Says 430 – Done with Facebook, moving to MeWe

I’ve had it with Facebook and their fascist tactics. Over the past few months, I had several posts fact-checked and labeled as false, or deleted because they did not comply to community standards. Finally, they banned me for a month and I just out a few days ago. I was banned for posting this meme of Germany and mask wearers.

A friend suggested MeWe a few months ago, and while I joined, I was reluctant to start over. I feel that now it’s time to not only start over, but also time for a change and that I’ll be heading in a new direction. I’m no longer going to try to wake people up to the present unloving and corrupt old world reality. I’ve been posting for years and if they can’t see and feel it by now, so be it. Instead, I’m going to focus on connecting with other like-minded and like-feeling people and help create a new reality. How? I don’t know…. yet. The old world reality is and will collapse, and like the phoenix, the new reality will emerge from its ashes.

I’ve also started two groups at MeWe. One is called the Heart Centre that deals with feeling, healing and understanding emotions and much more, and the other is a RUOW (Right Use Of Will) group for those working with those books. If you care to join me at MeWe, my link is shenreed  My previous post says 428 was the beginning of my new path.

Says 154 – The Death of the Altered Ego

154 - The death of the altered Ego - NOT












This is another picture/word message that I got off the internet. The original image words, “The death of the ego will be the beginning of your real life,” is a part truth. As you can see, I’ve “altered” the image (no pun intended.) 🙂

The following article is taken from my soon to be published second book titled, “My Journey – Three Levels of Healing – Feeling, healing and understanding.” The old “pre-published edition” can be downloaded ( free) from my website at

Our Ego has gotten a bum rap in that it’s our Ego that defines who we are. Our ego is unique; it separates you from me and all the others. The problem is not our Ego but our Altered Ego, altered by our imprints, programs and beliefs and by the many other voices (internal and external) that tell it that it must do this or that to either be accepted or to be in control. Little does the Mind realize that in listening to these other voices, that it’s being altered and controlled. The altered ego is the fake persona or personality that is in a position of power and control as it is not only in control of our Mind, but also the rest of our Being. It also strives to extend its influence and dominate the environment around it, be it people, places or things. The Altered ego is the individual that searches for acceptance and approval outside itself. It strives for success and recognition and defines who they are by their status, achievements, possession, wealth and power. There is also the opposite end where the individual will appear to be a powerless, helpless victim, but it is all an act in that by being considered a victim, they are actually dictating and controlling others around them.

The trouble is that while our Ego is altered, it is also disconnected from our Higher Self Spiritual source. Instead of communicating with our Higher Self, our Ego is being controlled by the unloving voices of the Inner Critic, guilt, shame and denied rage, to name a few. I’m sure that you’ve had several conversations with your Inner Critic when it is telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. Once you begin to end your denials, the inner voices also begin to be silenced and your Ego then begins to communicate with your Higher Self, and that’s when life gets interesting. Your Ego, your true self wants to free itself of the unloving grip of its old imprints, programs and beliefs and also of any unloving energy that has been, and is trying to control it.

154 - Tree in forestA rather simplistic way to look at our Ego is to compare it and ourselves to a tree. While a tree can be one of millions of similar species in a forest, it’s still unique and has its own consciousness. If it were to try to become another tree, to have a different bark, leaves or fruit, or if it wanted to be bigger or change its position, then there would be issues, not only for it, but also for the other trees in the forest that it would affect as it tries to control and change its environment. Another simplistic, but classic example of an altered ego can be found in the tale of “The Ugly Duckling,” by Hans Christian Andersen.

Says 11 – Editing my Books introduction

 2012 Feb 13 Monday 11:00 am Yesterday I began gathering the bits and pieces of my introduction to books  2 and 3 that I’ve revised the number of times over the past three years.  The trouble I’ve had is that because my originally manuscript was never published, and because it was quite long, as it also contained an appendix of the tools I use on my journey, I decided to divide it and create two books.  I removed the appendix (no pun intended) and expanded it. This book then became my first self-published eBook. At that time, instead of finishing and publishing the remaining manuscript, I decided to create a third that was directly related to the other two.

So then I was working on a trilogy which means that there will be some points in the introduction that need to be repeated in each book, especially if the books are not read in the order they are published, so that the reader has an idea of what the book is about. Creating these separate yet common introductions is where I’ve been getting hung up.

Today I feel comfortable that I’ve got book3 sorted out, at least as far as the main content of the introduction goes, but I still have book 2 to sort out. Once that’s finished, I can begin in earnest to finalize both books and get them self-published as eBooks. After that I want to look at getting them published as paperbacks.  If you are interested in my free published ebook, and my pre-published versions of ebook  2 and 3 you can download them from my website at