Says 160 – Got a cold with an unexpected side effect

says 160 - man sneezeI just got over a cold that had unexpected and painful side effects. Sneezing is part and parcel of having a cold, but this time, the sneeze did some damage. I was bending forward and also turned to the right when a sneeze suddenly came upon me. There was no warning, just a powerful 250 MPH sneeze that felt like a hot knife had sliced my body in two as I felt my body drop and my knees buckle. It was instantly followed by a second sneeze that thankfully wasn’t as severe and painful as the first one, but then again, I was already in pain, so added pain wasn’t noticeable. I was in agony and had to cling to the wall to get up and return to my bed.

says 160 - spinal cordI was now not only suffering the pain and misery of a cold, but also severe back ache. In addition, my legs felt numb and I had to boost myself to go from a sitting to standing position. The next day I still had my cold symptoms and constant lower back pain. The following morning, I couldn’t find a resting, standing or seated position that didn’t hurt. I called my Chiropractor and got an appointment for the next day. The next day when I got up, the pain wasn’t as severe. I went for my appointment and after examining me, he informed me that as the result of my bending forward, it put pressure on the forward part of my vertebra, compressing my disc. Then the twisting action pivoted my vertebrae to the side, squishing my disc again. says 160 - verterbrae cross sectionWhen I sneered so strongly, my core muscles tightened and the sudden expulsion of air caused my upper body to suddenly move, jerk, not only putting extreme pressure on my already pressured disc, but also causing some of the outer layers of the myelin-sheathed fibers of my spinal cord to be torn. After some massage, manipulation, electrical stimulation, and being tapped up and applying cold packs, I was good to go. I have to go back in a few days, to see how things are going.

I share this to let you know not to bend or twist when you are going to sneeze, especially if it is going to be a forceful one.

Says 159 – Stop playing their game

159 - Stop playing their gameStop playing THEIR GAME…. It’s an illusion and it’s rigged so that you will never win. Think of the carnival, where the guy takes your money (time and effort) and lets you play his/her game, and if you win. you get a small and worthless prize… But Hey, you think you’re a winner.. and so you keep coming back.. Dah!!!!!
Like they say in the Carnie business, “There is a sucker born every minute.. ” ha ha ha

159 - Balloon And Dart BoothOnce you know the game and how it’s played, you have a choice. You can either continue as you were, or you can stop playing the game and begin to create a new reality. Once you call them out, they are powerless and have no control over you. It’s only when you are asleep, or in denial of what is happening that they have you trapped.

This post is state that it is my intent, to not only become more aware of how I have been trapped in this world of illusion and denial, but to also free myself of it and begin creating a new reality.

Says 158 – Controlled by an illusion, a piece of paper

158 - Articles Of IncorporationCertificate158 - mosantoWhat people don’t seem to realize is that government and big business are only faceless corporations, names on pieces of paper. There is no human being that is the corporation, that can be held accountable. What drives these corporations and is the “power” behind them are flesh and blood people. It’s these people that they need to find and hold accountable, and not a corporate piece of paper, that by the way, these people are only too happy to have you believe is the evil power that you are fighting.

158 - corporate-governance158 - organization-structureThese people have names, faces and live somewhere. They have family, wives, husbands, children, relatives. They have friends and neighbors, Their kids go to school. They go to church or belong to clubs or organizations. They drive cars. They shop in stores. These people not only need to be identified and located, but they but they need to be confronted and become aware that they (and those that support them) are vulnerable and will be held accountable. Once conscious awareness shifts from the faceless corporate identities, to the men and women players behind the veil, (like in the Wizard of Oz) the illusion will be broken and people will begin to regain their power.

158 - federal reserve noteSpeaking of worthless paper, let’s add money to the pile. We have been convinced that we must work, put time and effort into making or earning money so that we can live and buy the things we need and want to enjoy. We have also been programmed that we are defined by the amount of money we have, and that the more money, the better we are and the more worth and respect we acquire, and the further up the social ladder we climb. in the USA, the Federal Reserve is a private banking system that controls the countries financial system, collecting interest on money it creates and prints for circulation.

Says 157 – The unseen role of denied expectations

randon acts of kindness - denied expectationI found this image on facebook and added the caption in red and re-posted it. While the first part of the message has loving intent, that intent is negated by the second part of the message. Again, it’s the subtle and un-noticed things that you need to pay attention to if ending your personal denials is your intent. Of course, you need to begin with the blatant and obvious ones firs, and choose to end them, before you are even ready to begin to spot and end the ones like the above.

I’ve found that most of the so-called Spiritual New Age quotes are sending mixed messages like the one above. These messages have the religious undertone of the do-gooder, that smacks of denied one up-man-ship and superiority. This one is linked to the old golden rule of, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” One thing that I have come to notice is the word, ACT. When you see that, It’s a clue that it’s not real, but a staged presentation.

Says 156 – A distorted view of our world.

A few days ago I read on a post on Facebook regarding Africa and the Middle East, and stating that Africa was way bigger that was shown on any maps, as was Asia. Today I did a search for “Land area of the continents” and found this link at the top of the list

says 156 - Contineltal Land areas
It shows a small distorted image of the continental land masses, but it also shows a spread sheet with the actual size in square kilometers. You can take all of North America, (Canada, USA, Mexico, central America) and Australia, and it would just cover Africa.. Asia is almost twice the size of North America, yet here it is shown as being equal to North America..

If you do a search with Google Maps you will also see this distorted view of our World. It’s as if the USA (And I’m saying USA as they are the major world power at present) has decided that it is the centre of the World and therefor, North America, of which it is a part of, has to be BIG… (Texas Logic) 🙂

There is no logical reason why the maps can’t be drawn to scale.. It’s a no brainer, especially when you have access to US satellite images, that by the way, are also contributing to this lie.

While I’m on the topic, why is it that you never see any satellite images of the North and South Pole.. They have satellites circling in polar orbits, surely, they can provide images of our entire planet, and in a real and truth manner, not this distorted view that we have come to accept as TRUTH..

This is not the truth. This is yet another bare face lie that needs to be exposed for what it is.

PS: It’s laughable.. I just thought of some future archeologist’s digging up some ruins and finding the present day version of the world map.. They would have a good laugh, in the same way we laughed at the middle age thinking the world was flat.. They would also be puzzled in that they would also discover modern day satellite images of the moon and other planets, yet Earth is so mis-represented..

The problem appears to be that the so-called Cartographers haven’t found a way to transfer the size and shapes on a sphere to a 2 dimensional layout. Given all the modern satellite technology and powerful computers, it should be child’s play, but no, they still appear to be using the same technology that Christoper Columbus did when he proved the Earth was round. Even without satellites and computers, they have the known land areas for each continent, yet these blind buffoons are unable to even make an educated guess and give each continent the proper proportions to make a realistic map. So much for modern Science..

PS: I made this composite of two satellite images of Earth, of North and South America, and Africa and Europe, with the Earth being the same diameter..
Image converted using ifftoany

Says 155 – How to free ourselves from the beliefs that enslave us

Today a Facebook friend uploaded the following You Tube video..
Monty Python And The Holy Grail – Help Help I’m Being Repressed

It’s no coincidence that I saw this today as I was previously thinking the same thing, or on the same lines… I was thinking of how we are drawn into giving our power away by our beliefs. Like in this movie, the people believed that they had no ruler and served no king. The king could say what he wanted, but it didn’t matter to them, in fact, they admonished him.

That is how we are going to create a new World, by letting go of our old imprints, programs and beliefs. Once we no longer have them, (and I don’t mean deny them) then those that now have power over us will be powerless. Not that we will over-power them, as that is also no longer in our belief system.. It will be a whole new world.

I just thought of it.. I might just have found the Holy Grail.. lol.. LMAO. The Universe does have a sense of humor…


Says 154 – The Death of the Altered Ego

154 - The death of the altered Ego - NOT












This is another picture/word message that I got off the internet. The original image words, “The death of the ego will be the beginning of your real life,” is a part truth. As you can see, I’ve “altered” the image (no pun intended.) 🙂

The following article is taken from my soon to be published second book titled, “My Journey – Three Levels of Healing – Feeling, healing and understanding.” The old “pre-published edition” can be downloaded ( free) from my website at

Our Ego has gotten a bum rap in that it’s our Ego that defines who we are. Our ego is unique; it separates you from me and all the others. The problem is not our Ego but our Altered Ego, altered by our imprints, programs and beliefs and by the many other voices (internal and external) that tell it that it must do this or that to either be accepted or to be in control. Little does the Mind realize that in listening to these other voices, that it’s being altered and controlled. The altered ego is the fake persona or personality that is in a position of power and control as it is not only in control of our Mind, but also the rest of our Being. It also strives to extend its influence and dominate the environment around it, be it people, places or things. The Altered ego is the individual that searches for acceptance and approval outside itself. It strives for success and recognition and defines who they are by their status, achievements, possession, wealth and power. There is also the opposite end where the individual will appear to be a powerless, helpless victim, but it is all an act in that by being considered a victim, they are actually dictating and controlling others around them.

The trouble is that while our Ego is altered, it is also disconnected from our Higher Self Spiritual source. Instead of communicating with our Higher Self, our Ego is being controlled by the unloving voices of the Inner Critic, guilt, shame and denied rage, to name a few. I’m sure that you’ve had several conversations with your Inner Critic when it is telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. Once you begin to end your denials, the inner voices also begin to be silenced and your Ego then begins to communicate with your Higher Self, and that’s when life gets interesting. Your Ego, your true self wants to free itself of the unloving grip of its old imprints, programs and beliefs and also of any unloving energy that has been, and is trying to control it.

154 - Tree in forestA rather simplistic way to look at our Ego is to compare it and ourselves to a tree. While a tree can be one of millions of similar species in a forest, it’s still unique and has its own consciousness. If it were to try to become another tree, to have a different bark, leaves or fruit, or if it wanted to be bigger or change its position, then there would be issues, not only for it, but also for the other trees in the forest that it would affect as it tries to control and change its environment. Another simplistic, but classic example of an altered ego can be found in the tale of “The Ugly Duckling,” by Hans Christian Andersen.

Says 153 – The Mind in Control

Big HeadThis is a graphic and symbolic representation of how humanity has put value and emphasis of importance on the Mind and its thoughts and beliefs…

We are a Spiritual Being having a physical experience. We have four parts to our Being; Spirit (Mind), Soul (Will – intuition, feelings and emotions) Heart and then form or our physical Body, and although they are separate aspects, they are all connected and function as one. Presently, it’s the Mind that is in CONTROL of the other parts of our being, and as you can see, there is no BALANCE in that.

In order for balance to return, our Mind needs to stop being the dictator and let go of being in a position of power and in control of the other parts of our Being. To do that, it needs to let go of its old imprints, programs, beliefs and judgments of what is best for the rest of its Being. It needs to challenge its old beliefs, not defend them.

Says 152 – You can’t change how people treat you (BS)

152 - You can't change how peole treat you- NOTI saw this picture posted on Facebook and felt I needed to make a comment. The words of this BS (Belief System) are a truth, but only as long as you are in denial and have chosen to remain the victim. Even though you no longer appear to re-act to what they say or do, that doesn’t mean that you are not being triggered. All it proves is that you’ve learned to be a better actor or actress. Being nice, kind, caring, sharing, understanding, co-operative, compromising, etc., to others when you feel pressured and controlled to do so, either by them or by your beliefs, is not loving to yourself or to them. There are countless reasons why people subject themselves to being the victim, but none are valid or loving to self. It’s important to note that the way people treat you is a reflection of the way you are treating yourself. Change yourself, and the outer reflection will also change.

Denying what is happening is not changing yourself, as it hasn’t addressed the underlying issues. Once you have intent to find and heal your issues as to why people treat you the way they do, you will change and will no longer be activated and re-acting, but will instead, respond to them in whatever way and manner you feel directed to oppose any such further abuse. Once you have stated your response in a honest and forthright manner, they will change and will no longer be attacking you, as they will have gotten your message loud and clear. Of course, they may no longer want to be your friend or whatever relationship they had with you, as you are no longer willing to be the victim and controlled by them. If that comment brings up issues, then that also needs to be addressed as that attachment is part of the reason you are a victim and being treated the way you are.

Says 151 – I’m back and there are some changes.

151 - Book 2  coverWell having my website hacked was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back as I haven’t posted for months. I had been gradually cutting back on posting to my blog for a while and when I did, it was always playing “catch up.”  This put a lot of pressure on me, as I was also trying to finish editing my 2nd and 3rd books so that I could publish them. Having my entire website hacked, make me feel what’s the use, and who really cares anyway, except the creeps that hacked me.

After getting things back on line, I slowly focused on editing my books.  There were a lot of things I had over looked, like checking my grammar and formatting.  I thought I had no grammar errors until I happened to open another Word document that said I had too many errors to continue checking my grammar. This made me wonder, so I divided my books to make them shorter and then corrected the grammar issues. I’m almost there and hope to have them available as free ebooks (PDF or.doc  format) in the next couple of weeks.

151 - Johnny AppleseedI’ve also decided to change what I post on my blog. I have been posting my personal experiences as well as what is happening in the world today, trying to wake people up.  I’m no longer going to do that as becoming aware as to what is wrong with this world , then doing something about it is a personal choice.  Instead, I’m going to use my blog as a means to plant a seed in the minds of those reading it, so that they too can begin to heal their issues and create the reality they desire. This realization came to me as I’ve recently been collecting seeds, and it occurred to me that I need to sow the seeds that I have. Not the physical seeds, like Johnny Apple Seed, but the Word seeds, that will grow and be taken in to change people’s Minds and Hearts. I’m still going to post my personal stuff and any issues I’m going through as well as healings and insights  I experience in creating  a new world reality, Heaven on Earth.