Says 305 – The “Beast”

The New World Order

I modified this image and added the text a few years ago as part of my attempt to try to put some of the pieces of the puzzle together. Don’t get me wrong in quoting the bible, as I’m not religious by any means, it’s just a couple of verses that stuck with me.

The reason I’m posting this now is that almost three years ago, I had a car accident, where a woman ran a red light and I broadsided her. My SUV was totaled. I didn’t have any broken bones, but suffered hearing loss, TMJ, whiplash, soft tissue damage and lower back injuries.

Anyway, I got a letter from my lawyer, notifying me of a “Discovery” meeting regarding the tort claim. He submitted a couple pages of what to expect at this meeting. The process starts with a swearing in to tell the truth, and that activated my issues with so-called “authority,” figures that have immunity, privilege, and entitlement, and are not governed by the same rules that the rest of us are supposed to follow and OBEY.

It brought up all that is wrong with this world; the denial spirits that run it and all those Order Followers who are “just doing their job” that are part of the system. When I look at all those involved in the system, (the BEAST) it’s no wonder that I feel overwhelmed and that the Earth is in the shape it’s in.

Why this is activating me is because it will be me against the system. By that, I mean that it will be my opportunity to heal a lot of issues including expressing my feelings and emotions, and challenging old imprints, programs and beliefs, that I know they will try to suppress and deny. Speaking my truth and “walking my talk” in the presence of those that will try every trick to manipulate and control me is terrifying. A few years ago I had the unpleasant court experience where I discovered first hand, the power of denial. Now it will be an opportunity to see if I will repeat, or, witness the power of love.

Says 258 – Unexpected visitors

2017 March 17 – 8:40 pm.  I begin channeling and writing.

So what do you, Baal, and Lucifer want?


If that were a truth, then you wouldn’t be here, trying to stop me would you?


Well you couldn’t stop me then and you won’t stop me now.


Oh, so you couldn’t stop me and so now you are saying you were happy to put up with me, calling me a nuisance. If I was just a nuisance, then you BIG BOYS would not be trying to stop me again. So what you are saying is all bullshit, like usual.


You’ve said that before. What’s the matter? Don’t you remember? You couldn’t do it then and you can’t do it now. You don’t have the power you once had over me. That is long gone as I can see and feel you for what you are. Denial is your game and so is control.


Keyword, “almost.” That means you don’t have the power to take control and have absolute power. Because if you did, you egg heads would not be here trying to stop this little nuisance as you called me. Right?


If I wasn’t worth it, you wouldn’t be here in the first place, would you?

I feel they are leaving. I’m laughing as I can see through their game of intimidation, but denial has no power against truth.

Where did you go?

What? No come backs or threats?

Interesting, I was at my computer desk and using my pendulum to contact my guides to get an answer as to what I need to do with the idea of adding selected excerpts from my books to my website, either on my main site or using Dokuwiki.

The pendulum (when in contact with my guides) usually responds quickly and in a yes or no manner that leaves no doubt, but this time the pendulum moved slowly and also had mixed and conflicting answers, so I knew something was up and that’s when I felt the presence of Baal and Lucifer and started writing what you just read. BTW, any evil entity that has either directly typed their response to me from another person’s computer, or that I have channeled, has always spoken and typed in CAPITAL LETTERS. I guess they feel it is more powerful.

After they were gone, I got in touch with my guides and the answer was a definite “yes” to add them to my shenreed Book website. So that is what I’ll be working on over the weekend.

Says 222 – The Beast – Revelations 12:2 & 13:2

I felt I needed to share this today (2012 Nov 08). There are major changes coming, including a shift in consciousness for those that are awakening. The imprints,programs and beliefs that are presently keeping the old system alive are slowly being exposed for what they are, and the Beast, will try to do everything to maintain control. Denials are ending, and the truth is revealing the unloving corruption that has been in power for eons, and is beginning to collapse.

PS: No, I am NOT a Christian, nor do I follow any organized religion. I do however, take note of certain phrases and passages (in any religion) that strike a chord in me. Later, when I feel more into it, I express what I feel it means to me.

Says 202 – Everything you think you know is wrong

says 202 - Everything You Think Is WrongI found this image and a related article entitled… “Everything You Think You Know About Animals Is Wrong”  on my facebook page. When I saw the image, I immediately felt there was a BIGGER picture that also had to be shared. I used part of the title, but shortened it to give it a new meaning and food for thought.

says 202 some lives matter lessThe sad truth is that most people will have a pecking order (JUDGMENTS) of their fellow humans… before they even get to animals. These judgments are based on race, colour, sex, young, old, religion, nationality, politics, work, wealth, social status, etc., etc., etc…. Who is more VALUABLE has more WORTH than another human being? Who are considered workers, low life, slaves, etc.?  Of course Humankind (in general) considers itself above all other life forms on Earth, including their fellow humans that are not LIKE them. They think that any life form, and the Earth itself are meant to be used and subjugated to serve their purpose.

It’s this mentality that needs to be addressed and removed from our mass consciousness as it is not loving and does not seek or support life. I’m sure that you are aware of the rapid changes happening on Earth, and how denials and unlovingness are being exposed. Those that can see and feel the truth are the ones that will be part of the new Earth. Changes are coming, and either people will let go of their unloving beliefs and judgments, or they will be removed. It’s all a matter of choice and intent.


Says 159 – Stop playing their game

159 - Stop playing their gameStop playing THEIR GAME…. It’s an illusion and it’s rigged so that you will never win. Think of the carnival, where the guy takes your money (time and effort) and lets you play his/her game, and if you win. you get a small and worthless prize… But Hey, you think you’re a winner.. and so you keep coming back.. Dah!!!!!
Like they say in the Carnie business, “There is a sucker born every minute.. ” ha ha ha

159 - Balloon And Dart BoothOnce you know the game and how it’s played, you have a choice. You can either continue as you were, or you can stop playing the game and begin to create a new reality. Once you call them out, they are powerless and have no control over you. It’s only when you are asleep, or in denial of what is happening that they have you trapped.

This post is state that it is my intent, to not only become more aware of how I have been trapped in this world of illusion and denial, but to also free myself of it and begin creating a new reality.

Says 149 – I went to see a Psychic

tarot cards 2013 April 01– I decided to go to a psychic fair in London, Ontario on March 31. I didn’t know why I was going, only that I needed to be there. It was a small fair with different readers and goods for sale. I struck up a conversation with one psychic and decided to have her give me a Tarot Card reading. The last time I had a reading done was over 20 years ago. It was interesting to hear her give me details of what I have been experiencing. She also picked up on the three books I’m in the process of finalizing and publishing. She also gave me information that I wasn’t aware of like this year being the year that I publish my books, that it’s now the right time and that I’ll be meeting a woman and will no longer be alone on my journey.

imprints, programs and beliefsThe biggest message I got from her that was confusing at first as she said that I was to let go of the past or it will consume and follow me. That confused me at as it is totally the opposite of my intent and journey, which is to go into the past and heal it. It wasn’t until I got home and wrote “the past” in my journal that I realized what the past I need to let go of is. What I need to let go of is the World’s imprints, programs and beliefs. I need to focus on creating what I desire and not worry about or try to change, fix or save those that want to live in this reality. New EarthI can’t change the mindset of society, nor can I solve the problems and issues they have collectively created. I can only help those that desire to change and that is only going to happen after the shit hits the proverbial fan, and the present society begins to collapse and the NWO takes over. It’s then that some people will begin to have a shift in consciousness, what I call ”quicken” and desire to awaken. That is where I come in, and that is also when I meet a woman and will no longer be alone on my journey.

Says 148 – The Unholy Trinity

2013 March 30 – There are three places on Earth that are in a country but are not a part of that country and are situated in the middle of densely populated areas. These districts are completely autonomous and answerer to no other country or laws. They are;
unholy trinity
1) The City – the financial district in London, England
2) The District of Columbia in Washington USA
3) The Vatican in Rome Italy

I also got that they are representative of the unholy trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost

With Father being the King – England
Son – the Warrior – USA
The Holy Ghost – Religion – Italy

These districts control the major wealth, military and religions of the world.
Do a Google search and you will begin to see just how powerful these groups are.

Says 147 – Sovereign Being declaration

March 23 Saturday I feel that it’s important to have some kind of a legal notice on your person stating that you only represent the person that the government, agent, representative or corporation claims is you, and that you are a sovereign human being, and are not, one and the same, as stated on any written or digital document.

The form should be something along this line…
Sovereign Being
Be it hereby known by any and all persons and parties that are employed by, or acting on behalf of any form or level of government, its agents and/or representatives, and/or any public or private corporation, that I, (insert your name here) being a free and sovereign human being, am only the agent or representative of the fictitious identity that the government, its agents and/or representatives, and/or public or private corporations have created and bestowed upon me, using the same name as mine. Being that the government, its agents and/or representatives, and/or any public or private corporation are fictitious entities and NOT a physical human being, they have no jurisdiction or power over me as a sovereign human being, and therefore, neither do the people nor parties that are employed by, or claim to represent these corporations. That any document issued by the government, its agent and/or representatives, and/or any corporation or institution that bears the same name as mine, is a fake and fictitious representation of me and is not my physical sovereign being. I hereby state that I do NOT ACCEPT any attempt by any persons employed by, or acting on behalf of any government, its agents, and/or representatives, and/or public or private corporations to control my physical Being in any way, shape or form.

Says 146 – How the Government controls you

birth certificateMarch 21 Thursday When you were born, the corporate entity known as the government was already formed and was being run by the elected politicians and bureaucrats who gave themselves the power to create government laws, rules and regulations that were supposedly for the benefit of the people. Your parents, being good citizens, believed the manmade law that required them to register your birth. The government then issued you (through your parents) a birth certificate that was then used to identify your sovereign being. They then used your given name to create a fictitious identity of you that they could then use to control you and what you did. death certificateEven when you die your family needs to report your death and you (who are no longer living) are then issued at death certificate, terminating your involvement with the government corporation. As you can see, neither birth or death certificates give you any choice in the matter, you are either too young to understand what is going on, or dead and unable to respond.

I am free - NOTBesides having to register all newborn humans, the government is now having blood and DNA samples taken, as well as footprints, to enable them to physically identify the actual physical being in the future. When you started school, you first learned to print your name in CAPITAL letters. This is important as it imprinted and programmed you to accept your name printed in CAPITAL Letters on documents as being you. Later when you left school to get a job and earn money, you needed to register with the government to get a social insurance number (SIN) which the government then uses to collect taxes from you when you earned money. When you got your driver’s license, you needed to register with the government. If you bought a vehicle, that too needed to be registered and you also needed to get it insured. When you got health insurance, you needed to be registered. Of course each time you registered or got a license, it cost you MONEY. If you decided to get a bank account, credit card, or loan, you needed to register with the bank. Of course that also costs money. If you buy a house, you need to register your title with various levels of government, more money and if you got a mortgage, you also paid interest on that loan. If you start a business, you need to register with the government, more money. Anytime that you register with any form of government, or any one of their agents, your name will always be printed in CAPITAL letters, and not the way you normally write or print it. They have stolen your name to create a fictitious corporate identity of your sovereign physical being in order to have you work and pay interest on a debt you didn’t have. Not only that, your birth certificate also has a hidden agenda in that the identification numbers that were issued in your name is used as collateral on the stock exchange to allow the government to incur debt on your behalf. That is the hidden truth that the government doesn’t want you to know, it’s their dirty little secret.

moneyOne thing to note is that the physical money in circulation is created, printed and owned by the government, but any money in the form of interest is created, collected and owned by the financial institutions and the banks. And you guessed it, there is a whole lot more borrowed money in circulation than real hard cash. Also of note is that while cash currency is considered legal tender, it has no real value, as it’s not based on anything commodity of value like gold or silver, but is simply a promissory note issues by the bank that is an agent for the government. While the government owns the hard cash, it borrows also money and pays interest for this cash. While the government controls the physical currency, there is nothing of value to back it up except you and your ability and willingness to pay for debt and interest you didn’t incur. Another thing is that when you pay your income taxes at the end of the year, you make your check out to (in Canada) the Receiver General, believing that the money is going to the government. This money actually goes to the Revenue Canada Agency which is not an actual department within the government of Canada, but is a private financial Corporation much like the IRS in the USS, that collects tax and interest money from the REGISTERED taxpayers and then loans money to the government and receives interest payment on that debt. As you can see, this system is flawed and democracy is a sham.

Says 122 – 2012-12-21 The end of the World

End of world as we know itIt’s the beginning of the collapse of the system and the world as we know it, and
the beginning of a new world without the political and religious crap. What is happening now is that all the denials and shit is getting exposed and as it does, the system begins to fall and truth becomes the normal behavior…

Says 120 – Insight into our Solar System and the Mayan prediction

2012 Dec 10 – I love how the universe brings you the things that give you the “ahh ha” moment. It all started a couple of days ago with an animated gif image and three dots spinning in a circle. While the dots were moving around in a circle, at the same time the drawing was also showing the waveform that each dot created. When I saw it, I felt there was more to it and the first thing I visualized was that it was moving through space and time. Then today, I saw the YouTube video called TRUTH! The Earth does not revolve around the Sun, I instantly made the connection that it’s all a spiral. That life is a spiral.

Looking at the three circles or our solar system from a 2D point-of-view makes it appear as if they are moving in a circle. But when you turn the image on its side or edge and move it, it suddenly takes on a 3D reality as the points or planets not only revolve around the centre point or sun, but that the sun and the planets are moving toward something else. While the planets are revolving around the sun, the sun is revolving around another body in a similar manner, just a gigantic scale.

This concept put the Mayan prediction into perspective for me. I realized that what they were moving to is connected with the Mayan calendar and 2012–12–22 where the Earth and our solar system is moving into alignment with the galactic equator of the Milky Way Galaxy. This cycle or frequency occurs once every 25,800 years. They Mayans knew it thousands of years ago, but our scientists are just finding this out. This concept is just as revolutionary as when back in the 1500’s, people thought the Earth was flat and that the sun revolved around it. I feel that there is also more to it and that this is just the very tip of the iceberg. Another thing to consider is that our very DNA is also in the form of a spiral.

Says 105 – Fossils – “Digging up bones”








I went for a walk by the local lake and decided to explore a small stream bed, littered with stones and pebbles. The water level of the lake had been dropped in preparation for the coming winter and spring run-off, now exposing what had been hidden underwater. I hadn’t walked five steps when I saw my first fossil, the honeycomb, and a couple of minutes later I found a piece of petrified wood. After about fifteen minutes, I had two pockets full of fossils, some actual the fossilized animal or plant, and others just their imprints.

Says 55 – I’m Back on my Blog – Basic details of my trip out West

I’m not going to go into any details, but simply give you an outline of what has happened these past two months. Seems like time is just flying.

May 22 – Drove to Edmonton where I met an internet friend – Rick
May 23 – 24 From Edmonton, drove to Kamloops, and then the next day to Kelowna where I tried to hook up with some old friends but that was not to be, as the stores had closed and people moved. Picked up some food poisoning from a curried chicken pita I ate for supper.

May 24 – 26 From Kelowna, I drove down to Osoyoos as I was planning to spend some time in the area. After Osoyoos, I was also planning to re-visit some hot springs around Cranbrook that I had been to in 2005 and then stop in and see a friend in Lethbridge on Monday, before heading back to Regina. While I had all these plans, I wasn’t in any mood to do any exploring as I wasn’t feeling well. With the weekend coming up, I decided to skip Osoyoos, and push on to Creston BC where I spent the night. Still not feeling well on Saturday morning, I decided to drive back to Regina, arriving around 8:30 pm.

NOTE: A couple of unusual things happened to me on my trip from Penticton to Cranbrook. I was driving through the mountains when suddenly I got very dizzy and felt disoriented. It felt like I was driving though waves, like the kind you see rising off the pavement on a hot summer day. I felt I had passed though an energy field of some kind that was physically affecting me, so much so that I had to stop and get out of the Honda and get grounded. It wasn’t until later that I realized that this area is the area where there have been minor earthquake activity. So now, I am wondering if what I was feeling and sensing was the energy of the pressure points in the Earths crust that eventually will cause an earthquake. Although the Earthquake map show them as only 2.1 in magnitude, I feel that much larger one will be occurring in this area that will also have a major effect on transportation and other services in this mountainous region.

Says 39 – Realization that love is polarized

2012 April 08 Sunday, I have had the experience and understanding of what conditional and Unconditional love was for a few years now. Post 866 Insight into Conditional and Unconditional love That love has extremes that move from the darkest feelings of psychopathic loathing, hatred and cold indifference, all the way to conditional love in a state of mindless bliss, and then to Unconditional love where there are no attachments, conditions, judgments or denials. From being negative, domineering and controlling, to being positive, open and free. While I knew all this, what I realized today was that love was polarized, and I never thought of it that way before.

Polarity is the expanding principals or forces of the same essence or thing, and moving in opposite directions, away from each other. Hot-cold, dark-light, left-right, forward-reverse, large – small, and the list goes on and on. To an observer, polarity has no real meaning, as it is merely a mental concept as you would not know what hot or cold was by looking at it, unless you had some personal experience. It’s only when you experience it from a subjective state, and sense and feel the experience that you begin to understand the various attributes of that essence.

I feel there is more to it as I feel that love is also associated with life and death, from essence that desires life, to essence that desires unconsciousness and death, and everything in between. Everything is energy and is connected with love, which is life. It really doesn’t matter where anyone is on the grand scale of things as they are in their right place…………………………………….

Ahhhhh… As I wrote that last line I felt that is not the truth or we wouldn’t be in the mess that we are in. That is what this shift that is coming is all about, moving everyone and everything to its right place so that it will like what it feels. That there will no longer be the mixing together of the different essences as that is what has created the conflict in creation. While polarity provides infinite possibilities with which to experience manifestation, it is only when these polarities are intertwined or over lapping that duality is created, which brings us to the nature of good and evil.

Hummm……   This is all beginning to make sense to me in a new way.

Says 34 – Letting go of the Old world and creating a new World

2012 March 30 6:40 am I awoke and was thinking of all the things that are wrong in this world and I began to write a list.

Corrupt government, federal, provincial, and municipal
Religious beliefs and conflict
The wars and military spending
Pharmaceutical drugs and medical care
High gas, food, electrical and housing prices
High CATV, satellite, telephone, cell phone and internet prices
GMO foods and animals
Polluted land, water and air
Chemtrails and government cover-up
Big brother watching you
And the list goes on and on.

I then though, this is way too much to try to fix and that the only way we are going to change things is to let go of it and let it self destruct and then we’ll build a brand new world to rise out of the ashes like the fabled Phoenix. By self-destruct, I don’t mean that the World (Earth) should be destroyed, but that the SYSTEMS that are presently in a position of power be destroyed. When they are gone, along with those that support that system; those that remain can then begin the process of creating a New World with a new blue print of how reality can be when denials are ended.

Says 29 – 2012 Three Days and Nights of Darkness

I just watched a YouTube video and was reminded of a message that I got way back in 1995. This picture on the left reminds me of what I saw as the beginning or dawn of a New World. You will know what I mean after you watch the first part of the Video. Also, there are other videos that relate to it.

Humm?… The YouTube video seems to have been removed, but luckily I was able to download a copy.

Like I said, it’s interesting that when I viewed this video I was reminded of a similar message that I got back in 1995, about the three days of total darkness that was to mark the beginning of the new age and that was to last for 17 years before the next shift would occur.. Like I said, this was back in 1995 and I never really gave it more thought or related it to 2012, in fact I had forgotten about it until I saw this video…

It seems coincidental that 17 years after 1995 brings us to the year 2012 and back then, I hadn’t even heard of the Mayan calendar, and the galactic alignment that science now knows is about to happen. Now I’m wondering if I may have misinterpreted my original message. Maybe instead of lasting for 17 years, it was to be within 17 years, which would make it coincide with 2012. Things that make me say.. Hummmmmm?

From what I remember of the message I got, we, I mean our solar system will be passing through what is called the “Null Zone.” It’s like what we experience when we drive on the highway and come upon dense fog, or a blinding rain or snow storm, that completely blocks our visibility for a period of time until it moves past us. This will be similar, but even more dramatic, in that like she said, what we will experience is total darkness, no electricity, no communication, everything will be shut down for three days and three nights. The only thing that will give us light is fire

I also got that the three days and nights will give people a lot of time (without modern physical distractions) to reflect on their lives (Soul Searching). I didn’t get anything on us or Earth ascending per say, but I did get that a lot of people are going to die, and many will be by choice. Those that don’t die will come away with a new lease on life, so to speak. Not to say that all that remain will be for love and life, but their power base will have shifted and they will not be, or stay in the position of power they once had.

I’ll try to dig up my original message from my journals. I guess it’s right time for this message to be brought to the masses… Now if it manifests, that question will only be answered when the time comes.

Says 28 – Star Gates – portals to other suns and planets.

2012 March 21 A couple of weeks ago I had a vision/ feeling that the sun was a portal, and that there was a connected from our sun to other suns, and even galaxies, and that they were all inter connected, like a woven tapestry. That even the planets had portals within their solar system and that they were also connected to the sun.

On Mar 13, I went to the movies and saw John Carter, and guess what? it was about being teleported between Earth and Mars that was connected by some energy tube.. On March 14, I chatted with a friend on Skype about the portals I had envisioned, and also on the movie John Carter

March 21, I find the following link and now I’m really wondering what is going on.. Things that make you go Hummmmmm?