Says 395 – Convid-19 and the untold story..

As I read this article the penny dropped.. Sure the convid-19 virus is real with a “listed” death rate of ~2% if …. IF… you have underlying medical conditions. This is also the case even if a person got a cold or flu that further compromised their immune system. All the WORLD governments and the media’s FEAR propaganda is working; as most people “believe” they are in mortal danger if they catch the convid-19 virus.. Keyword above is WORLD…

When I read <quote> two groups announced major developments in COVID-19 vaccine developments. <end quote> the penny dropped… What better way for WORLD governments to entice people to get a VACCINATION than to them to believe it’s to prevent them from getting the DEADLY convid-19 virus that has been labeled by the WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) as a GLOBAL PANDEMIC.. Keyword again.. WORLD…

My “gut” feeling is that the so-called “vaccine” has a more sinister application… If not immediately, then in the times to come… Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever, but this is a NWO operation… WORLD GOVERNMENT

Another thought is that if the convid-19 was so SERIOUS, why would the government and medical propaganda encourage people to self-isolate… quarantine themselves and HEAL their themselves without any so-called medical intervention except for the normal things people do when they get a cold or the flu… And when they feel better, (98 % do recover) they go about their regular routine.. Yet another psychological tactic to get people to believe and trust the government and the medical corporation….. for FUTURE events.

This article just adds to my story I just posted..

Says 377 – When we deny parts of ourselves

I saw this meme and comment on my timeline and felt I needed to post it, along with the comment.. It’s a good visual representation of how empaths, people that have real feelings and emotions try to survive in a world of people that pretend to have feelings and emotions. They are constantly denying and pushing away the parts that they feel are not acceptable to those they are trying to be like..The more they try to be like “them,” the more they become less of who they truly are.

<Quote> “By choosing not to allow parts of ourselves to exist, we are forced to expend huge amounts of psychic energy to keep them beneath the surface.” ~ Debbie Ford <end quote>       Art: Julián Totino Tedesco

Says 370 – Unexpressed Emotions

It’s not that the emotions are ugly… it’s what the long denied emotions are holding that is ugly..  The unlovingness that one originally experienced is taken in and accepted, and is added to by the self-imposed denial of emotional expression and this is what is finally being exposed for what it is. During an unloving physical, mental and emotional attack; if all the feelings and emotions are not expressed, the unloving energy of the attack is accepted into our being and imprints, programs and beliefs are set in place that holds and locks the denied feelings and emotions from moving and creates a cycle of similar unloving experiences. Until such time that one consciously chooses to delve into their past unresolved issues and fears, to heal and retrieve those lost and damaged parts of our being, nothing changes and death, created by denial, begins its process.- Shenreed

Says 369 – Dumbed-down society and freedom

I copied this post from a post that was on my Facebook timeline… It says it very well.

“No society wants you to become wise: it is against the investment of all societies. If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced into a mechanical life, to live like robots. They will assert themselves —they will assert their individuality. They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them; they will want to live in freedom.

Freedom comes with wisdom, intrinsically —they are inseparable— and no society wants people to be free. The communist society, the fascist society, the capitalist society, the Hindu, the Mohammedan, the Christian —no society likes people to use their own intelligence because the moment they start using their intelligence they become dangerous, dangerous to the establishment, dangerous to the people who are in power, dangerous to the “haves”; dangerous to all kinds of oppression, exploitation, suppression; dangerous to the churches, dangerous to the states, dangerous to the nations.”

Credits ~ Rajneesh

Art: Diane Dillon

Says 368 – Conditional love

This meme is one of the “NOT” true New Age Spiritual quotes. To know what love is, you need to know what is NOT love.

To know what unconditional love is, you need to know what denial is. And you can only know, through personal experience, not through hearsay or what you have been taught.


There are infinite forms of love, including love with conditions, which is the love we experience most of the time. Not only in our relationship with others, but ourselves  Any form of lies, omission, avoidance and denial makes love conditional. Unconditional love is love that we have only experienced fleeting moments of, and is something that we have yet to experience fully in our relationship with others and everything. It’s also not something that we can only obtain in heave nor whatever after life you believe in. – Shenreed


Says 367 – Saying No!

Saying NO… Sounds easy, but is one of the hardest things to do as GUILT will try to back you down every time you try to take a stand. You also need to learn to say NO to GUILT.

Here is a video by Lady Gag a revealing how she finally had the courage to say no to a lot of things that she was doing to please other people, and to make her feel she was worthy and accepted.

Says 365 – The Mark of the Beast 666

It’s interesting the things that pop up on my Facebook time line. Although I have studied the bible and other religions, I’m not a follower of organized religion, in this case, Christianity and so I’m not drawn to bible thumpers and the Church or Jesus saves sales pitch. But this talk interested me and I was curious as to what he had to say. At around the 2:20 min mark he states that the Mark of the Beast is not a physical thing, but rather, it’s the LOVE and TRUTH (NOT religion – my comment) that you carry in your Heart. While those with the Mark of the Beast have unloving INTENT and heartlessness, aka DENIAL.

It makes a lot of sense and was a concept I never considered before. Everyone already has the Mark of the Beast as they live their lives in various forms of denial. Everyone also has choice; whether to carry on living in denial, or, to end ones denials and live in truth. You don’t need to be a Christian or follow any other religion to have a loving Heart. There are part-truths in all religions and one must gleam the wheat from the chaff to feel the meaning of the WORD. Let those that have eyes to see and ears to hear know the truth.

Here is the link to his podcast – The Mark of the Beast 666 Part 1 with Doug Batchelor

Says 358 – The REAL meaning of faith

I found this meme that instills the real meaning of FAITH… without the religious overtures and overtones…. like; what faith are you? Do you have faith in Jesus Christ? Do you have faith in our lord. By faith are you saved. Have faith in Allah. etc. etc.. Faith isn’t about a religion or religious belief; it’s the inner strength and courage to keep going to find the truth  and love you are looking for in the here and now.

Faith can be blinded by hope. A false hope where one advocates responsibility for their circumstances and hopes things will change with minimum effort or that someone will come and rescue them.

Food for thought… or not.

Says 349 – Using Failure as Stepping Stones

Use failure as stepping stones. You need to know what does NOT work in order to know what does. Like riding a bike. You need to try new things and FAIL, (fall down) in order to learn what you did wrong, that you will not do the next time. If you keep falling and doing the same thing over and over, then know you are not THINKING and looking for the cause of your failure. And no. it’s NOT the bike or the road you are on, or anything else you might want to blame.

Says 316 – False Identity

We have been so accustomed to the social Matrix we live in and under, that we take it as natural and real. Yet you wonder why things are the way they are . We naively believe that we are what society says we are, when in truth, we have yet to discover who we truly are and to follow and live our destiny path.It’s time to let go of the imprints, programs and beliefs that control and limit the expression of who we really are.

Says 315 – Authority – But it’s illegal

I‘ve known for years that there is bullshit going on in Society, but until it smacks you in the face PERSONALLY it seems unreal and distant, like a story you heard others repeat. The Insurance companies, doctors, medical experts, government, police, lawyers, etc., that I‘ve had to recently deal with, have really hit this issue home. How CORRUPT the SYSTEM really is and how much denial is present in everyday interactions with these Denial Spirits or love Spirits in denial.
They are everywhere and the people you TRUST, that you have been told and believe they are there for you – AREN’T. They are there for themselves, either with greed to get as much power and gelt as they can, or they are just following orders and doing their job to get money to survive. Either way, they aren’t being honest and real and are just putting on an ACT that may have some part-truths, but only enough to get you to trust THEM and doubt yourself, and in that they have power over you. Of course, now I’m speaking up and calling bullshit when I see and smell it, and guess what happens? NOTHING! They either don’t comment or reply, or they change the subject. This latest exchange is with the person that represents me as a so-called lawyer and legal advisor. I won’t say too much as those that know, know what I mean, and those that don’t. – well – keep on guessing. LOL

Says 304 – Trust your feelings – intuition

EXACTLY the OPPOSITE of what this meme says is true. If you have feelings that something is not right, TRUST your intuition and give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Ask questions to clear the air and you will soon find out if your feelings were wrong.

Says 303 – Attachments and self-sacrifice

As long as you have attachments to another person, you will continue to sacrifice yourself to make them happy. Instead, find the inner reasons of why you are afraid to be alone and why you think / feel you NEED them.

Says 293 – Religious Shift and Changes

I find it interesting that a few of the New Agers and RUOW people I know are turning toward organized religion. I don’t mean in an exploratory way, I mean getting right into the Christian saved and born again bible thumpers, or into Hinduism, Buddhism, or Muslim religions with a gung ho attitude that they’ve finally found their community, a sense of commonality, and their calling. I feel they were searching for a common thread that would unite them with other like minded / feeling people where everyone had a so-called “positive” attitude and supported one another. A community where they would feel loved, wanted, and protected, and not alone, unwanted, or in fear of being attacked. Once your Spirit is broken and you have given in to the outer reflection that you are powerless, your mind no longer challenges or searches for answers, but blindly accepts what it is told as the truth. You become part of the flock with herd mentality.

On the other hand, I’m also witnessing some friends and family members that were “born again,” saved, church going, praying, and gospel singing Christians  that have lost their “faith” in their church (aka religion) and are trying to come to terms with that. I feel these people have a better chance of healing and empowering themselves, as now they are unsure of their beliefs about what love and life are all about and are willing to question what they previously called truth.

Overall, even if you are not a devoutly religious person, (including atheists and agnostics) there is this social “religious” mindset that while it may not be obvious, has a sinister undercurrent that dictates social morals and behavior. Until one is able to let go of their religious beliefs they will be controlled by them and will also try to control others around them, thus creating conflict. They try to solve the conflict by either changing the rules or adding new and improved ones hoping that it will create peace and that things in their life will change for the better. Besides letting go of one’s religious imprints, programs and beliefs, one needs to explore and let go of, or change the social imprints and programs that are embedded in their mind that unconsciously control one’s thoughts, words and deeds. Politics, government, education, media, police and the military are but a few major players that dictate social experience and reality.

Says 292 – Thriving on anothers fear

I was watching the movie “King Arthur – Legend of the Sword,” and a comment by the present king piqued my interest. I can’t remember the exact words, but they were along the lines that he thrives on another’s fear; that even though they may hate him, it feeds him energy and power. Another comment was, “You have to break his old self completely, wear him down.”

Later, I thought about the comment and the people that feed off your fears and control you and have power over you, can only do so as long as you are denying the fear that they are activating. Say you have a fear (terror) of confrontation, then they will use whatever they can to activate your fear, be it mental, emotional, physical, or any combination thereof. Anything that threatens you; that you are afraid to face or challenge, will and can over-power and control you.

The other things people use to control and over-power you is guilt and shame. They make you think, feel, and believe that your words or actions are wrong and even hurtful to the one that is trying to control you. They are using your minds twisted beliefs of what love is, what is right and wrong, along with your false emotions that are aligned with your minds beliefs to get you to re-act in the way they want you to.

In order to activate you into your denied issues and fear (terror) as a means to control and over-power you, there are four basic tactics that others use. They are the intimidator, the interrogator, the “oh poor me,” and the aloft or withdrawn approach. If one tactic doesn’t work they will try another until they wear you down and break you, and you re-act in one of three different ways according to your imprinting and programming. You either fight, (that you can’t win) run, or you just give in to their demands to stop the conflict. In doing any of these you give them your power.

Says 291 – Reincarnation and Karma

Reincarnation & Karma

Before we reincarnate, we choose what parts of our Essence we want to heal and recover, and the experiences we need in order to do that. Of course all this is forgotten soon after birth, and we need to plod our way through life, pondering why things happen to us and for what reason.

Karma is an Eastern term that describes the experience of things happening in our lives that seem to be repeated, albeit in different forms, places and times. Karma is not a bad thing even though the experiences may be unpleasant and undesired, they are in fact, what we need to address and heal as part of our earthly sojourn. Once we make the connection that our experiences are directly related to our purpose, then our life begins to change. We begin to see things in a different light and ask questions like who, what, where, when, why and how. Of course for every answer you get you also get ten more questions, so the journey takes us deeper into discovering and remembering who really we are and what our purpose is.

Says 288 – Statism (Government) just another form of Religion

Religion and politics (government) are the two major players that control your life through the social illusion that they have the “authority” to make rules, laws, and conditions that “others” must follow. They both control your physical life, mentally, emotionally and physically. The government controls your physical activities through laws, rules, taxes, etc., while religion has rules and conditions that you must adhere to ensure that when you physically die, that you will have a happy afterlife.

You are lead to believe that you must accept their “authority” over you, to unquestionably follow their instructions and have faith that “they” know what is good for you. If you don’t follow your various governments’ rules, conditions and orders, you will be harassed, intimated, incarcerated or even put to death. If you don’t follow your religions voice of “authority,” they would have you believe that your Soul and Spirit will be dammed in the afterlife.

I was thinking that the main issue in healing that Empaths have in empowering themselves is their religious beliefs. I was going to say that the second thing is seeing and knowing what denial is, but as I thought that, I knew it also related to their religious beliefs that had to do with love and what a loving person is. As long as you belief that denial (of self expression) is love, you are, as the saying goes, “Screwed, glued and tattooed.” Even if you are an atheist or agnostic, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have any religious beliefs, it’s just that your beliefs are opposed to organized religion. You were raised in a society where people had religious beliefs, customs and traditions, and your parents, and their parents and so on. All were imprinted and programmed with beliefs of what is loving or not, moral standards, and codes of behavior, etc.

The second thing that controls you is the various forms of government and their agencies. If you are not a so-called “conspiracy theorist,” then you aren’t even aware of the blatant social denials that are in politics and government, military, media, food, medical, big business, etc., etc. If you can’t see the obvious lies, denials, and deception going on in your outer reality, it’s even harder to begin to see your own lies and denials, and how you are deceiving yourself. It’s far easier to pick up on what others are, or are not saying or doing, than it is with yourself. It’s sad to think that over 95% of the population is so brainwashed and in denial that they can’t see the obvious and blatant lies and denials in their outer reality (religion and politics) that is controlling them. The irony is that in ending ones denials, one begins to break away from both these illusions that control us, and that we call natural, a way of life, and the way things are.

Says 279 – More pieces of the Puzzle

My view of reality is changing.  A few weeks ago I was chatting with a friend who does work at a hospice, and a few things she said made me question my beliefs. I’ve believed that our “Spirit” is our Mind, that originates our conscious thoughts, ideas, words, etc.. BUT… after our conversation, I felt something was “off” with that concept. That, together with working on healing the other aspects of my Being, my Body, Will (Soul) and Heart, made me think that there is more.

Another thing that has been a recent topic has been Ego that is associated with the Mind and also false Ego. So…. I’m trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together and an idea that came up is that while our Mind is connected to our Spirit, it is NOT our entire Spirit, as that is where our “Higher Self” comes in. So… What if a portion of our Higher Self manifests itself in the physical and calls itself Spirit “Mind” or as some might say EGO. BUT… when our Spirit re-incarnated, it gradually forgot who it was and its prime purpose and came to be what I call our “altered Ego,” altered by imprints, programs and beliefs and judgments. Part of our process now is to experience and re-cover our Essence that we lost in past lives, to become whole again. EGO is not bad, as some make it out to be, as it defines us as who we really are.. it’s only our “altered Ego” that does crazy shit.
Now the other parts of our Being, our Soul, (intuition, feelings and emotions) Heart and Body also have their own consciousness and “try” to communicate with the Mind that is basically the “Controller” of our physical reality. But, besides these voices, we also have other incarnate and dis-incarnate voices vying for our attention, including our HIGHER SELF.

OK…Another thing is that for a long time, I’ve had this thought/feeling that I’m here to manifest, or bring down my entire Spiritual Essence into the Earth plane, in this physical body, in the hear and now. To Spiritilize my physical Body. This however, requires unconditional love and a total connection between my Mind (Ego) and the rest of my Being and my “higher self” …

Says 275 – Confusion between Mind and Spirit

I continued reading my RUOW book, and when I turned the page, there was another paragraph that stood out to me.  RUOW  Book 1 – pg 112  


I  also want everyone that is wanting to stay on Earth to agree to end personal denial and accept the self completely.

You need to start with yourself and make an unconditional acceptance of how it really feels to be you. Instead of feeling you must heal everything immediately, you need not. You must however, have a completely committed intent to end denial and heal all the separations of consciousness that this created. This includes:Pain of experiences that the Body holds. Pain of emotions that the Will holds. Loss of Love that Heart holds. Misunderstandings and limitations that the Mind holds disconnection from the Spirit that originated all of it.


What really caught my attention and got me thinking was this sentence.
<> Misunderstandings and limitations that the Mind holds disconnection from the Spirit that originated all of it. <>

I had associated Mind as Spirit, but I’m now thinking/feeling it in a whole new way. That Mind is our Ego or rather Altered Ego, altered by our imprints, programs and beliefs and also by “misunderstandings,” “limitations,” and judgments. That maybe the “Spirit” that is referred to, is really our Higher Self that is trying to guide and heal our Mind (and the rest of our Being.)

We associate our mind/Spirit as our I AM being, but it’s really just an aspect of our Higher Self made manifest in the physical world.  While our Higher Self KNOWS things, (past, present and future)… our mind is ignorant, as part of the process of understanding and healing is to unravel the puzzle of love and life, and not have another do it for us. To do that we need to know all the aspects of denial that have created our present situation

When we originally manifested in the physical, we were not as disconnected from our Higher Self as we are now, and it’s our denials that have created this fragmentation that now needs to be healed in order to recover lost Essence and the lost parts of our Being. This is getting deep, but I know there is a lot more to it.


Says 267 – Refusal to break habits

I find it interesting that even though Mike died of lung disease caused by his heavy smoking, there are four other men in my building that are still at it. I asked Danny why he doesn’t quit his two pack a day habit and he just shrugs it off. A woman that is a friend of Danny’s told me that he has to stop sometimes when he is walking up the slight hill from Tim Horton’s where he gets his coffee. That should be a wakeup call for him, but apparently not. I spoke to the other guys and they were basically in the same frame of mind. One guy was smoking the E-cigarettes  for a while, but he started coughing so he quit them and went back to tobacco cigarettes. The other guys smoke about the same, from one and an half to two and a half packs per day.

Not only is it a health issue, but the cost as well. Cigarettes in Ontario cost about $12.00/pack of 20, so that is $24.00/day and that works out to $24 x 7= $168/week or $720.00/month. That is more than he pays for rent. Oh Well, it’s their life and their choice.

Says 266 – Mind (Spirit) the Unloving Master

Taken from my Journal – April 16 Monday 9:30 am

Your Mind (Spirit) may have a thought or idea, but there is no real desire or emotion to experience it. This is because the Mind instantly brings up old imprints, programs, and beliefs that say that what was suggested is not appropriate for any number of reasons. In the same breath, false Will (Soul) that is aligned with Minds judgments has no desire to experience it, as unresolved negative emotions come up to validate the Minds judgments. Heart goes along with the Minds assessment and so there is no action, no movement of the original thought or idea that was squashed by old imprints, programs and beliefs that are in reversal to the new thought or idea.  The result is that the same old pattern is repeated as one continues on their not-so-merry-go-round; wondering why things happen as they do and hoping that things will change.

So! How does this apply to the Body? Old imprints, programs, and beliefs that the Mind has, have forced the Body (through habits) to become a slave to the Minds judgments. These are deeply ingrained in not only the Mind, but also the Will, Heart and Body. These are mostly social beliefs, that of being told what to do or not to do, what is right and wrong, good or bad, acceptable or not acceptable.  These beliefs and judgments then form the habits for the Body, which has basically been forced to override its own needs and desires and be a slave to the Minds programming.

So then, to break this old programming, I need to first, get my Mind to recognize what it is doing, and then for it to open to hear what it is that the Body wants and needs.  Hummm… What the Body wants and needs in order to heal itself is the prime objective. But, the trick here is to differentiate between what the Body really wants and needs, and what the Mind thinks the Body wants and needs based on its old habits and quick fix, feel good sensations that give the Mind the false notion that what pleases the Mind also pleases the Body. It’s just like when I was getting my Mind to listen and feel what my Will (Soul) Intuition was wanting to express, so too I need to listen to my Body to not only hear, but also feel and allow it to express what it wants and needs to. As long as my Mind (Spirit) thinks it’s right and has the answer to what my Soul, Heart and Body desire and need, it is the unloving master that is unwittingly not only forcing the other parts of our Being to die, by forcing it’s denials on them, but also itself, as there is no separation.  (9:50 am)

Says 265 – Thoughts on an eternal Body

As a follow up to my previous post, while we all have a Spirit, Soul, and Heart that is eternal, we also have a Body with which we experience physical reality that presently isn’t eternal, but dies and then reincarnates.  So when I got the message to, “Seek the Doorway to Eternal Life,” I took that to mean that it includes the physical Body. The Body IS a part of the Spirit, Soul and Heart, and is not meant to be used, abused and cast off when it can no longer bear the denials it has been receiving and is unable to function in the way that Spirit thinks it should. The Body is also meant to have eternal life also, but, the proverbial but…  Who, what, where, when, why and how?

Just as the Spirit, Soul and Heart are energy, so too is the Body, albeit at a lower frequency or vibration that is necessary to obtain and maintain a state of physical matter.  The Body is made up mostly of water, but it also contains a multitude of different chemicals and minerals. But, all this is the physical RESULT, it’s not CAUSAL, as what is causal and creates all this are the unseen forces that are yet to be brought to our conscious awareness in order to have true understanding. If we knew the 5 W’s we would know how to heal and change our DNA and reverse this process of the body being cast off, (death) and the slow process of the Body dying until it finally reaches the point that it can no longer support life for Spirit, Soul and Heart.  (To be continued)

Says 264 – Thoughts on Death

I was thinking about death and how I’ve been isolated from it. There have only been five times in my life that I have been personally involved, and not really directly. The first was when I was 8 or 9 and the funeral of my grandmother. What I remember was people standing around her grave as she was being buried.  I was at least 100 feet away and wasn’t allowed to go nearer.

The second was when I was when I was in grade 7 and I heard that my friend had accidentally shot himself while hunting gophers. I never went to his funeral as I heard about it after the fact.

The next was when I was 38 years old and I flew home to spend Christmas with my family, as my dad was going into the hospital in a couple of months for a heart operation. After my visit, he drove me to the airport and as we said our good-byes I knew and he knew that we would never see each other again. He died shortly after his surgery and I never went to his funeral.

Years later I went to a neighbors’ husbands wake. IT was a small somber gathering with people I didn’t know except for the wife of the deceased. There was no body present.

Years later, after I got divorced, my girlfriends aunte died and I went to her wake. This time there was an open casket and I saw my first dead human being. The thing that struck me at the time was that she seemed like an empty vessel as the life had been sucked out of her. I compared her body to a dried corn plant like the ones you often see as a Halloween decoration.  Other than that, I have had friends, auntes, and uncles die, but I have never gone to their funerals for any number of reasons.

So this thing called death is rather an unknown to me, but I also realize that disease and aging are on the path that leads to it. I just thought of the message I got on Says 255 – Seek the Doorway to Eternal Life . I feel  that INCLUDES physical life and our Body but where it is healthy and youthful. It’s kind of like the memory you have inside yourself when your physical Body is getting older and you don’t  look like it did, or are able to do the things you used to do.

I’m planning on heading back out West to see my family this summer as I feel that my mother, who is going to be 93 in July will be passing soon, as will one

Says 263 – And Life Slips Silently Away

11:00 am – I got the news today that Mike, the man I mentioned in my previous post “Death Comes Knocking” died yesterday afternoon. The comments were that if he had lived, he would need to be in a Nursing Home as he would need a constant supply of oxygen just to breathe. He would also need a colostomy bag and constant care and monitoring. The person that told me the news said that Mike said he could not live like that and so he chose to leave.

3:00 pm – While I don’t feel any grief over Mike’s passing, it does leave me pondering our physical body and life.  Our Body is our temple, our form, with which we experience life. Once it is gone, so is that part of our journey, our experience. It makes me realize just how precious our physical body is and how ignorantly and carelessly we abuse it for any number of reasons.

What if? What if we knew we only have one Body and one chance to explore and experience physical reality? Would we be so careless with our Body? We take death of the physical body for granted, as part of life, but death is NOT a part of life; it is the absence of life.  When you really think about it it’s also the absence of love. I don’t mean the micro birth and death of the cells in the body that maintain it, I mean on a macro scale, our entire physical form, when we do things that directly affect our Body in a negative way.  I don’t know where this is going but I’m just writing what is coming to my awareness.

Mike’s family was here this morning cleaning out his apartment and loading his stuff onto a couple of pickup trucks. I don’t remember seeing any of them visit him in the four plus years I’ve lived here, but they seemed to know what he had that they wanted as they asked other tenants where this and that were.  It was like they were just waiting for him to die, like vultures. Even though his rent is paid up for the month, it’s not even 24 hours and they are at it, like vultures.