when he returned.
Says 90 – Confrontation with weed smoking pot-head
September 14 Friday 12:55 PM Well I was awakened again, this time by a commotion coming from the hallway. I opened my door and could see that both Kyle and Shaneese’s doors were open and the lights were on. I could also smell weed. I saw movement in Shaneese’s room and saw her sitting on her bed, leaning forward and smiling like a Cheshire cat, Kyle beside her but not showing his face. I asked what was going on and she smilingly replied, “Nothing, just hanging out and chillin.” In a voice of distain, I snapped, “It’s almost 1:00 am and you woke me up.” She stared blankly at me but said nothing. I went back to my room.
Just as I was writing the experience in my journal, I heard a knock at the door. I opened my door and Shaneese was standing there, smiling and asking me if I had a problem. I snapped back that yes I have a problem. It’s 1:00 am and I was sleeping and you pot heads woke me up. She was still grinning as she made a move toward me as if to come into my room. Before she took a second step, I stepped back and slammed the door in her face. A couple of seconds later I opened it to see a stunned look on her face. She began to give me lip, telling me to F**k off and to never slam the door in her face again. She moved away and started to make her way down the hallway toward the kitchen and as she did, she ordered me to keep my mouth shut. I followed her as she turned to go down the stairs and toward the garage. I told her I wasn’t keeping my mouth shut for anyone and that owners will hear about this. As she made her way into the garage, she said that it doesn’t matter what the f**k I say as she has been here a long time. I snapped back, “Well we’ll see about that.” With her going into the garage, I left and went back into my room and tried to go to sleep.
Well it looks like I wouldn’t be here much longer.
September 15 9:20 AM Shaneese was up when I went to the kitchen to make myself breakfast she didn’t say anything as she walked down the hallway to go to the garage for a smoke. Later I saw both her and Kyle sneaked past the kitchen door and go to their rooms. It will be interesting to see what unfolds when I talk with Frank the owner.
I’ve been around alcoholics, potheads and druggies but now it’s on a personal level as what they are doing is directly affecting me. This addiction is just another form of denial like religion, politics, buying stuff, doing things for others, working, golf, alcohol, hard drugs, prescription drugs and habits are all symptoms of deeper rooted problems. I just realized that my issue with these kids is that I have this belief that they don’t know any better as that is how they been raised. How they were brought up is an issue here and that they do what their parents allowed them to do with no real parental guidance, or having to take responsibility for their actions. In other words there are spoiled kids that control the manipulated their parents and others, as that is what their parents taught them by accepting their form of control and manipulation in allowing them this irresponsible freedom.
I had a chat with Frank, the owner, when he got up he told me he had been working till 3 AM. I realized that that’s why they decided to have a party. Frank said that he was awakened at 4 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep. I told him everything that went on last night and other stuff that has been going on, and he said it’s an acceptable and that he will have a talk with Nancy (his wife) later when she gets home.
Shaneese was out, but Kyle was in his room with the door open listening to what I was saying to Frank, because as I went to the top of the stairs, I saw him close his door.
Says 88 – What’s with the kids now a days?
September 13 Thursday I share the main floor bathroom with two young people, a woman and man both in their early 20’s, and last night I unplugged the toilet for the third time since I’ve been here. Fed up, I decided to post a note on the bathroom mirror stating that if you didn’t use so much toilet paper, the toilet wouldn’t get plugged and also not flush Q-tips down the toilet. It’s not like they are toddlers, as both are old enough to know how to unplug it as the plunger is right behind the toilet. While they are in their 20’s, they act like toddlers, as they just drop and spill things without picking them up and their rooms are what I call a disaster, with clothes and food laying helter-skelter on their furniture and floor.
At around 1:15 AM, Kyle came in and it was his slamming his bedroom door that woke me up. I tried to go back to sleep and just when I was drifting off, he went to the washroom, slamming the door as he was leaving his room, then slamming the bathroom door, entering and leaving, and then slamming his own door again when he went back to his room. I got up and opened my door and called out in a sarcastic tone, “Can you make any more noise you f**king ass hole?” He never said a word. I went to the washroom and then tried to go back to sleep, but it took a while.
This morning I noticed he got up at 11 AM. I saw him as I was going out of the kitchen, but before I could say anything, he rushed by me and went outside to have a cigarette. I didn’t follow him as I felt what’s the use. I really don’t get what it is with some of the 20+ year olds as they seem to be in their own little world and oblivious to other people around them, unless it is for something they want. Maybe I’m just getting old, but I feel that if left to fend for themselves, they would die.
Says 86 – Fast is Faster – Dumb is dumber
Says 85 – Israel doing more saber rattling in preparation for war
2012 Sept 17 Monday Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu
“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Iran was just six to seven months away from the brink of being able to build a nuclear bomb.”
“Netanyahu’s sharpened rhetoric in recent days had stoked speculation that Israel might attack Iran before the U.S. election, believing that Obama would give it military help and not risk alienating pro-Israeli voters.”
“It’s the same fanaticism that you see storming your embassies today. You want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?” Netanyahu asked in the NBC interview, in a clear emotional appeal to Americans still reeling from the angry protests sparked by a film that mocked the Prophet Mohammad.”
What he’s NOT saying, what is being denied is that Israel has a stockpile of Nuclear weapons, and has had for decades. As long as they are the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, they don’t want anyone else with the same capabilities as that would neutralize base of power, which of course, is backed by the USA.
What he’s also not saying about the recent events and killing of US embassy staff is that the people were provoked by the recent release of the film, “Innocence of Muslims,” which is an anti Islam video that claims Islam is a lie and that Mohammed was a pedophile. Muslims are reacting to this religious insult just as Christians would also be outraged if anyone mocked Jesus, or Jews reacting to any anti Moses propaganda. Just because they’re Muslims reacting to their religious beliefs, they are called fanatics, while if that happened to Christians or Jews, their violent outbursts would be deemed justified.
The thing that is starting to come out about this film is that the film was endorsed and funded by the US government. Similar to the recent Colorado “Dark Knight Batman” Theatre Massacre, there is also a cover-up going on as things don’t add up and clearly points the finger at the US government and their agencies.
Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu
Says 84 – Something evil this way comes
Back in February I mentioned that I felt that Israel was getting ready to start a war with Iran. Says 07 – Israel getting ready to attack Iran Well I’ve been watching the headlines on the internet and it’s not far off.
What is interesting to note is that the USA has realized that its position as a world super power is diminishing as it is being seen for power hungry opportunist that it is, and that any move it makes against Iran, will not only be condemned, but also met with not so pleasant reprisals. Not that the US doesn’t have the Military might, but without allies to do some of their dirty work and being spread out across the globe, their resources are stretched and vulnerable. Also, these allies, based on present global opinion, could turn against the US, and that would complicate matters even more.
So now the powers to be behind that US presidential puppet (Obama) have decided to enlist the aid of its neighboring puppet country, CANADA, and its redneck crony, Stephen Harper, to become the unofficial spokesman for the pentagon. Harper spouts off political hearsay and rhetoric about Iran’s nuclear program, while hob knobbing with Israel’s PM, and defending their military stance against Iran. Meanwhile, Obama has given the world the APPEARANCE that the USA is distancing itself from Israel and their military agenda to attack Iran. Note I said the APPERANCE… it’s all an illusion, a façade, as they are actively involved in trying to over throw the Iranian regime.
With all this going on, Canada has recently pulled their embassy officials out of Iran, which is a pretty good indication of things to come and that there is going to be a war… very soon…
To add to this, the illustrious schmuck Harper, has just been awarded the ‘World Statesman of the Year’ award, which is a farce and just as valid and noteworthy as Obama winning the noble peace prize weeks after coming into office.
I say farce as Canada’s international reputation has been going downhill since Harper came into power a few years ago, like recently being rejected from having a seat on the UN Security Council.
We are no longer looked on by the rest of the world as Canadians, but as dumb and numb American puppets. We are now tarred with American shit, and guilty by association, all thanks to our foreign policies of cozying up to US propaganda and the so-called war on Terrorism.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-American,…. I’m just not Pro-American. For that matter, I’m not pro any government as they are all puppets and corrupt. There are a few politicians that TRY to make a difference, but they get blocked, or killed by those in a position of power that are pulling the strings from behind the scenes.