Says 459 – NWO planed-demic on schedule

“They” are following their PLAN and arrogantly and smugly telling the world about it….

Q1-Q2, 2021 Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed medical care facilities capacity. Expected Q1-Q2, 2021
Q2, 2021 Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including inter province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021
Mid Q2, 2021 Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021
Late Q2, 2021 Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late 02 2021
Q3, 2021 Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel checkpoints Restrict travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021

Says 457 – Dr. Carrie Madej – Blowing “Covid Vaccine” Interview

A powerful and thought provoking interview with Dr. Carrie Madej regarding the so-called Covid Vaccine and the NWO agenda.   Feel free to share this link, or download the video and re-post it. Get the TRUTH out !

Says 456 – Dr. Lee Merritt – the dire consequences of mRNA injections

Another doctors view of what mNRA is and does to our body and what “they” aren’t telling us. After Being Injected with “MRNA Technology”… All Animals “Died Upon Reinfection” (Dr. Lee Merritt)

Says 454 – It’s NOT a vaccine…

The following text was copied from the original FB post that pretty well sums it.

<quote> We must stop calling it a “vaxcine.” It’s a totally different technology. It’s a SYNTHETIC PATHOGEN. DESIGNED to make you sick. The effects can start immediately or take time to develop as a wide variety of illness, It doesn’t follow the medical definition of a vaxcine.

**The man on the bottom left is “Rocco Galati”, an attorney who’s been leading the charge on suing the Canadian government for these reckless covid policies. These are fact-based no nonsense players. <end quote>

Here is link that explains that… mRNA is not a Vaccine, it’s an injection for a slow death.

Says 452 – Vaccines Jabs – Real and Placebo

No real clinical trials on the vaccines have been done….. but… under the “Emergency” legislation, clinical trails are being carried out on the general public. With one person getting the vaccine and the side effects, and others receiving a placebo with no side effects. And so they play their game.

Says 451 – Cognitive Bias.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect – Cognitive Bias – Why Incompetent People Think They Are Competent.

This video helps explain human intellectual and sociological programming and part of the reason society is in the state it is.

Says 447 – Covid – Liars in Lab Coats

This FOX news clip is but a minuscule look into the corruption in the world today. While FOX made this, they are also complicit in the scam, or they would have been asking these questions publicly a year ago. Still, I give them credit for finally beginning to speak out.

Says 446 – Pfizer List of Criminal Actions.

Pfizer – rap sheet.  So you trust the vaccine that this company is putting out…
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha..

Says 445 – Brainwashing 101 – Herd Mentality

Do what everyone else does..
Wear a mask.
Social distancing.
Stay at home.
It’s for the greater good.
And you think you’re a free thinker…
THINK again…

Says 444- Exposing the Covid Scam-demic

CaNaDa reporter talking to a CaNaDa Doctors that exposed the Covid scam for what it is..

Says 443 – Covid virus was not isolated – Tests are fake. Masks, isolation & lockdowns; a crime against humanity.

The covid virus was NOT isolated… That means it can’t be tested for as they don’t know what they are looking for. So all the test numbers are BOGUS.. and all the other stuff is BULLSHIT..

Says 442 – The Ten Stages of Genocide

This is happening here and now with the global plandemic, lockdown, vaccine and the psychological warfare. Those that are awake, already know what is happening, but most are still asleep and choose to remain so, or, they know, but choose to be in denial and just do as they are told; keep their mouth shut, don’t question “authority” and be like the other “good citizens” mask wearers.

This video by Henna Marie gives an outline of the genocide process and how it relates to the present issues humanity is facing.

Says 441 – NWO Timeline – Facebook deletes.

Recent USA Presidents

US Politics – whether Republican or Democrat, all have been heavily involved in the Military Industrial Complex and WAR, and the CONTROL of other nations.

Don’t be fooled by Trump… The Covid-19 Virus and the Global Lock down is not a coincidence.


Well you know you are on to something when Facebook deletes and warns you about images you are trying to post.  The NWO timeline (below) is the one that Facebook deleted.

NWO Timeline

NWO Timeline

Says 439 – NWO – Corona_Crash

I posted this video via a youtube link back in 2020 March 13. Says 397 – The 2020 CORONACRASH and things to come.  This video is no longer available due to YouTube’s draconian censorship of the truth… Luckily, I had downloaded a copy and after some effort and a learning curve, I was able to get it reduced to 142MB, down from 1.3GB so that I could upload it to my blog.

This video was made at the beginning of the Covid-plandemic and as you will note, he was pretty accurate as to what has, is and will be going on.

Says 438 – Marketing Covid-19

I had posted this video back in March of 2019 and came across it today in doing my computer backups. It’s interesting how a year later, this marketing technique would be played out on a GLOBAL scale with Covid-19 –

Marketing 101

The following are tried and true marketing tactics that work.
1) Everyone believes (trusts) the labels
2) Focus on Progress (new, improved, bigger, better, faster) 
3) Willful Ignorance.
Whiles this video pertains to product marketing, you can also see how it applies to marketing the Covid-19 Virus with a simple substitution of words.
1) Everyone believes the MEDIA; what they see, hear and read on TV, internet, radio and newspapers. (Labels = Media Politicians, medical and media reporters.)
2) The constant media hype regarding the virus is always progressing; more cases, more deaths, more restrictions, etc, etc.
3) Willful ignorance… Everyone is prepared to look the other way, to do what they are told, and not question the label or the progress the media is saying.

And there you have it… the PERFECT SHIT STORM. You have been programmed by a GLOBAL marketing agency, and most are oblivious because of their willfull ignorance, aka DENIALS.

Says 437 – TV Covid-19 Soap Opera Saga

Update: In the continuing TV Covid-19 soap opera saga, the script writers have now provided a twist to further confuse and befuddle the already hysterical and fearfully obedient mask wearing minions. In a diabolical plot twist, they now suggest proper and increased ventilation and opening windows and doors… but at the same time..

WEAR A MASK.. How FUBAR is that?
Instead of this TV program being promoted as a docudrama, it should be advertised as a comedy, with a sub-title “Comedy of Errors”.

Says 435 – A Satirical Start to 2021

Well I figured I’d start off 2021 with a little humour to counteract all the BS of the past year. With all the false information and BS being regurgitated by the government, medical and media, I couldn’t resist making up a BS meme to counter their absurd claims. I saw this image on Google search and the “LOOK” gave me an idea… and Voila… Perfect!

Still chuckling. 🙂

Says 434 – Covid-19 – It’s a numbers game.

Here is the link to the site I got these population DEATH numbers from. You can select a country from the drop down menu and then click on the slider to drag it to see the end results quicker.

As you can see, if this was indeed a GLOBAL PANDEMIC you wouldn’t see such a wide discrepancy in the death numbers


Says 433 – Bogus vaccine shot – Canada’s Health Minister Christine Elliott

Yet another so-called creditable medical expert trying to convince the sheeple that vaccines are safe. In this video, Canada’s Health Minister Christine Elliott is being vaccinated on live TV  to inspire people to get vaccinated. It was only one mistake, the vaccination was without a needle.   WHAT A FARCE… It’s blatantly obvious… but the sheeple will still fall for it.

Says 432 – Bogus vaccine shot – Fauci – CDC

The so-called EXPERT… Fauci of the CDC, received a ‘shot’ in the left arm. Then went on TV claiming he had a little bit of a sore arm and rubbed his right arm. lol

Says 431 – The CYBERPANDEMIC has begun


If you think the covid-19 pandemic is bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Governments and the largest corporations have not only been hacked, but hackers have also created a back door so that they can CONTROL their systems. This affects everything, from communication, transportation, finance, energy, food, medical and the list goes on and on. Here is the link to the Ice.age.farmer

UPDATE: Cybersecurity

Says 429 – You must trust and believe people – NOT

I know that many people believe this meme to be a truth, but when you really look at it, you begin to see the flaws in that logic and ideal.

Firstly, you must trust and believe in yourself, or all else is meaningless; because if you don’t, then like the meme states, you put your trust in others to save you or whatever you feel it is that you can’t do but they can.

If you have ANY doubts about what the other person’s intent is by what they say or do, or doesn’t say or do, you need to ask direct questions to clear the air. Also, don’t just go by what the person says or does, FEEL if what they are saying and doing feels genuine and loving. If not, state what you feel and ask more direct questions.

By asking direct questions, you’ll uncover their true intent, Quite often they are trying to control or manipulate you in some way through the use of lies, omission, avoidance and denial, and these are often coupled with intimidation, withdrawal, or the use of guilt or shame to get you to believe and trust them and give them your power by way of your denials of self

I have a saying… “if in doubt, give yourself the benefit of the doubt.” They might not like it, but your purpose in life is not to please and make others happy at the expense of yourself.

Says 428 – Government, medical and media propaganda

I saw this on the Yahoo website on Monday December 07 at 11:00 am… The headline and article stated that on Monday (today)… Ontario CaNaDa, recorded a new covid record high of 1925 cases. This is a bogus number as to real, one would have to wait until Tuesday to get the facts for Monday and not post a prepared number by Monday mid-morning… I copied the post along with the time in my browser menu bar just to show this is a farce.

Lies, Lies, every where lies in plain sight… and yet the sheeple sleep.