Says 158 – Controlled by an illusion, a piece of paper

158 - Articles Of IncorporationCertificate158 - mosantoWhat people don’t seem to realize is that government and big business are only faceless corporations, names on pieces of paper. There is no human being that is the corporation, that can be held accountable. What drives these corporations and is the “power” behind them are flesh and blood people. It’s these people that they need to find and hold accountable, and not a corporate piece of paper, that by the way, these people are only too happy to have you believe is the evil power that you are fighting.

158 - corporate-governance158 - organization-structureThese people have names, faces and live somewhere. They have family, wives, husbands, children, relatives. They have friends and neighbors, Their kids go to school. They go to church or belong to clubs or organizations. They drive cars. They shop in stores. These people not only need to be identified and located, but they but they need to be confronted and become aware that they (and those that support them) are vulnerable and will be held accountable. Once conscious awareness shifts from the faceless corporate identities, to the men and women players behind the veil, (like in the Wizard of Oz) the illusion will be broken and people will begin to regain their power.

158 - federal reserve noteSpeaking of worthless paper, let’s add money to the pile. We have been convinced that we must work, put time and effort into making or earning money so that we can live and buy the things we need and want to enjoy. We have also been programmed that we are defined by the amount of money we have, and that the more money, the better we are and the more worth and respect we acquire, and the further up the social ladder we climb. in the USA, the Federal Reserve is a private banking system that controls the countries financial system, collecting interest on money it creates and prints for circulation.

Says 147 – Sovereign Being declaration

March 23 Saturday I feel that it’s important to have some kind of a legal notice on your person stating that you only represent the person that the government, agent, representative or corporation claims is you, and that you are a sovereign human being, and are not, one and the same, as stated on any written or digital document.

The form should be something along this line…
Sovereign Being
Be it hereby known by any and all persons and parties that are employed by, or acting on behalf of any form or level of government, its agents and/or representatives, and/or any public or private corporation, that I, (insert your name here) being a free and sovereign human being, am only the agent or representative of the fictitious identity that the government, its agents and/or representatives, and/or public or private corporations have created and bestowed upon me, using the same name as mine. Being that the government, its agents and/or representatives, and/or any public or private corporation are fictitious entities and NOT a physical human being, they have no jurisdiction or power over me as a sovereign human being, and therefore, neither do the people nor parties that are employed by, or claim to represent these corporations. That any document issued by the government, its agent and/or representatives, and/or any corporation or institution that bears the same name as mine, is a fake and fictitious representation of me and is not my physical sovereign being. I hereby state that I do NOT ACCEPT any attempt by any persons employed by, or acting on behalf of any government, its agents, and/or representatives, and/or public or private corporations to control my physical Being in any way, shape or form.