Says 428 – Government, medical and media propaganda

I saw this on the Yahoo website on Monday December 07 at 11:00 am… The headline and article stated that on Monday (today)… Ontario CaNaDa, recorded a new covid record high of 1925 cases. This is a bogus number as to real, one would have to wait until Tuesday to get the facts for Monday and not post a prepared number by Monday mid-morning… I copied the post along with the time in my browser menu bar just to show this is a farce.

Lies, Lies, every where lies in plain sight… and yet the sheeple sleep.

Says 143 – Safer Surfing – making snooping on you more difficult

startpageIt’s time to give Google and Yahoo search engines the boot….. Here are three search engines that protect your privacy while surfing that you can quickly add to your web browser.. Opera and Firefox provide safer surfing than IE (Internet Explorer) or Google Chrome..

Using Opera or Firefox along with one of these search engines is a good hedge against being being tracked and monitored…. Why make it easy for ISP’s, crooks and the government… Oh Golly Gee… . there is no difference ..:) lol

Dont track us

I forgot to mention a great little free software called Ghostery that you can install on your browser that notifies and blocks any trackers that try to follow you on any website that you happen to land on.. It’s surprising to see how many SNOOPS are out there trying to get info on you…