Says 316 – False Identity

We have been so accustomed to the social Matrix we live in and under, that we take it as natural and real. Yet you wonder why things are the way they are . We naively believe that we are what society says we are, when in truth, we have yet to discover who we truly are and to follow and live our destiny path.It’s time to let go of the imprints, programs and beliefs that control and limit the expression of who we really are.

Says 194 – How Mass Mind Control Works

says 194 - How mass mind control worksFascinating… How PROPAGANDA changed its name to PUBLIC RELATIONS, and how MIND CONTROL of the masses works, and why the Sheeple love it… as it gives them a source of IDENTITY. Politics, religion, language, customs, sports, product brands etc… are are aspects of mind control..

Here is a like to the YouTube video

How Mass Mind Control Works

Besides the three point in the image above. there was also the comment that …
“Perception is a commodity.” Now that is deep statement… and needs thorough reflection.