Says 427 – Changing reality – Who do you call to save you?


In the video he describes 5G and the virus and other things that are planned globally. What I found interesting was that at about the 18 minute mark, he brings religion and the church into the video as Christianity being the saviour of mankind. That reminded me of the woman (no mask) I met at a store that was aware of the things the government, medical and media were doing, and unlike the mask wears that believe the government and medical establishment will save them; she had strong religious beliefs and that the rapture was going to same her.

Here one group believes politics and another believes religion will “save” them from the present social dilemma. What this triggered in me is that neither one will save us, and that we need to save ourselves in the here and now, that is also related to the hear-after, as we’re not here to experience all this if we weren’t meant to. I say this as we are a Spiritual being having a human experience, and what happens in the physical also affects the Spiritual.

I feel that the way to protect ourselves, not really protect… but to be immune to the 5G, the virus and the other things that we are and will be exposed to including the government and media propaganda, is to raise our vibration, our frequency. We don’t do that by obeying the government or by going to church and being a good Christian. We do that by no longer living the L.O.A.D (Lies, Omission, Avoidance and Denials) that we presently experience in our everyday lives. The LOAD is also the MASK we wear to hide our true feelings in order to be accepted by others. It’s our LOAD that lowers our frequency and in the process, creates disease and aging. We need to be real with ourselves and others, and that includes openly expressing what we’re feeling about what we are experiencing in the moment we experience it. And that includes the good, bad and ugly. It’s doing what we have never done before, individually or collectively as society

I also feel that 5G is basically the carrier and not the real problem. I was thinking of the sound and a dog whistle. When the whistle hits a certain note (frequency), dogs can hear it while humans can’t and it doesn’t affect us. Another example is the take a radio or TV. We need to tune in to a certain frequency to hear or see what is being broadcast. Whatever the modulated frequency being used by the 5G network its purpose is to affect the electro/magnetic nature of the human body. I feel it can also be manipulated (tuned) to various frequencies that affect different aspects of our electro/magnetic physical Being and also be turned on and off to create confusion. Different people, different symptoms. Some immediately, while others take longer, or symptoms that seem to come and go

Says 426 – Mandatory Masks – NOT!

I agree with most of what this man says. There is more involved, but this should be enough to…. MAYBE… plant a seed in the minds of mask-wearers, that something is amiss.. or NOT..

Says 425 – Ontario Government Covid-19 Propaganda

Randy Hillier is an “independent” MP in the Ontario Legislature. As such, he is not obligated to be a bobble head and follow PARTY dictates. He asks honest and straight forward questions, but is given… DOUBLESPEAK… Meaning LOAD.. (Lies, Omission, Avoidance and denial) aka BULLSHIT.

Quote – Randy Hillier posted a video to playlist COVID.

After the Toronto Sun published how many COVID patients are taking up UHN hospital beds in Toronto, I asked the Deputy Premier Christine Elliott if she could provide or verify the Sun’s numbers. I am not sure if she couldn’t hear me across the aisle, but I didn’t hear a single number, just propaganda.
It appears FordNation, his Caucus, and Public Health are content with spreading alarm and fear about a second wave based upon faulty projection models and trumped up case numbers. Like the Liberals in Ottawa, our government can’t even read simple numbers. – End quote

Says 424 – CaNaDA government propaganda push (2020-11-17)

CaNaDa’s PM Trudeau gave this speech today 2020 Nov 17. I saw it and tried to download it but couldn’t, so I did the next best thing. I tried to find the link to share it on my blog, but it seems to have “magically” disappeared. When watching this clip, note the EMPHASIS he puts on certain words and the PUSH to get vaccinated.

Says 420 – Statue (Maritime) law vs Common Law. Factious and Real.

A recent David Icke interview with John Smith on Statue law (maritime law) and common law and what we are actually living under. It also deals with the present covid plandemic. It’s a bit long but well worth the watch.

Says 419 – The Truth about Vaccines.

A passionate Dr. James Neuenschwander, MD reveals the truth behind vaccines and their side-effects and the upcoming covid vaccine. If this doesn’t WAKE YOU UP… then you deserve everything that is going to happen to you. I just feel sorry for your children that will have no choice but to OBEY your ignorance and arrogance.  Since FACEBOOK and GOOGLE censors downloading any TRUTH videos I copied it… I have also shared a link to Facebook  and you can see it there.

Says 416 – The Second Wave – 2020 November

The Second Wave

I have a niggly feeling that the shit is about to hit the proverbial fan. When the man-made covid-19 virus was released onto the world from a biological research centre in Wuhan, China, in November of 2019, it was the so-called first wave. This virus attacked the respiratory system of humans where the lungs and airways swell and become inflamed. Most people never got the virus flu like symptoms and are asymptomatic. Those that contracted the virus had mild symptoms, and were advised to self-isolate, as the recovery rate is 99.985%. Those that were more severely affected and needed to be hospitalized, needed a ventilator to help them breathe, and those that died with the virus symptoms, usually had underlying medical conditions as in the elderly in nursing homes.

Since covid-19 is a man-made virus, it can be modified, and that is where the second wave that has been constantly mentioned in the media comes into play. The second “modified” version of covid-19 will be much more aggressive. Meaning, that people that have any form of respiratory problems will be most vulnerable. These will include the chronic mask wearers in particular those that either willingly wear them constantly, or are forced to wear them to be employed. There is growing medical concern by non-main stream media doctors of the risk of pneumonia for those wearing masks, because they are re-breathing their own bacteria as well as mold created by the moisture held in the mask that’s affecting their lungs and weakening their immune system and making them more susceptible to the virus.

Of course, the various governments, so-called medical experts and the NWO media will claim that it’s still the same covid-19 virus, but that it has spread because of the lack of CONTROL… lockdowns, travel restrictions, social gatherings, social distancing, hand sanitizing, wearing of masks, not getting tested, etc, etc. “They” will use this second modified version of the covid-19 virus to not only impose further restrictions on society, but the modified virus will not only over-load the medical system, but will also have other disastrous effects. The mask wearing, so-called “essential workers” (hospital staff, grocery stores, gas stations, truckers, etc) that will now be getting sick, will be shutting down services that were open during the first wave. Unlike the first wave that hit the Northern hemisphere (most densely populated) in March, near the end of winter, the second wave is scheduled to occur this coming winter, and that will add the element of severe weather to the equation, including possible power outages.

Of course, don’t forget the “vaccine” that “they” will try to push on the public as another means of flattening the curve and preventing the spread of the virus. BTW, the fear based hysteria created by the first wave propaganda was a ruse, a false flag operation to enable the governments to initiate CONTOL of the population. With the first wave of control being met with little or no resistance, it’s now time for the NWO to proceed with the next phase of their agenda, more control along with the reduction of the population.  If you don’t know what NWO is… do some research.   – Shenreed 2020 Oct 01

Says 415 – NWO Propaganda Movie

           * * * * NOTE * * * * 

After I posted this, a friend invited me to watch it. As it began, I got the uneasy feeling that it was NOT JUST A MOVIE about the so-called Covid-19 pandemic…. I felt it contained dangerous subliminal mind control programming where one would get triggered by a word or phrase.  Can you imagine what would happen if everyone that watched this movie would (in the future) get triggered to act in a certain way when they heard certain words spoken.. Zombies unleashed. 

Totally Under Control (2020) – A NWO Propaganda movie…made in secrecy the past five months.I haven’t seen it yet, so why do I say that, you may ask.

Think about it… Here it is mid October, and the “pandemic” was first mentioned in December of 2019 and took three months to get to “get out” to affect the rest of the world. No one had any idea if it was going to be any more serious than any previous flu. So riddle me this.

How did they “know” it was going to be “played out” as it was in advance of if happening… and is still happening. They had film producers and crews rolling, interviewing so-called scientific and medical experts and government officials, and gathering TV footage to portray the United States governments response to the COVID-19 outbreak during the early months of the pandemic. Not to mention the “pandemic” was/is ongoing or the time needed to edit and put the production together and bring it to market. This had to be pre-planned.

While it appears to have a US political motive, I see it as a made for TV docu-drama to further brainwash the public into believing the cover-19 “plandemic” is a global health crisis, which BTW has a 99.985% recovery rate. The movie, as far as the trailer goes, completely avoids mentioning the lockdown and the serious social implications it has, and is having: and hidden agenda of the NWO and total global control.    Here is a link to the movie Totally Under Control (2020) 

Says 413 – The illusion – the game –  the dual reality.

I was thinking of this covid-19 plandemic and how the world governments and political leaders have gotten away with shutting down businesses and controlling the public. My initial reaction to hearing about the virus was one thing, and the governments, medical and media spin and the numbers game was another that raised red flags and I remembered information that I had that now began to make sense. Government politicians, bureaucrats, judges, lawyers, police, military, etc. are all working for a corporation, a factitious entity that is only real on paper. There are also numerous private corporate agencies working for different levels of government, all claiming to have “authority” and control over you.

We come into this world as a sovereign being; free of any political affiliation, religion, race, social status or corporate identity. However, the moment we are born, that all changes. Through social customs, traditions and beliefs, our parents applied for a birth certificate because they were told, and naively believed it was required by the Federal government and its bureaucrats. The government using the name your parents gave you, issued you a birth certificate (corporate identity) using your name, example JOHN SMITH, along with giving you a S.I.N. number with which to identify and control you on your financial journey through life. This corporate identity is also known as your STRAWMAN and has many functions. To the government, you aren’t considered a human being; to them, you are more like collateral, like livestock that is recorded in inventory to be accessed as required. Upon your death, your dependants need to submit a death certificate, thus taking you out of inventory.

This was all imposed upon us as an infant, when we were incapable of knowing what was happening and expressing our desires and choices; we had no choice. Since then, we have been led to believe that our corporate STRAWMAN and our physical Sovereign being are one and the same. We have been intentionally lied to and led to believe that because we live in a democracy, that we are free, and that freedom includes a vote for the candidate of our choice. What we don’t know, and what we aren’t told, is that voting for a political party and candidate is really giving them CONSENT to rule us.

Any communication with any form of government or one of its agencies or a corporation like your job, taxes, bank account, credit cards, health-card, driver’s license, insurance, telephone, etc. are never addressed to you personally, but to your STRAWMAN, that you have come to believe is you. Your strawman’s name will always be in capital letters. The only mail you will ever get that is personalized, meaning, only the first letter of your first and last name is In capital letters, (John Smith) will be from family and friends.

Now here’s where things get interesting. Any government authority figure, official or employee, also has a birth certificate and a corporate identity, a strawman that is recognized by the Government. Those working for the government are people choosing to follow orders crafted by others higher up on the corporate ladder who are also choosing to following orders of the unseen rulers hiding behind a veil of secrecy. People working for the government (a corporation) in a position of power, may claim they have the authority to make and enforce regulations, statutes, laws and rules, etc, but any such edicts are only valid as far as they concern the government and your strawman, they do NOT apply to your sovereign physical being. Controlling the strawman is part of their game, and while they also have a strawman, the rules don’t apply to them as they claim PIE (Privilege, Impunity and Entitlement).

The only jurisdiction a representative of a government or one of its agencies has, is related to the strawman and not to the individual sovereign human being. Saying that something is compulsory, mandatory, or the law is only a veiled attempt to get you to agree and submit to their authority. They can’t enforce what they claim WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT and agreement, and they know it. That is also why they’ve deliberately created this confusion between your sovereign being and your strawman; getting you to believe they are one and the same. Every regulation, statue, rule or law that they can get people to consent to, like what has been happening globally with the covid-19 plandemic and subsequent lockdowns and restrictions placed on people, just increases governments control and takes away personal freedom. The more confusion they can create and the more consent they can get, the more power people give them.

When a person rejects these “authority” figures, they will either try to intimidate and threaten you with fines, arrest or even physical violence and if that doesn’t break you, then they will play the good cop routine and try to coerce you into giving up your power and consenting to their demands. Unless you co-operate and consent to their demands, they have no power except that which you give them. You give them your power whenever you are in denial of expressing your true feelings in the moment you feel them in your present experience. You need to express everything you intuitively feel, including any feelings, emotions and physical expression. Not that you’ll need to use physical force, but that you are willing to defend your body to any physical attack on it.

Well that’s my hypothesis on how the game of the old-world system operates. The thing is that you can’t win if you continue to play the rigged game by their rules. To win, or rather, to be free of the old-world reality and begin to create a new reality, you have to stop playing their game. Now to put it to the test to see how a New-World can be created as the old-world and those that support it implodes.

Says 412 – Speaking your truth in a reality of bullshit.

Internet image. not image of health food store.

Today I went to the health food store and they have signs on the door indicating that you must wear a mask and must use the hand sanitizers to be able to go into the store. I walked in and a man in his 40’s wearing a mask came over to me told me I have to wear masks and sanitize my hands. I stated that I can’t wear a mask because I can’t breathe and that I’m allergic to hand sanitizers.

He saw the list I had in my hand and said that he would pick up the products I wanted and that I should wait here.
I said, “No I want to shop myself. I don’t have the product names but I know what they look like.”
He said, “You can’t shop here without a mask and sanitizing your hands.”
I said, “Fine, you have a choice. You can either let me shop without a mask and using hand sanitizers, or I walk out and take my business elsewhere”

I couldn’t see his mouth but his eyes blinked a couple times, then he nodded his head indicating he was accepting my terms and waived his right arm to usher me into the store. As I walked to the shelves he said that I should use this counter, (pointing) when I wanted to check out.

I did my shopping, paid my bill with cash and briefly chatted with the girl that was not wearing a mask and not behind any plastic shield of any kind. I got the impression that she’s not a happy camper working where she is regarding all the covid-19 BS.

It’s bad enough that the government, medical and media bullshit us.. but that business also try the same shit. I spoke my truth and stood my ground. He was in denial and knew it.. An example of how truth (love) prevails over lies, omission, avoidance and denials.

Says 411- The Fall of the Cabal.

This is rather a lengthy video, but it shares a lot of material that gives you just some idea of what is really going on.

Says 410 – Trump’s hidden agenda?

Trump Salute

Is Trump imitating Hitler?

I have a niggly feeling that Trump is about to make his move. He’s been playing the good cop routine of “draining the swamp” and exposing government and pedophile corruption. While he’s supposedly freeing thousands of kidnapped children, there is no mention of what is happening to these children. While doing that, he also (supposedly) naïvely allowed the WHO and CDC to dictate policy regarding the so-called corvid-19 pandemic with the mandate to subtly to control and enslave the masses and cripple the economy. Originally, I have my doubts about him, but seeing the good work he was supposedly doing, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Now, I’m beginning to see him different light, and not in a good way. I mention Trump, but almost every country leader is following the WHO (N.W.O) Virus mandate.

Trump’s allowing each state to handle the virus issues under the national umbrella he set out. Riots have, and will breakout and he’s beginning to send the military in to take control of the problem. Trump is not involved in initiating foreign wars like the former presidents, and is pulling the military out to either deploy them on so-called missions to end child trafficking, or silently bringing them home for homeland security and activating FEMA camps.


Politics explained…

The political opposition is part of the act, making out like Trump is exposing and destroying them, with no real arrests, while they appear to pull out all stops to prevent him from winning the fall election, but it’s all part of the plan. Brainwashed Americans will continue to support both sides of the political system, naïvely believing that their party will bring the changes they desire. Yes, they will bring change, but not what most desire. The political system is like the old saying that, “the left wing and right wing of politics belong to the same bird,” the NWO (New World order.)

Trump’s draining of the swamp is only a decoy in order to gain the trust of the people that see corruption on all levels. His naming names and exposing documents serves to manipulate the people to get them believe that positive change is coming and that they are being heard. While that is going on, there is the virus to deal with and the restriction on personal freedom. The virus is another decoy. While it’s real, it’s less dangerous than the seasonal flu. It’s being used to get people to accept the NEW NORMAL form of slavery. When the second “planned” wave hits and more restrictions are enforced, the people will have past the point of no return and the government (both parties) will be in total control to form the New World order and begin to execute the mandate of global domination.

The US military has also been acting the good cop routine, supposedly supplying Trump with evidence of corruption in government and the CIA, FBI and others, except them. It’s also a ruse to give the public the impression that the mighty US military, (that was secretly planning a coup) of the government, changed their mind to support Trump and his “drain the swamp” campaign.

The lockdown is going into its sixth month and the planned “Second Wave” agenda is about to be released. Like with the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, there will be bogus medical reports and fictitious numbers of cases and deaths that will be used by the media to instill even more fear into the already glassy eyed sheeple, as the screws are again tightened to limit their freedom. As it happens, public outcry and financially destitute protesters will quickly be corralled and taken to waiting FEMA camps, and like Hitler in World War II, they will be dealt with. All hell is about to break loose as the elite try to take control of humanity, the earth, and creation itself, and trying to set Lucifer up as God.

Says 409 – A quick look at the big picture of the plannedemic

A quick look at the bigger picture of this plannedemic and how the commodity of FEAR is being used to usher in the NEW NORMAL of totalitarianism.
A video presented by David Icke Video

Says 407 – Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai

A straight up and upfront man telling it like it is. The video is only 16 minutes long and is a MUST SEE…

Says 406 – Now animals are covid-19 carriers

They keep changing their bullshit narrative… adding more confusion and more fear to their story… I suspect the next thing the government, medical establishment and the media will be touting is that wildlife will need to self-isolate. If they don’t OBEY.. they will be fined and locked up…

OMG… !!!! What about the common house flies… They land on everything and if one lands on you.. you could get the virus. You never know where they landed, so don’t touch anything as it could be contaminated and you could die… What if you dog sniffs or licks another dogs butt or something else on your walk and you don’t see them doing that..  and then they lick you.. OMG!!!!  Maybe dogs should wear masks and maybe little booties too. But be careful taking them off..

Not only that, while you may be asymptomatic, you COULD be passing it on to a loved one or another vulnerable person. Maybe it best that you just end it all and not have to deal with all the ANXIETY and living in constant FEAR.

Here is the link to the latest rhetoric

Taking the dog for a walk is one of the few aspects of normal life that hasn’t been entirely disrupted by the COVID-19 outbreak.But experts have a message for all the pet owners venturing out for a puppy promenade — physical distancing rules should apply to animals too.Veterinarians say it’s




Says 405 – Dumbed-down society and covid-19

It’s interesting how in a “dumbed-down” society, that blatant reverse psychology works so effectively in controlling the masses.  The above meme’s say it all.


Says 404 – Covid-19 and GOVT-2020 Virus

If you think corvid-19 is dangerous; think again. The real virus is GOVT-2020. While this article is from New South Wales – Australia, it applies to every country as this virus is global.

<quote> The new regime came as they recorded the 2000th confirmed case.

By March 31, the total COVID-19 patients in NSW are 2,032, with 8 deaths. Medical experts are warning that it’s still too early to tell if the strict social distancing measures are working.

Police Commissioner Michael Fuller has been placed in charge of the state’s overall COVID-19 response. In a letter to his colleagues, he states: <end quote>

$11,000 fine and six months jail time for anyone leaving home without a “reasonable excuse”


Says 403 – Coronavirus – Beginning to put the puzzle together.

Shared from a Facebook Post. Do your own research and use your own discernment to dig deep to learn what you can uncover.

Bill Gates & Barack Obama released a docuseries on Netflix called PANDEMIC in January right before the Wuhan virus was “discovered.”

The docuseries pushed the need for the Gates’ Foundation to receive funding to carry on virus research to prevent the next PANDEMIC!

Bill Gates funded the Wuhan lab in China that released the Wuhan virus. Bill Gates’ was a member of China’s Academy of Sciences who built the lab and he was awarded their highest honor.

The Wuhan virus was originally developed at the University of North Carolina by NIH grants approved by the Obama administration in 2012.

The NIH defunded the UNC research in 2016 so the Communist Chinese scientists left UNC and took their work to the NEWLY BUILT Wuhan lab in 2017 – funded by Gates & pals.

The head of the Harvard Chemistry department, with ties to Gates & Epstein, was arrested for accepting bribes from the Communists. Did Epstein know what was coming?

The Pirbright Institute, funded by Bill Gates, owns the “patent” on the Coronavirus genetic sequencing. They did simulation testing on a global PANDEMIC in 2018.

Bill Gates & Barack Obama docuseries marketed the need for a global “universal” vaccine to replace all other flu vaccines. I believe it will be designed to deliver a human chip via nanotechnology.

12,469 people in the US died of H1N1 flu (from Mexico) under Obama in 2009, many of them children, because he waited 6 months to do anything & never closed the border.

The media said nothing about fatalities from H1N1 but is creating a huge panic around the 20 US deaths from the Wuhan virus to destroy the US economy before the election.

Over 36,000 people in the US have died from the common flu this year and the media says NOTHING about that – but is creating a huge panic around the 20 US deaths from the Wuhan virus.

18 out of the 20 total US deaths from the Wuhan virus have come from a nursing home in Kirkland, Washington – the home area of Bill Gates.

Half the staff at that nursing home have been infected with Wuhan virus. They appear to be the carriers. The nursing home draws employees from a large Chinese population across the border in Canada. I believe Gates is placing carriers in vulnerable locations for the narrative and funding.

Right after the first deaths were reported in Bill Gates home area, the Governor declared a national emergency & Congress approved over $8 billion – even though Trump asked for only a quarter of that. Much of the funding will flow to Gates’ global partners.

Suddenly Bill Gates says his “foundation” will offer in-home testing kits where you swab your nose with a Q-Tip and send it to his labs. How convenient!

19 out of the 21 who tested positive on the Princess Cruise ship were CREW MEMBERS. Meaning the crews are carriers and are infecting passengers. Who put them there?

The virus started in South Korea because the leaders of a “doomsday” cult went to Wuhan, China and went back and infected 8,000 of their members. Who paid them to do that?

Iran’s leaders suddenly became infected after Iran’s foreign leader met with John Kerry in Munich and laughed about the virus on camera. Almost like he was told to go home and create panic.

All those videos out of Communist China of them disinfecting the streets, people dying on the streets and thrashing bodies – were all fake and sent out by Communist propagandists.
Real videos show Hong Kong freedom fighters being rounded up in handcuffs and sent off to the “hospital” where it’s likely their organs are harvested and they are cremated.

Real videos show elderly people in Communist China trapped in buildings and left to die with no food.

Real videos show that Communist China installed major NEW surveillance cameras and technology to monitor people on the street & in their offices since the virus was released.

Real videos show the Chinese people yelling “IT’S ALL FAKE” from high rises as the Communists pretend to care for them on the streets below.

They are now forced to use an app which tells them when they can come and go and tracks their every move. How did the Communists suddenly develop this technology in a month? This was part of the plan.

After Trump closed travel from Communist China in January, the Chinese blamed the US and threatened to hold back our pharmaceuticals unless we opened travel back up again. They didn’t expect him to do that – that thwarted their plans to seed the US with more cases.

I believe the virus is no more dangerous than the common cold – but has been engineered to be highly infectious and impact the elderly & sick. Thankfully, it is NOT affecting children & young adults like pandemic flu does.

I believe the virus was unleashed by the Communist Party to scare people back into their homes and stop the Hong Kong & Taiwanese pro-freedom protests.

I believe the virus was unleashed by the Communists to crash the US economy & drive people away from Trump rallies.

I believe the virus was unleashed to help the Communists assert global control and to cull the elderly and weak.

ALL respiratory viral outbreaks peak in March and end in April. I believe this one too.

The SARS Coronavirus panic dropped the market 20% in March 2003, under Bush, and it came roaring back even higher by July. In other words, they’ve done this before to a Republican administration before an election.

Now the fake news is trying to completely distance Wuhan, China from the virus — and so is Communist China. That means we’re right over the target.

Every single one of these statements have been reported by numerous sources. This is not a conspiracy theory… Not FAKE news, etc…This is real folks VERY real.
MOTB -NANOTECHNOLOGY to introduce a 24/7/365 (“tracking/tracked”) chipped way of life via the guess what….? Yep you guessed it the COVID-19 VACCINE…

These false god worshipping (13) bloodlines DNA connected puppets in leadership DGAF about SHEEPLES lives … all!!!! Don’t believe me… Google the (GEORGIA GUIDESTONES) and read what it says there about global POPULATION control.. Believe what u choose!

……Can’t make this stuff up!!!! At this point you either are well versed, awake and hip to the *EndGame* or you’re sound asleep😴💤

Says 402 – Covid-19 and 5G

I have a niggly feeling that while the coronavirus was natural, it’s been genetically altered to create the corvid-19 virus that is also controllable. I don’t mean controllable as in eradicated, I mean controlled by those that created it.

Most of the world is in the first stage, but some nations are into the next stage. How this virus is being controlled is very similar to how the weather is being modified; by electronic transmissions.

I feel there is a link between the corvid-19 virus and 5G satellites and ground base electronic transmissions. The feeling I get is that the coronavirus can be tuned just like a TV audio control to deliver whatever level of contamination that the NWO powers desire. As it increases in lethal power, the death rate will be higher and faster.

I don’t know if this is true, but it’s a strong feeling, and along with the governments, medical and media propaganda and the increase in military presence, it makes one wonder.

Here are a couple of links.

Elton Musk – SpaceX 

5G danger

Says 401 – Government con-vid-19 hypocrisy

Hypocrisy and government control, but most are too blinded by their fear and need to OBEY the government and health “officials” to see it..

If you don’t have the flu symptoms, then why isolate yourself? Don’t you find it unusual that people in so-called “essential” services are able to function normally. They aren’t being told to self-isolate… WHY is that? That’s because if the government shut them down. all hell would break loose, and the government doesn’t want that as BEFORE the CON-virus outbreak, people all over the world were protesting corrupt governments, and they needed a way to stop that momentum, and what better way than to play to the people’s fear.. a DEADLY VIRUS…

If people working in hospitals, grocery and drug stores, trucking, border guards, police, fire dept., TV, hydro, water, gas, etc, were told to self-isolate, you can imagine what would happen. BUT… THOSE PEOPLE (as Don Cherry would say) that are “non-essential’, well they are the problem as THEY can spread the disease..

If these people ESSENTIAL (non-affected) people aren’t spreading the virus, then why are all the other non-affected people considered disease carriers and causing the death of those who MAY HAVE health issues. Can you say… Hypocrisy?

Those that can’t think for themselves and rely on the government and the so-called medical establishment and media to tell them what to do… well they can stay at home and look out their windows at all those people moving about and judge them as not LAW ABIDING good citizens like them..

Oh yea?.. I forgot the government, media and medial propaganda..
BUT you dumb cluckers (Chicken Little followers) you stay at home..
LOL…Cluckers… I just made up that word.


PS: Here is a link to the Ontario government’s information for people who think they may have the covid-19 virus.. If you don’t have the virus… It says to self-monitor.. NOT self-isolate.. BIG Difference..

Says 399 – Humanity going in Circles

I channeled this poem a few years back. It really feels appropriate now, given the covid-19 virus and the global situation resulting in a financial and a personal liberty crisis. How governments, the medical establishments and the media all over the world are using the covid-19 virus as a distraction, a diversion to obtain their true intent. They’re feeding society part-truths and instilling fear and panic in most of the population with the continued onslaught of propaganda, to the point that most people are willing to give up their freedom on the promise that the government “authorities” and medical “experts’ know best and will take care of them.

poem is taken from my second book.

Going in Circles

Circling the tree
running round and around.
Looking for answers
That can’t be found.

Bewildered and confused
they toil and they strife.
Trying to find
the meaning of life.

While silently sitting
rubbing hands in glee.
Is the evil bushwhacker
hiding up in the tree.

Watching his subjects
beat a path in the ground.
Feeding them part truths
calling them valid and sound.

And so they do run
all day and all night.
Not even aware
of their sorry-full plight.

Joined in commonality
for this it is true.
As are the animals
caged in a zoo.

Afraid to challenge
or unable to think.
In circles they’ll go
until they all sink.

And ponder how life
has passed them all by.
Now comes to late
a tear in their eye.

Channeled by – John Rieger/Shenreed – 2002 Jan. 19

Says 398 – Covid-19 and the NWO

Think of all the protests against governments that were going on world-wide… and then… CRONAVIRUS and then a new term… COVID-19. and __________ everything changes.

how did “they” do it? How did the governments find the right crisis to change the momentum of the opposition against their corruption? They found a COMMON FEAR and are using it to CONTROL people.. Fear of death creating disease and fear of the unknown. Gradually at first, but then increasing the FEAR propaganda and reducing individual FREEDOM. Most people accept the limitations (quarantine) put on them without question, even going so far as to self-isolate (quarantine) themselves, believing the government is looking after their best interests and HEALTH, as they don’t want to die… by the fear based propaganda, they panic and go into survival mode, and like sheep to the slaughter… they become trapped and the NWO is in control.

Says 397 – The 2020 CoronaCrash and things to come

Well here we go… The collapse of the system and the old blueprint of creation and the beginning and implantation of a new blueprint….

This video holds a lot of “Food for thought” regarding the virus and current economic and social conditions and future possibilities. Take what resonates for you, but I suggest you watch at least to the first 25 minutes

Here is the video link.     CORONACRASH: This is the New 9/11 That Will Be Far Worse Than The Great Depression

I posted this video via a youtube link back in 2020 March 13. The video is no longer available due to YouTube’s censorship of the truth… Luckily, I had downloaded a copy, and after some effort, I was able to get it reduced to 142MB, down from 1.3GB so that I could upload it to my blog.

Says 396 – CoronaVirus and world control

The Virus is a distraction from the main agenda of the N.W.O. which is far deadlier than the virus could ever be. It’s a test to see if the dumbed down sheeple are ready to be totally controlled and to obey their masters. And by the looks of things, they are. I’ve mentioned “the Beast” a few times and the 10 heads or sectors that it controls..