Says 350 – Societies need for conformity

It’s a sad state of affairs that one can’t express their thoughts and ideas openly and freely. That the individual with new ideas is mocked, ridiculed and attacked because what they say doesn’t fit into the narrow minded programs and beliefs of the brainwashed social mindset.

Unfortunately, most that have this sense of individuality and creative spark are made to feel they are wrong, and that everyone that is against them are right. To stop being attacked and to gain some semblance of social acceptance, they begin to give up on their ideals. Slowly, they are worn down by the hatred of others and their own self-hatred and they become just like the ones that hated them.

The reason for the social mobs attack is based in fear, fear of change, and the disintegration of their reality. They fear what they do not know. Others that know what the change will bring fear a loss of power and control and so they fight to maintain the status quo.

Says 341 – Google – A nefarious arm of Big Brother

Google is part of the nefarious elite that seeks to have total control of the masses. Thinking of the power that is in Googles hands, staggers the mind.

1) World’s biggest search engine – meaning that they have access to all your personal data.

2) They can control what you search for like in this “Free thought Project” post.

3) Google translate – It doesn’t matter what language , they know what you are saying.

4) Google images including names and also reverse image identification.  Upload a picture of someone and it will bring up similar images and names.

5) Google Maps. Roads, streets along with address numbers and pictures of almost every home and countryside on the planet.

6) Google space maps of the moon, Mars, and other planets and deep space objects. How did they get them?

7) Google OS (Operating System) and browsers that monitor key words and stokes along with video and audio.

And that’s only what I am aware of at the present moment.



Says 340 – Perception is a Commodity

Advertising and marketing doesn’t just apply to products that we buy, it also includes ideas and beliefs. If “they” can persuade you to buy what they are selling, you are hooked as a consumer (customer) and will blindly follow them with no questions asked. Why? Because you think you have gained something that you didn’t have before. Politics and religion are prime examples of this type of marketing approach but it includes every aspect of our society.

Food for thought… or not.

Says 327 – Going down the rabbit hole

I’ve known the system was corrupt for a long time, but I didn’t know just how corrupt and evil it was until I began having personal experiences dealing with various organizations within the social system. My first experience began when I was around five or six years old and what I saw, heard and felt when confronted with religious dogma and rhetoric of the Catholic Church that tried to use various methods to control the parishioners, who in turn, tried to control others, which of course, included my parents. They want you to speak the truth, but only the truth that fits their version of the truth, along with your blind obedience to their dictates. Speaking your truth is not what they want to hear, especially if it concerns them. It culminated with my disobeying my parents, school teachers, principal, school priest, parish priest and the  local dioceses arch bishop, that culminated (when my mother’s eyes were opened) with our family being excommunicated from the church, and my siblings and I being expelled from the Catholic school.

Since then, I’ve had many more confrontations with so-called authority figures; in the workplace, with corporations, and with governments and their countless agencies. All my life I’ve been told that I have a problem with authority and that I’m a shit disturber. I’ve realized that I don’t have a problem with so-called authority, but with the bullshit that comes out of their mouths that they would have me swallow. When I refuse and shove it back in their face, they don’t like it. That’s also where the label of “shit disturber” comes from.

The people that have set themselves up as voices of authority, that make and enforce the laws, aren’t subject to the same laws as they have privilege, immunity, and entitlement, then it’s not a law, but a covert scheme to gain power and control over those that they think are beneath them. They use cunning and stealth to beguile and confuse their victims with words and promises to get the desired effect of compliance and obedience, but if that fails, they don’t pause to turn to the use of threats and intimidation. During the past three years since my motor vehicle accident, I’m seeing just how corrupt the government, big business, the legal and the medical system are. The further I go down this rabbit hole, the more my eyes are opened to the truth that has been hidden, and I have to say, it’s not pretty.

Says 326 – System ruled by threat and intimidation

Comment by Shenreed

When you really think about it, our society and the various systems that we live under are run by psychopaths that use threats and intimidation to get us to comply and obey their rules, regulations. You can’t challenge, disobey, and most certainly, you can’t show any disrespect for their authority. If you do, you will be marked and put on notice with even more threats and intimating tactics.

The system isn’t ruled by fear; it’s fueled and runs on the fear energy that is denied expression. They feed off the energy (our energy) that we deny when we are triggered into our fears. The more we face our fears and heal them, the more fearless we become and the more they try to control the masses and those that they feel will upset their apple cart, the more their power is being diminished. The only reason they feel more rules and controls are needed is because the present ones don’t seem to be doing the job.

Says 324 – Cognitive Dissonance – The unseen role of denial.

I had posted this topic before Says 318 – Cognitive Dissonance & Misinformation but I didn’t realize until this morning that cognitive dissonance is so persuasive and in control of our society. Initially, I related it with politics and religion, but it is far more insidious than that as its vile tentacles reach into the very core and heart of our being.

Cognitive dissonance is when you’re basically an honest and loving person, and you know the truth and the difference between right and wrong, but have now changed to the opposite polarity, that of denial and unlovingness. Where this gets twisted and unloving is when one has been coerced, either though monetary gain, indoctrinated, or is just innocently willing to help another that seems to be in trouble to tell a lie, or a little white lie as it’s sometimes called. They tell the lie and then repeat it enough times and soon enough they begin to believe the lie is the truth. If asked, they will have either forgotten their own truth, or they choose deny it. They have been corrupted into being in denial and living a lie, and even worse, they are oblivious to that fact and will defiantly state otherwise.

Now getting down to the nitty gritty. Like I said, I originally equated it with politics and religion, but it is everywhere in society. Military, police, lawyers, judges, financial institutions, media, education, science, technology, industry, food, water, medical, doctors, pharmaceuticals, energy, transportation, etc.. Basically, anyone that is in the “work force” is living a lie. They are told how to do things if they want to keep their job, and even though they know that what they are doing is wrong, a lie and unloving, they still do it and will defend their actions, even if their only reason for doing so is that they are just, “doing their job and following orders.” So when you spend so much of your time “living a lie,” is it any wonder you can’t make the changes you would like in your life,  without a major shift in your consciousness that is terrifying, as it goes against everything that you believe to be true.

Says 321 – Death is not what we have been lead to believe.

The medical establishment is finally catching up to the fact that death is not what they have thought it to be, and they are just scratching the surface. There is a lot more that happens and our current medical practices are actually barbaric.

Here is a link to the video


Says 313 – The stage has been set.

People now hide from the truth

I feel the stage has been set and that the show is about to begin. Even though denials, lies and corruption have been, and continue to be exposed, it seems that only a few have been quickened and are aware of the lie and illusion they have been living. It seems that most, unless it’s directly happening to them, continue to live life as if there was nothing wrong in the world. I feel that is all about to change in 2018. It will not happen suddenly, but like a volcano, the pressure is increasing and when it does, there will be few, if any, that will not be directly affected.

The Old System is about to collapse and that affects all elements of society. There will be scrambling to try to maintain and save the old, but it will be short lived and futile. Prepare to see what has been covered up and denied for decades, as more deep seated secrets are being exposed to the light of love. These revelations will rattle social beliefs to their very core.


Says 312 – The Social System – the Matrix

The social system is an artificial construct. It’s a “presence” that has no life essence of its own. It only exists because of the energy that we, as society, are willing to give it. We give it life, a means to exist, by willingly feeding into the programs and beliefs that we accept as truth. The system is a tool used by those that walk among us, pretending to be like us with unloving intent. They are a gang, a brotherhood of thugs whose members have set up different artificial social fronts, that, while they look real and are there to serve society, they are there to serve themselves. While they seem to be independent social constructs, they are all connected to the backroom rulers who are monitoring events unfold. What connects them, besides this artificial network of social reality is the love, their love of power and of control.

The laws, rules, conditions, policies and procedures they write and enforce on the general public do not apply to themselves as they have PIE. Privilege, Immunity and Entitlement. While they may say they are subject to the same laws, what they don’t say is that they aren’t punished if they break them. Politicians, bureaucrats, agencies, police, lawyers, military, education, media, banks, industry, doctors, religions, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, food, water, energy, gas and oil, etc, etc, all have PIE, when it comes to being responsible for their words and actions that affect the rest of society and the planet. They all have INTERNAL departments that oversee any so-called discretion’s that has caught the public eye. Politicians have an internal review process. Police police the police. Lawyers govern themselves as do those in the list I mentioned. Corporations write bogus policies, claims and policies that instead of being checked and corrected by so-called government agencies for accuracy, health and safety, are instead, rubber stamped and put into law.

Saying that something is illegal or the law is an attempt to get you to acknowledge that they have authority over you and that you are compelled to obey their demands. Laws are arbitrary dictates used to control the general population, and are not universal standards of morality. Until laws and the penalties for breaking them are applied equally to one and all, including the “ruling class” with their Privilege, Immunity and Entitlement, they remain the tools of social injustice.

Says 309 – Why the system is as evil as it is

This meme popped up on my Facebook news feed and I felt I need to share it as it expresses my point of view, not only with the police, but in all the ten categories that I identified in my previous post “Says 305 – The Beast.”  that are shown in the second image. As long as the order followers are willing to carry out the orders of the power hungry psychopaths in a position of power, they are bad, “unloving” by way of their choice. As the old cliché states, “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.”

The biggest problem is, and this is my guess-timate, that 60% of the people work in some form of government or in the myriad of agencies that are directly and indirectly associated with the various forms of government. Corrupt politicians and bureaucrats are involved with the rest of “the Beast.” and so it affects everything and everyone. Bad corporations hire bad lawyers to make bad laws that are approved by bad bureaucrats and politicians, and enforced by bad police, covered by bad media, and the list goes on and on.


Says 308 – The power of love vs the love of power

The Power of Love vs the love of power

No longer obeying and playing by the rules, doesn’t mean that one needs to physically revolt and fight those in a position of power; unless that is what you think/feel is necessary. To truly oppose those in a position of power, you need to realize that their power is derived from your, and societies, denials and belief that you are compelled to obey the laws that they have set forth as truth, and willingly accept that they have authority over your sovereign being. It’s your beliefs, judgments, fear and denials that give them the power to do what they have been, and are doing.

But, there is always the proverbial but, you can’t change the outer reality until you change your inner reality, and that means letting go of your old beliefs and judgments and also ending your denials of expressing yourself when you feel you are being controlled and manipulated. All this is the OPPOSITE of what you have been doing and that is where the POWER of LOVE comes into play. Those that have a LOVE of POWER fear the POWER of LOVE, as it means that they now have no power over you as you are not giving it to them by way of your denials. Ending your denials ends their source of power. The power of love (self-love) overcomes the love of power. Simple, but if it were that simple the world would not be in the state it is. Talking the talk is easy, but walking the talk isn’t, as it goes against everything that you believe is true, and it’s also something that you have never done before so you don’t know if it works or not.

Know that most people are denial spirits or spirits in denial, and so the truth will feel like hatred to them. They will use any means to get you to deny expressing your truth as they need you to be in denial so that they can continue to have power over you. Some of the techniques they will use are intimidation, interrogation, oh poor me, withdrawal, guilt and shame. If you still have any issues with others using these tactics on you, then you still have some inner work to do before you are ready to test it in your outer reality.

Says 307 – Stop playing their game

The system is rigged by those that are secretly in control, but say they are not.  As I posted in “Says 305 –  The Beast.” Everyone from (1) the politicians in government down to those private corporations in the (10) service sector, all have a hidden agenda that relies on obedience to the rules they have established to maintain control over those that would use them.

Think about how there are two sets of rules and laws, one for them, and one for everyone else. By “them” or the “otherkin,” I mean those that have PIE – (Privilege, Immunity and Entitlement.) They are self-regulating and governing and are not held “accountable” for their words or deeds. Politicians, bureaucrats, religious officials, military, police, lawyers, financial institutions, media, and the list goes on and on, are not subject to the same laws that apply to the rest of us, and even when they are, the punishment is definitely not the same.They play the game and make the rules as to how we are supposed to play, but the game is rigged in their favor, as the rules don’t apply to them, and they also change them in their favor.

We have been brainwashed to believe that this is the way it is and has always been, and that we can’t change the system or the game. But that is a false belief. We are more powerful that we give ourselves credit for. As corruption, lies, and denials are being exposed, the truth is disabling those in a position of power and control, and enabling those that have been oppressed. The tables are turning, as we are learning to no longer play by or OBEY their rules

Says 306 – Medical Mentaloid’s thoughts on stress and sickness

Typical medical part-truths along with a bunch of bullshit, presented as scientific evidence and truth. Stress can’t be created by thought alone, as there needs to be an accompanying emotional feeling. If you just thought stress… it doesn’t have the emotional energy to create the feeling of stress in the body.

The emotional reaction that the mentaloid talks about is the continued suppression of emotions that were denied expression in the original experience, which is what causes the stressful emotions to be experienced again and again.

Sure, you can break free of the chain of emotional addiction, as he calls it, but it’s only a temporary quick fix as you haven’t dealt with the original cause. Denial does not work… but it’s what is being drummed into those that are deemed to have “mental” issues.


Says 305 – The “Beast”

The New World Order

I modified this image and added the text a few years ago as part of my attempt to try to put some of the pieces of the puzzle together. Don’t get me wrong in quoting the bible, as I’m not religious by any means, it’s just a couple of verses that stuck with me.

The reason I’m posting this now is that almost three years ago, I had a car accident, where a woman ran a red light and I broadsided her. My SUV was totaled. I didn’t have any broken bones, but suffered hearing loss, TMJ, whiplash, soft tissue damage and lower back injuries.

Anyway, I got a letter from my lawyer, notifying me of a “Discovery” meeting regarding the tort claim. He submitted a couple pages of what to expect at this meeting. The process starts with a swearing in to tell the truth, and that activated my issues with so-called “authority,” figures that have immunity, privilege, and entitlement, and are not governed by the same rules that the rest of us are supposed to follow and OBEY.

It brought up all that is wrong with this world; the denial spirits that run it and all those Order Followers who are “just doing their job” that are part of the system. When I look at all those involved in the system, (the BEAST) it’s no wonder that I feel overwhelmed and that the Earth is in the shape it’s in.

Why this is activating me is because it will be me against the system. By that, I mean that it will be my opportunity to heal a lot of issues including expressing my feelings and emotions, and challenging old imprints, programs and beliefs, that I know they will try to suppress and deny. Speaking my truth and “walking my talk” in the presence of those that will try every trick to manipulate and control me is terrifying. A few years ago I had the unpleasant court experience where I discovered first hand, the power of denial. Now it will be an opportunity to see if I will repeat, or, witness the power of love.

Says 297 – Diagnostic port fixed (?) Passed eTest

Last Thursday I went to Midas for the fourth time to see if my Hyundai Santa Fe engine computer codes had reset and I could get my eTest so that I could re-new my license plates. Well it didn’t pass as two codes were still not registering, but I did notice that the mechanic had to fiddle with the Diagnostic port to get a reading. He said I should go to the Kia dealer and get a tail pipe emissions test, which I did. But the tech there couldn’t get the Diagnostic port to read so the test failed and the report mentioned an error on pin 16.
Now I was pissed and stormed off to  Woodstock Hyundai  as a faulty Diagnostic port is what I paid the $900.00 for. They made an appointment to get the Santa Fe serviced on Tuesday. I went home and looked online and in the second image, low and behold, pin 16 has to do with POWER… (image with red arrow) Now I’m really pissed, as when I first took it in almost a month ago, I told the service advisor and mechanic to check the diagnostic plug as it was intermittent.
I took the car in yesterday @ 10 am and at 1:00 pm they called and said the Santa Fe was ready and that they even got it etested for me. A courtesy van picked me up and when I got in, I asked them what the problem was and now the manager said that they hooked it up to two of their diagnostic computers and reset the codes and everything checked out fine. He said that third party diagnostic testers (like Midas) are not always accurate and other BS. I said that Kia is the same company that failed the Santa Fe on Thursday, and is the same company that you took it to to pass the test.
He said, well it’s working now, and started off on another tangent. I said it passed the etest, but if it diagnostic port gives me trouble in the future I’ll be back. I knew I wasn’t going to get anywhere with him so I just paid for the emissions re-test, $19.78 as that’s all they charged me, and left

Says 296 – SSDD

Well a lot of things have happened and a lot of things haven’t changed. The day after had the vehicle repaired, I took it to Midas Muffler to get an e-test. It failed on four accounts. They told me to take it for a 50km + run and come back, as the vehicle and computer need to run to re-set the computer modules. I did and took it back and there were still two modules that weren’t active. Then told me to drive it for a week or so and then come back. I went to the Hyundai dealer and told them what was happening. I went home and fired off a complaint to Hyundai Canada, telling them what I thought of their dealer service.

During the next week, I noticed a peculiar issue in that my Tachometer would register 1000 rpm and then flip up to 3,000 rpm and then wave in-between the two points. Meanwhile, the engine was revving at a constant rate and the speed was unchanged, so I figure this was one of the “adjustments” that the computer was making. It only lasted a minute or so and then acted normal.  A few days later, I took it in to Midas Muffler and the two modules were still not working. They told me that they can pass an eTest with one module not working, but not two. I went back to the Hyundai dealer and let them know the status and that I wasn’t happy.

So today, Sept 15, I took the Santa Fe in to Midas and they tested it and they had trouble getting the diagnostic port to connect (same issue that I had a few weeks ago) and when they did, the two modules were still not working. They suggested I take it to the Kia dealer and get them to do a tail pipe check for the emissions test. I did, and the mechanic at Kia couldn’t connect to the diagnostic port and so he couldn’t do the test.

FRUSTRATED!. I went back to the Woodstock Hyundai and told them the story and showed them the paper work and demanded that they FIX my vehicle. The service advisor spoke to the manager and I’m taking the vehicle in on Tuesday, Sept 19. What ticks me off is that there are no engine lights on and the vehicle is running like a top, purring like a kitten, so this doesn’t make sense. I still think it’s the cable/connector between the diagnostic port and the computer, which is something that I had told the service advisor and mechanic when I first took the vehicle in for servicing, as the vehicle was running fine otherwise.

More to follow.  🙁

Says 295 – Woodstock Ontario Hyundai Service Sucks…

Hyundai Service in Woodstock Ontario gets two thumbs down..

Aaaaaaggggghhhhhhh!   🙁

I told you about my Santa Fe and how they can’t get diagnostics to work for a e-test… I took it in to the dealer last Monday and they said it was the computer and they order a used one. They called on Wednesday and said it was in. I took it in on Thursday at 9:00 am and after 4 hours, they said it wasn’t the computer, but a wiring problem and gave me an estimate for removing the dash for 6 hours @ $102.00/hour.  I left the car there and they drove me home. They called on Friday at 4:30 pm and said they still hadn’t found the problem. So I was without a vehicle for the weekend.

On Monday, at 4:30 pm, they called and said it was ready, that they had repaired the broken wire and were sending someone around to pick me up. She also told me  that the mechanic was now looking at the three issues I had noted. I explained that on Thursday, I told the service advisor and mechanic about the three minor electrical problems that are under the dash, that happened after I had the heater core replaced, and if they were removing the dash, to also fix those issues. I exclaimed that now that the dash is replaced, I’m not paying to have them take it apart to look for the problems they should have checked when they had the dash apart.. WTF…

When I got there, the service advisor said they had to replace the computer as it had shorted out.. I went into a rant as if that was the truth, then they would also have shorted out the new “used” computer when they installed it.. AND… A broken wire does NOT create a short circuit, it creates an open circuit, no current flowing. I knew they were bullshitting me.

In total, this “broken” wire cost me just over $900.00, that’s with her dropping $150 off the bill. but still..!!!  AND  – I’m not finished. They could have easily ordered an new connector assembly and plugged it into the computer and hidden the cable under the centre counsel.  Takes one minute to pull the panel. The whole job would have taken 15 minutes..

AND… when I went to get my vehicle, the car seats were spotted with greasy dirt spots and oily grime smudge marks in the fabric. The floor mats on the driver side looked like they walked in oil and grime and didn’t care it was dirtying both the top fiber mat. They seemed to have removed the top mat and then did the same to the original carpet.The side panel on my centre counsel were loose and screws missing.

NOT IMPRESSED>>> I wasn’t before…but this is the last time I’m going there,  Woodstock Hyundai  even if I have to drive to London or Cambridge. This is ridiculous.


Says 294 – Hyundai Santa Fe computer issues

2016 Image of Santa Fe dash

After my trip out west with no vehicle issues in almost 10,000 km, I decided to get a compulsory vehicle (emissions) e-test to get a two year vehicle license renewal. The shop I went to said they couldn’t get a reading from my diagnostic plug and suggested I go to the dealer for them to check it out and do the test.

I waited a few days and then dropped into another shop and got the same problem. So now I figure I’d go to the dealer and get it checked out.

I made an appointment and after a couple of hours, they reported the same issue and said it was my computer. A new one was over $1,000.00, but they couldn’t get one so they were able to find a used one in Halifax for $160.00 but that it would take a few days to get here and that the installed cost would be around $350.00.

A few days later they called to make an appointment to get it installed and I made a note to the service advisor that I wanted the old one, as it worked fine except for the diagnostic issue. A few hours later they informed me that it wasn’t the computer, that there was something else causing the problem. She said they re-installed the old one and were looking into it. In the mean time they offered to drive me home. I told the mechanic working on the car that I had the heater core replaced at the beginning of 2016 and that I had three minor electrical issues ever since, but I didn’t think it was worth the hours required to R&R the dash. He said good to know.

They telephoned  me later saying that they would not charge me for the computer, but that the senior mechanic said the issue was behind the dash and that they needed to R&R the dash to solve the problem. They gave me a repair cost of 6 hours @ $102.00/hour for $600.00 plus tax and sent me an email to confirm the repair. I agreed and added the fact that the dash had been removed and I had three minor electrical issues after that, and since they were removing the dash anyway, they could now fix. As of Friday, Aug 18 – 3:30 pm, I’m still waiting to hear from them.

PS: UPDATE: I got a call at 4:50 pm stating that they were still working on my vehicle and that they would give me an update on Monday.

Says 287 – Photo Radar Ticket

When I got home from my vacation, I received a surprise in the mail… a photo radar speeding ticket (101 kph in a 80 kph and $130) that I got just outside Regina back on June 30, that was issued on July 11. Of course I’m not going to pay it and I’m firing off the following letter (email) to the RCMP… Since the security classification is non-sensitive, I feel I can mention names…

Attn: Cpl. Tran Davies,

Re: File – 2017891332

Without prejudice.

This is to inform you that there is no way that I will “voluntarily” agree to this traffic ticket and the conditions it sets forth, as that violates my rights as a sovereign citizen and human being. I have no recollection of what the posted speed limit was, or the driving conditions at the TIME of the so-called traffic infraction, as I was just following the flow of traffic. If a police officer had personally stopped me, then I would be aware of the surroundings and if I was indeed speeding or not. As it stands, I have only your corporations photo radar data and the official CERTIFIED testimony of your paid employee (OLWENY, SHAWNA MARIE) that issued the ticket that I was speeding. Also, the so-called infraction was, as indicated on the black bar photo (photoshop?) was on 2017 June 30, yet the ticket was not issued until 2017 July 11. I physically received the ticket when I arrived home on 2017 July 21.

The threatening wordage and tone of this OFFENSE NOTICE has all the ear markings of an impersonal, righteous, and judgmental psychopaths that demand strict obedience and compliance to self-directed law and order without question, all the while demanding payment and other threatening action if payment is not received in a timely manner. As an out-of-province driver and visitor to the province, I suspect that I (and others) are easy prey to what I consider a money scam, as who is going to travel thousands of kilometers to challenge your robotic and impersonal machine that is incapable of answering my questions other than what (it) was programmed to print, if indeed it did print what is presented on the photo. Of course in court, (which I am unwilling to attend as that is a three day drive) you, as a paid employee of a corporation acting as an agent for another corporation, the province of Saskatchewan, and on behalf of, and representing her majesty, “the queen,” would appoint another bureaucratic human being to espouse the virtues and outstanding job that the photo radar robot is doing to protect the lives of highway workers and the safety of other motorists. As well, they would cite various rules, laws and other bureaucratic jargon to justify your (and their) corporate authority and right to rule. Since bureaucrats are not subject to the same laws and punishment as the “common folk” when it comes to truth and personal responsibility for ones words and actions, what would not be discussed is the real intent, and how much money this scam makes for the corporations.

What I’ve noticed in my travels, not only in Saskatchewan but also in Alberta and BC, was that the posted speed limit signage in construction zones was up and down like the toilet seat at a political convention. Dropping by as much as 50 kph, with no signs that there had ever been any construction in the area, and no equipment or workers to even indicate future activity. Other times, construction was visible but not active, yet speed limits would fluctuate between 110, 80, 60, 100, 50, 70, 40, or whatever the whim of the one posting them, and sometimes the signs would be only a few car lengths apart. Sometimes there was evidence that construction had occurred in the past and was now complete, but the signs had not been removed. Other times, construction speed limit signs were posted 5 to 10 kilometers before the actual construction zone, slowing down traffic for no reason. Of course, there were also instances where real flagmen/women, machinery, and workers were present.

If motorists were to adhere to the strict letter of the law and follow this idiotic speed limit pattern, they would have to panic stop to slow down to the posted limit and then accelerate at an unreasonable rate of speed to follow the next posted limit. This type of driving is not only dangerous, but is also in direct contravention to your stated directive and attributes of using photo radar to protect highway workers and the safety of other motorists. Signs should be posted, (as they once were) to allow motorists to slow down and speed up in a natural and safe manner. This blatant inconsistency sends up red flags that something is amiss and needs to be addressed, but of course, as I’m addressing bureaucrats just doing their job and following orders, I doubt anything will change.

As stated, this statement is without prejudice and just my opinion.

By: John Rieger, Agent for JOHN J RIEGER

PS: In the covering letter, it states… “If you decide to voluntarily pay the fine or you are convicted, this conviction will not appear on your drivers abstract nor will any demerit points be assessed.” Yet at the bottom (right side) of the offense notice you issue this WARNING, that (B) YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE WILL BE SUBJECT TO NON-RENEWAL OR SUSPENSION OR BOTH.

Yet another contradiction…

Says 277 – Commonality

This post ties in with my earlier post Says – 273 The false idols people worship. What gives people a euphoric high, a sense of purpose, of value, of being accepted, and part of something larger than themselves, and a host of other adjectives, is their interactions with others that share the same exterior group experiences or events. It could be a religious or political gathering, customs and traditions, music, sports games, a club, bar, or whatever or wherever a group of people share a COMMON interest.

This commonality or shared experience is actually an energy, a vibration that draws them together. The saying, “Birds of a feather flock together,” is an accurate metaphor to describe this social phenomenon. It’s also a herd mentality, as they blindly follow others without logic or reason, and do whatever the crowd does, as if in a hypnotic state. This group energy either makes them feel alive and takes them out of whatever issues and problems they prefer to ignore or deny, or… they are actively engaged in what they think is a solution to their common problem. They can play both sides of the fence. It’s similar to a person that is addicted to drugs or alcohol, where they can temporarily escape their undesired reality. While this sense of commonality doesn’t usually involve drugs, it can.



While this is nothing new… it has now reached a new level. The general population has been slowly desensitized, dumbed down and controlled, and so now they have this in COMMON. They have the same dulled mentality, energy, and vibration, and although they may have different beliefs and experiences, what they all share is a lack of conscious awareness, and this is what they have in common. They have a dulled mind and numb feelings, that swings and sways with the herd mentality propaganda that the media continues to pump into their minds. Most would deny they have a herd mentality and are dumbed down, but that too is part of the herd mentality, as DENIAL, and being in denial of being in denial is what they also have in common. Yet another example of the unseen role of denial.

Says 273 – The false idols people worship

In this increasing dumber down society, the role of the media as a tool to control the masses is becoming clearly evident. Distraction is the name of the game, and electronic perception becomes reality. With the exponential development of electronics, there seems no end to the ways and means that the media can use to program whatever message they want into the mindset of the masses.

If the thousands of religions wasn’t enough to worship an external power and distract them from their daily lives, they now have a myriad more to choose from. Don’t get me wrong as I am far from religious, but here are a few images that show how people have become distracted and are fervent followers and worshipers of people, places or things that they hold above themselves. Take away their idol; what gives them a sense of identity and commonality with others of the same beliefs, and their world collapses.

Says 270 – New Cause for Depression – NOT

Unexpressed emotions cause a chemical imbalance in the body, not the other way around. – Shenreed

When I first saw this post on my Facebook page and the caption I thought FINALLY….. …… the truth be known. It’s not a chemical imbalance, but an allergic reaction to ABUSE and BULLSHIT.  But then when I opened the link – DAH! Surprise….. It’s not ABUSE and BULLSHIT… it’s INFLAMMATION, which in reality, is a part-truth as that assumption is also BULLSHIT. Because the current anti-depressant DRUGS are not working and have serious side-effects, it’s an attempt to get people with unresolved mental/emotional issues to take anti-inflammatory drugs that are also known to have serious side-effects. But, because it is a NEW and different approach it is being heralded as a medical breakthrough in health care industry.

A patient cured is a customer lost – Shenreed

All this is just moving from one drug (chemical) to another without really looking for the CAUSE. Modern medicine focuses on treating symptoms and not addressing the root cause of an issue because there is no MONEY in a patient that is healed. Even inflammation, the new “boogie man” that the so-called medical establishment is pointing its fingers at is not the cause of illness, as inflammation is the body’s response and attempt to heal itself from an injury or infection, characterized by pain, swelling, redness and heat.  Anti-inflammatory and pain killers just numb the mind to the pain and do nothing to help the body heal. In fact, the body now has to deal the side-effects of the drugs.

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Says 253 – Important Date – 2017 Feb 17

I don’t know what it is, but at the beginning of February I got the strong feeling that something major was about to happen on 2017 Feb. 17. I don’t know if it’s personal or on a global level, but whatever it is, it was with me constantly for several days. Now that the date is getting closer, it’s back in my mind again. I’ll just have to wait and see what it’s all about. If any of you reading this have any feelings about this date, please post a comment.