Says 480 – People don’t understand the “they” in a position of power

Near the end of the video when David talks about low vibration, what he misses is what causes ones vibration to become lower. The cause is the DENIAL and suppression of true feelings and emotions in the moment they are experienced, NOT by the psychopath, but by the ones that the psychopath is seeking to control. What was wanting to move, to vibrate with love, is stopped (denied) and so the overall vibration of that Essence is slowed or lowered. The denied energy is what the psychopath feeds on… End denials and stop the food supply.

“THEY” use FEAR as “their” favourite weapon to CONTROL the minds of their subjects. Once they control the mind, they control the body and is why you’re seeing so many people OBEYING and COMPLYING to do what they are told with this covid scam-demic. They are AFRAID to face the truth of their fear, and so by denying their fear, they give their power away and become slaves to the SYSTEM that “they”, the psychopaths, control.

David talks of “they” as being the psychopaths in a position of power and mentions the HARE Psychotherapy checklist

Says 470 – A woman taking her power back

It’s nice to see women taking their power back from sexist men that view them as sex objects. Sure, some guys will say it’s just auys doing what guys do and it’s innocent fun… That mentality belongs with the dinosaurs. Time to wake up men… or be like the dinosaurs and go extinct.

This all happened in the moment and there is no discussion… STOP the abuse… PERIOD.

Says 464 – Words – The power to free or enslave.

The unseen power of WORDS, and how easily PROGRAMMED most of humanity has become to blindly OBEY the dictates of the few that have taken the position of RULER and controller.

Becoming aware of your “I AM” statements is critical to freeing yourself from the matrix of the WORDS that hold you in your present denial based reality. The video below should give you some “food for thought” on how powerful words are.

Says 395 – Convid-19 and the untold story..

As I read this article the penny dropped.. Sure the convid-19 virus is real with a “listed” death rate of ~2% if …. IF… you have underlying medical conditions. This is also the case even if a person got a cold or flu that further compromised their immune system. All the WORLD governments and the media’s FEAR propaganda is working; as most people “believe” they are in mortal danger if they catch the convid-19 virus.. Keyword above is WORLD…

When I read <quote> two groups announced major developments in COVID-19 vaccine developments. <end quote> the penny dropped… What better way for WORLD governments to entice people to get a VACCINATION than to them to believe it’s to prevent them from getting the DEADLY convid-19 virus that has been labeled by the WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) as a GLOBAL PANDEMIC.. Keyword again.. WORLD…

My “gut” feeling is that the so-called “vaccine” has a more sinister application… If not immediately, then in the times to come… Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever, but this is a NWO operation… WORLD GOVERNMENT

Another thought is that if the convid-19 was so SERIOUS, why would the government and medical propaganda encourage people to self-isolate… quarantine themselves and HEAL their themselves without any so-called medical intervention except for the normal things people do when they get a cold or the flu… And when they feel better, (98 % do recover) they go about their regular routine.. Yet another psychological tactic to get people to believe and trust the government and the medical corporation….. for FUTURE events.

This article just adds to my story I just posted..

Says 350 – Societies need for conformity

It’s a sad state of affairs that one can’t express their thoughts and ideas openly and freely. That the individual with new ideas is mocked, ridiculed and attacked because what they say doesn’t fit into the narrow minded programs and beliefs of the brainwashed social mindset.

Unfortunately, most that have this sense of individuality and creative spark are made to feel they are wrong, and that everyone that is against them are right. To stop being attacked and to gain some semblance of social acceptance, they begin to give up on their ideals. Slowly, they are worn down by the hatred of others and their own self-hatred and they become just like the ones that hated them.

The reason for the social mobs attack is based in fear, fear of change, and the disintegration of their reality. They fear what they do not know. Others that know what the change will bring fear a loss of power and control and so they fight to maintain the status quo.

Says 326 – System ruled by threat and intimidation

Comment by Shenreed

When you really think about it, our society and the various systems that we live under are run by psychopaths that use threats and intimidation to get us to comply and obey their rules, regulations. You can’t challenge, disobey, and most certainly, you can’t show any disrespect for their authority. If you do, you will be marked and put on notice with even more threats and intimating tactics.

The system isn’t ruled by fear; it’s fueled and runs on the fear energy that is denied expression. They feed off the energy (our energy) that we deny when we are triggered into our fears. The more we face our fears and heal them, the more fearless we become and the more they try to control the masses and those that they feel will upset their apple cart, the more their power is being diminished. The only reason they feel more rules and controls are needed is because the present ones don’t seem to be doing the job.

Says 158 – Controlled by an illusion, a piece of paper

158 - Articles Of IncorporationCertificate158 - mosantoWhat people don’t seem to realize is that government and big business are only faceless corporations, names on pieces of paper. There is no human being that is the corporation, that can be held accountable. What drives these corporations and is the “power” behind them are flesh and blood people. It’s these people that they need to find and hold accountable, and not a corporate piece of paper, that by the way, these people are only too happy to have you believe is the evil power that you are fighting.

158 - corporate-governance158 - organization-structureThese people have names, faces and live somewhere. They have family, wives, husbands, children, relatives. They have friends and neighbors, Their kids go to school. They go to church or belong to clubs or organizations. They drive cars. They shop in stores. These people not only need to be identified and located, but they but they need to be confronted and become aware that they (and those that support them) are vulnerable and will be held accountable. Once conscious awareness shifts from the faceless corporate identities, to the men and women players behind the veil, (like in the Wizard of Oz) the illusion will be broken and people will begin to regain their power.

158 - federal reserve noteSpeaking of worthless paper, let’s add money to the pile. We have been convinced that we must work, put time and effort into making or earning money so that we can live and buy the things we need and want to enjoy. We have also been programmed that we are defined by the amount of money we have, and that the more money, the better we are and the more worth and respect we acquire, and the further up the social ladder we climb. in the USA, the Federal Reserve is a private banking system that controls the countries financial system, collecting interest on money it creates and prints for circulation.

Says 155 – How to free ourselves from the beliefs that enslave us

Today a Facebook friend uploaded the following You Tube video..
Monty Python And The Holy Grail – Help Help I’m Being Repressed

It’s no coincidence that I saw this today as I was previously thinking the same thing, or on the same lines… I was thinking of how we are drawn into giving our power away by our beliefs. Like in this movie, the people believed that they had no ruler and served no king. The king could say what he wanted, but it didn’t matter to them, in fact, they admonished him.

That is how we are going to create a new World, by letting go of our old imprints, programs and beliefs. Once we no longer have them, (and I don’t mean deny them) then those that now have power over us will be powerless. Not that we will over-power them, as that is also no longer in our belief system.. It will be a whole new world.

I just thought of it.. I might just have found the Holy Grail.. lol.. LMAO. The Universe does have a sense of humor…


Says 146 – How the Government controls you

birth certificateMarch 21 Thursday When you were born, the corporate entity known as the government was already formed and was being run by the elected politicians and bureaucrats who gave themselves the power to create government laws, rules and regulations that were supposedly for the benefit of the people. Your parents, being good citizens, believed the manmade law that required them to register your birth. The government then issued you (through your parents) a birth certificate that was then used to identify your sovereign being. They then used your given name to create a fictitious identity of you that they could then use to control you and what you did. death certificateEven when you die your family needs to report your death and you (who are no longer living) are then issued at death certificate, terminating your involvement with the government corporation. As you can see, neither birth or death certificates give you any choice in the matter, you are either too young to understand what is going on, or dead and unable to respond.

I am free - NOTBesides having to register all newborn humans, the government is now having blood and DNA samples taken, as well as footprints, to enable them to physically identify the actual physical being in the future. When you started school, you first learned to print your name in CAPITAL letters. This is important as it imprinted and programmed you to accept your name printed in CAPITAL Letters on documents as being you. Later when you left school to get a job and earn money, you needed to register with the government to get a social insurance number (SIN) which the government then uses to collect taxes from you when you earned money. When you got your driver’s license, you needed to register with the government. If you bought a vehicle, that too needed to be registered and you also needed to get it insured. When you got health insurance, you needed to be registered. Of course each time you registered or got a license, it cost you MONEY. If you decided to get a bank account, credit card, or loan, you needed to register with the bank. Of course that also costs money. If you buy a house, you need to register your title with various levels of government, more money and if you got a mortgage, you also paid interest on that loan. If you start a business, you need to register with the government, more money. Anytime that you register with any form of government, or any one of their agents, your name will always be printed in CAPITAL letters, and not the way you normally write or print it. They have stolen your name to create a fictitious corporate identity of your sovereign physical being in order to have you work and pay interest on a debt you didn’t have. Not only that, your birth certificate also has a hidden agenda in that the identification numbers that were issued in your name is used as collateral on the stock exchange to allow the government to incur debt on your behalf. That is the hidden truth that the government doesn’t want you to know, it’s their dirty little secret.

moneyOne thing to note is that the physical money in circulation is created, printed and owned by the government, but any money in the form of interest is created, collected and owned by the financial institutions and the banks. And you guessed it, there is a whole lot more borrowed money in circulation than real hard cash. Also of note is that while cash currency is considered legal tender, it has no real value, as it’s not based on anything commodity of value like gold or silver, but is simply a promissory note issues by the bank that is an agent for the government. While the government owns the hard cash, it borrows also money and pays interest for this cash. While the government controls the physical currency, there is nothing of value to back it up except you and your ability and willingness to pay for debt and interest you didn’t incur. Another thing is that when you pay your income taxes at the end of the year, you make your check out to (in Canada) the Receiver General, believing that the money is going to the government. This money actually goes to the Revenue Canada Agency which is not an actual department within the government of Canada, but is a private financial Corporation much like the IRS in the USS, that collects tax and interest money from the REGISTERED taxpayers and then loans money to the government and receives interest payment on that debt. As you can see, this system is flawed and democracy is a sham.

Says 112 – The fear of power and the power of fear

I happened to catch a bit of a war program on TV and the words that caught my attention were, “the fear of power, and the power of fear.” I feel there is a fine line between the two as the fear of power, of having power and being in control can be just as debilitating as being in fear of being overpowered. Part of the fear of power is in having the responsibility associated with the wrong use of it. The mind tries to find some balance in one’s life, in order to survive without becoming a tyrant. They are constantly weaving their way through and around any potential problems to avoid unpleasant confrontations in which they consider themselves as harming others, or where others feel they are being controlled and harmed. There is also of fear of being wrong associated with the fear of having power

The power of fear similar that in order to have fear, one must have experienced a situation where one felt overwhelmed, overpowered and helpless to change the situation. Being imprinted and programmed, the person now lives in constant fear of the unknown, projecting and expecting to experience what they fear, and looking for ways to avoid encountering it. The persons fear is their weakness as they will always be afraid that what they fear will be used against them.

Says 110 – Feeding on energy and the money illusion

2012 Nov 04 Sunday. People feed on our energy, just as we are feeding on others. They feed on our energy by what we do, work, play, shop (consumed products) and of course money. It’s in the exchange of money that most of our energy is either given or taken. Everything is energy and we exchange our physical and mental energy to get a piece of paper (money) that we then use to get energy (things) from others.

 In all this there is always the middleman, the moneylenders, that feed on the interest they charge for the use of money that they fabricate without really putting anything of their energy into it.  The problem with this system is in the governments, corporations, banks and other financial institutions especially the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Canada that charge interest on the money they fabricate. The personal energy it takes to print a $1 or $1,000 bill is the same, yet the interest charged is 1000 fold and doesn’t represent any real work or energy by the people authorizing the printing of it. This interest charged is energy that one needs to provide that is above and beyond what they originally expended. The people receiving this interest payment of energy do so without lifting a finger as it comes from the blood, sweat, and tears of those that are slaves to the system.

Even more of a problem is that people borrow money to buy things that they can’t afford and so they are locked into working to pay the interest on the money they borrowed.  They have to work at what they don’t like so that they can have what they desire. They give up years of their lives just to pay interest on the debt they owe so, that the moneylenders can have the life they desire without having to work and do what they don’t want.

The irony is that while we desire to have the ”good life” like the moneylenders and the fat cats in big corporations and government positions, little  do we know that by our buying into the mindset they have given us, that we are the ones that have put them in that position, while we have to struggle.

Says 82 – Getting organized – Generation Gap

2012 Sept 02 Sunday, I never bought any food on Saturday as I hadn’t been able to talk to Nancy or Frank as to where I could put my stuff in the refrigerator, as well as where I was going to store my non perishable food stuff. I talked to Nancy this morning after they got up around noon and she gave me some cupboard and fridge space, enough to keep my basics. Other foodstuff and some of my utensils I can keep in a cupboard in my room.

2012 Sept 07 Friday It’s kind of weird as the two young people that also room here usually eat when and what Frank and Nancy eat. No one eats breakfast and supper isn’t until 8:30 – 9:00 at night. It’s like a communal kitchen, but where it’s Nancy (depending on what shift she works) or Frank that does the cooking, and Frank doesn’t get home until after 8:30pm, and the young ones just wait until supper is ready. The young guy make spaghetti for himself the other day, but he didn’t just make one of two servings, he used the whole package, enough for 10 people, and then he stuffed the pot in the fridge as leftover’s. He then eats at it during the day for days, trying to get rid of it as no one else wants it. He told me I could help myself, but I already had my spaghetti feed a day before he made his, so I wasn’t interested.

I’ve also noticed that the two young people seem lost. They both have jobs, but they are in their own little world that doesn’t include the basics of living and caring for themselves. It’s just like they are large toddlers. They leave their bedroom door open at times and I can’t help but notice how littered and messy the rooms are. When they use the bathroom, whatever falls on the counter or floor, stays there, same goes for the kitchen and even the patio. Maybe it’s just the three generation gap at work, but there seems to be this hopelessness or indifference that is reflected, not only by their rooms, but in their general attitude. They look clean and as normal as present teens can be when they go out, as that is the public perception that they want to portray, but that is not what they are really like. The young guy had his girlfriend (mother figure) over the other day and she cleaned up his room, but a few hours after she left, he had things on the floor again.

The other part of the generation gap is with Frank and Nancy as they are in their later 40’s and are consumed with their jobs, Nancy working a rotating three shift schedule, mornings, afternoons and nights, while Frank works 8 am to 8 pm, 7 days a week. Both of them have very little time for each other, or to do things around the house, other than prepare meals and clean up after the toddlers. Nancy also tries to be this cool mother figure to them, cleaning up after them (once a week) and driving them to the store to get beer, cigarettes, or maybe some food. I know the young ones are also smoking weed, but they’re not toking up in the house or yard. They are what they are, and I just do my own thing.

I don’t know what these young kids would do if no one cleaned up after them or prepared their meals and did their laundry. They are like a hoarder or litterbug that would eventually be living in and eating their own excrement. I’m not saying that one needs to be a clean freak, BUT!….

Ahhh! I just got it… It’s all about choice. People are going to be toddlers and litterbugs as long as there are people that are willing to mother them, to pick up after them and take care of them. It’s all about power and control and of course, denial, free Will and choice.

Nancy hooked up my internet, (25 character password). Apparently, the TV and movies are also available via the computer but that hasn’t been activated as yet. I don’t rally miss TV….

Says 72 – Chat with the landlords – leaving the end of August.

2012 July 28 Saturday 11;00 am. The landlord came to my room and asked me if I had found another place yet. I invited him into my room and we had a little chat. I stated that I liked the room and the other people living here and that I’d like to stay, but that we need to clear the air. I said that I speak my mind and ask questions when I am confused or feel someone is trying to manipulate or bullshit me. And just because I express myself, that doesn’t mean that I’m the bad one for uncovering the truth that another person is trying to hide.

I asked about the A/C and was given several BS stories. I asked about why you went into my room without permission, and you questioned my questioning you. And most recently my asking your wife why she was up here at midnight, making a noise, and basically telling me to fuck off. Me asking questions is NOT the problem. You guys not answering my question in a forthright and honest manner and lying, omitting, avoiding or denying is the problem.

He then began his response by saying that what goes on between us, stays with us. We don’t like you talking with the other tenants and stirring things up. I said that the other tenants come to me and tell me things but they are too shit scared to confront you or your wife. I told him that I don’t keep secrets and I don’t hide the truth. If the problem is uncovered and the truth is honestly and openly expressed, then there is no longer a problem as it will be resolved. The problem only continues to be a problem as long as we try to deny and cover up that there is a problem.

If I were to say nothing or to agree with you even if I did it just to make you happy, then I’d be just like you, a person that lies, omits, avoid and denies telling the truth. What would make you happy is for me to obey you and agree with anything you say or do. My being real and honest is not what you want to hear, as you would like to have obedient tenants that are just grateful for what you give them, and do what you want without question, as having that power and control over others is what makes you and your wife happy.

He then suggested that I meet with him and his wife later to discuss the matter, but she was busy showing the room across the hall from me and wasn’t going to be free until early afternoon.

1:30 pm, I went downstairs and had a meeting with both, and the woman was adamant in getting rid of me, as no matter what I said, she avoided or denied answering my direct questions. In the end, the only thing that was resolved was that I would be out by Friday, August 31 (or before) if I found another place sooner. They also stated that if I left sooner, that they would reimburse me the number of days I had left to the end of the month if I paid the full month’s rent, and also return my $100.00 deposit. The landlord extended his hand and I accepted the offer.

Says 60 – Canada Day – Another religion – worshiping a corporation

July 1, I was thinking about Canada Day (July 1) and how it’s like another religion where people worship this fictitious entity , this corporation called Canada. Canada was created on paper to serve as a format to unite people in commonality, within a given land area and also as a form of having control (governing) over both the land and the people. All the people that agree to the corporate mandate and desire to be a subject under its illusionary status of power are giving their power away. Not that they are giving it away to the corporation, but to the elected officials , politicians and bureaucrats that have been selected though the so-called democratic process, to run this corporation and govern the people with rules and laws. While I use this USA cartoon as an example of government, Canada operates the same way. For that matter, any country be it a monarchy, republic, dictatorship or communist, also work in a similar manner.

Canada is not a living Being or entity and a as a government, it has no power and is not really a problem. The problem is with the people in the government those that hold office and are in a position of power to dictate the hidden agenda of those people behind the scenes that are in control that are the real problem. So when people are all ga-ga over being a Canadian, they really have no idea what they are all so revved up and proud about.

I happened to be following up on a picture posted on facebook and came across this one by George Carin, that pretty well says the same thing.

Says 34 – Letting go of the Old world and creating a new World

2012 March 30 6:40 am I awoke and was thinking of all the things that are wrong in this world and I began to write a list.

Corrupt government, federal, provincial, and municipal
Religious beliefs and conflict
The wars and military spending
Pharmaceutical drugs and medical care
High gas, food, electrical and housing prices
High CATV, satellite, telephone, cell phone and internet prices
GMO foods and animals
Polluted land, water and air
Chemtrails and government cover-up
Big brother watching you
And the list goes on and on.

I then though, this is way too much to try to fix and that the only way we are going to change things is to let go of it and let it self destruct and then we’ll build a brand new world to rise out of the ashes like the fabled Phoenix. By self-destruct, I don’t mean that the World (Earth) should be destroyed, but that the SYSTEMS that are presently in a position of power be destroyed. When they are gone, along with those that support that system; those that remain can then begin the process of creating a New World with a new blue print of how reality can be when denials are ended.

Says 33 – Message on Clearing illness and aging from the Body.

2012 March 30 2:30 am, Before I went to bed I was read a few pages in the “Right Use of Will” RUOW (Page 2) on clearing illness and habits. When I went to bed, I had been thinking of how to heal my Body and later I awoke hearing the following message. I reached now and picked up my journal that I have between my night table and my bed , turned the light on and began to write the following message.

Say this aloud and make it your intent.

Body, I am here to help you heal yourself. What is it that you desire me to help you come into full Being? I will listen to your wants, needs, and desires and will do my best to fulfill them? I know that I have not listened to you in the past and have gotten you to do what I wanted and thought was the right thing. I know you are also holding a lot of the Wills denied energy and I am ready to help you release it and to help you and the Will heal and come into full consciousness, glory and power. This is my intent, This is my intent with Body, Will and Heart. I ask that you teach me, to help me listen to you, and to know that it is your Will, your true desire. It is time to end this battle, this struggle, as it is life that we all desire and so to achieve that, we all need to let go of all that does not serve our highest purpose and good.

We sense your doubt and fear, and like your brothers comment to Peter “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt,” we want to add, that what he did not say was that,” You know that all things are possible, you have only to imagine them and they will manifest for your experience.”

I ask Father, Mother and the Company of Heaven to help me, help us bring Heaven to Earth and to live life as we have never know it. Amen.