The Virus is a distraction from the main agenda of the N.W.O. which is far deadlier than the virus could ever be. It’s a test to see if the dumbed down sheeple are ready to be totally controlled and to obey their masters. And by the looks of things, they are. I’ve mentioned “the Beast” a few times and the 10 heads or sectors that it controls..
Category Archives: Medical
Says 395 – Convid-19 and the untold story..
As I read this article the penny dropped.. Sure the convid-19 virus is real with a “listed” death rate of ~2% if …. IF… you have underlying medical conditions. This is also the case even if a person got a cold or flu that further compromised their immune system. All the WORLD governments and the media’s FEAR propaganda is working; as most people “believe” they are in mortal danger if they catch the convid-19 virus.. Keyword above is WORLD…
When I read <quote> two groups announced major developments in COVID-19 vaccine developments. <end quote> the penny dropped… What better way for WORLD governments to entice people to get a VACCINATION than to them to believe it’s to prevent them from getting the DEADLY convid-19 virus that has been labeled by the WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) as a GLOBAL PANDEMIC.. Keyword again.. WORLD…
My “gut” feeling is that the so-called “vaccine” has a more sinister application… If not immediately, then in the times to come… Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever, but this is a NWO operation… WORLD GOVERNMENT
Another thought is that if the convid-19 was so SERIOUS, why would the government and medical propaganda encourage people to self-isolate… quarantine themselves and HEAL their themselves without any so-called medical intervention except for the normal things people do when they get a cold or the flu… And when they feel better, (98 % do recover) they go about their regular routine.. Yet another psychological tactic to get people to believe and trust the government and the medical corporation….. for FUTURE events.
This article just adds to my story I just posted..
Says 394 – Toxic Muscle Knots.
After a few months of Massage and Chiropractic adjustments and my own “experimental” approach, I again worked on my knotted muscles. The past few weeks, I’ve noticed that after a serious session of working on my knotted muscles, my urine was discoloured and a dark yellowish brown, BUT, not only that, it had a toxic chemical smell to it AND the smell of an exterior flesh wound that had gone septic.
I checked the internet and my first link was on TOXIC MUSCLE KNOTS
So now I know I’m on the right track as I’ve been gradually feeling better as I go.. There is more to it, a lot more… but that will be in my next book. 🙂
Says 393 – I’ve been down the rabbit hole and now coming back.
I haven’t posted for a while as I’ve been busy trying to restore my health and also in dealing with doctors, insurance companies and lawyers. I’m dealing with new experiences where I don’t know what I don’t know, and I’m like a novice tennis player playing against a trained professional that pretend they are just a beginner like me.
It’s been nearly five years since the car accident and a lot has happened. What I’ve been having to deal with are the corrupt insurance companies, lawyers, doctors, and all the minions (order followers) that are not interested in the facts and truth, but in manipulating the facts to suit their version of the truth. Lying, omitting, avoiding and denying are the “professional” tools they use to win at any cost. There is next to no morality or conscience in their actions and so to me, I don’t know how to compete with those lack of ethics and humanity. I feel trapped as I’m forced to play on their turf, with their rules that they constantly change.
Being on unfamiliar turf was daunting, but I could hold my own when contact was in a written form like an email or snail mail, as I could see and feel what they were saying and had time to respond to any bullshit. Where I had issues was in verbal communication like a telephone call or in one-on-one discussions. When I’d question them on their BS, they would lie and deny or change the subject, so I couldn’t pin them down to deal with the truth of what they said like I could in a written form. I was like a fish out of water in dealing with them as no matter what facts I presented, they deny, lie or avoid answering direct questions. It’s been frustrating to say the least, but it’s now coming to a close and I can get back to having a life, free at least of having to deal with their bullshit. On the positive side, the past five years has been an eye-opener as I’ve gotten to experience how “they” operate and realizing that they aren’t going to change.
Says 392 – Beware the Useful Idiots
I came across this article that really nails how our present society has been, and is being dumbed down. Those “otherkin” presently in a position of power and authority would like to keep it that way as it serves their hidden agenda.
I’ve provided a couple of links to the “educational system” that is a major player in this clandestine operation. Link 1 ….. Link 2
Says 391 – Int’l Banker Blows Whistle
Watch the video at the bottom of the page in the link in blue. It’s just over 30 minutes, but well worth the time. It’s an eye opener. It’s Dutch with English subtitles. You might want to have paper and pen handy.
Int’l Banker Blows Whistle, Admits He Was Ordered to Sacrifice Children at Parties for the Elite
<quote> Ronald Bernard is a Dutch entrepreneur whose drive and business contacts quickly catapulted him into the world of the financial elite. However, the deeper into this world Bernard went, the more horrifying it became. In a jaw-dropping interview with De Vrije Media, Bernard details this dark and depraved elite society which he says conducted human sacrifice and celebrated destruction. <end quote>
<quote> As the Free Thought Project has reported extensively, division is the main tactic of the ruling class to force submission of the populace. As long as people remain busy fighting among themselves, they never stop to look at the rulers who are robbing them blind, using their children to fight wars for profit, and leaving them holding the bill.
Whether or not you believe everything or anything in the video below, evidence of the effects of divide and conquer is all around us and it’s working. As Bernard notes, the solution to this problem is a simple one — unity.<end quote>
Says 381 – Worship of the state

I saw this meme on my FB page and I felt I needed to share it here. The caption below the image read as follows
“The worship of the state is the worship of force. There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, orvile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by governments.”
~ Ludwig von Mises
Art: unknown”
The caption doesn’t just apply to the state (government), but to any person, place or thing that you idolize and are blindly devoted to. Where you are either attracted to, or are repelled in fear, It really doesn’t matter as the effect is the same;that of an external person, place of thing having power and control over you… And YES, just because you approve and enjoy it, doesn’t mean that you aren’t controlled by it, as the only reason you are attracted to it is because it gives you a quick fix, feel good sensation and a false sense of power and control. And yes, I said FALSE, as you continually need to be re-energized by this external false idol in order to create that feeling again. Fear has the same effect on you, because you believe that the person, place or thing has power and control over you and so you obediently obey to its demands, or be punished.
Says 374 – The power of air bags
This just shows you that power of an air bag. Now think of it exploding in your face and chest if you are in a car accident. Airbags deploy at over 200 mph. I think they cause more damage than just wearing a seat and shoulder belt as now you are getting SLAMMED to go in the opposite direction. Although the natural response to a sudden stop is to reverse ones direction, an air bag going at 200mph significantly adds to the backward movement, especially ones head creating a whiplash effect. Auto manufacturers are now making two-stage air bags, but I still think they are more of a problem than a safety device.
Says 371 – Imagination and what is real.
The following image and text appeared on my Facebook timeline and I thought I’d share it and add my comments.
<Quote> “To say that a thing is imaginary is not to dispose of it in the realm of mind, for the imagination, or the image making faculty, is a very important part of our mental functioning. An image formed by the imagination is a reality from the point of view of psychology; it is quite true that it has no physical existence, but are we going to limit reality to that which is material? We shall be far out of our reckoning if we do, for mental images are potent things, and although they do not actually exist on the physical plane, they influence it far more than most people suspect.”
~ Dion Fortune Art: Zarina Situmorang <End quote>
The modern day “mentaloid” medical establishment and especially psychologists need to wrap their heads (Minds) around this. Memorized information can also be said to be imaginary as it’s a construct of the Mind. Example 2 + 2 = 4. There is no immediate physical proof that it exists, yet we believe it to be true. The same holds true for not only imagination, but also ones feelings and emotions. As an example, sadness and depression can’t be considered any less valid than happiness and excited, and while these are attributes of the psyche, they can also and be displayed in a physical manner. The labels that the positive “feel good” ones are acceptable and the so-called negative ones are not, are judgments based in ignorance. The mentaloid medical establishment still considers feelings and emotions to be a construct of the mind; to be controlled by it, and that concept and belief is seriously flawed. It’s time for the so-called medical establishment to end their authoritarian BS (Belief Systems) and get real, or move out. – Shenreed
Says 366 – The Beast exposed?
This post ties in to my previous post Says 365 – The Mark of the Beast 666 After I posted it, I’ve been thinking that the Mark of the Beast is involved in every aspect of our society, and as such, everyone is affected. Everyone is marked with unloving intent of the Beast in some way or another by our imprints, programs and beliefs. Whenever we lie, omit, avoid and deny being honest and forthright in our response to an experience, we are serving the Beast. We may think we are being real, honest and forthright, but that is mostly based on what we believe love is and our judgments of what we believe to be the truth.
What is wrong with this world (society) is that the unloving and as yet, unknown denial spirits are in a position of power and are running the various aspects of our society through puppet leaders put in a position of “authority”. While they have their authority rank and file, like the military, they also have their minions, the “Order Followers” who are “just doing their job.” These minions are an integral part of the system as without them, their power and rule would fall as there would be no ne to carry out their orders. It’s been a long and subtle process of dumbing down society and also of creating an environment of conflict and division, creating a social mentality of we against them and survival of the fittest.
Mass consciousness is stirring and people are slowly beginning to realize that they are living an illusion and are being played like puppets. Denials are being exposed and becoming so blatant and obvious, that only those deep in a deeps state of denial will claim there is no problem, and those are the ones that remain marked. As its been said before, when the power of love overcomes the love of power we will know peace; not only peace, but we will able to experience a reality that we have never experienced in all our existence.
Says 364 – What you don’t know about Doctors can hurt you
I bet you thought doctors were just trying to help heal you when writing all those prescriptions; Didn’t you?
Of course they also get paid for referrals to other SPECIALISTS and for Ultrasounds, X-rays, MRI’s and CT scans.
I almost forgot, they get paid double for Flu, Measles, Shingles, HPV, vaccinations type shots..
1 – The government
2 – By the pharmaceutical companies, with BIG bonuses if they meet the target… >>>> ESPECIALLY<<<<< with child vaccinations that are repeated…
There is no money in curing a patient … and therefore, it’s BAD for business… But there is money in having repeat customers… and that…. is GOOD for business. Did you catch the use of the words, patients and customers? If you did; good for you. Here are some websites that will open your eyes.
Says 356 – When illegal become legal
It’s a sad state of affairs that this corrupt cancer has been allowed to grow in society and gradually overtake any sense of moral values. This article: 12 Words from the Wrong Side of the Law outlines the actions that were once consider illegal, but now are common place. The practices still go on, but now they have sugar coated with the words with the ubiquitous term Lobbyist. Of course the various levels of government and the legal and law enforcement system, who are supposed to admonish any legal wrong doing, are in fact, the ones that are at the core of this wide scale corruption. Lobbyist are hired by corporate or private interests to “court” government politicians, bureaucrats and their agencies, as well as all members of the legal and law enforcement system to accept “favors” in return for doing favors. In other words, you have a “john” (sex trade term) looking for a prostitute. If they can’t get what they want with money, (and there is lots of that) they will use threats and intimidation.
Of course, this process has been gradual, and with political and legal double speak being the norm, society has slowly allowed this insidious monster to creep into their daily lives, where the interests of corrupt corporations and individuals are put ahead of the needs of the individual and society in general. This infiltration has taken place with more rules and laws being passed that favor corporations, and other self-interest factions, while limiting personal freedom. This “lobbying” applies to every aspect of society, and no sector, not even religion, is immune.
Says 352 – Bitten by a dog V-01
I went out today to see about buying some computer items and couldn’t find the house (it was in the country) When I went to ask direction at a house with a car in driveway. I ran the door bell twice and a few seconds after the second ring, I heard dogs barking and then saw them round the corner barking a growling at me. One was a long hair cross breed and the other a German Shepherd. It was the Shepherd that was aggressive and when he went for my bare leg, (wearing shorts) I put my hand down to protect my leg and he bit me. It wasn’t a real bite as he never bit the palm of my hand but he tore a triangle piece of skin on the back of my hand about a inch long. It was probably a combination of his bite, and my hand going down that did the damage
The other dog was just barking and wagging his tail now so I knew he was safe, and as I reached out and petted him, the Shepherd backed off a bit. I slowly made it back to my vehicle all the while, watching the Shepherd.. I managed to get in my vehicle and got a bandage to stop the bleeding.
I drove across the highway, got directions from a woman and found the right house but I didn’t buy what he was selling. When I left the house, and was driving back to the main highway, I noticed a car pull into the house with the dogs. Turns out it was the owners and I told them what happened and showed them my wound. They were apologetic, kind of, at least the husband was. I told them they should not let their dogs run loose if they are aggressive like that. Today it was me, but what if it was a child.
I drove back to Woodstock and went to the emergency and after four hours, the doc came in and said he couldn’t stitch the wound which I figured would take 4-5 stitches, and all he did was clean up the wound, pull the skin back in place and put 5 steri-strips across the wound.. I could have done that.. Dah!
PS: This is my first selfie type video I have ever made.
Says 351 – The flawed education system
Says 348 – Three kinds of people
Says 340 – Perception is a Commodity
Advertising and marketing doesn’t just apply to products that we buy, it also includes ideas and beliefs. If “they” can persuade you to buy what they are selling, you are hooked as a consumer (customer) and will blindly follow them with no questions asked. Why? Because you think you have gained something that you didn’t have before. Politics and religion are prime examples of this type of marketing approach but it includes every aspect of our society.
Food for thought… or not.
Says 327 – Going down the rabbit hole
I’ve known the system was corrupt for a long time, but I didn’t know just how corrupt and evil it was until I began having personal experiences dealing with various organizations within the social system. My first experience began when I was around five or six years old and what I saw, heard and felt when confronted with religious dogma and rhetoric of the Catholic Church that tried to use various methods to control the parishioners, who in turn, tried to control others, which of course, included my parents. They want you to speak the truth, but only the truth that fits their version of the truth, along with your blind obedience to their dictates. Speaking your truth is not what they want to hear, especially if it concerns them. It culminated with my disobeying my parents, school teachers, principal, school priest, parish priest and the local dioceses arch bishop, that culminated (when my mother’s eyes were opened) with our family being excommunicated from the church, and my siblings and I being expelled from the Catholic school.
Since then, I’ve had many more confrontations with so-called authority figures; in the workplace, with corporations, and with governments and their countless agencies. All my life I’ve been told that I have a problem with authority and that I’m a shit disturber. I’ve realized that I don’t have a problem with so-called authority, but with the bullshit that comes out of their mouths that they would have me swallow. When I refuse and shove it back in their face, they don’t like it. That’s also where the label of “shit disturber” comes from.
The people that have set themselves up as voices of authority, that make and enforce the laws, aren’t subject to the same laws as they have privilege, immunity, and entitlement, then it’s not a law, but a covert scheme to gain power and control over those that they think are beneath them. They use cunning and stealth to beguile and confuse their victims with words and promises to get the desired effect of compliance and obedience, but if that fails, they don’t pause to turn to the use of threats and intimidation. During the past three years since my motor vehicle accident, I’m seeing just how corrupt the government, big business, the legal and the medical system are. The further I go down this rabbit hole, the more my eyes are opened to the truth that has been hidden, and I have to say, it’s not pretty.
Says 324 – Cognitive Dissonance – The unseen role of denial.
I had posted this topic before Says 318 – Cognitive Dissonance & Misinformation but I didn’t realize until this morning that cognitive dissonance is so persuasive and in control of our society. Initially, I related it with politics and religion, but it is far more insidious than that as its vile tentacles reach into the very core and heart of our being.
Cognitive dissonance is when you’re basically an honest and loving person, and you know the truth and the difference between right and wrong, but have now changed to the opposite polarity, that of denial and unlovingness. Where this gets twisted and unloving is when one has been coerced, either though monetary gain, indoctrinated, or is just innocently willing to help another that seems to be in trouble to tell a lie, or a little white lie as it’s sometimes called. They tell the lie and then repeat it enough times and soon enough they begin to believe the lie is the truth. If asked, they will have either forgotten their own truth, or they choose deny it. They have been corrupted into being in denial and living a lie, and even worse, they are oblivious to that fact and will defiantly state otherwise.
Now getting down to the nitty gritty. Like I said, I originally equated it with politics and religion, but it is everywhere in society. Military, police, lawyers, judges, financial institutions, media, education, science, technology, industry, food, water, medical, doctors, pharmaceuticals, energy, transportation, etc.. Basically, anyone that is in the “work force” is living a lie. They are told how to do things if they want to keep their job, and even though they know that what they are doing is wrong, a lie and unloving, they still do it and will defend their actions, even if their only reason for doing so is that they are just, “doing their job and following orders.” So when you spend so much of your time “living a lie,” is it any wonder you can’t make the changes you would like in your life, without a major shift in your consciousness that is terrifying, as it goes against everything that you believe to be true.
Says 321 – Death is not what we have been lead to believe.
The medical establishment is finally catching up to the fact that death is not what they have thought it to be, and they are just scratching the surface. There is a lot more that happens and our current medical practices are actually barbaric.
Here is a link to the video
Says 316 – False Identity
We have been so accustomed to the social Matrix we live in and under, that we take it as natural and real. Yet you wonder why things are the way they are . We naively believe that we are what society says we are, when in truth, we have yet to discover who we truly are and to follow and live our destiny path.It’s time to let go of the imprints, programs and beliefs that control and limit the expression of who we really are.
Says 315 – Authority – But it’s illegal
I‘ve known for years that there is bullshit going on in Society, but until it smacks you in the face PERSONALLY it seems unreal and distant, like a story you heard others repeat. The Insurance companies, doctors, medical experts, government, police, lawyers, etc., that I‘ve had to recently deal with, have really hit this issue home. How CORRUPT the SYSTEM really is and how much denial is present in everyday interactions with these Denial Spirits or love Spirits in denial.
They are everywhere and the people you TRUST, that you have been told and believe they are there for you – AREN’T. They are there for themselves, either with greed to get as much power and gelt as they can, or they are just following orders and doing their job to get money to survive. Either way, they aren’t being honest and real and are just putting on an ACT that may have some part-truths, but only enough to get you to trust THEM and doubt yourself, and in that they have power over you. Of course, now I’m speaking up and calling bullshit when I see and smell it, and guess what happens? NOTHING! They either don’t comment or reply, or they change the subject. This latest exchange is with the person that represents me as a so-called lawyer and legal advisor. I won’t say too much as those that know, know what I mean, and those that don’t. – well – keep on guessing. LOL
Says 313 – The stage has been set.

People now hide from the truth
I feel the stage has been set and that the show is about to begin. Even though denials, lies and corruption have been, and continue to be exposed, it seems that only a few have been quickened and are aware of the lie and illusion they have been living. It seems that most, unless it’s directly happening to them, continue to live life as if there was nothing wrong in the world. I feel that is all about to change in 2018. It will not happen suddenly, but like a volcano, the pressure is increasing and when it does, there will be few, if any, that will not be directly affected.
The Old System is about to collapse and that affects all elements of society. There will be scrambling to try to maintain and save the old, but it will be short lived and futile. Prepare to see what has been covered up and denied for decades, as more deep seated secrets are being exposed to the light of love. These revelations will rattle social beliefs to their very core.
Says 312 – The Social System – the Matrix
The social system is an artificial construct. It’s a “presence” that has no life essence of its own. It only exists because of the energy that we, as society, are willing to give it. We give it life, a means to exist, by willingly feeding into the programs and beliefs that we accept as truth. The system is a tool used by those that walk among us, pretending to be like us with unloving intent. They are a gang, a brotherhood of thugs whose members have set up different artificial social fronts, that, while they look real and are there to serve society, they are there to serve themselves. While they seem to be independent social constructs, they are all connected to the backroom rulers who are monitoring events unfold. What connects them, besides this artificial network of social reality is the love, their love of power and of control.
The laws, rules, conditions, policies and procedures they write and enforce on the general public do not apply to themselves as they have PIE. Privilege, Immunity and Entitlement. While they may say they are subject to the same laws, what they don’t say is that they aren’t punished if they break them. Politicians, bureaucrats, agencies, police, lawyers, military, education, media, banks, industry, doctors, religions, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, food, water, energy, gas and oil, etc, etc, all have PIE, when it comes to being responsible for their words and actions that affect the rest of society and the planet. They all have INTERNAL departments that oversee any so-called discretion’s that has caught the public eye. Politicians have an internal review process. Police police the police. Lawyers govern themselves as do those in the list I mentioned. Corporations write bogus policies, claims and policies that instead of being checked and corrected by so-called government agencies for accuracy, health and safety, are instead, rubber stamped and put into law.
Saying that something is illegal or the law is an attempt to get you to acknowledge that they have authority over you and that you are compelled to obey their demands. Laws are arbitrary dictates used to control the general population, and are not universal standards of morality. Until laws and the penalties for breaking them are applied equally to one and all, including the “ruling class” with their Privilege, Immunity and Entitlement, they remain the tools of social injustice.
Says 309 – Why the system is as evil as it is
This meme popped up on my Facebook news feed and I felt I need to share it as it expresses my point of view, not only with the police, but in all the ten categories that I identified in my previous post “Says 305 – The Beast.” that are shown in the second image. As long as the order followers are willing to carry out the orders of the power hungry psychopaths in a position of power, they are bad, “unloving” by way of their choice. As the old cliché states, “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.”
The biggest problem is, and this is my guess-timate, that 60% of the people work in some form of government or in the myriad of agencies that are directly and indirectly associated with the various forms of government. Corrupt politicians and bureaucrats are involved with the rest of “the Beast.” and so it affects everything and everyone. Bad corporations hire bad lawyers to make bad laws that are approved by bad bureaucrats and politicians, and enforced by bad police, covered by bad media, and the list goes on and on.
Says 308 – The power of love vs the love of power

The Power of Love vs the love of power
No longer obeying and playing by the rules, doesn’t mean that one needs to physically revolt and fight those in a position of power; unless that is what you think/feel is necessary. To truly oppose those in a position of power, you need to realize that their power is derived from your, and societies, denials and belief that you are compelled to obey the laws that they have set forth as truth, and willingly accept that they have authority over your sovereign being. It’s your beliefs, judgments, fear and denials that give them the power to do what they have been, and are doing.
But, there is always the proverbial but, you can’t change the outer reality until you change your inner reality, and that means letting go of your old beliefs and judgments and also ending your denials of expressing yourself when you feel you are being controlled and manipulated. All this is the OPPOSITE of what you have been doing and that is where the POWER of LOVE comes into play. Those that have a LOVE of POWER fear the POWER of LOVE, as it means that they now have no power over you as you are not giving it to them by way of your denials. Ending your denials ends their source of power. The power of love (self-love) overcomes the love of power. Simple, but if it were that simple the world would not be in the state it is. Talking the talk is easy, but walking the talk isn’t, as it goes against everything that you believe is true, and it’s also something that you have never done before so you don’t know if it works or not.
Know that most people are denial spirits or spirits in denial, and so the truth will feel like hatred to them. They will use any means to get you to deny expressing your truth as they need you to be in denial so that they can continue to have power over you. Some of the techniques they will use are intimidation, interrogation, oh poor me, withdrawal, guilt and shame. If you still have any issues with others using these tactics on you, then you still have some inner work to do before you are ready to test it in your outer reality.