Says 160 – Got a cold with an unexpected side effect

says 160 - man sneezeI just got over a cold that had unexpected and painful side effects. Sneezing is part and parcel of having a cold, but this time, the sneeze did some damage. I was bending forward and also turned to the right when a sneeze suddenly came upon me. There was no warning, just a powerful 250 MPH sneeze that felt like a hot knife had sliced my body in two as I felt my body drop and my knees buckle. It was instantly followed by a second sneeze that thankfully wasn’t as severe and painful as the first one, but then again, I was already in pain, so added pain wasn’t noticeable. I was in agony and had to cling to the wall to get up and return to my bed.

says 160 - spinal cordI was now not only suffering the pain and misery of a cold, but also severe back ache. In addition, my legs felt numb and I had to boost myself to go from a sitting to standing position. The next day I still had my cold symptoms and constant lower back pain. The following morning, I couldn’t find a resting, standing or seated position that didn’t hurt. I called my Chiropractor and got an appointment for the next day. The next day when I got up, the pain wasn’t as severe. I went for my appointment and after examining me, he informed me that as the result of my bending forward, it put pressure on the forward part of my vertebra, compressing my disc. Then the twisting action pivoted my vertebrae to the side, squishing my disc again. says 160 - verterbrae cross sectionWhen I sneered so strongly, my core muscles tightened and the sudden expulsion of air caused my upper body to suddenly move, jerk, not only putting extreme pressure on my already pressured disc, but also causing some of the outer layers of the myelin-sheathed fibers of my spinal cord to be torn. After some massage, manipulation, electrical stimulation, and being tapped up and applying cold packs, I was good to go. I have to go back in a few days, to see how things are going.

I share this to let you know not to bend or twist when you are going to sneeze, especially if it is going to be a forceful one.

Says 148 – The Unholy Trinity

2013 March 30 – There are three places on Earth that are in a country but are not a part of that country and are situated in the middle of densely populated areas. These districts are completely autonomous and answerer to no other country or laws. They are;
unholy trinity
1) The City – the financial district in London, England
2) The District of Columbia in Washington USA
3) The Vatican in Rome Italy

I also got that they are representative of the unholy trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost

With Father being the King – England
Son – the Warrior – USA
The Holy Ghost – Religion – Italy

These districts control the major wealth, military and religions of the world.
Do a Google search and you will begin to see just how powerful these groups are.

Says 140 – Chemtrail flu – Have you got it yet?

Chemtrail-Flu-Have-You-Got-It-YetIt’s interesting as the other day I found this link on facebook… Chemtrail flu – Have you got it yet?

The article tied in with what I was thinking and feeling about my physical symptoms. The past couple of weeks with my back pain and not feeling up to par, I had the thought that what I’m feeling isn’t natural as when I had aches and pains in the past, the antibiotics I’m taking built up my immune system and the Chiropractor would realign whatever was off with my back. But that is not the case now as this just seems to linger and linger and my back pains are also different as they come and go.

I’ve been noticing a lot of jets spraying their chemtrails and that also pisses me off. It seems like all levels of government, even the opposition members are in on this secret conspiracy to poison the planet and all upon it.

Says 138 – American Idol – Dumbed down society

idol2013 Feb 13 I’ve watched American Idol over the twelve seasons and while I was originally captivated by the performances, I haven’t been a true fan and in the past few years, and I’ve only stopped to watch it a few times. Last night, while channel surfing, I happened to stumble upon the girls group night and watched it for about 20 minutes. What I noticed and was shocked by was how many girls couldn’t remember the lyrics to the songs they were singing and were writing crib notes they printed on their hands and arms. In the past seasons, there were only a handful of contestants that had trouble with their lyrics, but last night, it was like an epidemic.

My first thought was that these girls (and youth in general) have been dumbed down and they aren’t even aware of it. Whether it’s because of the chem-trails polluting the air, the fluoride and chemicals in the water and the chemicals and GMO food they eat, something is definitely affecting them mentally as they are not BRIGHT. Something has happened in the last 5 -10 years that has drastically altered the intellect and memory of our youth. Something is very wrong with this picture and it isn’t pretty… If this continues to happen, what will the next group of wanna be idols be like in another five – ten years? Reading lines from a teleprompter? That is if they are still able to read.

Says 137 – Going to see what Noni Juice can do for me

Noni Juice2013 February 6 since the Apple cider vinegar wasn’t working I remembered taking Noni juice a few years ago to help balance my system. I went to the health food store and picked up a small bottle and decided to take it three times a day as directed. This juice is totally different than what I had 15 years ago. While Noni juice has its own distinctive taste, this product has very little taste at all. It’s like comparing watered-down orange lemonade to freshly squeezed orange juice, it’s just bland. The other thing is that the Nonie juice that I took 15 years ago I noticed a difference in my body within 2 to 3 days. I had a kidney infection at the time and it cured it up like magic and I felt 100 % better all around. I’m not feeling or seeing any change in my body as I’m using this one. Since I already have it and don’t want to waste I’ll keep taking it for a few more days, but for now,it’s very disappointing. The brand name that I got was Flora and it’s supposed to be certified organic fresh Hawaiian Noni juice It is concentrated as they recommend using 5 – 15 ml in a glass of water.

Says 136 – I Gots a cold – Not feelin good

apple cider vinegar2013 Jan 30 Yesterday I began to get chills and fevers and also a mild headache and a runny nose. Today I realized that the Apple cider vinegar I was taking was acidic and it was running down my immune system so that now I was getting a cold. I stopped taking it and started to take baking soda and water in an attempt to bring my blood ph level back into the alkaline state.

Acidic - alkaline2013 February 5, I’ve been sick for the past four days. Not only do I have a cold with headache, sinus, runny nose, fever and chills, but I’m also suffering from severe lower back and neck pain. There were a couple of nights that I didn’t know which way to turn or what to do to get to sleep as I was in agony.

I was feeling better today and went to the chiropractor today and he gave me some relief for my back. I realize that I’ve been struggling with a cold or whatever for the past couple months and I think taking the Apple cider vinegar was pivotal in changing the ph level in my blood and letting it manifest in the way it did. I still have over half a bottle left and I’ll just used for cooking or whatever.

Says 135 – Seeing my Chiropractor

Chiroparactor2013 Jan 21 I went to see my Chiropractor today about my neck, shoulders and lower back. I’ve been in pain for a month now and it’s not getting any better, in fact, I’m noticing that I’m beginning to stoop and slouch my shoulders with my head down, like an old man. There are also times when I find it difficult to even get out of bed or a chair, as it’s also affecting my legs. After the treatment, I noticed that my posture was almost back to normal, although I still had some pain. I’m to go back on Thursday for another session. Human back

Says 134 – Apple Cider Vinegar Detox

Apple cider Vinegar2013 Jan 20 I usually do an Apple cleanse this time of year, but this year, I decided to try something new. The reason for the change is that I noticed that I eat very little food that is either sour or bitter, yet I have no problem with sweet or spicy food. I thought of how vinegar removes calcium build up, where water is involved, like shower heads, tiles, counters, etc. I then thought of how cholesterol and plaque buildup deposits in our blood vessels and thought that maybe adding vinegar to my diet would help get rid of any potential issues. Part of all this is because I have a doctor’s appointment at the end of February and I need to get blood work done before that.

I decided to do an apple vinegar detox where I would take 2 – 3 tablespoons of organic Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of distilled water and add a bit of honey to sweeten the taste. I would take this concoction 2 – 3 times a day before a meal. It didn’t taste that bad, but neither did it taste that good. After a few days, I decided to try another suggestion and that was to take it with tomato juice instead of water. I substituted tomato juice for a garden cocktail and that was quite enjoyable. I decided to do this cleanse until the end of the month or until I noticed some unpleasant side effects.

Says 121 – Warning – Toxic Tangerines


Tangerine oranges are in stores for the Xmas season. I usually don’t pay too much attention to them but after my first tangerine that kind of tasted different, I got the bag and read the label that stated that the oranges had been treated with the following chemicals..








The oranges were also coated in food grade shellac or resin to maintain freshness.

I checked the internet and was shocked to find that all three chemicals were extremely toxic.. I mean EXTREMELY…

After reading the toxic side effects I threw the bag in the garbage…
Be aware of what you buy…. other growers could also be using these chemicals.

These oranges I bought came from a huge grower in Flordia…

Premier Tangerines
Premier Citrus Packers
Vero Beach Flordia

Product Bar code 33383 10316

Says 110 – Feeding on energy and the money illusion

2012 Nov 04 Sunday. People feed on our energy, just as we are feeding on others. They feed on our energy by what we do, work, play, shop (consumed products) and of course money. It’s in the exchange of money that most of our energy is either given or taken. Everything is energy and we exchange our physical and mental energy to get a piece of paper (money) that we then use to get energy (things) from others.

 In all this there is always the middleman, the moneylenders, that feed on the interest they charge for the use of money that they fabricate without really putting anything of their energy into it.  The problem with this system is in the governments, corporations, banks and other financial institutions especially the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Canada that charge interest on the money they fabricate. The personal energy it takes to print a $1 or $1,000 bill is the same, yet the interest charged is 1000 fold and doesn’t represent any real work or energy by the people authorizing the printing of it. This interest charged is energy that one needs to provide that is above and beyond what they originally expended. The people receiving this interest payment of energy do so without lifting a finger as it comes from the blood, sweat, and tears of those that are slaves to the system.

Even more of a problem is that people borrow money to buy things that they can’t afford and so they are locked into working to pay the interest on the money they borrowed.  They have to work at what they don’t like so that they can have what they desire. They give up years of their lives just to pay interest on the debt they owe so, that the moneylenders can have the life they desire without having to work and do what they don’t want.

The irony is that while we desire to have the ”good life” like the moneylenders and the fat cats in big corporations and government positions, little  do we know that by our buying into the mindset they have given us, that we are the ones that have put them in that position, while we have to struggle.

Says 104 – Another sleepless night and confrontation

2012 Oct 08 2:30 am Well I’ve been awake for a good hour and a half coughing and hacking away from the smell of weed/hash. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and when I opened my door, the unmistakable smell of weed and another smell that could be hash, filled my lungs and I began to cough and hack. When I was in the bathroom, I opened the window and was able to breathe some fresh air. Even though I held my breath when I went back to my room, the damage had been done as I continued to cough, as my lungs were trying to expel the poison they had taken in. This shit tonight is not only affecting my lungs, but is also giving ne a headache and I feel disoriented. I’m letting Paul know tomorrow that I’ll be looking for another place.

9:45 am. I met Paul in the hallway, and told him that I don’t see him giving up his addiction to pot and whatever, so I’ll be looking for a new place and will be moving out by the end of the month. I told him how it was affecting me and even as I talked to him in the hallway, I could feel my breathing getting shorter and my voice raspy, as could he. He said that I was a good tenant and that he didn’t know it affected me in the way that he could now see. He said that he didn’t want me to go and that he would stop using it if it bothered me, and that he would do it outside or away from home. I said, OK, we’ll see.

We talked for a few minutes and I told him that I was also allergic to some men’s cologne and after-shave, women’s perfume, hand sanitizers, air fresheners and cleaning products, etc. and told him what they physically did to me. Well it looks like I might be living here for a while.

Says 91 – New understanding of the phrase “Mother-fucker”

2012 Sept 18 As I was going into the kitchen to make my breakfast, I met Kyle as he was just leaving. He didn’t say a word as he made his way past me and down the stairs and out to the garage with his coffee. I went to the counter and saw spilled coffee grounds, sugar and water on the counter. He made a mess but either doesn’t have the mentally ability or the desire to clean up after himself. It’s like he expects his mother to look after him.

I was thinking of Kyle and just got a new understanding of the phrase “Mother Fucker.” It’s what most guys want in the way of a woman in their life. They want a woman that will replace their mother, one that will clean and pick up after them, make their meals, wash their clothes, care for them, etc, and as a bonus, one that they can have sex with anytime they want and anyway they want. But when this mother girlfriend is too tired from doing her stuff and looking after him to have sex, he will find another woman just to have sex with, and one that doesn’t play the part of his mother as all he want from her is sex. So now he has the best of both worlds, a girlfriend that is a mother figure to look after him and another fuck buddy that just wants to party and have a good time. “Mother – Fucker!”

Charlie Harper in the TV series, “Two and a half men” is a classic example of this male mental attitude towards woman, where he has a hired housekeeper “Berta” that looks after him, while he sleeps around with other women. Except that in the TV series, Charlie isn’t having a sexual relationship with Berta..

Says 91 – Drunk and partying with girlfriend

2012 Sept 17 Monday, 11:50 pm Well kyle and his girlfriend are in his room, drinking and watching TV. They have been noisy for the past hour or so, but because I was up, I didn’t say anything and I thought that she would be leaving soon. I was not trying to go to sleep, but with all this commotion, sleep was impossible. Finally I got up and knocked loudly on his door. After a few seconds with no response, I shouted out that if you plan on sleeping in tomorrow, you had better let me get some sleep tonight. “ With that, he pulled open the door, he was angry and had a few too many. He came out into the hallway, yelling at me, “What the fuck!” We got into a little yelling match and when he couldn’t intimidate me, he backed off to his room, yelling at me to never come to his door again. I closed my door and sat on my bed thinking. I heard them turn the TV down, I could still hear it, but it wasn’t blaring like before.

Well I didn’t ask. I asked the owner if there was smoking in the house, to which she said no, smoking is permitted but only outside. What I didn’t ask was… Is pot smoking allowed in the house or outside. Is drinking allowed in the house or outside. Is having friends with benefits allowed? Are sleep-overs allowed? I’ve decided, I’m out of here by the end of the month if things don’t change immediately.

2:00 am Well I woke up again, this time it was Kyle having an argument with his girlfriend. I heard raised voices and banging. I yelled out, “You woke me up again. Don’t expect me to be quiet in the morning when you want to sleep.” A couple of seconds later there was a series of loud noises, cussing and banging on my wall and then silence. But that didn’t last too long as he slammed the door when he went to the bathroom and when he returned.

Says 90 – Confrontation with weed smoking pot-head

September 14 Friday 12:55 PM Well I was awakened again, this time by a commotion coming from the hallway. I opened my door and could see that both Kyle and Shaneese’s doors were open and the lights were on. I could also smell weed. I saw movement in Shaneese’s room and saw her sitting on her bed, leaning forward and smiling like a Cheshire cat, Kyle beside her but not showing his face. I asked what was going on and she smilingly replied, “Nothing, just hanging out and chillin.” In a voice of distain, I snapped, “It’s almost 1:00 am and you woke me up.” She stared blankly at me but said nothing. I went back to my room.

Just as I was writing the experience in my journal, I heard a knock at the door. I opened my door and Shaneese was standing there, smiling and asking me if I had a problem. I snapped back that yes I have a problem. It’s 1:00 am and I was sleeping and you pot heads woke me up. She was still grinning as she made a move toward me as if to come into my room. Before she took a second step, I stepped back and slammed the door in her face. A couple of seconds later I opened it to see a stunned look on her face. She began to give me lip, telling me to F**k off and to never slam the door in her face again. She moved away and started to make her way down the hallway toward the kitchen and as she did, she ordered me to keep my mouth shut. I followed her as she turned to go down the stairs and toward the garage. I told her I wasn’t keeping my mouth shut for anyone and that owners will hear about this. As she made her way into the garage, she said that it doesn’t matter what the f**k I say as she has been here a long time. I snapped back, “Well we’ll see about that.” With her going into the garage, I left and went back into my room and tried to go to sleep.
Well it looks like I wouldn’t be here much longer.

September 15 9:20 AM Shaneese was up when I went to the kitchen to make myself breakfast she didn’t say anything as she walked down the hallway to go to the garage for a smoke. Later I saw both her and Kyle sneaked past the kitchen door and go to their rooms. It will be interesting to see what unfolds when I talk with Frank the owner.

I’ve been around alcoholics, potheads and druggies but now it’s on a personal level as what they are doing is directly affecting me. This addiction is just another form of denial like religion, politics, buying stuff, doing things for others, working, golf, alcohol, hard drugs, prescription drugs and habits are all symptoms of deeper rooted problems. I just realized that my issue with these kids is that I have this belief that they don’t know any better as that is how they been raised. How they were brought up is an issue here and that they do what their parents allowed them to do with no real parental guidance, or having to take responsibility for their actions. In other words there are spoiled kids that control the manipulated their parents and others, as that is what their parents taught them by accepting their form of control and manipulation in allowing them this irresponsible freedom.

I had a chat with Frank, the owner, when he got up he told me he had been working till 3 AM. I realized that that’s why they decided to have a party. Frank said that he was awakened at 4 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep. I told him everything that went on last night and other stuff that has been going on, and he said it’s an acceptable and that he will have a talk with Nancy (his wife) later when she gets home.
Shaneese was out, but Kyle was in his room with the door open listening to what I was saying to Frank, because as I went to the top of the stairs, I saw him close his door.

Says 67 – Pain in the neck

July 19 Thursday – I awoke yesterday with a stiff and sore neck and I still have it this morning. I blamed it on the way I slept, but I just can’t seem to work it out, even with a massage vibrator. I think I’ll have to go see my Chiropractor to get him to do a little adjustment. It’s mostly on the left side of my neck and shoulder.

July 20 I saw the Chiropractor and he gave my neck and back a few adjustments. He asked me if had been doing any heaving lifting recently and at first I said no, but then when I thought about it, I said yes. I have another appointment next week.

Says 41 – Warm and cold blooded (internal fire or the sun for life)

April 10 I watched a TV program this morning about python hunters in Florida. They came upon a python that was partly eaten and when they went to pick it up, it moved, it was still alive. At first they couldn’t figure out what was going on but when they began to examine the injury they determined that it was the result of birds that had pecked at it. They then noticed several vultures in nearby trees and they put two and two together and determined that the snake had been caught out in the open when the weather had turned cooler and it couldn’t get to shelter. That was when the vultures decided to make a meal of it as the python was too cold and too slow to defend itself. They had dragged the snake into the sunlight to examine its wounds and within a few minutes, the heat of the sun revived the snake and gave it the energy to try to get away.

I know that reptiles, fish and insects are cold blooded animals and don’t have an internal source of heat (fire) and so they need the sun to warm their blood and give them the ability to move, to animate life.

I feel that in humans and most other mammals that are warm blooded, that this is where Heart and the blood come in as that’s where the fire of life comes from. Heat is transferred by the blood to all parts of the Body and keep our core temperature and vital organs at a near constant rate of 98.6 degreed F (37degrees C). If we are sick and bacteria and viruses are attacking our Body, then it is our blood that tries to fight off the invaders, but the battle also throws off our Bodies ability to maintain its proper temperature as the glands regulating our bodies temperature are also affected by the invaders.

The hypothalamus is located in the brain next to the pineal and pituitary gland and is said to control our bodies temperature. So while the hypothalamus is the thermostat, it’s not the furnace that produces the heat. The hypothalamus is also a part of our endocrine system. Another gland that is also part of this system is the thymus gland that sits just above our heart. While the thymus also fights disease, it’s also known in ancient times as the life force.

I’m wondering if this gland is somehow our mini furnace? Something has to be generating this heat and it’s not just the by product of our Body digesting food, as people that haven’t eaten for days still maintain their body heat. The other thing is that if the digesting of food was responsible for creating body heat, then we should be hotter after a meal as we have more food to put in the fire. Something is going on that science hasn’t picked up on, or they have and are keeping it a secret… So the big question is, what is producing our internal fire or heat source to maintain life?


The video is about vaccinating people with a respiratory flu like virus that will attack certain parts of the brain in people that have strong emotional expression. The virus will dramatically suppress or eliminate any emotional based religious fundamentalism tendencies. The proposal has been to develop the virus with the prime intent of specifically targeting Islamic fundamentalists, with the goal of turning so-called Middle East fanatics into normal people..

Says 34 – Letting go of the Old world and creating a new World

2012 March 30 6:40 am I awoke and was thinking of all the things that are wrong in this world and I began to write a list.

Corrupt government, federal, provincial, and municipal
Religious beliefs and conflict
The wars and military spending
Pharmaceutical drugs and medical care
High gas, food, electrical and housing prices
High CATV, satellite, telephone, cell phone and internet prices
GMO foods and animals
Polluted land, water and air
Chemtrails and government cover-up
Big brother watching you
And the list goes on and on.

I then though, this is way too much to try to fix and that the only way we are going to change things is to let go of it and let it self destruct and then we’ll build a brand new world to rise out of the ashes like the fabled Phoenix. By self-destruct, I don’t mean that the World (Earth) should be destroyed, but that the SYSTEMS that are presently in a position of power be destroyed. When they are gone, along with those that support that system; those that remain can then begin the process of creating a New World with a new blue print of how reality can be when denials are ended.

Says 31 – My ear issue clearing up, but now my sister has ear problems

2012 March 28 My hearing is almost back to normal. It’s taken quite a while for the internal sounds and my heartbeat to finally subside. I still have some problems with some audio frequencies and voices but that is also improving.

My sister had the flu last week and had also been complaining about a sore ear. Well she took off early at work when she realized that things in the office just weren’t quiet, but that she had lost some healing and went to see her doctor. After some tests, he determined that her tight eardrum had been perforated and that she had a middle and inner ear infection, for which he gave her a prescription for anti0biotics. What makes matters worse is that she had lost most of her hearing in her left ear in early adolescence, so now she is really at a loss. She said it’s not too bad as over the years she has had a lot of ear infections and has learned to lip read

Says 30 – Tourettes syndrome and the denial of terror

I was watching a documentary on 20 / 20 about Tourettes syndrome  and I found it interesting that they said that the symptoms usually appeared in children around the ages of 5 – 9 and then carry on into adult life, although it decreased with age.  I watched as they followed a few children around their daily activities and saw how they functioned, as well as how the medical community was dealing with their symptoms that they acknowledged were stress related, for which they gleefully prescribed drugs as a treatment. The children not only had to deal with Tourettes, but also the drugs and their sides effects.  The doctors also suggested that the parents, who were stressed by the child’s outbreaks, should ignore any emotional displays and tantrums that the child exhibits. Even writing this pisses me off. I could just take the fucking doctors and psychiatrists and shake them until their heads fall off.  Ignorant and arrogant fuckers.

The attacks were usually activated by a loud noise, voice, crowd, or a physical touch. The activated person would then respond verbally, or physically, but not in a way that could be understood. By that I mean that they would either cough, bark like a dog, or make other animalistic sounds, or they would howl, tweet, shriek, or utter high pitched notes, snap their fingers,or they would cuss and swear as a form of verbal release. The other form of expression was a physical release (tics) where their body would momentarily freeze up and if it was mild, they would simply go into rolling or blinking their eyes a few times, or they would explode in a variety of convulsive type movements and gestures.  Some would exhibit the symptoms of OCD or ADHD and would repeat physical movements or habits for as long as they were being activated. Others would hit themselves or pull their hair as a form of self-punishment. Still others would express their denied rage by throwing a temper tantrum, or by flying into a verbal barrage of cuss and swear words and gestures aimed at those that they felt were attacking them..

As the documentary progressed I could feel  that it was their denied terror that was moving in the only way that it was allowed any expression in that moment.  Something happened to them as a  child that traumatized them and the only way they could feel safe to release the pressure of the emotions they were feeling was to ACT it out in a way that would not be understood and cause more trauma. Hence, whenever they would be activated by a similar experience to the one that traumatized them, they would go off into their non-sensible verbal and physical emotional expressions.

A few days later, I happened to be chatting with a guy in a facebook group on healing emotions. As he shared his form of emotional release, I immediately knew he had Tourettes. He was very defensive at first, but then admitted his issue and we got into a discussion. He stated that when he was terrified, that total panic would set in and that he would flip out, meaning that his Body would go off into all sorts of physical gymnastics and he would momentarily leave his Body. He said he felt a sense of relief and that it was so good to get out of his Body as what he was feeling was driving him crazy.  He also stated that he felt terror of having to go back, but not as much as he did before he gapped.  This was a man in his 30-40’s and while he said his symptoms were now a lot better than they were as a child, he was still faced with the possibility of flipping out at any time. When asked if he had traced his emotional trauma back to his childhood he became defensive again.  The only reason that Tourettes seems to disappear with age is that is just had years of denial and learned forms of avoiding the situations that triggered the re-action.

This is not the documentary I was watching, but a YouTube video on Tourettes…

Says 25 – Distilled water and the Heart, circulatory system & blood

Today I bought some steam distilled water(aka Rain water) as a form of cleanse as I feel that is what the body needs or rather, what the blood needs to help process the nutrients it needs to nourish the body and eliminate the wastes. Rainwater is free of any chemicals and as such, it doesn’t add toxins to the Body that the Body then needs to get rid of.

The blood is part of an organ, our Heart and circulatory system whose job it is, is to provide life giving sustenance to the cells in our Body and to also filter and remove waste products. Bloor carries oxygen from the lungs and the digested food from our stomach and small intestine along with all the chemicals to all the other organs of our Body and as I mentioned remove any wasted produced by these organs. I don’t know how long I’ll be doing this, as right now I’m still drinking two cups of coffee a day as well as a couple cups of green tea. I’ll just monitor myself to see what I notice.

Says 19 – Hearing loss in left ear and visit to the Doctor

2012 Feb 24 Friday. Back on Feb 03 Says 05  I got an ear infection and I’ve been treating it with olive oil and inserting a small wad of cotton batten to keep the oil in place.  A couple of weeks ago I asked my guides if I needed to go see the Doctor to have my left ear flushed out, and I got the answer, “No.”

My hearing was getting better, but then took a turn last weekend and since then it hasn’t gotten any better and so yesterday, I asked my guides again and I got the answer, “Yes.” I was confused, but I called the Doctor this morning and to my surprise, I got an appointment for 10:30 this morning.

I went for my appointment and before the Doctor examined my ear, I removed the cotton batten wad. He looked in my ear and said there was something stuck in my ear. My first thought (fear) was an insect as what else could it be. He got out his bag of tools and with a tweezer like instrument; he pulled out a wad of cotton batten. I was surprised, but immediately realized it was the cotton batten wad that I thought had fallen out of my ear during my sleep, a week ago. When I woke up, it wasn’t in my ear and I couldn’t find it in my bed so I assumed that it had fallen out and dropped down behind the bed.

The Doc then flushed my right ear and removed a little bit of wax. I asked him if he was going to flush my left ear and he said it was fine, there was no wax in it. I then asked him why I still couldn’t hear with my left ear and he said that the cotton batten wad had been pushed against my ear drum and that it would take a couple of days for things to right themselves. I felt like a dummy, but that also explains why my guides had changed their answer.

Says 10 – Medical & Scientific community and the Body

Feb 05  Sunday 9:03 am The medical and scientific community have found the ways and means to fix body parts that are no longer functioning with their healthy youthfulness.  The disease and pain that the  Body is holding is treated  with the use of drugs, and when that doesn’t work, it’s surgery, with physicians doing anything from heart to cosmetic surgery, including artificial replacements and organ transplants. All these are ways of extending life by giving the Mind, the Body it wants, while allowing the Mind to continue to deny the  Will and Body, with the Body being the one holding the results of the Minds denials.

 Eventually I see the medical and scientific community coming to a point where they can create an artificial body and just implant the Mind into it, much like an Android, part flesh, part robot creating a society  that has become cold and heartless like the Borg’s on the TV series Star Trek.

11:00 am The mind also uses the body to do things so that it can be distracted from what the Will, (feelings and emotions) is bringing up that it doesn’t want to deal with. In the process, the Body is also forced (be default) to hold the unloving light that Spirit (Mind) is directing at the Will through its denials. Thoughts are energy as are feelings and emotions, and if they are not expressed and released, but denied, they have nowhere to go but back on to the Will and then stored in the Body.

Healing the Body is just as difficult, if not even more so than healing the Will, (Feelings and emotions)  as the Body holds both the denials of the Spirit and Will. It’s like the Body is a slave in many ways, and is dictated to by the Mind.

One cause of disease – many forms.

Says 05 – Nose, ear, and throat issues

In 2011 June 30  Post 806 Hearing issues I had an ear and throat infection and while I thought I got rid of it and had cured my ear problem, I’ve never been really able to clear the feeling that I’m still coming down with something. I’d be fine for a week or two and then feel I was getting a cold, and that would last a week or so without any real break. It’s also put my exercise routine on a hold.

Well during the past couple of months, I’d be sneezing  like crazy one day, and then feel fine for two or three days. Then I’d get a runny nose for a day, and then be fine for another two or three, and then I’d have a tickle in my chest/throat and I’d be coughing for a day or two and then I’d be fine, and then I’d start the cycle all over again.  It’s been really weird.

Well yesterday, on top of my sneezing and coughing I also got my ear infection back. It’s not as bad as the last time, but it is sore and I have diminished hearing in my left ear. I’ll be putting some olive oil into it for the next few days to see if I can get it unblocked, if not, I’ll have to see my Doc and get the wax syringed out of my ear.