Says 154 – The Death of the Altered Ego

154 - The death of the altered Ego - NOT












This is another picture/word message that I got off the internet. The original image words, “The death of the ego will be the beginning of your real life,” is a part truth. As you can see, I’ve “altered” the image (no pun intended.) 🙂

The following article is taken from my soon to be published second book titled, “My Journey – Three Levels of Healing – Feeling, healing and understanding.” The old “pre-published edition” can be downloaded ( free) from my website at

Our Ego has gotten a bum rap in that it’s our Ego that defines who we are. Our ego is unique; it separates you from me and all the others. The problem is not our Ego but our Altered Ego, altered by our imprints, programs and beliefs and by the many other voices (internal and external) that tell it that it must do this or that to either be accepted or to be in control. Little does the Mind realize that in listening to these other voices, that it’s being altered and controlled. The altered ego is the fake persona or personality that is in a position of power and control as it is not only in control of our Mind, but also the rest of our Being. It also strives to extend its influence and dominate the environment around it, be it people, places or things. The Altered ego is the individual that searches for acceptance and approval outside itself. It strives for success and recognition and defines who they are by their status, achievements, possession, wealth and power. There is also the opposite end where the individual will appear to be a powerless, helpless victim, but it is all an act in that by being considered a victim, they are actually dictating and controlling others around them.

The trouble is that while our Ego is altered, it is also disconnected from our Higher Self Spiritual source. Instead of communicating with our Higher Self, our Ego is being controlled by the unloving voices of the Inner Critic, guilt, shame and denied rage, to name a few. I’m sure that you’ve had several conversations with your Inner Critic when it is telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. Once you begin to end your denials, the inner voices also begin to be silenced and your Ego then begins to communicate with your Higher Self, and that’s when life gets interesting. Your Ego, your true self wants to free itself of the unloving grip of its old imprints, programs and beliefs and also of any unloving energy that has been, and is trying to control it.

154 - Tree in forestA rather simplistic way to look at our Ego is to compare it and ourselves to a tree. While a tree can be one of millions of similar species in a forest, it’s still unique and has its own consciousness. If it were to try to become another tree, to have a different bark, leaves or fruit, or if it wanted to be bigger or change its position, then there would be issues, not only for it, but also for the other trees in the forest that it would affect as it tries to control and change its environment. Another simplistic, but classic example of an altered ego can be found in the tale of “The Ugly Duckling,” by Hans Christian Andersen.

Says 153 – The Mind in Control

Big HeadThis is a graphic and symbolic representation of how humanity has put value and emphasis of importance on the Mind and its thoughts and beliefs…

We are a Spiritual Being having a physical experience. We have four parts to our Being; Spirit (Mind), Soul (Will – intuition, feelings and emotions) Heart and then form or our physical Body, and although they are separate aspects, they are all connected and function as one. Presently, it’s the Mind that is in CONTROL of the other parts of our being, and as you can see, there is no BALANCE in that.

In order for balance to return, our Mind needs to stop being the dictator and let go of being in a position of power and in control of the other parts of our Being. To do that, it needs to let go of its old imprints, programs, beliefs and judgments of what is best for the rest of its Being. It needs to challenge its old beliefs, not defend them.

Says 152 – You can’t change how people treat you (BS)

152 - You can't change how peole treat you- NOTI saw this picture posted on Facebook and felt I needed to make a comment. The words of this BS (Belief System) are a truth, but only as long as you are in denial and have chosen to remain the victim. Even though you no longer appear to re-act to what they say or do, that doesn’t mean that you are not being triggered. All it proves is that you’ve learned to be a better actor or actress. Being nice, kind, caring, sharing, understanding, co-operative, compromising, etc., to others when you feel pressured and controlled to do so, either by them or by your beliefs, is not loving to yourself or to them. There are countless reasons why people subject themselves to being the victim, but none are valid or loving to self. It’s important to note that the way people treat you is a reflection of the way you are treating yourself. Change yourself, and the outer reflection will also change.

Denying what is happening is not changing yourself, as it hasn’t addressed the underlying issues. Once you have intent to find and heal your issues as to why people treat you the way they do, you will change and will no longer be activated and re-acting, but will instead, respond to them in whatever way and manner you feel directed to oppose any such further abuse. Once you have stated your response in a honest and forthright manner, they will change and will no longer be attacking you, as they will have gotten your message loud and clear. Of course, they may no longer want to be your friend or whatever relationship they had with you, as you are no longer willing to be the victim and controlled by them. If that comment brings up issues, then that also needs to be addressed as that attachment is part of the reason you are a victim and being treated the way you are.

Says 151 – I’m back and there are some changes.

151 - Book 2  coverWell having my website hacked was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back as I haven’t posted for months. I had been gradually cutting back on posting to my blog for a while and when I did, it was always playing “catch up.”  This put a lot of pressure on me, as I was also trying to finish editing my 2nd and 3rd books so that I could publish them. Having my entire website hacked, make me feel what’s the use, and who really cares anyway, except the creeps that hacked me.

After getting things back on line, I slowly focused on editing my books.  There were a lot of things I had over looked, like checking my grammar and formatting.  I thought I had no grammar errors until I happened to open another Word document that said I had too many errors to continue checking my grammar. This made me wonder, so I divided my books to make them shorter and then corrected the grammar issues. I’m almost there and hope to have them available as free ebooks (PDF or.doc  format) in the next couple of weeks.

151 - Johnny AppleseedI’ve also decided to change what I post on my blog. I have been posting my personal experiences as well as what is happening in the world today, trying to wake people up.  I’m no longer going to do that as becoming aware as to what is wrong with this world , then doing something about it is a personal choice.  Instead, I’m going to use my blog as a means to plant a seed in the minds of those reading it, so that they too can begin to heal their issues and create the reality they desire. This realization came to me as I’ve recently been collecting seeds, and it occurred to me that I need to sow the seeds that I have. Not the physical seeds, like Johnny Apple Seed, but the Word seeds, that will grow and be taken in to change people’s Minds and Hearts. I’m still going to post my personal stuff and any issues I’m going through as well as healings and insights  I experience in creating  a new world reality, Heaven on Earth.

Says 150 – WordPress blog and my website hacked…

Web blog hacked2013 May 12 A friend emailed me to tell me that my blog had been hacked. I checked it out and sure enough, I got a black screen and a “not to pleasant” welcome message. When I clicked on the message, it displayed a picture, along with music and animated GIF’s boasting their success. I was in shock, as why would anyone want to target me, but then I realized that to these “otherkin,” it’s all a game and that creating chaos and misery is what turns them on.

HackerI reported my problem to my website host “Save on Hosting” and they took my website off line.  . I immediately began to scan my computer for any virus or Trojan that might have infected it. I ran my AVG, Malwarebytes, Spybot – search and destroy and even downloaded Microsoft security essentials and Kasperesky and ran them to check if anything had been missed but my machine was clean. After a few emails, they stated that WordPress had a vulnerability and that was how the hackers got into my site. We exchanged a few more emails and they re-stored a backup version of my website and had me back up and running. So while it was a shock and an inconvenience, it wasn’t a big deal.

Says 149 – I went to see a Psychic

tarot cards 2013 April 01– I decided to go to a psychic fair in London, Ontario on March 31. I didn’t know why I was going, only that I needed to be there. It was a small fair with different readers and goods for sale. I struck up a conversation with one psychic and decided to have her give me a Tarot Card reading. The last time I had a reading done was over 20 years ago. It was interesting to hear her give me details of what I have been experiencing. She also picked up on the three books I’m in the process of finalizing and publishing. She also gave me information that I wasn’t aware of like this year being the year that I publish my books, that it’s now the right time and that I’ll be meeting a woman and will no longer be alone on my journey.

imprints, programs and beliefsThe biggest message I got from her that was confusing at first as she said that I was to let go of the past or it will consume and follow me. That confused me at as it is totally the opposite of my intent and journey, which is to go into the past and heal it. It wasn’t until I got home and wrote “the past” in my journal that I realized what the past I need to let go of is. What I need to let go of is the World’s imprints, programs and beliefs. I need to focus on creating what I desire and not worry about or try to change, fix or save those that want to live in this reality. New EarthI can’t change the mindset of society, nor can I solve the problems and issues they have collectively created. I can only help those that desire to change and that is only going to happen after the shit hits the proverbial fan, and the present society begins to collapse and the NWO takes over. It’s then that some people will begin to have a shift in consciousness, what I call ”quicken” and desire to awaken. That is where I come in, and that is also when I meet a woman and will no longer be alone on my journey.

Says 148 – The Unholy Trinity

2013 March 30 – There are three places on Earth that are in a country but are not a part of that country and are situated in the middle of densely populated areas. These districts are completely autonomous and answerer to no other country or laws. They are;
unholy trinity
1) The City – the financial district in London, England
2) The District of Columbia in Washington USA
3) The Vatican in Rome Italy

I also got that they are representative of the unholy trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost

With Father being the King – England
Son – the Warrior – USA
The Holy Ghost – Religion – Italy

These districts control the major wealth, military and religions of the world.
Do a Google search and you will begin to see just how powerful these groups are.

Says 147 – Sovereign Being declaration

March 23 Saturday I feel that it’s important to have some kind of a legal notice on your person stating that you only represent the person that the government, agent, representative or corporation claims is you, and that you are a sovereign human being, and are not, one and the same, as stated on any written or digital document.

The form should be something along this line…
Sovereign Being
Be it hereby known by any and all persons and parties that are employed by, or acting on behalf of any form or level of government, its agents and/or representatives, and/or any public or private corporation, that I, (insert your name here) being a free and sovereign human being, am only the agent or representative of the fictitious identity that the government, its agents and/or representatives, and/or public or private corporations have created and bestowed upon me, using the same name as mine. Being that the government, its agents and/or representatives, and/or any public or private corporation are fictitious entities and NOT a physical human being, they have no jurisdiction or power over me as a sovereign human being, and therefore, neither do the people nor parties that are employed by, or claim to represent these corporations. That any document issued by the government, its agent and/or representatives, and/or any corporation or institution that bears the same name as mine, is a fake and fictitious representation of me and is not my physical sovereign being. I hereby state that I do NOT ACCEPT any attempt by any persons employed by, or acting on behalf of any government, its agents, and/or representatives, and/or public or private corporations to control my physical Being in any way, shape or form.

Says 146 – How the Government controls you

birth certificateMarch 21 Thursday When you were born, the corporate entity known as the government was already formed and was being run by the elected politicians and bureaucrats who gave themselves the power to create government laws, rules and regulations that were supposedly for the benefit of the people. Your parents, being good citizens, believed the manmade law that required them to register your birth. The government then issued you (through your parents) a birth certificate that was then used to identify your sovereign being. They then used your given name to create a fictitious identity of you that they could then use to control you and what you did. death certificateEven when you die your family needs to report your death and you (who are no longer living) are then issued at death certificate, terminating your involvement with the government corporation. As you can see, neither birth or death certificates give you any choice in the matter, you are either too young to understand what is going on, or dead and unable to respond.

I am free - NOTBesides having to register all newborn humans, the government is now having blood and DNA samples taken, as well as footprints, to enable them to physically identify the actual physical being in the future. When you started school, you first learned to print your name in CAPITAL letters. This is important as it imprinted and programmed you to accept your name printed in CAPITAL Letters on documents as being you. Later when you left school to get a job and earn money, you needed to register with the government to get a social insurance number (SIN) which the government then uses to collect taxes from you when you earned money. When you got your driver’s license, you needed to register with the government. If you bought a vehicle, that too needed to be registered and you also needed to get it insured. When you got health insurance, you needed to be registered. Of course each time you registered or got a license, it cost you MONEY. If you decided to get a bank account, credit card, or loan, you needed to register with the bank. Of course that also costs money. If you buy a house, you need to register your title with various levels of government, more money and if you got a mortgage, you also paid interest on that loan. If you start a business, you need to register with the government, more money. Anytime that you register with any form of government, or any one of their agents, your name will always be printed in CAPITAL letters, and not the way you normally write or print it. They have stolen your name to create a fictitious corporate identity of your sovereign physical being in order to have you work and pay interest on a debt you didn’t have. Not only that, your birth certificate also has a hidden agenda in that the identification numbers that were issued in your name is used as collateral on the stock exchange to allow the government to incur debt on your behalf. That is the hidden truth that the government doesn’t want you to know, it’s their dirty little secret.

moneyOne thing to note is that the physical money in circulation is created, printed and owned by the government, but any money in the form of interest is created, collected and owned by the financial institutions and the banks. And you guessed it, there is a whole lot more borrowed money in circulation than real hard cash. Also of note is that while cash currency is considered legal tender, it has no real value, as it’s not based on anything commodity of value like gold or silver, but is simply a promissory note issues by the bank that is an agent for the government. While the government owns the hard cash, it borrows also money and pays interest for this cash. While the government controls the physical currency, there is nothing of value to back it up except you and your ability and willingness to pay for debt and interest you didn’t incur. Another thing is that when you pay your income taxes at the end of the year, you make your check out to (in Canada) the Receiver General, believing that the money is going to the government. This money actually goes to the Revenue Canada Agency which is not an actual department within the government of Canada, but is a private financial Corporation much like the IRS in the USS, that collects tax and interest money from the REGISTERED taxpayers and then loans money to the government and receives interest payment on that debt. As you can see, this system is flawed and democracy is a sham.

Says 145 – A corporation vs a sovereign human being

License and Registration, PleaseAs an example, a police officer or any public official is an agent or representative working for the government which is a corporation, employing certain people to carry out its mandates. While these people are human beings, (at least most of them are) when they talk to you, you are not really talking with them, but to the corporation that they try to represent. They are not the corporation; neither do they know the articles under which the corporation was formed or what other legislations, rules and conditions they fall under. At best, all they know is what they have been taught and told, and while they, as a corporate representative, may have jurisdiction over your strawman, which is a government representation of you, they have no power over you as a sovereign human being.

A sovereign human being can only have a conversation with another human being, it can’t have a conversation with the corporation, as a corporation exists only on a piece of paper or as some computer file. A corporation was inspired and created by a human being who put their idea to paper, and either by sole proclamation, or with the aid and agreement of others, gave merit and power to this fictitious entity that they then controlled, or they appointed or hired other human beings to oversee its functions.

What a policeman or any government or corporate figure says is really hearsay and is not accurate or the truth as it represents a wishes, rules and conditions of the corporations, and they are merely a mouthpiece repeating what they have been taught or told. A policeman stopping you for traffic offense and informing you that you broke the law, is really no different than the priest coming up to you and telling you that you broke the law or commandment of God. Ten commandmentsIn both cases, the policeman and priest are referring to something written in a book by another person or persons, that they considered to be the law that they believe the other person should obey.

Laws are not cast in stone as if that were the case, then the original law would not be able to be changed, hence, any new law is in violation of itself when it deems a sovereign Being has broken the law.

Going back to the policeman or public figure, at this point I’m prepared to challenge their so called authority over my sovereign Being, while I am willing to discuss my fictitious STRAWMAN that was created by the government that is not me, but is how the government keeps track of my sovereign being. If they try to label me as the same as my STRAWMAN, I am only willing to talk with them after they have gotten out of their uniforms, put aside their badge and credentials, are not on duty or bound in any way shape or form to the corporation that they represent. Then I know that I’m talking to a real human being , one to one.
In writing these last few posts, I feel that I was a brilliant lawyer in a past life and that I was involved with representing the so-called common man and their struggle with a corrupt government and corporations that would enslave them. I also feel that I was assassinated because they couldn’t control me and I was a threat to their empire.

Here is a youtube video about the STRAWMAN

Says 144 – All the world’s a stage

All the World is a stage2013 March 13 I just realized that people put on a mask or cloak of the company or agency that they are working for. As long as they are working and getting paid (rewarded) to do their job, they feel obliged to conform and carry out the rules and duties of their employer. If the person were to take off their uniform or corporate cloak and talk to other non-cloaked human beings, they would act differently.

It’s an illusion. We live in a world where people become what the corporation (a fictitious entity) led by a person or persons that are also wearing a mask or cloak, wants us to be. The result is that it creates our present reality, which in most cases, is unloving. This is especially true in government, military, religions, media, education, etc. The imprints, programs and beliefs are so ingrained in our psyche that it is difficult, and next to impossible to even identify that we’re wearing a mask, a cloak, as it is so interwoven into our daily activities, like walking and talking, where we are not consciously aware of each step we take or word we speak. We think we are normal and natural, totally oblivious to the fact that we are controlled by our imprints programs and beliefs to such a point that we have no concept of what and who we really are. Our reality is like what Shakespeare said in,

“As you like it,” Act II Scene VII

All the world’s a stage,
All the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,

Says 143 – Safer Surfing – making snooping on you more difficult

startpageIt’s time to give Google and Yahoo search engines the boot….. Here are three search engines that protect your privacy while surfing that you can quickly add to your web browser.. Opera and Firefox provide safer surfing than IE (Internet Explorer) or Google Chrome..

Using Opera or Firefox along with one of these search engines is a good hedge against being being tracked and monitored…. Why make it easy for ISP’s, crooks and the government… Oh Golly Gee… . there is no difference ..:) lol

Dont track us

I forgot to mention a great little free software called Ghostery that you can install on your browser that notifies and blocks any trackers that try to follow you on any website that you happen to land on.. It’s surprising to see how many SNOOPS are out there trying to get info on you…

Says 142 – Your Birth Certificate and your STRAWMAN

Birth CertificateThe government is a CORPORATION. Your birth certificate was created by the government as a way to track and control you. They could only do that by creating a corporation (Birth Certificate) to represent you. This corporate entity that was created is your STRAWMAN, it is only a piece of paper or listed in a computer. It is not you, your physical being. As a sovereign Human Being, you are now merely acting as an AGENT for this corporate entity that was created in your name..

All so-called LEGAL documents involving your strawman will always be in CAPITAL letters. CHECK it out. Your drivers license, Health card, Social insurance, and most importantly, all your CREDIT cards. You are not the entity listed in CAPITAL letters, although it will have your name. Your name as a sovereign being will only have the first letter as a capital, ie, John Smith. This is also how you write your name…


Here is a full length PDF of her work.. Mary Croft

Since Mary made this information available, there have been a ton of websites and posts disclaiming her information… Calling it a fallacy and ill advised nonsense..

Says 141 – Third World Countries and USA Karma

third worldIn watching this video clip The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina, I found it interesting that one of the victims stated that he felt he was treated like he was in a third world country. (~5 min mark) I thought how strange that he has no objections over the USA committing terror, abuse and war crimes to others classified as third world countries, but doesn’t like it when he is treated that way. I felt that what is in store for America is Karma, and as they say, ”Payback is a bitch.”

Says 140 – Chemtrail flu – Have you got it yet?

Chemtrail-Flu-Have-You-Got-It-YetIt’s interesting as the other day I found this link on facebook… Chemtrail flu – Have you got it yet?

The article tied in with what I was thinking and feeling about my physical symptoms. The past couple of weeks with my back pain and not feeling up to par, I had the thought that what I’m feeling isn’t natural as when I had aches and pains in the past, the antibiotics I’m taking built up my immune system and the Chiropractor would realign whatever was off with my back. But that is not the case now as this just seems to linger and linger and my back pains are also different as they come and go.

I’ve been noticing a lot of jets spraying their chemtrails and that also pisses me off. It seems like all levels of government, even the opposition members are in on this secret conspiracy to poison the planet and all upon it.

Says 139 – Yet another ear infection and flu like symptoms

Man-with-Earache2013 Feb 21 On Tuesday I started to get a sore throat and last night around 9:00 pm my left ear started ringing and plugging up. I could also feel my throat and lungs beginning to tighten up… Great, just what I need! I went to bed with a pounding head and earache and tossed and turned for hours, Finally around 3:00 am it got better and I was able to get some sleep. I was thinking that it’s been about nine months since I had my last ear infection.

The next day I still had a sinus headache and ringing in my left ear. I was also off balance and when I walked, I could feel/hear my footsteps in my left ear. After supper, my sinuses began to clear and that carried on into the middle of the night. Good thing was that as it cleared, my headache was also going away. I forgot to mention that on top of this, I still had my back pains, so life is not a joy at this time.

Says 138 – American Idol – Dumbed down society

idol2013 Feb 13 I’ve watched American Idol over the twelve seasons and while I was originally captivated by the performances, I haven’t been a true fan and in the past few years, and I’ve only stopped to watch it a few times. Last night, while channel surfing, I happened to stumble upon the girls group night and watched it for about 20 minutes. What I noticed and was shocked by was how many girls couldn’t remember the lyrics to the songs they were singing and were writing crib notes they printed on their hands and arms. In the past seasons, there were only a handful of contestants that had trouble with their lyrics, but last night, it was like an epidemic.

My first thought was that these girls (and youth in general) have been dumbed down and they aren’t even aware of it. Whether it’s because of the chem-trails polluting the air, the fluoride and chemicals in the water and the chemicals and GMO food they eat, something is definitely affecting them mentally as they are not BRIGHT. Something has happened in the last 5 -10 years that has drastically altered the intellect and memory of our youth. Something is very wrong with this picture and it isn’t pretty… If this continues to happen, what will the next group of wanna be idols be like in another five – ten years? Reading lines from a teleprompter? That is if they are still able to read.

Says 137 – Going to see what Noni Juice can do for me

Noni Juice2013 February 6 since the Apple cider vinegar wasn’t working I remembered taking Noni juice a few years ago to help balance my system. I went to the health food store and picked up a small bottle and decided to take it three times a day as directed. This juice is totally different than what I had 15 years ago. While Noni juice has its own distinctive taste, this product has very little taste at all. It’s like comparing watered-down orange lemonade to freshly squeezed orange juice, it’s just bland. The other thing is that the Nonie juice that I took 15 years ago I noticed a difference in my body within 2 to 3 days. I had a kidney infection at the time and it cured it up like magic and I felt 100 % better all around. I’m not feeling or seeing any change in my body as I’m using this one. Since I already have it and don’t want to waste I’ll keep taking it for a few more days, but for now,it’s very disappointing. The brand name that I got was Flora and it’s supposed to be certified organic fresh Hawaiian Noni juice It is concentrated as they recommend using 5 – 15 ml in a glass of water.

Says 136 – I Gots a cold – Not feelin good

apple cider vinegar2013 Jan 30 Yesterday I began to get chills and fevers and also a mild headache and a runny nose. Today I realized that the Apple cider vinegar I was taking was acidic and it was running down my immune system so that now I was getting a cold. I stopped taking it and started to take baking soda and water in an attempt to bring my blood ph level back into the alkaline state.

Acidic - alkaline2013 February 5, I’ve been sick for the past four days. Not only do I have a cold with headache, sinus, runny nose, fever and chills, but I’m also suffering from severe lower back and neck pain. There were a couple of nights that I didn’t know which way to turn or what to do to get to sleep as I was in agony.

I was feeling better today and went to the chiropractor today and he gave me some relief for my back. I realize that I’ve been struggling with a cold or whatever for the past couple months and I think taking the Apple cider vinegar was pivotal in changing the ph level in my blood and letting it manifest in the way it did. I still have over half a bottle left and I’ll just used for cooking or whatever.

Says 135 – Seeing my Chiropractor

Chiroparactor2013 Jan 21 I went to see my Chiropractor today about my neck, shoulders and lower back. I’ve been in pain for a month now and it’s not getting any better, in fact, I’m noticing that I’m beginning to stoop and slouch my shoulders with my head down, like an old man. There are also times when I find it difficult to even get out of bed or a chair, as it’s also affecting my legs. After the treatment, I noticed that my posture was almost back to normal, although I still had some pain. I’m to go back on Thursday for another session. Human back

Says 134 – Apple Cider Vinegar Detox

Apple cider Vinegar2013 Jan 20 I usually do an Apple cleanse this time of year, but this year, I decided to try something new. The reason for the change is that I noticed that I eat very little food that is either sour or bitter, yet I have no problem with sweet or spicy food. I thought of how vinegar removes calcium build up, where water is involved, like shower heads, tiles, counters, etc. I then thought of how cholesterol and plaque buildup deposits in our blood vessels and thought that maybe adding vinegar to my diet would help get rid of any potential issues. Part of all this is because I have a doctor’s appointment at the end of February and I need to get blood work done before that.

I decided to do an apple vinegar detox where I would take 2 – 3 tablespoons of organic Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of distilled water and add a bit of honey to sweeten the taste. I would take this concoction 2 – 3 times a day before a meal. It didn’t taste that bad, but neither did it taste that good. After a few days, I decided to try another suggestion and that was to take it with tomato juice instead of water. I substituted tomato juice for a garden cocktail and that was quite enjoyable. I decided to do this cleanse until the end of the month or until I noticed some unpleasant side effects.

Says 133 – Land of Pan and Sandy Hook

dark Wizard2013 Jan 19 The Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut reminds me of a story in the RUOW books and the dark Wizard (Lucifer) Book 1 (Chapter – The Land of Pan). The story is about how the Dark Wizard had organized duel contests, where he defeated every wizard that challenged him by denying the validity of the others wizards approach, and by insisting that the duels had to be done according to his rules. Some wizards that saw the duels refused his challenge and said he should be stopped. Others said that he was not such a bad guy after all, and still others tried to quiet their fears by telling themselves and others that he wasn’t really gaining power, that it was only an illusion that they weren’t going to believe. Light WizardThe Dark Wizard gained a lot of energy from these denials on which to feed and he got more and more powerful and found that he could do things right in front of others that they did not want to see, and they would not see them. If he was noticed, he denied what he was actually doing and said he was doing something else. Some that didn’t want to accept the horror of what was actually happening helped the wizard explain away his outrages.

Sandy Hook is a repeat of what happened in Pan, only in a different form. As long as the general public, “sheeple” continue to deny the reality they are experiencing, their reality will not only, not change, but will get worse. They avoid and deny what they see and feel because they have a false sense of hope, and have convinced themselves that things aren’t really as bad as others make them out to be and that the government will fix the problem, or that someone will save the day. Sad to say, it doesn’t look like they are going to change their denial based point-of-view until it is right in their face and up close and personal, and then watch them scream about the injustice and heartlessness they are experiencing, and then they will either be begging for help or trying to fight their oppressors.

Sand HookWe have been brainwashed for eons and naively believe and accept the illusions we experience, as being natural and reality. Politics, religion, media, etc., are all power and control based tools used by those in a position of power to maintain and expand their empires. The hypocrisy and unlovingness that is happening now, I witnessed and felt on a smaller scale as a child and I have seen it steadily increase, to where it is now becoming blatantly obvious and an in your face experience, yet people still continue to deny the falseness and heartlessness of it all. Politicians, religious leaders, media, etc., are caught red handed in their denials, lies, deception and heartlessness, yet it’s all dismissed by the general population (sheeple) as normal, while those that are aware and speak up, are shamed and ridiculed.

The awareness that there is something majorly wrong with this reality is what I call “the quickening,” the beginning of the stirrings of consciousness. The real challenge is to awaken and heal the parts of our Essence that has been damaged by our living in this heartless reality as that is when things will truly change.

Says 132 – Things coming together

way of working out





2013 Jan 11 Well things are coming together. I’ve done more cleaning and organizing. I’ve been working on editing book 2 and it’s going nicely. Yesterday I picked up a used bookcase to replace an old one-drawer dresser that is big and bulky and of little use. I also picked up an old home movie screen for $4.50 at a thrift store, which I intend to use as a backdrop when I begin to do YouTube videos. Later that morning the property owner came back with the re-finished cupboard doors that I later re-installed. He also took the one-drawer dresser away. I unpacked a couple of boxes, including my books that haven’t seen daylight for quite some time. The ceiling fan and light have been repaired, (faulty receiver). I also got hooked up to the internet that is being shared in the building. So now, I’m basically set up and settled in, and I must say, it feels good, like a home… For how long, I don’t know but for now, I will enjoy it. I’ve also begun to do my exercise again and I can even do my indoor running and jumping as there is no one below me..

Says 131 – A knight’s tale and Remembering my Dad

a knights tale2013 Jan 05 Saturday, I was channel surfing on the TV and happened to tune into the movie A Knight’s Taleand although I missed the beginning, I did watch it to the end. What struck me was a scene where the knight (William) flashed back to his childhood where his father sends him off to be an apprentice and told him to watch and learn. I was emotionally moved by that comment and how the father was genuinely doing what he felt was best for his son. I began to write what I was remembering and feeling in my journal. Here is what I wrote.

Those words reminded me of my father and what he said to me when he took me to school that first day. I couldn’t speak English (only German) and I was going to an English school. My father took me aside and told me that I should listen and learn, but he also added, and be like the other kids.

Like the father in the movie, I felt that my father didn’t know what he was saying and how his words were to impact me in a negative way. I know he didn’t have unloving intent as he honestly felt that going to school was best for me and that I could do what he couldn’t do, and that if I learned and was educated, that I wouldn’t end up being a poor dirt farmer like he was. He had done all he could and now I had to move on and go to school, and that this was his way of showing me he loved me, of wanting a better life for me.
In this moment, I miss him and wished that we could have been closer. I mean on a real level and not being close at a distance. I love you dad. Thank you.

Your Son

Says 130 – Clean up disaster

paint wrinkling2013 Jan 01 Yesterday I bought some TSP cleaner to wash the walls and remove the smoke film. I began in the kitchen where the landlord had used Spray Nine yesterday to see if there was any problem with the product. There was none so I continued with the rest of the kitchen. I then began on a wall in the living room/bedroom and then made my way around the entire room. Next I tackled the bathroom and closet door. Just before supper I pulled out the fridge and washed the sides and walls and then washed the upper kitchen cupboards and before stopping for supper.

pot scrubberAfter supper, I cleaned the bottom cupboard and I was finished… or so I thought. As I was cleaning, I was shocked and heartbroken to see the finish peeling and blistering and falling off like dry or sun burnt skin or fish scales. I washed it with clear water again and again but nothing helped. I decided to let it dry and see what it looked like in the morning. The only thing I can think of that I did differently was use the Spray Nine he had left as I felt that the TSP hadn’t really cleaned the bottom section like it did the top. There had to be a chemical reaction with the TSP, Spray Nine and the finish to create such an effect. The thing was that it didn’t affect the stain under the clear finish, just the thin clear finish that I was able to scrape off with my finger nail or a soft plastic non scratch pot scrubber. I was prepared to pay to have them re-finished or to buy new front component replacements. Needless to say, I didn’t have a good sleep that night.

The next morning I called the landlord and told him what happened and he said he would be out in the afternoon to look at it. When he arrived, he said that he thought about the problem last night and said the problem was his, as he had sprayed the bottom units with a clear coat. He also said that he would fix it. He removed the doors to take with him.

He also had a look at the ceiling fan and light that wasn’t working except on full speed and bright light, and thought it might be a bad remote control. We also exchanged a brown recliner for another blue swivel rocker he had.