This is just another New Age part-truth that I have come across. While it is true that others will be attracted to the frequency you are vibrating, what most are attracted to are judgments and denials that resonate with theirs. Start vibrating truth (unconditional love) and see how many friends you have, or people that want to be near you. You will be a beacon… but they will be avoiding you, and not one that they want to tune in to.
Says 253 – Important Date – 2017 Feb 17
I don’t know what it is, but at the beginning of February I got the strong feeling that something major was about to happen on 2017 Feb. 17. I don’t know if it’s personal or on a global level, but whatever it is, it was with me constantly for several days. Now that the date is getting closer, it’s back in my mind again. I’ll just have to wait and see what it’s all about. If any of you reading this have any feelings about this date, please post a comment.
Says 252 – Mind as MASTER… NOT!
This post is in reference to what I am becoming aware of as I’m becoming more physically active. My mind finds it confusing when my Body disagrees with what the Mind thinks it should do physically, but I am learning to trust my Body that it knows what it needs and how it needs any physical activity. Some days my Body wants both exercise and the walk, and other days it’s either or, and some days, like today, it’s neither, a day of rest.
Our physical Body (matter) is really a form of energy, of frequency and vibration that manifests as our dense physical Body with which we experience our reality. While the body can heal itself, it needs the Mind (Spirit) to help it, to have the intent to help the body heal itself, and to do what it needs to do to fulfill that desire. Like the Will (Soul) the Body is at the mercy of the Mind (Spirit) which can override any information it receives and controls both these aspects of its Being. It’s the Mind that sets in motion what the Will and Body can do and express. Yes, there are automatic functions that the Body does without apparent direction from the Mind, but in reality, the Mind is also in control of these on a sub-conscious level.
If the Mind wants the Body to do something against its will, the Body is forced to OBEY the Mind until such point that the Body is unable to physically do what the Mind demands and is either exhausted, injured, sick, or even at the point of dying. The Mind has been programmed, or it has programmed itself to be MASTER of its Will (Soul) and Body and so it finds it confusing and difficult to think, to reason, to fathom and consider that what it believes to be the truth and loving – isn’t. And if it accepts that it isn’t, then how does it change its programming, imprints and beliefs? It’s not good enough to simply recite some positive affirmations as the Mind needs to have the intent to be aware of when it is overpowering the Body’s information, and then it needs to choose to listen and accept what the Body is telling it what it wants and can do. In other words, it needs to be self aware that it is running on old imprints, programs and beliefs, and then choose to experience a different reality before it can really begin to let the old programming go, and to allow the Body to begin its healing process.
Says 251 – The Walk of Life
I’ve been going to the walk, jog, run track for almost 2 months and I’ve gradually worked my way up to a 6 km walk in just under an hour. It feels good to be able to walk without having to watch where you step, or adjust to different inclines. It’s all smooth going and your only concerns are the turns and the people traffic. While it feels good to be able to walk at a good pace, I find that I still can’t jog or run as even this cushioned track jolts my head and brain and I have to go back to walking. The reason I would like to run is to get my cardio going, as I haven’t done any cardio since my accident over two years ago.
While doing my walk, I observed the variety of people using it; from people using walkers, cane or another person for support, to healthy and fit runners. There are also all body types, male and female, and all ages including those that are mentally and physically handicapped; all taking “the walk of life.” It’s part of their “journey” like it is mine. Each has their personal experiences and reasons for being there, and their story to tell.
Says 250 – Bi-polar or Narcissist
It’s interesting as after the recent realizations and looking back on my life, I seriously doubt that my ex-wife was what the medical establishment classified as bi-polar disorder, whose classic definition is a series of “emotional” ups and downs, as when they get what they want, they’re happy and when they don’t, they’re sad.
I feel that we both suffered from childhood abuse or neglect, but we learned opposite techniques to try to solve our issues. She, being an only child, she was spoiled (imprinted and programmed) to act out so that she could get the superficial quick fix attention she desired to make her happy. My imprint and program was to do what I could to make others happy, as when they were happy, I was happy in that they weren’t attacking and blaming me. I now feel she is more of a Narcissist or having what they now LABEL as having NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Saying that doesn’t mean that I approve or agree with the so-called medical establishment and their diagnosis and clinical solution for a person suffering with any of their labels.
A person with NDP is narcissistic personality disorder has the following characteristic traits:
- Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
- Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
- Exaggerating your achievements and talents
- Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
- Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
- Requiring constant admiration
- Having a sense of entitlement
- Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
- Taking advantage of others to get what you want
- Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
- Being envious of others and believing others envy you
- Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Sure, everyone has their days when they feel fine, and others days that are not so good, and still others that are just bad, but that doesn’t mean we are helpless to overcome these experiences, maybe not in the moment, but when we are ready, and that may take years. Many look for a quick fix with drugs (including prescription) alcohol, smoking, sex, exercise, work, partying, food, hobbies, pets, music, reading, TV, shopping, cleaning, etc., etc. It took me years to finally not only get to the root cause of some of my emotional issues and problems, but also learn how to heal them.
Says 249 – Denials an attachments ended – game over
I’m not going to go into all the details that played themselves out over the past few months suffice to say that they all came to a head within three days. What became clear was that she was not as helpless as she pretended to be, and that a lot of her lies, secrets, avoidance, omissions and denials were exposed for what they were. She was not only playing me, but my son and daughter, her friends and even acquaintances on the internet. She was acting out the “oh poor me” and using whoever and whatever she could to get attention, even if it was negative, it was still attention. She is a self-centered self-absorbed Narcissist and an energy vampire. Her house of cards is crumbling and her reality is quickly changing. As I now see it, she has two choices;
- take responsibly for her thoughts and actions and make the positive changes or,
- Remain the narcissist and nothing changes.
It will be interesting to see what develops in the coming months now that her little game has blown up in her face.
Attachments that are OBVIOUS are easy to spot and release, but it’s the little issues that you don’t see that still form the attachment. In uncovering my attachments and ending my denials, I realized that as we were still on a friendly basis and since she is what is considered bi-polar, and has other illnesses, (judgments and attachments) and so I silently (in denial) put up with her blatant lies and denials, saying that is just the way she is, and instead, focused on trying to help her and find the good in her.
Not challenging her blatant denial, lies, omission and avoidance, as in not wanting to upset her, I was in denial and unconsciously allowed her to use those against me. The sick “twist” in all this is that at times she really needed help, but other times it was just a game and she was acting the “oh poor me” to get whatever power she could by knowing she was controlling the another being. The more I allowed, the more she used them against me in the form of getting me to do things for her that affected my time, energy and money, to the point that this past weekend, I saw exactly what she was doing and what I was allowing her to do, via the unseen role of denial, judgments and attachments. When I called her out on her denials and lies, and stated that I was finished helping her and empowering her “oh poor me” reality, our attachments were broken and I was free, while she was left to deal with her denials in your own way and to take, or not take, responsibility for her well being.
The unseen role of denial that I didn’t see with my ex-wife’s scenario was that in my Spirit (mind) and the Spirit polarity aspect of my Heart, that defines love by words and deeds and not by how it feels, thought that I was being kind, caring, sharing, considerate, compassionate, etc., etc., for those that I judged to be less fortunate. That “less fortunate” judgment (that I now release) has an unloving aspect to it that of a false sense of pride, in that it silently and smugly deems me to be superior or better than, or in a better position than another. The opposite side of my outer judgments says that if I have judgments of being better than others, I must also have the judgment on self that I’m not as fortunate as good as some other people.
So the realization was that this doesn’t just apply to my ex-wife, but to everyone that I’m in contact with. The subtle judgments, the false pride, the trying to be nice, even to an asshole because he/she is drunk or on drugs or whatever, are all things that I need to release to really empower myself on all levels. How this played out in my outer reality was that my ex-wife was ACTING like she needed help and asking for it, either directly or indirectly. These weren’t an “in the moment” type situations or experiences of helping another that you could see and feel were in need of help, but on an attachment and judgment level based on past experiences and old imprints, programs and beliefs of what the person appeared to be going through and needing help with.
While this may seem like it’s not a big deal, I assure you it is, as guilt and shame are constantly at me, trying to get me to reverse my position, to be responsible and be the “nice” guy again. Like I said, this isn’t just about my ex-wife, but how I respond to all that I come in contact with. It’s a new way of seeing that just because someone looks like they are the victim and in need of help, doesn’t mean that they are. They just play the “Oh poor me” game from another angle and don’t be fooled, it is effective. Besides the Oh poor me, the other major game players in the energy sucking power game are the intimidator, the interrogator, and the aloft. Some are quite good at using two or more power plays to get what they want and will flip back and forth at easy. Recognizing them is the first step at ending their control over you. . It’s been a while since I read it, but I think these are outlined in the book, “Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield.
Says 248 – Understanding – “You don’t understand.”
While we were married for 20 years, and divorced now for almost 27 years, I’ve managed to remain on friendly terms with my ex-wife. While I’ve been aware of her blatant lies and denials, I didn’t realize that I had unconsciously programmed myself and made exceptions for her behavior. In doing so, I had also given her power and control over me. Interestingly enough, these programs were not made after our divorce, but during our marriage. Since we weren’t in each others lives for years, I thought nothing of it, as most of my dealings with her were more of a handyman nature, doing things I knew she couldn’t do around her house or apartment. That was until recently, with her health declining, her calls for help were more personal in nature.
During our marriage, she had been diagnosed with postpartum depression and then later as being bi-polar. Not understanding the causes and naively believing medical doctors, I molded my life around trying to make her happy and to understand what was going on with her different moods. One of her favorite lines was, “You don’t understand.” I didn’t realize it until now, but it’s a phrase to make me doubt what I was seeing, hearing and feeling, and to fall for the story she was giving me. Her next favorite line was, “You don’t care,” which is an invitation for guilt and shame to attack me.
Recently I was feeling more and more under pressure and I noticed that she was a master at manipulating and twisting facts to get what she wanted. Giving me the, “oh poor me” speech, whether it was about her bi-polar condition, meds, back, shoulder or arm pain, diabetes, weight, money issues, living conditions or whatever she found to bitch about that was not to her liking. If I asked questions or contradicted her, all I got back was, “You don’t understand, you never understood.” I realized that she was not taking responsibility for her well being and her personal experiences, but expected other to either make them right, to help her in her time of need.
What part of my issues were that allowed me to get sucked into this “game” was that even though she had all these issues, I was still the eternal optimist, full of false hope, looking for the best in people and hoping that they will change. I was also programmed to deny my true expression in favor of making another happy. I thought I had dealt with this a few years back during my healing experiences, but this was on a new level.
Says 247 – A life based on lies and denials
A life based on lies, omission, avoidance and denial is really very fragile, like a pyramid build of a deck of playing cards. All it takes is for the bottom foundation on which the rest is balanced to be removed and the whole thing comes tumbling down. When the truth is revealed there is nothing to support the rest, and they too fall.
Until the truth is finally recognized and revealed, not by the person doing the lying and denying, but the one that is the unwitting object of the deceit. While blatant and obvious denials can be spotted in others, it’s the unseen role that denial plays in the self that is the key issue. To empower yourself, you need to not only see the denial in others, but also your part in it. In the next few posts, I’ll be sharing a person experience that I had the past weekend.
Says 246 – A quick update
I can’t believe how fast this month is flying by. Back in December I mentioned that I had joined a walk, jog and run club. I’ve been going to it 4-5 times a week and in a little over a month, I’ve worked my way up to walking 5km (~3miles) and it feels good. It’s nice walking on a smooth padded surface without having to worry where I’m stepping and jarring my body that then affects my brain and headache that was the result of a MVA and a concussion I had a couple of years ago. I guess that will just take time to heal, but being able to walk, and get some exercise without adding to my issues is a bonus.
I took the weekend of the 13th – 15th off from the track, and on Monday, I woke up in the middle of the night with a cold, the first I’ve had in a long time and it really put me under for a three days and I’m just now beginning to feel alive again and getting my energy back. I’m going to drop back to 4km, then, if I feel like it without pushing myself, I’ll try to get back to my 5 km., later this coming week. The exercise I mentioned in my previous post Says 245 is also helping my neck and shoulder issues as I can feel a shift. I’ve found that the first few days after a series of stretching exercises, there is added pain and my mobility is also more limited, but then it slowly shifts to less pain and more mobility. I’m feeling my neck crack in ways it never has. There is still a long way to go, but there is movement and hope.
Says 244 – Quickening vs awakening
I feel that people have a misguided sense, or use of the word awakening… or maybe I just look at it a different way. I feel that what people are presently going through is what I call a “quickening,” an acceleration process in recognizing what is not life, or contributing to life. Denials are being exposed and the truth revealed, but that doesn’t mean that people are awaking to end their own denials and begin to live life, and not the illusion as has been the case.
People get caught up in the New Age mumbo jumbo and hype, and talk of awakening and ascension, not unlike a born again Christian that claims to be “saved,” and yet they are oblivious to what truth, love and life are. They are still disconnected from recognizing the Divine aspects of their Physical Being, or how denial of these are being reflected in their experiences and reality. Yes, their consciousness is stirring, but by no means are they wake as they claim to be.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m far from being fully awakened, but I have done a lot of personal inner work and healing on ending my denials that is being reflected in my outer reality. What I see people going through is what I went through years ago, “Been there done that.” While they are becoming aware of the issues in their OUTER reality, or the blatant lies and denials of others, they are still oblivious as to how to heal their personal inner issues by recognizing and choosing to end their denials. They wear masks to hide the truth and act the role that their altered ego ignorantly believes will make them happy.
Says 243 – 2017
Says 242 – If I were the Devil – Paul Harvey 1965
“If I were the Devil” ~ A prophetic essay written and recorded by radio commentator Paul Harvey in 1965.
Says 241 – Perception is a Commodity
I don’t know what happened, but I’ve lost a few posts. I’m updating the ones I have copies of – others are just lost.
This video clip reminds me of how government, religion and the media work. What they show is how they would like you to perceive the event…. The last part of the clip shows what is really going on.. If you just believe what you are shown and told, you will never know the truth..
Of course all the followers (sheeple) would cheer and clap and would deny anything that didn’t portray their leader in a favorable “god like” light. Perception is a commodity and can be used to manipulate, persuade and control people that buy into the presented reality.
Says 240 – I joined a walk, jog, and run club
Things have been kind-of slow the past few days in that I feel I’m in an in-between phase. I had a Chiropractic treatment on Friday, Dec. 09 and the next one won’t be until Dec. 30. I’m phasing out my external help, and focusing on listening to my body and what it wants, although I still find myself falling back into my old routines.
On Friday I also joined a local Walk, Jog and Run Club that is part of a local Soccer Club. It has an upper level that overlooks the indoor soccer pitches that has a three lane track. I signed up for a four month unlimited membership that is open 7 days a week from7:00 am to 11:00 pm. The track is basically a 220 yard oval, I tried it out and did a 1k walk. I decided to do 1Km for three times, and then up by .5km in sets of 3 until I reached 5km. I might decide to add a jog or run, if I find that my head doesn’t hurt, but in the mean time, it’s just as brisk a walk as I feel comfortable doing which I feel is about 4mph (6.5km/hour) It’s nice being able to walk without having to watch where you are stepping, or to worry about traffic. When I went today, walking and focusing on my stride reminded me of my teen years and marching in the Air Cadets or Militia
Says 239 – Spirit (Mind) and False Pride
Dec. 05 – 6:10 pm – I just did a meditation and again it was Heart speaking to Spirit (Mind) and how Mind and it’s altered ego controls the body to do what it wants out of false pride and vanity, and stubbornness to admit defeat and not be ashamed and ridiculed. I wish I had written this all down right after the meditation as now most of it is gone from my memory. I know that Spirit also answered and asked for help in letting of its imprints, programs and beliefs that control it, and in turn, control the Will, Body and Heart. That it wants to know what it needs to see and feel in order to heal all aspects of self.
Body also spoke, telling Mind where it had pain. That there was pain in the head, neck, shoulder, back, lower back and legs and that Mind was to also look at the aneurysm, prostate and sex drive issues. My Body was doing some major movement during these dialogues.
I also flashed back to the contest between the light and dark Wizards and how I was stuck in dense matter, in the Amethyst Crystal and that I couldn’t get myself out. At the time, I blamed Form (Body) but I realize it was my expectations and my false pride and denials that dis-empowered me and allowed me to become stuck, and where I lost a good part of my Essence.
As I was typing and editing this for my Blog I realized that I was imprinted and programmed by my mother and father to “Make them proud.” With that program, I had to do everything in my power to not disappoint them, and to make them ashamed of me. That’s heartbreaking and I feel it in this moment.. What a burden to put on a child that is just starting school and doesn’t know how to speak the language, or even have a clue as to what school was about and what was expected of me. Everything negative that happened to me, I tried my best to deny and not show it, as I didn’t want to disappoint them. Self sacrifice and a false pride to maintain an image that I felt was acceptable. Sadly, that program carried on throughout my life affecting not only my feelings and emotions, but my body as well, as it too had to be strong, even when it wasn’t. And that is what I’m now in the process of uncovering and healing..
Says 238 – Hyundai Santa Fe and Physical Body
2016 Dec.03 – Today is the second anniversary since my car accident. I just realized that for the past year, ever since I had the unexpected heater and electrical issues with my Hyundai Santa Fe, that my MIND has been looking at used vehicles on Kijiji. I just realized that my Mind is doing the same thing to my Body. Both have issues that are triggering the Minds (Spirit) imprints, programs and beliefs, that they are falling apart, dying, and that it’s time to get rid of them rather than work on fixing the issues. It’s so subtle how things are inter-related, yet the Mind isn’t consciously aware of what it is doing and why.
As I was making my way to the bathroom, I realized that my Mind was thinking of yet another quick fix, of seeing another alternative medicine facilitator that he had heard was good at stretching and manipulating the neck. Again, the Mind is looking for outside help instead of seeing what his CAUSAL role is with the damage to the neck and to allow the Body to heal itself naturally.
Says 237 – Heart speaks to Spirit (Mind)
Dec 01 3:35 pm – I began what I thought would be a meditation and suddenly became aware that my Heart was talking to my Spirit (Mind). I’m writing this after the fact as I didn’t want to disrupt the dialogue. Heart was asking it to stop running and busying itself with things that didn’t matter and to do what it says it wants to do, that of healing the Body and Will and that every time the real issues are brought up, it runs and distracts itself.
What Spirit is afraid of is DEATH and so a weak, ill and hurting Body is a sign that death is near and as Spirit has never experienced death as the Will (Soul) and Body have, it is terrified to even try to understand what is happening and why, and how its denials of the Will and Body have been causal and have created the illness, injury and aging and the slow decent toward death.
It’s time that Spirit honor its INTENT to heal the Will and Body and to see and feel what it has never seen and felt because it was afraid it would not survive if it did. But now, if it doesn’t, there is a good chance that it will just keep repeating the cycle of reincarnation.
Hearts message was that it is also time to heal all aspects of our Being, Will, Body, Heart and Spirit that has also lost Essence, power, gifts and talents. That it is now time to accept all things that Spirit has feared, rejected, denied and cut off from its love and light. All lost parts of the Will are scattered and held in the Body. That where Spirit and Spirit Heart had judgments on the Will and Body, that there are either only partial connections there or none at all and only Heartlessness and indifference. There was no bonding and so there isn’t any love or life in these areas, only unlovingness and mistrust.
I can’t remember all that was said as I just went with the flow and was feeling and expressing any emotions that were coming up. But afterwards, I did feel a shift in energy, now how it plays out will need to be seen and felt.
Says 236 – Past and future – Fear and expectations
Fears are what the Mind (Spirit) tries to turn a blind eye to, that it tries to deny as it doesn’t want to deal with them. Part of the reason is that it fears its very survival depends on not re-creating the experience. Fear is rooted in past experiences and projected into the future, and holds the Mind in a state of constant alert, vigilant and fearful of the unknown. The Mind, in a state of fear, is not living in the present “now” moment, but either in the past or the future.
While not a fear, but just as damaging are the Minds desires that are either reenactments of pleasant past experiences, or expectations and projections of future experiences. This includes any number of scenarios, including past pleasant physical or sexual experiences that the Mind would like to re-create. Included in this are regrets and lost opportunities where there was the desire to experience something new, but it was denied and suppressed for any number of reasons, and are now being fantasized and played out in the Mind with re-enactments of what it could be like. In both cases, the Mind is preoccupied with either living in the past or the future, and also misses living in the present “NOW” moment where its true power is, along with the power to manifest its desires.
It’s ironic in that both the fear of the past that is projected into the future, and the desire to re-live the past are what keeps the Mind (Spirit) locked in a constant struggle to control and change its outer reality, oblivious that its power lies in the present moment. Trying to live in the past or future means that one is projecting part of their Essence to that space and time, and in doing so, they are not fully present in the now moment. They live in the present moment with only a fraction of their true Essence and so it is no wonder that they are confused and bewildered as to why they are on this not-so-merry-go-round called life.
Says 235 – Healing the body and expectation
I was chatting with a friend yesterday and she said that I needed to go into a meditation and see and release the blockage, the kink on a nerve in my spinal column that is affecting my neck, shoulders, back and legs. I did a meditation in the afternoon and tried to access my neck and the pinched nerve but I feel I didn’t get there.
Later that morning I meditated again and I didn’t feel I succeeded as I wanted to see what was wrong and heal it like I did for a woman years ago. That time, I experienced myself as a infinitesimally small speck of light. I saw the cells in her body that were as big as apartment buildings and I could easily move between them like a person would. I saw her spinal cord damaged and some fine strands were emitting bright coloured lights. The strands on the other side of the break had the same colour hue, but were dull and pale. It reminded me of a fiber optic cable. I knew I had to rejoin then, so just using my mind; I matched colours and rejoined then, and then looked for the reason they had been cut and found a bone spur that I simply dissolved. I then scanned her body and found a green blob like growth that I also dissolved. I scanned her body again and found nothing so I returned to my body. With that, I came out of my meditation. Hummmmm? Maybe my issues in healing my body are EXPECTATION.
Later that afternoon I had my fourth craniosacral therapy session. This session was different that all the rest. While I had a few body twitches and spasms, they were mild compared to what I have been experiencing. And overall it was quite peaceful.
Before the session, I told my therapist of my friends advice and said that I would like to use this session to try and access and heal my damaged discs and nerves and she agreed. Early in the session I tried to meditate and do the healing as to how my Mind thought it should be done. I then realized that I did have EXPECTATION and so I stated out loud that I release my expectations on how healing should be and to just allow it to be. I took a deep breath and relaxed.
As I relaxed, I felt an energy move into the room and I told my therapist what I was picking up. A moment later I told her it was my guides and that this was all a lesson to see what doesn’t work. To get the Mind to try the things that it believes should work or that others have told the Mind works, and that everything it thinks and believes should work, is not working because it is wrong. I chuckled as I heard my guide say, It’s only taken you two years to figure that out.” I told my therapist that and she laughed too.
Says 234 – Another view of life, death and Body
“Doctors had given Anita Moorjani just hours to live when she arrived at the hospital in a coma on the morning of February 2nd, 2006…”
This is a good video watch to expand your mind… (Video at bottom of page) She gives an interesting metaphor, and also gives an example.. She also shares the five most important things you can do with your life, although she misses out on how you can free your mind from the imprints, programs and beliefs to enable you to do that, as your FEARS are what your mind doesn’t want to deal with. Notice that she doesn’t once mention RELIGION.
Says 233 – Craniosacral Therapy & denials of my Body
I had my 3rd craniosacral therapy on Wednesday Nov 23, and before we started, I briefly told her about my experiences that I shared in Post Says 230. I also showed her my three books (in print) and briefly described what each was about. I told her I was taking all these sessions seriously and that the results would be in the book following my next one which will be called, “The Empaths Dilemma.”
When she was working on me, I was running more energy than before, but also in a different way, similar, yet different. Near the end, she had her hands on my head and I felt how I have purposely I denied my body. Keeping it under control so as to not be too good at anything physical, not run too fast, jump too far or high, catch a ball, throw a ball, ride a bike, play a game or sport. I had to limit myself so that others would not be upset and unhappy with me, or not allow me to play.
I flashed to the first day of school. Not being able to speak or understand English, I was in a living hell. I remembered my father telling me that I would be OK, if I listened and did as the other kids did, to learn to be like them. I realized that imprinted and programmed me and set me up to be a victim for most of my life.
I ended the session by formally releasing and giving back all the energy I took in from others and sent it back to whom it belonged to, or that it be moved to its right place. I also took back any energy others took from me or that I gave them, and also gave back any energy that I took from others or that they gave me. I asked that the polarity of all my energy that attacked and controlled my Body and Emotions be reversed, and that it realign with my true Essence.
I was a bit disoriented after the session and made an appointment for another one next week. I look forward to what this will bring up in me in the days to come.
Says 232 – How imprints, programs and beliefs control us.
This imprinted and programed dog video clip just shows you how powerful your Minds imprints and programs and beliefs are. Things can only be done one way and they can NOT change.. Politics, religion, food, medicine, or whatever you have been programed to believe is the TRUTH…. that is what is RUNNING your mind and body.. And no matter what anyone else says or does… you refuse to believe them and see a new truth….. And the more dumbed down you get, the more you are unable to change..