Says 229 – Death and Dying

I didn’t post this before as I felt confused, and felt it had no bearing on the material I was presently sharing, but with what I experienced on Nov, 20, that I will share later, it is very relevant.

2016 Nov 11 Friday

229-near-death-experience3:35 am – I woke up thinking about death that I had been dreaming about. The only reason people feel a profound sense of peace when they die, (and then come back to life) is that they’ve only experience the sensations of their Spirit (Mind), as all else, the things that were troubling Spirit like feelings and emotions and physical aches, pains and disease have been left behind, and the Spirit (mind) is no longer aware of them. The only feelings and emotions that they take with them when they temporarily die are the ones they have acceptance for, the ones that gave them pleasure. All the rest are not accepted, are denied and become lost essence and will be what they will add to the other essence they cast off and  rejected in past lives that they will again try to reclaim in their next reincarnation.

While this first glimpse of the afterlife may feel euphoric and peaceful, if they don’t come back, it’s another story, as they eventually realize what they’ve lost and it is then that they choose to try to reclaim this lost essence by reincarnating again. Unfortunately, the knowing of what needs to be done and how to do it is lost when the Spirit and Soul reincarnate. And by the time they are old enough to be able to begin the recovery, they’ve lost almost all memory of what they knew when they were in the nonphysical reality of spiritual energy. And so they have to physically, mentally and emotionally experience the issues that they reincarnated to heal and reclaim. To them it will feel like a burden, a curse, and being a victim with only pain and suffering to endure until such time as Spirit feels it can no longer stay with an aging or diseased body, and chooses once again to shed the physical Body it does not desire and return to the nonphysical realm of existence.
229-organ-donation6:33 am –  Spirit (Mind) has never experienced death and that is the reason society has the belief that death is nothing to fear, that it’s a welcome transition from the drudgery and dreariness of the physical body (for any number of reasons) to that of the peace and serenity of the afterlife. Once the Spirit has truly crossed over with no chance of returning to the physical Body and Soul it has abandoned, it reconnects with this higher self, the part of its Being that has remained in the higher vibrational energy of the Spirit realm. The Soul however, remains with the physical Body after Spirit and Heart have left, and slowly begins to withdraw her essence from the Body through a process that lasts from 3 – 5 days. The Soul first withdraws from the limbs and then the internal organs. By the way, the medical community does not transplant dead organs; they harvest and transplant living organs that still have Soul essence in them. That is why some people that receive a organ feel some of the emotional memories of the donor.  That’s also why there is the custom of not burying a person for at least three days following their death.

To understand what life is,

you need to understand what Death is.

Says 222 – The Beast – Revelations 12:2 & 13:2

I felt I needed to share this today (2012 Nov 08). There are major changes coming, including a shift in consciousness for those that are awakening. The imprints,programs and beliefs that are presently keeping the old system alive are slowly being exposed for what they are, and the Beast, will try to do everything to maintain control. Denials are ending, and the truth is revealing the unloving corruption that has been in power for eons, and is beginning to collapse.

PS: No, I am NOT a Christian, nor do I follow any organized religion. I do however, take note of certain phrases and passages (in any religion) that strike a chord in me. Later, when I feel more into it, I express what I feel it means to me.

Says 217 – Concussion & Inflammation

217-head-injuries217-concussion-symptoms2Besides the issues with my neck, back and legs as a result of the accident, I also received a concussion, brain injury. The concussion wasn’t just forward and back, but also to the left and right. As a result, I immediately lost a good part of my hearing in both ears. I also have a constant headache behind my eyes and at the back of my head, which, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being an ice cream freeze, would be a 2. I can’t run, as running jars my head and increases the headache to unbearable levels. I need to weak soft sole shoes to lessen the impact when walking. If I shake my head, I get the same reaction. Added to that is a loss of memory, like how to spell words that I know I know, or in mistyping others Sometimes I look at or hear a word and I’m at a loss to know what it means. Another example is seeing and picking up an apple, but calling it an orange. I lost my ability to whistle and enunciate certain words like celery. I had my jaw dislocated for 15 months. All these symptoms are caused by damage and inflammation of the brain and connective tissue. I had MRI and Cat scan, and while they identified certain areas as “mild patchy white areas, they suggested they were related to age.


Says 216 – TRT (Torgue Release Technique) and emotions

216-front-lines-of-skepticismWhen I was receiving this new Chiropractic treatment, I wanted to know more about this new TRT technique, so I did an internet search. Chiropractic is considered a form of “alternative medicine” that focuses on manipulation of the musculoskeletal system, mainly the spine. It was considered unscientific and a cult by the so-called medical establishment, due in part to its holistic and homeostasis approach to treating their patient. It was only recently that Chiropractic treatments began being accepted by some conventional doctors, and some elements of the medical ESTABLISHMENT.

So it was no wonder that what I discovered was both interesting and also disheartening. What I found interesting was that Chiropractic was now associating emotions with spine issues, and that had a direct link to the work I had been doing that I share in my books, that of dealing with FEELINGS and EMOTIONS. But, the proverbial but, besides the following quote, what was also disappointing was that almost every Chiropractic site I visited had the same dogmatic scripted text, all singing the same, “We agree with psychiatrists” tune. While the Chiropractic discipline was on to something, they completely re-railed themselves by buying into the present psychiatric mental health mumbo jumbo.

Mental health conceptHere is their “suck up” quote regarding to the medical ESTABLISHMENT. <quote> Research published in one of the most respected psychiatry journals showed dramatically increased success in reducing anxiety and depression levels, and improved measurements of wellbeing, when Torque Release Technique (“TRT”) chiropractic adjustments were received. <end quote>

And here is a link to the ESTABLISHMENTS’s MENTAL HEALTH approach to dealing with what are considered “negative” feelings and emotions.

Says 214 – Toxic air, water, and products that affect our Body (Inflammation).

says-214-drug-portalBesides the toxic brew that we consume as FOOD that I listed in Says 212 / 213, I forgot two major toxic sources that are widely used and accepted. (1) Vaccines and prescription drugs. (2) alcohol and a host of so-called illegal drugs, like weed, meth, heroin, and others. Alcohol just reminded me of another toxic “unnatural” food, and that is milk, and the host of hormones and antibiotics that it contains.

214-sewage-water-pollutionWATER : Some of the toxic chemicals and bacteria in the water that we drink, and bathe in, and in the products we use. They include,  raw sewage, industrial waste, pesticides, herbicides, fluoride, chlorine, lead, mercury, PCB’s, Arsenic, Dioxins, DDT, Glyphosate, PFASs, Radioactive Contaminants, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Chromium, plastics water bottles,

BODY CARE PRODUCTS: Then there are the toxic chemicals that we put on our Bodies, or use in our homes include, laundry and dish detergent, hand soap, body soaps, shampoo, toothpaste, sanitizers, cosmetics, nail polish, hygiene products, baby diapers, perfume, deodorant, aftershave, sun blockers, body lotions, air fresheners,

says-214-air-pollutionAIR: Air pollutants that we breathe such as, car exhaust, industrial fumes, cigarette smoke, paint fumes, air fresheners, toxic scents from the things we put on our bodies or use. Not to forget the toxic brew from chemtrails that contain barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers. 214-chemtrails

ELECTROMAGNETIC: And of course, there are the invisible energies that also affect our Bodies such as: Microwave ovens, cell phones, Wifi, Smart meter, fluorescent light bulbs, LED lights, Radio and TV signals, EMF, radar, nuclear radiation, electromagnetic radiation from our electricity.

So with all these toxic chemicals and energies attacking our Body, creating inflammation and disease, you wonder why the so-called medical professions first thought to help the Body heal, is to prescribe pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs?  By now, I hope that you can see that the main agenda of the medical profession is not healing, but in creating customers for the pharmaceutical industry, that in turn, ensures that they make a good and profitable living.  But of course, these are just the wild rambling rants of a conspiracy theorist, and NOT those of a highly trained MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL or an ACCREDITED RESEARCH SCIENTIST….  LOL  Saysame

Says 213 – Causes of Inflammation

212-chronic-inflamitory-diseasesSo the questions that beg to be asked about Inflammation are.

  1. What is the Body fighting and why?
  2. Why is inflammation considered a thread to health, if it’s the Body natural reaction to a foreign invader?
  3. Why is modern medicine attacking inflammation, and the already stressed Body with drugs?
  4. If the Body is activated to fight the above list of diseases, what are their cause? It has to be something that is either associated with physical trauma, or something that the Body took in via food, air or water, or related to some form of emotional trauma.
  5. Such a massive scale of deadly diseases has to be related to Food, air and water.
  6. So how can food (carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals that have been around for centuries be a problem?
  7. It’s not the food, but what is in or on the food that is the problem.
  8. What has changed?213-fat-man
  9. We no longer have natural food, but food like products  that contain a host of toxic chemicals that are foreign invaders to the Body. GMO products like Palm Oil, Soybean oil, High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), Glyphosate (roundup herbicide), Fluoride (in water, toothpaste, etc), Arsenic, aluminum, BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene), Polysorbate 60, Propylene glycol alginate (E405) Artifical Sweeteners, Sodium, Benzoate and Potassium Benzoate,  Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), Sodium Nitrates And Sodium Nitrites, food colours, MSG, etc., etc., etc…213-sick-womanSo… if you begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together, you begin to see a common thread. It’s not the Body’s inflammation that is the problem, but the chemicals and GMO products that the so-called medical profession has APPROVED  safe for human consumption that is the problem.. Oh wait…!!! I get it ! Create a problem so that you can pretend to solve it, and in the process, make a hell of a lot of money. Who cares about peoples health, they are now paying CUSTOMERS… That’s the American dream isn’t it…  Make lots and lots of FUCKING MONEY as money is power, and status.  213-american-dream

Says 208 – Mental Health issues are NOT a Chemical imbalance

says-208-mind<Quote> The Chemical Imbalance Theory Might Be Incorrect <end quote>

I’m posting this it relates to the work I’ve done that I share my books in addressing Emotional issues, and that it also supports my low opinion of the present psychiatric and psychology profession and the Mental Health industry, 

MAYBE…? It’s not a fucking MAYBE, it’s a fact, and has a lot to do with medical dogma  and the medical prostitutes (aka doctors) of the pharmaceuticals will deny it and keep pushing the DRUGS as long as they are getting paid. Medicine is not about healing, in finding and treating the CAUSE, but in treating the SYMPTOMS and getting and keeping CUSTOMERS, as that means more….. MONEY.

Of course the other issue is that the MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT and the so-called learned “professionals” that write the medical bibles, still believe that emotions are a MENTAL illness and related to chemical imbalances in the Body, that just so happens to be what the pharmaceuticals need to sell their poison and create customers. DAH! So are they just STUPID, or are they just pretending they are STUPID… ?

<Quote> “The cause of mental disorders such as depression remains unknown. However, the idea that neurotransmitter imbalances cause depression is vigorously promoted by pharmaceutical companies and the psychiatric profession at large.”<end quote>  (Source)

The second reason I’m posting this is that I’ve not been very active on my blog, due in part to a Motor Vehicle Accident I had back in 2014 Dec. 03. “So what’s the link?” you may ask. Well I’ve been working on healing another aspect of me, my Body, for a while, and after getting my books published, that journey began in earnest with the accident. What I’m finding is that the so-called medical establishment has just about as much knowledge about healing the body as they do about the Emotions and they generally treat them the same… with DRUGS…


Says 206 – Two parts of our brain

Says 206 - Right and left brainI found this video You are two that discusses our left and right brain and thought I’d say a few words. Modern medicine and psychiatrists, would have us believe that only our Mind our left Brain, that which thinks, is the only part of our Being that matters as it is the master controller. They would also have us believe that our feelings and emotions are part of the Mind and therefor, under its control, just as is the Body. While there is some truth in that concept, it is also deeply flawed and inaccurate.

True, we have two parts to your brain… a left and right hemisphere. The left side controls speech, language, thoughts, ideas, logic and reason, while the right side is responsible for our intuition and knowing as well as our feelings and emotions and is also involved with our creative processes. What is important to recognize is that the right side of the brain can’t talk, and therefore, it needs the acceptance and cooperation of the left brain in order to express itself. That last sentence is crucial in understanding the dynamic workings of our Being and why we have the problems, fears and issues that we do. I’m not going to go into it here, but this is just to give you some food for thought.

Says 202 – Everything you think you know is wrong

says 202 - Everything You Think Is WrongI found this image and a related article entitled… “Everything You Think You Know About Animals Is Wrong”  on my facebook page. When I saw the image, I immediately felt there was a BIGGER picture that also had to be shared. I used part of the title, but shortened it to give it a new meaning and food for thought.

says 202 some lives matter lessThe sad truth is that most people will have a pecking order (JUDGMENTS) of their fellow humans… before they even get to animals. These judgments are based on race, colour, sex, young, old, religion, nationality, politics, work, wealth, social status, etc., etc., etc…. Who is more VALUABLE has more WORTH than another human being? Who are considered workers, low life, slaves, etc.?  Of course Humankind (in general) considers itself above all other life forms on Earth, including their fellow humans that are not LIKE them. They think that any life form, and the Earth itself are meant to be used and subjugated to serve their purpose.

It’s this mentality that needs to be addressed and removed from our mass consciousness as it is not loving and does not seek or support life. I’m sure that you are aware of the rapid changes happening on Earth, and how denials and unlovingness are being exposed. Those that can see and feel the truth are the ones that will be part of the new Earth. Changes are coming, and either people will let go of their unloving beliefs and judgments, or they will be removed. It’s all a matter of choice and intent.


Says 199 – Megalithic stone in Baalbek, Lebanon

says 199 - Megalithic stone in Baalbek, LebanonI not only question religious rhetoric and dogma, but so-called science as well, and Archeology is high on the list. There is so much of our history that has been either destroyed, hidden, or presented in a twisted fashion that I’d say that barely .5% of it has any merit of truth.

This is the Megalithic stone at Baalbek, Lebanon. This is a HUGE stone created thousands of years ago by supposedly people that only had simple hand tools. BUT… if you examine the picture… you can clearly see that the block had been CUT and then rolled over to its present position for finishing. HOW did they do that???  And a ton of unanswered questions. The history that we have been taught is a lie and a sham..

Says 194 – How Mass Mind Control Works

says 194 - How mass mind control worksFascinating… How PROPAGANDA changed its name to PUBLIC RELATIONS, and how MIND CONTROL of the masses works, and why the Sheeple love it… as it gives them a source of IDENTITY. Politics, religion, language, customs, sports, product brands etc… are are aspects of mind control..

Here is a like to the YouTube video

How Mass Mind Control Works

Besides the three point in the image above. there was also the comment that …
“Perception is a commodity.” Now that is deep statement… and needs thorough reflection.

Says 187 – Medical Blood Pressure Sham and Scam.

187-BP-Chart2-229x300High Blood pressure is another Medical Establishment sham and scam. The so-called normal or AVERAGE blood pressure is 120/80.. In this chart… they have 90/60 as the lower limit of the AVERAGE. With a 30/20 point spread, that would leave 150/100 as the high limit.

However, that doesn’t make the big pharmaceutical companies any money, so they manipulate the numbers that you now see in the chart to try to push those above the normal, to the other side of the average, (with the use of drugs) which is not NATURAL..

If they say that 120/80, is normal or average and reading below that to 90/60 is ideal, then they also have to say that levels up to150/100 is also ideal.. PUSHING this, “YOU HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE,” is just fear mongering to get people on drugs to make money for you know who. Drugs that also have unhealthy side effects.  Blood pressure varies minute by minute, and can rise or drop 20 – 30 points in a blink of an eye..


Says 179 – Medical Community searching for cure, not cause.

In the  course of my journey, I’ve come to discover that the so-called medical community is 95% out of touch with reality and have no interest in finding the CAUSE of a medical or emotional problem, but to find a CURE… which… BTW, are not one and the same.  Of course, the bottom line is to not heal the patients, but to create CUSTOMERS and make MONEY.
179 painI came upon this post…
The Connection Between Your Thyroid and Chronic Pain That Doctors Miss Every Time on a friends facebook page and after reading the article, I felt I needed to make a comment and also post it to my blog.

That this is another part-truth… Sure there is a connection between your thyroid and chronic pain. but what the so-called Dr. Westin Childs, a so-called leading expert in thyroid health fails to address, is why the thyroid is not functioning properly. And it’s NOT… repeat…. NOT…. because of a T3 or T4 level problem.

<quote> He linked tissue level hypothyroidism as one of the main causes of Fibromyalgia. And he did this through a concept known as ‘deductively formulated theory‘. <end quote>

This academic egotistical moron likes to compare himself to Albert Einstein. <quote> (This is the same logic that Albert Einstein used to come up with his hypotheses – like the theory of relativity)<end quote> but he isn’t even close. He hasn’t looked for the fundamental CAUSE. The thyroid is part of the much larger endocrine system and any mental, emotional and physical stress on the Body, affects this system, and in turn, the entire body.

Says 165 – Ebola and the US Government

Police, fire and medical services take pEbola is in the news and main stream media is playing it up for all it’s worth.. BUT.. what the main stream media is not saying and what you need to know is that this virus is man made, and that the USA Government registered and owns the patent on it… Here are 3 links on the patent..

PS: A new wrinkle in this sorted Ebola story.. Turns out that Canada owns a patent on an Ebola vaccine… Officials with the Public Health Agency of Canada have maintained that the contracts are confidential, but they affirm that Canada still owns the patent and the intellectual property.

Says 156 – A distorted view of our world.

A few days ago I read on a post on Facebook regarding Africa and the Middle East, and stating that Africa was way bigger that was shown on any maps, as was Asia. Today I did a search for “Land area of the continents” and found this link at the top of the list

says 156 - Contineltal Land areas
It shows a small distorted image of the continental land masses, but it also shows a spread sheet with the actual size in square kilometers. You can take all of North America, (Canada, USA, Mexico, central America) and Australia, and it would just cover Africa.. Asia is almost twice the size of North America, yet here it is shown as being equal to North America..

If you do a search with Google Maps you will also see this distorted view of our World. It’s as if the USA (And I’m saying USA as they are the major world power at present) has decided that it is the centre of the World and therefor, North America, of which it is a part of, has to be BIG… (Texas Logic) 🙂

There is no logical reason why the maps can’t be drawn to scale.. It’s a no brainer, especially when you have access to US satellite images, that by the way, are also contributing to this lie.

While I’m on the topic, why is it that you never see any satellite images of the North and South Pole.. They have satellites circling in polar orbits, surely, they can provide images of our entire planet, and in a real and truth manner, not this distorted view that we have come to accept as TRUTH..

This is not the truth. This is yet another bare face lie that needs to be exposed for what it is.

PS: It’s laughable.. I just thought of some future archeologist’s digging up some ruins and finding the present day version of the world map.. They would have a good laugh, in the same way we laughed at the middle age thinking the world was flat.. They would also be puzzled in that they would also discover modern day satellite images of the moon and other planets, yet Earth is so mis-represented..

The problem appears to be that the so-called Cartographers haven’t found a way to transfer the size and shapes on a sphere to a 2 dimensional layout. Given all the modern satellite technology and powerful computers, it should be child’s play, but no, they still appear to be using the same technology that Christoper Columbus did when he proved the Earth was round. Even without satellites and computers, they have the known land areas for each continent, yet these blind buffoons are unable to even make an educated guess and give each continent the proper proportions to make a realistic map. So much for modern Science..

PS: I made this composite of two satellite images of Earth, of North and South America, and Africa and Europe, with the Earth being the same diameter..
Image converted using ifftoany

Says 150 – WordPress blog and my website hacked…

Web blog hacked2013 May 12 A friend emailed me to tell me that my blog had been hacked. I checked it out and sure enough, I got a black screen and a “not to pleasant” welcome message. When I clicked on the message, it displayed a picture, along with music and animated GIF’s boasting their success. I was in shock, as why would anyone want to target me, but then I realized that to these “otherkin,” it’s all a game and that creating chaos and misery is what turns them on.

HackerI reported my problem to my website host “Save on Hosting” and they took my website off line.  . I immediately began to scan my computer for any virus or Trojan that might have infected it. I ran my AVG, Malwarebytes, Spybot – search and destroy and even downloaded Microsoft security essentials and Kasperesky and ran them to check if anything had been missed but my machine was clean. After a few emails, they stated that WordPress had a vulnerability and that was how the hackers got into my site. We exchanged a few more emails and they re-stored a backup version of my website and had me back up and running. So while it was a shock and an inconvenience, it wasn’t a big deal.

Says 148 – The Unholy Trinity

2013 March 30 – There are three places on Earth that are in a country but are not a part of that country and are situated in the middle of densely populated areas. These districts are completely autonomous and answerer to no other country or laws. They are;
unholy trinity
1) The City – the financial district in London, England
2) The District of Columbia in Washington USA
3) The Vatican in Rome Italy

I also got that they are representative of the unholy trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost

With Father being the King – England
Son – the Warrior – USA
The Holy Ghost – Religion – Italy

These districts control the major wealth, military and religions of the world.
Do a Google search and you will begin to see just how powerful these groups are.

Says 140 – Chemtrail flu – Have you got it yet?

Chemtrail-Flu-Have-You-Got-It-YetIt’s interesting as the other day I found this link on facebook… Chemtrail flu – Have you got it yet?

The article tied in with what I was thinking and feeling about my physical symptoms. The past couple of weeks with my back pain and not feeling up to par, I had the thought that what I’m feeling isn’t natural as when I had aches and pains in the past, the antibiotics I’m taking built up my immune system and the Chiropractor would realign whatever was off with my back. But that is not the case now as this just seems to linger and linger and my back pains are also different as they come and go.

I’ve been noticing a lot of jets spraying their chemtrails and that also pisses me off. It seems like all levels of government, even the opposition members are in on this secret conspiracy to poison the planet and all upon it.

Says 120 – Insight into our Solar System and the Mayan prediction

2012 Dec 10 – I love how the universe brings you the things that give you the “ahh ha” moment. It all started a couple of days ago with an animated gif image and three dots spinning in a circle. While the dots were moving around in a circle, at the same time the drawing was also showing the waveform that each dot created. When I saw it, I felt there was more to it and the first thing I visualized was that it was moving through space and time. Then today, I saw the YouTube video called TRUTH! The Earth does not revolve around the Sun, I instantly made the connection that it’s all a spiral. That life is a spiral.

Looking at the three circles or our solar system from a 2D point-of-view makes it appear as if they are moving in a circle. But when you turn the image on its side or edge and move it, it suddenly takes on a 3D reality as the points or planets not only revolve around the centre point or sun, but that the sun and the planets are moving toward something else. While the planets are revolving around the sun, the sun is revolving around another body in a similar manner, just a gigantic scale.

This concept put the Mayan prediction into perspective for me. I realized that what they were moving to is connected with the Mayan calendar and 2012–12–22 where the Earth and our solar system is moving into alignment with the galactic equator of the Milky Way Galaxy. This cycle or frequency occurs once every 25,800 years. They Mayans knew it thousands of years ago, but our scientists are just finding this out. This concept is just as revolutionary as when back in the 1500’s, people thought the Earth was flat and that the sun revolved around it. I feel that there is also more to it and that this is just the very tip of the iceberg. Another thing to consider is that our very DNA is also in the form of a spiral.

Says 113 – Anti-gravity

I happened to click on a link that was about a Russian named Victor Grebennikov that discovered anti-gravity. He had made a platform that could levitate him and also allow him to travel up to a height of 1000 feet in the air and then move at a speed of 900 mph. While he was doing all this, he was also invisible to those on the ground as he was encapsulated in some form of energy bubble. Not only that, when he was traveling in this bubble, time would also slow down significantly.

Grebennikov’s Flying Platform – Bio-Gravitics

Next, I found another link where the narrator stated that he used the principle of bumblebees to fly and there was also the mention of how humans also have this power. It also talked about for people missing a man using just one finger each, and levitating him effortlessly in the air. I remember doing this as a kid!

Anti Gravity Cavity Structure Effect introduction

I then found a YouTube video showing four guys lifting a 300 pound man into the air using only two fingers on one hand. I was thinking of how men and women are able to lift cars and other heavy objects off other people when there is a crisis, without any physical damage to their body. Did they gain extra strength, in which case they would also have needed to gain extra strong flesh and bones to support that strength, or, did they somehow make the object they were lifting lighter? Here are a couple of links.

Lift a 300 pound guy with 4 guys using only 2 fingers


Says 96 – Air, or what is classified as a gas, is really a fluid

Air behaves very much like a fluid in that it is not as light and porous as we imagine it to be. It also exhibits certain magnetic or surface tension characteristics and properties.

I say this as I was lying on my bed and noticed a speck of dust floating in the air above me as light coming through the window above and behind me was being reflected off it. I slowly raised my hand, pointing at it with my index finger. NO matter how slowly I moved, it always moved away from me. I couldn’t’ touch it as there always appeared to be a 2 – 3 inch separation. I could move it to the left or right with my finger directing its motion, but there was no way that I could capture it. It was like I was always pushing it away from me or it was being repelled from me. It reminded me of the surface tension of a leaf on water.

This also got me to thinking and questioning my beliefs of what a solid is. I feel that what we call solids is also fluid, just is a denser for. Space is a fluid. Air is a fluid, Water is a fluid, Wood is a fluid, Rock is a fluid. So why can’t everything, including what we call matter be just different forms of fluids? If everything is energy and vibration, it is constantly moving and thus, it’s a fluid. So space, gas, liquids and solids are all is a fluid state of motion. So if we can move though space, air and water, why can’t we move though solids.Things that make you go Hummmm.

Says 64 – Rogers “Pay-as-you-go” a rip off and an outrage!

2012 July 08 I had a cell phone with a pre-paid “pay-as-you-go” plan with Rogers for the past year. I had only used it for emergency calls, and if someone called me, I’d call them back using Skype on the internet where only costs me $3.00/month and I can call any phone in North America, and talk for as long as I want. With the move back to Ontario, I’ve been using it quite a bit and my $100.00 pre-paid card is almost empty. It’s little wonder when I get billed $.40/minute, or part therof, for any local call and $1.20/min or part therof for any long distance call. Rogers’ cell rates are outrageous and a rip off.

I checked around and found that Bell now had the lowest pay-as-you-go rates, that being $.10/min. for local calls and $.30/min. for long distance.
My ex-wife gave me her old phone a Samsung B3410 as she now has as iPhone. It was activated on the Rogers network, so I went online and got cellunlocker to send me the unlock key. I tried it and while it unlocked the phone, when I went to Bell to try to get it activated on their system, but it didn’t work.

I decided to try to buy a used Bell phone on Kijiji. I quickly found a Samsung m320 for $15.00 that had been on the Bell system. It was a flip phone with a camera and voice recorder. I then got it activated with Bell and got a one month card and now I’m good to go and no longer paranoid about using the cell phone longer than a minute.

2012 July 29 Update: This just out…. Rogers profits up again
2012 Aug 09 Update: Rogers battles for right to lie to consumers

Says 50 – USA Military and Homeland Security consider 2GB RAM for notebooks as “dual use” and sales need to be registered.

2012 May 09 I thought that if the increase in RAM helped my netbook, why not update my old Toshiba. I did a search and found that my old 2007 Toshiba Satellite A100 TA6 can be upgraded to 4GB of RAM. Originally it came with 1GB, but a couple of years after I got it I upgraded to 2GB, as that was as large a RAM I could get at that time. With this upgrade and my previous hard drive upgrade, I’ll now have a 2007 dual core laptop with 4GB RAM and a 500GB hard drive that is comparable to present laptops. The only difference is that I’m still running Windows XP (SP2).
I called Staples, but they didn’t have any 2GB PC2-4200 200-PIN DDR2 533MHz SO-DIMM RAM so I went on-line and found a company in the USA called Pro Memory upgrade that had what I needed so I placed my order for 2 sticks of RAM.

The next day I got an email asking me to fill out a form with the title…. “The U.S. Department of Commerce requires adherence to the following guidelines when exporting goods from the United States.” Apparently, a stick of 2GB Ram falls under military use “dual use” and so it has to be registered with numerous USA government agencies, including HomeLand Security. I just wanted to upgrade my laptop, not get involved with any military operation or be subject to military scrutiny and whatever other paranoid operations these military based agencies have. Anyway, I wrote an email back, politely telling them to cancel my order, as I don’t need the RAM that badly.

The irony and utter stupidity of all this is that 95% of all RAM and Hard Drive memory are either made in Thailand or China. Yet these idiotic bureaucrats and military robots focus to maintain control on products specifically designed for public use. Dah!


The video is about vaccinating people with a respiratory flu like virus that will attack certain parts of the brain in people that have strong emotional expression. The virus will dramatically suppress or eliminate any emotional based religious fundamentalism tendencies. The proposal has been to develop the virus with the prime intent of specifically targeting Islamic fundamentalists, with the goal of turning so-called Middle East fanatics into normal people..

Says 34 – Letting go of the Old world and creating a new World

2012 March 30 6:40 am I awoke and was thinking of all the things that are wrong in this world and I began to write a list.

Corrupt government, federal, provincial, and municipal
Religious beliefs and conflict
The wars and military spending
Pharmaceutical drugs and medical care
High gas, food, electrical and housing prices
High CATV, satellite, telephone, cell phone and internet prices
GMO foods and animals
Polluted land, water and air
Chemtrails and government cover-up
Big brother watching you
And the list goes on and on.

I then though, this is way too much to try to fix and that the only way we are going to change things is to let go of it and let it self destruct and then we’ll build a brand new world to rise out of the ashes like the fabled Phoenix. By self-destruct, I don’t mean that the World (Earth) should be destroyed, but that the SYSTEMS that are presently in a position of power be destroyed. When they are gone, along with those that support that system; those that remain can then begin the process of creating a New World with a new blue print of how reality can be when denials are ended.