Category Archives: Denial
Says 204 – Social Conformity & Programming
Here is a disturbing link on Social Conformity and how easily we are programed to follow the crowd. Not wanting to be different, centered out, shunned, and not accepted, we all to easily just follow the crowd and in the process, become mindless Sheeple. Afraid to ask questions or to be seen as different, aggressive or negative, we DENY and subdue our true expression and blindly accept the role that peer pressure dictates we play and act out, as if it were our own idea.
When you’ve seen that one, here is another link on The Power of the Uniform, and how we OBEY and follow orders without asking any real questions, or standing up for ourselves or others.
This programming starts with ones parents and their already programmed mind and the customs, traditions and religious beliefs they have. It’s also being pushed in schools, on TV, Radio, magazines, books, and just about anything that has to do with society.
Says 201 – Christian prayer and dumbed down society
People claim to be awake and even Spiritual, and yet they still hang on to their old religious beliefs and recite dogma and rhetoric at infinitum. They give so little thought to what they are thinking and saying, that I find it amazing that they can even tie their shoe laces. This is a classic example of religious (Christian) meme’s that have I have come across on the internet.
First point.. If these so-called Christians believe that they are a child of a God who is all knowing and powerful, and the creator of mankind and all that exists. That he has created everything for a purpose and reason, even though mortal man can’t comprehend or fathom what that is, except to believe that it is so, based on their religious beliefs.
BUT… Stupid mankind who believes all this, also doesn’t want to accept that what they are experiencing is right or good, and that God has fucked up and made a mistake, and that they know what he (note he, as there is no she in Christian God) should do.
Second point… But even that is screwed up as now they pray to God’s son (Jesus) telling him to help and SAVE them from all that they deem is God’s wrongful and hurtful design. They cast up their hands and wail in mournful prayer, commanding to be saved and healed. Advocating that they don’t have any responsibility or power to change the experiences that they deem undesirable.
Talk about a dumbed down society, religion has to be the number one leader in how to do that, and collect a mass following of sheep, followed closely by politics. As the old saying goes.. “Bullshit baffles brains,” and until people can get their mind to question their old Belief System, or BS as I like to call it, they are doomed to remain as they are. The dilemma one faces when questioning religious BS, is that you will certainly be attacked and admonished for such behavior and will most likely be deemed a blasphemous heathen, bound to burn in hell.
Okay, so now that I’ve shit on this meme PRAYER image, let me say what a person could use this for in a way that would empower them. It’s all about intent and whether it is loving or not. Prayer can be used to tell or command, like in the image above, or it can be used to ask for guidance. If you add the words.. “Help me to…” to the text, that changes the intent to where you take responsibility for your experiences, even though you don’t understand why you are having them, but that you are open to hear what your options might be so that YOU can solve YOUR issues. And to quote the so-called good book, “Ask and ye shall receive.” Food for thought.. Or not
Says 197 – You are not your problem – NOT
When I see these types of meme’s being posted by people that believe them to be true, I know that they are ignorant and haven’t analyzed and felt the true implications of the statement, and that they are in denial of their issues. If that statement were a truth, then applying the most basic logic and reasoning to, “you are not your problem” would also apply to every living person on this planet. If you are not your problem, then by denial, you have to blame everyone and anything outside yourself as the problem.
What you are also doing with that belief is making your happiness dependent on another person, place, or thing. In other words, you are giving your power away as they now CONTROL you. Trying to fix the problem using that Belief System (BS) doesn’t work, no matter how hard you try, it is at best a “quick fix.” So if that doesn’t work, you need to do the reverse or the opposite to try to solve the problem by realizing that the problem is not outside yourself, but inside you. If pushing the door doesn’t open it, maybe pulling it will.
For the universe to make you aware of the issues you have chosen to heal by reincarnating, it needs to bring you experiences that will trigger and activate you. The problem is with your Mind that is still running on its old imprints, programs and beliefs, that until it is aware enough to desire to change, will just keep going in circles, trying to apply the same fuzzy and twisted logic that created the problem, in trying to fix it. With self-awareness comes self-empowerment, and until you choose to end your denials and look at you as being the problem to your issues, nothing changes.
Says 186 – Quick fix & Learn what doesn’t work
Says 185 – Denial doesn’t deter negativity
I copied this from a Facebook post a friend made. It’s another example of how society thinks denial can solve the problems in their life.
You don’t get rid of those that are negative (reversed polarity – not loving essence) by keeping your distance, you get rid of them, or rather, they distance themselves from you when you confront them, by speaking your truth.. A simple, “what is your intent?” is enough to start this process.
Food for thought – or Not!
Says 181 – Love is not an emotion
Contrary to popular opinion, Love is not an emotion. It is a energy, a frequency or vibration that can be felt by not just empaths, but by animals, plants and the Earth itself. Not all energy is loving and unloving (reversed polarity) love energy seeks to close, compress and control, while Unconditional Love is open, expanding, and evolving. Love, is the essence of life, while denial of love seeks death.
This concept will put an entirely new spin on what you thought love is, and the words, “I love,” will take on a different meaning and dimension. Love with conditions, or when denial is present, is what we are presently experiencing in varying degrees, and is also why we have disease and death. Ending our denials and expressing the truth is what will enable us to create the life we desire, and yet to dream, here on Earth.
Says 180 – Diet and lifestyle – the root cause of Anxiety?
Yet another post on my facebook page that I disagree with .. Anxiety Drugs Cause Anxiety, Weight Gain And Even DEATH, This is How To Treat The ROOT Cause that was written by a holistic psychiatrist practicing in New York City. He goes on to say that <quote> I think anxiety is first and foremost a physiologic disorder; that is, it’s a disorder of the body, not just the mind. <end quote
Anxiety is a mental/emotional issue, with the person either worrying about what happened in the past, or what will happen in the future. If the good doctor gave his hypothesis more thought, he would realize that the issues related to past or future, have NOTHING to do with your diet and lifestyle.
However, there is a link in that the denied mental and emotional energy is stored in the Body, creating imbalance and disease, but the ROOT cause is not changing ones diet or lifestyle, but in finding and healing the root cause of ones anxiety. Changing ones diet and lifestyle will be at best, “a quick fix,” as the feelings and emotions will still be there.
Says 178 – Alcohol and other forms of denial
Says 168 – The unseen role of denial in guilt and shame
When purchasing the Hyundai Santa Fe, the saleswoman asked me for the copy of the company web page I had brought along, showing the Santa Fe. I saw her then show them to the others she had discussions with that were out of earshot. It wasn’t until she placed the file folder she was carrying on her desk that I noticed the price in the top right hand corner that was higher that what she had quoted me and had agreed upon. While I suspected what had happened, she and they never admitted it or approached me, which was denial on their part. In their denial, they also gave me no choice, as the matter was not up for discussion, unless of course, I listened to Guilt and Shame that were now on me, once I had this realization. They were not there before, and that I was a clue for me that there was more to this experience.
However, Guilt and shame were on me, but I also knew that if I listened to them, I’d be in denial. Guilt and Shame are not of my Essence, and wold have me try to save and make things right for the people and company that was in denial, and denied anything was wrong. Guilt and Shame would have me try to CONTROL them, to make them tell the truth and end their denials.
It’s not my job or responsibility to CONTROL or FORCE people to end their denials as that is their choice… Trying to do so, even if it benefits me, only puts me back into the same old world of denial that I am slowly breaking out of. I never saw the role that Guilt and Shame played in the unseen role of denial, it’s subtle, using guile and cunning, like the Inner Critic, to get you back into being in denial by being, nice, kind, caring, sharing, co-operative, compromising, loving, yadda yadda.
On Dec. 16 I picked up my vehicle and talked to the saleswoman that had sold me it. When I asked if there was an error on the web page pricing, she told me yes, big time.. but that they felt obligated to let me have it at that price including the $1,000.00 discount. I then told her how Guilt and Shame were on me to refuse the deal, or to not take the $1,000.00 discount, or to buy the drivetrain protection package, even though I didn’t think I needed it. She assured me that it was not my fault and that I was just lucky, in the right place at the right time.. I laughed and said, that yes, even the accident was lucky.. or I wouldn’t be here.. She told me to get in and drive away before the owner changes his mind..
An imprint, program and belief I have that empowers GUILT and SHAME are my old RELIGIOUS teachings that of being a SINNER.. Holy F**K …. as any presence of GUILT and SHAME would mean that I was dammed in HELL.. That I disobeyed God, and would be punished.. Even if I was innocent.. GUILT and SHAME have set themselves up to be judge, jury and executioner and a FALSE form of LOVE… Ah HA!!… Just flashed to my family being excommunicated by the Catholic Church when I was in Grade 7 because I refused to go to confession at school on Monday…as I had been to confession on Sunday (Mother’s Orders) and I had nothing to confess…Later, I had a lot of guilt and shame on me, that things would have been okay if I had just lied and did what they asked..
Says 167 – Lesson in Life… Vehicle accident purpose – 2
The second part of having the accident has to do with healing my body and my physical injuries. After my accident on Dec. 03, I was taken to the hospital and after an ultra sound and a few X-rays, I was released. On Dec. 05, I had an appointment to see my doctor that lasted all of three minutes. After a brief exam, she said to take it easy and to take Tylenol for any pain. Later she had her receptionist call me to say that my hearing issues were related to having a mild concussion.
For the next few days I suffered with my aches and pains getting worse, and I was only getting about three hours sleep . When I got my insurance claim forms I dropped in to the Doctors office to have them filled out so that I could begin to get physiotherapy or whatever I needed, and said I’d pick them up later. The receptionist informed me that I needed an appointment and that the earliest was on Dec. 12.
I saw the doctor on Dec. 12 and when I began telling her of the issues I was having, and showing her that I had little strength in both hands, she coolly asked me if I wanted to fill out the forms or discuss my issues. I said, “WTF!” and not in a polite way. I have a concussion, headache, loss of healing, whiplash, and other aches and pains and you give me this bullshit.” I then said that I had called a lawyer to begin proceedings for a pain and suffering claim. She interrupted me and said, we’ll do the form later, let me see your hands.
After an brief examination, she filled out a hospital requisition form for X-rays on both my hands and wrists as she said that I might have fractured or dislocated some small bones in my wrist. She also gave me a form to see about getting physiotherapy and massage for my whiplash and the other aches and pains. I have my first physiotherapy treatment on Monday Dec. 15 and I see her again on Dec. 18.
This issue is also related to the accident, but this time it’s about loving my Body and speaking up and NOT TRUSTING a so-called professional that you ASSUME is looking after your best interests. I need to take responsibility for how my Body feels and get the help I need to heal it regardless of what other people might say or think., or are offended by my directness.
Says 159 – Stop playing their game
Stop playing THEIR GAME…. It’s an illusion and it’s rigged so that you will never win. Think of the carnival, where the guy takes your money (time and effort) and lets you play his/her game, and if you win. you get a small and worthless prize… But Hey, you think you’re a winner.. and so you keep coming back.. Dah!!!!!
Like they say in the Carnie business, “There is a sucker born every minute.. ” ha ha ha
Once you know the game and how it’s played, you have a choice. You can either continue as you were, or you can stop playing the game and begin to create a new reality. Once you call them out, they are powerless and have no control over you. It’s only when you are asleep, or in denial of what is happening that they have you trapped.
This post is state that it is my intent, to not only become more aware of how I have been trapped in this world of illusion and denial, but to also free myself of it and begin creating a new reality.
Says 154 – The Death of the Altered Ego
This is another picture/word message that I got off the internet. The original image words, “The death of the ego will be the beginning of your real life,” is a part truth. As you can see, I’ve “altered” the image (no pun intended.) 🙂
The following article is taken from my soon to be published second book titled, “My Journey – Three Levels of Healing – Feeling, healing and understanding.” The old “pre-published edition” can be downloaded ( free) from my website at
Our Ego has gotten a bum rap in that it’s our Ego that defines who we are. Our ego is unique; it separates you from me and all the others. The problem is not our Ego but our Altered Ego, altered by our imprints, programs and beliefs and by the many other voices (internal and external) that tell it that it must do this or that to either be accepted or to be in control. Little does the Mind realize that in listening to these other voices, that it’s being altered and controlled. The altered ego is the fake persona or personality that is in a position of power and control as it is not only in control of our Mind, but also the rest of our Being. It also strives to extend its influence and dominate the environment around it, be it people, places or things. The Altered ego is the individual that searches for acceptance and approval outside itself. It strives for success and recognition and defines who they are by their status, achievements, possession, wealth and power. There is also the opposite end where the individual will appear to be a powerless, helpless victim, but it is all an act in that by being considered a victim, they are actually dictating and controlling others around them.
The trouble is that while our Ego is altered, it is also disconnected from our Higher Self Spiritual source. Instead of communicating with our Higher Self, our Ego is being controlled by the unloving voices of the Inner Critic, guilt, shame and denied rage, to name a few. I’m sure that you’ve had several conversations with your Inner Critic when it is telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. Once you begin to end your denials, the inner voices also begin to be silenced and your Ego then begins to communicate with your Higher Self, and that’s when life gets interesting. Your Ego, your true self wants to free itself of the unloving grip of its old imprints, programs and beliefs and also of any unloving energy that has been, and is trying to control it.
A rather simplistic way to look at our Ego is to compare it and ourselves to a tree. While a tree can be one of millions of similar species in a forest, it’s still unique and has its own consciousness. If it were to try to become another tree, to have a different bark, leaves or fruit, or if it wanted to be bigger or change its position, then there would be issues, not only for it, but also for the other trees in the forest that it would affect as it tries to control and change its environment. Another simplistic, but classic example of an altered ego can be found in the tale of “The Ugly Duckling,” by Hans Christian Andersen.
Says 153 – The Mind in Control
This is a graphic and symbolic representation of how humanity has put value and emphasis of importance on the Mind and its thoughts and beliefs…
We are a Spiritual Being having a physical experience. We have four parts to our Being; Spirit (Mind), Soul (Will – intuition, feelings and emotions) Heart and then form or our physical Body, and although they are separate aspects, they are all connected and function as one. Presently, it’s the Mind that is in CONTROL of the other parts of our being, and as you can see, there is no BALANCE in that.
In order for balance to return, our Mind needs to stop being the dictator and let go of being in a position of power and in control of the other parts of our Being. To do that, it needs to let go of its old imprints, programs, beliefs and judgments of what is best for the rest of its Being. It needs to challenge its old beliefs, not defend them.
Says 152 – You can’t change how people treat you (BS)
I saw this picture posted on Facebook and felt I needed to make a comment. The words of this BS (Belief System) are a truth, but only as long as you are in denial and have chosen to remain the victim. Even though you no longer appear to re-act to what they say or do, that doesn’t mean that you are not being triggered. All it proves is that you’ve learned to be a better actor or actress. Being nice, kind, caring, sharing, understanding, co-operative, compromising, etc., to others when you feel pressured and controlled to do so, either by them or by your beliefs, is not loving to yourself or to them. There are countless reasons why people subject themselves to being the victim, but none are valid or loving to self. It’s important to note that the way people treat you is a reflection of the way you are treating yourself. Change yourself, and the outer reflection will also change.
Denying what is happening is not changing yourself, as it hasn’t addressed the underlying issues. Once you have intent to find and heal your issues as to why people treat you the way they do, you will change and will no longer be activated and re-acting, but will instead, respond to them in whatever way and manner you feel directed to oppose any such further abuse. Once you have stated your response in a honest and forthright manner, they will change and will no longer be attacking you, as they will have gotten your message loud and clear. Of course, they may no longer want to be your friend or whatever relationship they had with you, as you are no longer willing to be the victim and controlled by them. If that comment brings up issues, then that also needs to be addressed as that attachment is part of the reason you are a victim and being treated the way you are.
Says 123 – Newtown Connecticut – Sandy Hook Shootings
There are so many blatant loops holes that are being exposed, that unless a person is blind, deaf and dumb, they can’t see the obvious. 20 children and 6 adults killed, Shooter kills mother at home, then goes to school wearing bulletproof vest and kills the children and then himself. Hand guns found at the scene. Three shooters, one dead at the scene, one in woods and a boy says police handcuffed another that was in the back of a police car. Video and audio of a man caught in woods wearing camouflage and dark jacket says he didn’t do it. Assault weapon found in trunk of car. The Sheriff states that the FBI and other organizations have been called in to deal with “whistle blowers“ that re-post main stream videos or police interviews on social networks. County medical advisor says all children killed with a long rifle, not handgun.
And there is more… Firemen from across the county fly in and pay tribute to a boy that was killed that said he wanted to be a fireman and the media play it up to the max. Then the media posts a US service man dressed up in fatigues, pretending that he is defending against any would be attackers.
But what I really wanted to share is the following two videos clips. One is taken by a non media person and the other is by CNN that later edited and aired it… Either CNN hired an actor to play the part of Robbie Parker, or Robbie Parker is one cold hearted SOB.. See for yourself
Says 122 – 2012-12-21 The end of the World
It’s the beginning of the collapse of the system and the world as we know it, and
the beginning of a new world without the political and religious crap. What is happening now is that all the denials and shit is getting exposed and as it does, the system begins to fall and truth becomes the normal behavior…
Says 119 – Dumbed down Society – Frat boy mentality
December 3 Monday, On Saturday night Paul was in his room smoking weed and playing loud music until just past 11:00 pm. On Sunday morning, he and his girlfriend went out for breakfast and when they returned they smoked up again. I was getting a headache and decided to get out of the house for a while. I went downstairs to put on my shoes and his girlfriend was vacuuming the carpet by the front door. As I put my shoes on, I sarcastically said to her that Paul must really have a sore hand today with all the pot that he’s been smoking. She looked puzzled at first but then got to gist of my words as he had told me he only smokes because his right hand hurts and has arthritis. After supper, they smoked another doobie. It’s like now that I’m moving out, he doesn’t care what he does . I’ve also noticed that when I’m around him and he knows he’s did something, like smoking weed in the house, he whistles or hums which is also a sign of being activated and in denial.
Today, a roommate that was returning from work brought in a hand-delivered letter that had been stuck in the front door, and put it on the kitchen counter. I glanced at it and saw that it was from the local hydroelectric company and had the word URGENT stamped on it in big red letters. It was addressed to the owner and in the lower right hand corner of the address box, I could clearly see the words arrears and disconnect in bold red letters. For him to get such a letter, he has to be a good 2 to 3 months behind in payment. A couple of weeks ago, it was the Internet that was cut off, and now this. That makes me wonder what else is he behind in paying, his mortgage?
It’s interesting that all this is happening as I’m observing that he has a self-centered frat boy mentality and only pretends to be interested in other people if it serves his purpose. While he has a construction type job where he says he is making $25.00/hour, he is just in it for whatever money he can make to help keep him in his life style. I assume that it’s not enough because he also has three room-mates that help pay the bills. What he really likes is just to have fun with his buds, get high, have some drinks, get laid, play sports, add bling to his car, and pretend he has all the money in the world. His girlfriend, that I’ve talked to and call Cinderella, is his lover and mother figure as she picks up after him and cleans the house, while he busies himself looking over his stuff. Besides smoking, he is also brushing his teeth in the kitchen sink again as well as dirty dishes in the sink and on the counter. l know he isn’t stupid, and that what he is doing or not doing is what he has learned and has gotten away with as being acceptable behavior and all this self-centeredness is compounded by the use of pot, hard liquor and beer that clouds his thinking, reasoning and problem solving abilities.
Says118 – Avoidance and the unseen role of Denial
I saw a program on TV about a dog whisperer and during his interview, he used the word avoidance along with three other words, fight, flight and surrender that I often use to describe what happens when people get activated into their issues. While those three words describes their actions once they have been activated, it doesn’t describe how they are re-acting when they are not activated and that is where the word AVOIDANCE comes in. When he mentioned avoidance, it really struck a chord in me as it was another piece of the puzzle that I needed to see in a different light. With avoidance, there is also the use of lies, omission as well as outright denial. While I knew that avoidance was a form of denial, I’ve never really associated it with a three other reactions that people have when they are being activated or triggered. When he used the word avoidance, it became blatantly obvious that avoidance is the main method used to avoid having to face what you are denying and not wanting to face, because if you did, you would get activated you then react with the other three choices.
The avoidance I’m talking about isn’t running when you have been activated, but what you are doing and saying to avoid any situation that you know will activate you. Like when you have a fear of heights, water, knives, guns, fire, crowds, conflict, saying no, getting attention, public speaking, etc, and you avoid any experiences that will trigger that issue. There are countless ways and means to avoid things, from moving around or away from something or someone , procrastinating, deflecting, invalidating, keeping busy, using drugs, alcohol, work, sex, exercise, hobbies, crafts, TV, eating, and the list goes on and on. This avoidance also includes all the different forms of lies, omission and denial that a person can use to avoid an unpleasant situation and be activated. I never really felt how avoidance was linked to the unseen role of denial, but it hit home as I saw how I have been procrastinating and avoiding finishing my books.
Says 109 – Insight in Dance lessons.
2012 Nov 02 I was thinking of my first day at school and how my dad told me that I would be okay if I just listened and watched and learned to be like the other kids. I couldn’t understand or speak a word of English, as all I knew was German, so I had no idea what was being said or being asked of me. It was to say the least, traumatic. So I took my dad’s words to heart and all my life, I constantly compared myself to others and if I didn’t have, or couldn’t do what they could do, I berate myself that I was not good enough, stupid, a loser, or whatever. I even went so far as to judge my parents and family as I also compared them to other families. Why not? I was part of this family that was not like the others as we lacked this and that, and my program said that this was a reflection on me. As a result, I was never happy and always trying to live up to unobtainable expectations, trying to be like others instead of being me.
The flip-side of this is that when I was being me that brought me joy and happiness, it made others unhappy, envious and hate me. So now my program said, don’t be you as it makes others unhappy, be like the others. Don’t show off your talents and strengths that others don’t have. To facilitate this hideous self-hatred program, I’d deny and sabotage my gifts and talents, and downplay my strengths so that I would be like the others and they would like and accept me. But of course, having already shown my true colors, they were always watching and reminding me not to be me. What a sick and twisted game I played on, and with myself, all the result of this one program that was instilled and imprinted in my young, innocent mind, when it was filled with fear, doubt and confusion on that first day of school.
I feel that these dance lessons are yet another step in my de-programming myself, not totally, but getting to some core root issues. While I still tried to be like the others in that, I was part of a group that was taking dance lessons; I was not trying to be like the others. What I learned was what the teacher was teaching the whole group and how I applied, what I learned was up to me. Others did what they did, and I did what I thought was right and what felt good, and if I was confused and the steps didn’t feel right then I’d get help from the teacher. My dance class last night was fun. Sure I and my partner made mistakes but we also learned and corrected them and there were moments when we were in our own little world, oblivious as to what others were or were not doing. I was being me and enjoying myself and not trying to be like the others, or comparing myself to them.
Says 97 – The walking dead
2012 Sept 25, I drove into Woodstock to look at a room that I saw listed on Kijiji. It turns out that the man is dying of cancer and has only a few months left to live. It started out in his colon, then moved to his liver and is now in his lymph glands, that can’t be operated on. He said that he maybe has four months, and that he hopes to see this Christmas, but that he doubts he will see another one. He said that besides having his colon removed, he had 5/8 of his liver removed, as well as a node that they later found on it. He now has a hernia protruding out of his abdomen where his liver used to be. He looks fine and healthy while he is sitting down. He seems quite calm, cool and collected in talking about his illness and imminent death, but that is NOT what is really going on. He’s a walking dead man. How does one deal with that? Again, I’m witnessing what is going on behind the scenes.
While we were talking, his wife took a phone call and went outside on the patio to talk. I asked him why he wants to rent out a room, something that they have never done before, if he has all this going on as it will just add stress to your relationship with your wife that is working and also looking after you. He didn’t reply to my questions, but said that another person, a nurse, was coming over later this afternoon to have a look at the room and that if she didn’t want it, that I could have it. I said that a nurse staying here would be of help to him and his wife as she could provide some assistance if needed. With that, I said my goodbyes and left.
2012 Sept 26, I received an email stating that the room had been taken.
Says 85 – Israel doing more saber rattling in preparation for war
2012 Sept 17 Monday Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu
“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Iran was just six to seven months away from the brink of being able to build a nuclear bomb.”
“Netanyahu’s sharpened rhetoric in recent days had stoked speculation that Israel might attack Iran before the U.S. election, believing that Obama would give it military help and not risk alienating pro-Israeli voters.”
“It’s the same fanaticism that you see storming your embassies today. You want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?” Netanyahu asked in the NBC interview, in a clear emotional appeal to Americans still reeling from the angry protests sparked by a film that mocked the Prophet Mohammad.”
What he’s NOT saying, what is being denied is that Israel has a stockpile of Nuclear weapons, and has had for decades. As long as they are the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, they don’t want anyone else with the same capabilities as that would neutralize base of power, which of course, is backed by the USA.
What he’s also not saying about the recent events and killing of US embassy staff is that the people were provoked by the recent release of the film, “Innocence of Muslims,” which is an anti Islam video that claims Islam is a lie and that Mohammed was a pedophile. Muslims are reacting to this religious insult just as Christians would also be outraged if anyone mocked Jesus, or Jews reacting to any anti Moses propaganda. Just because they’re Muslims reacting to their religious beliefs, they are called fanatics, while if that happened to Christians or Jews, their violent outbursts would be deemed justified.
The thing that is starting to come out about this film is that the film was endorsed and funded by the US government. Similar to the recent Colorado “Dark Knight Batman” Theatre Massacre, there is also a cover-up going on as things don’t add up and clearly points the finger at the US government and their agencies.
Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu
Says 74 – Courage
2012 July 30 6:30 am. I was thinking of a discussion I had with a friend on Courage. It doesn’t take courage to pretend that you are OK when you’re not. That’s false courage and the illusion and lie that that they present to others so that they won’t feel week, alone, vulnerable, not good enough, a failure, unlovable, and the list goes on and on. Pretending that one is fine by putting on a false bravado and face to others is also a disguised form of unloving heartlessness toward themselves. By pretending that you have conquered, or are unaffected by your physical adversities, or the things and people in your life that are activating you, you are not only fooling others, but also yourself.
Real courage is not only admitting all the things that you omit, avoid and deny, but to also dig deeper and have the inner strength to not only face your issues, but to mentally, emotionally and physically allow yourself to move what has never been allowed to move, your darkest fear. That is true courage and that is the only thing that will bring light and understanding to what has been denied and in kept in the dark. That is love, unconditional love that can move mountains and give you the life you have only dreamed and hoped was possible.
Says 72 – Chat with the landlords – leaving the end of August.
2012 July 28 Saturday 11;00 am. The landlord came to my room and asked me if I had found another place yet. I invited him into my room and we had a little chat. I stated that I liked the room and the other people living here and that I’d like to stay, but that we need to clear the air. I said that I speak my mind and ask questions when I am confused or feel someone is trying to manipulate or bullshit me. And just because I express myself, that doesn’t mean that I’m the bad one for uncovering the truth that another person is trying to hide.
I asked about the A/C and was given several BS stories. I asked about why you went into my room without permission, and you questioned my questioning you. And most recently my asking your wife why she was up here at midnight, making a noise, and basically telling me to fuck off. Me asking questions is NOT the problem. You guys not answering my question in a forthright and honest manner and lying, omitting, avoiding or denying is the problem.
He then began his response by saying that what goes on between us, stays with us. We don’t like you talking with the other tenants and stirring things up. I said that the other tenants come to me and tell me things but they are too shit scared to confront you or your wife. I told him that I don’t keep secrets and I don’t hide the truth. If the problem is uncovered and the truth is honestly and openly expressed, then there is no longer a problem as it will be resolved. The problem only continues to be a problem as long as we try to deny and cover up that there is a problem.
If I were to say nothing or to agree with you even if I did it just to make you happy, then I’d be just like you, a person that lies, omits, avoid and denies telling the truth. What would make you happy is for me to obey you and agree with anything you say or do. My being real and honest is not what you want to hear, as you would like to have obedient tenants that are just grateful for what you give them, and do what you want without question, as having that power and control over others is what makes you and your wife happy.
He then suggested that I meet with him and his wife later to discuss the matter, but she was busy showing the room across the hall from me and wasn’t going to be free until early afternoon.
1:30 pm, I went downstairs and had a meeting with both, and the woman was adamant in getting rid of me, as no matter what I said, she avoided or denied answering my direct questions. In the end, the only thing that was resolved was that I would be out by Friday, August 31 (or before) if I found another place sooner. They also stated that if I left sooner, that they would reimburse me the number of days I had left to the end of the month if I paid the full month’s rent, and also return my $100.00 deposit. The landlord extended his hand and I accepted the offer.