Says 41 – Warm and cold blooded (internal fire or the sun for life)

April 10 I watched a TV program this morning about python hunters in Florida. They came upon a python that was partly eaten and when they went to pick it up, it moved, it was still alive. At first they couldn’t figure out what was going on but when they began to examine the injury they determined that it was the result of birds that had pecked at it. They then noticed several vultures in nearby trees and they put two and two together and determined that the snake had been caught out in the open when the weather had turned cooler and it couldn’t get to shelter. That was when the vultures decided to make a meal of it as the python was too cold and too slow to defend itself. They had dragged the snake into the sunlight to examine its wounds and within a few minutes, the heat of the sun revived the snake and gave it the energy to try to get away.

I know that reptiles, fish and insects are cold blooded animals and don’t have an internal source of heat (fire) and so they need the sun to warm their blood and give them the ability to move, to animate life.

I feel that in humans and most other mammals that are warm blooded, that this is where Heart and the blood come in as that’s where the fire of life comes from. Heat is transferred by the blood to all parts of the Body and keep our core temperature and vital organs at a near constant rate of 98.6 degreed F (37degrees C). If we are sick and bacteria and viruses are attacking our Body, then it is our blood that tries to fight off the invaders, but the battle also throws off our Bodies ability to maintain its proper temperature as the glands regulating our bodies temperature are also affected by the invaders.

The hypothalamus is located in the brain next to the pineal and pituitary gland and is said to control our bodies temperature. So while the hypothalamus is the thermostat, it’s not the furnace that produces the heat. The hypothalamus is also a part of our endocrine system. Another gland that is also part of this system is the thymus gland that sits just above our heart. While the thymus also fights disease, it’s also known in ancient times as the life force.

I’m wondering if this gland is somehow our mini furnace? Something has to be generating this heat and it’s not just the by product of our Body digesting food, as people that haven’t eaten for days still maintain their body heat. The other thing is that if the digesting of food was responsible for creating body heat, then we should be hotter after a meal as we have more food to put in the fire. Something is going on that science hasn’t picked up on, or they have and are keeping it a secret… So the big question is, what is producing our internal fire or heat source to maintain life?

Says 40 – Lost hopes, dreams, desires and innocence

2012 April 9 Lost hopes, dreams and desires are directly related to experiences where you had the opportunity to fulfill those dreams and desires, but you were either denied having the experience, or you denied it yourself. As much as you now hope and long for another opportunity to re-live the experience as you would like to do things differently, it’s also futile, as that moment has passed and things have changed. It’s is impossible to even pretend and deny that the original experience never happened. Even knowing that you have a second chance, doesn’t make it the original experience, as you already have that imprint, program and belief, that it is a lost hope, dream and desire, that was put in place from the original denied experience.

With that realization comes the feelings of heartbreak, as well as anger and rage at yourself for being held back, or for holding yourself back. While these feelings and emotions are quick to surface, what is harder to reach and also the most important is your denied terror, and why you felt your terror was correct at that time, in denying the experience.

What brought this topic up was my remembering a few experiences in my early adolescence. While I was curious about girls and wanted to talk with them and be friends, I was also afraid that I was bad or that others would think that I was bad. The reason behind those thoughts was due in part to my religious upbringing and my mother, and secondly was the result of being bullied and not wanting to say or do anything that would give others a reason to attack me. This was my terror that I denied, and as such, I denied any experiences where I had the desire to do so.
Now, decades later, I wonder what would have happened if? If I had done that, if I had said that, and hundreds of other if’s. Guilt and shame were also involved in keeping me from the experiences I was curious about and desired. This is also associated with lost innocence, innocence that I denied, and now, lost youth, as I’m now decades older, and I can’t relive my youth….or at least, that is my present belief.

It’s interesting that I added that as an afterthought as that thought came from nowhere. So maybe there is a way to heal all this and to reclaim lost innocence and fulfill my lost hopes, dreams and desires.

As I’m writing this, I’m feeling over whelmed at all that I have lost. I have very few memories of my childhood, adolescence, teen and even adult life. Not like some people I know that can remember minute details and even the exact date. What I do remember mostly are things associated with lost hopes, dreams and desires. I’m realizing that I was either living in the past, heartbroken and angry over what I had experienced, or I was in terror of what was awaiting me in the future. As such, I had very little of my conscious presence fully in the present moment.

Says 39 – Realization that love is polarized

2012 April 08 Sunday, I have had the experience and understanding of what conditional and Unconditional love was for a few years now. Post 866 Insight into Conditional and Unconditional love That love has extremes that move from the darkest feelings of psychopathic loathing, hatred and cold indifference, all the way to conditional love in a state of mindless bliss, and then to Unconditional love where there are no attachments, conditions, judgments or denials. From being negative, domineering and controlling, to being positive, open and free. While I knew all this, what I realized today was that love was polarized, and I never thought of it that way before.

Polarity is the expanding principals or forces of the same essence or thing, and moving in opposite directions, away from each other. Hot-cold, dark-light, left-right, forward-reverse, large – small, and the list goes on and on. To an observer, polarity has no real meaning, as it is merely a mental concept as you would not know what hot or cold was by looking at it, unless you had some personal experience. It’s only when you experience it from a subjective state, and sense and feel the experience that you begin to understand the various attributes of that essence.

I feel there is more to it as I feel that love is also associated with life and death, from essence that desires life, to essence that desires unconsciousness and death, and everything in between. Everything is energy and is connected with love, which is life. It really doesn’t matter where anyone is on the grand scale of things as they are in their right place…………………………………….

Ahhhhh… As I wrote that last line I felt that is not the truth or we wouldn’t be in the mess that we are in. That is what this shift that is coming is all about, moving everyone and everything to its right place so that it will like what it feels. That there will no longer be the mixing together of the different essences as that is what has created the conflict in creation. While polarity provides infinite possibilities with which to experience manifestation, it is only when these polarities are intertwined or over lapping that duality is created, which brings us to the nature of good and evil.

Hummm……   This is all beginning to make sense to me in a new way.

Says 38 – Quit two Facebook groups

2012 April 05, Well today I officially removed myself from two facebook groups that I have been in for a few years. They were the Right Use of Will, (RUOW) group and Spirit group. I had unsubscribed from them before to take a breather, but now I’ve make a clean cut, which included taking back any of my power and essence that I gave them or that they took from me, as well as giving back any power and essence that I took from them or they gave to me..

The group was originally an “open” group, meaning that anyone could join, but when the founder stepped down, new people took over and the group was changed to a “closed” group, meaning admittance by invitation only. Since then the place has been getting darker and darker, and unless you were in agreement and kowtowed with those that had a like minded following, you were either attacked or ostracized if you disagreed with them. While there are a few people there that I felt have intent to heal, that unfortunately is not the common consensus of the group. As such, I felt that it was no longer my right place, and for that reason, I left.

It’s too bad that the name of the group is Right Use of Will, as I feel what is happening there now is totally the opposite of what RUOW represents. I’ve never really focused on promoting my facebook group, “The Heart Centre,“ as I felt the others were already established and seemed to be what I was also trying to create, but now, I don’t know, I’ll just play it by ear and see what happens.

Says 37 – The Amero – It’s getting closer

Canada, USA, and Mexico Meeting

The “Three Amigos.” Although there were some semi harsh words exchanged, it’s all media hype, like the WWF, as off stage, they are all bosom buddies.

It was almost a year ago that the unholy triad had a meeting. You can read about it on my old Opera Blog.. Post 800 The Amero – Something evil this way comes..

The Amero (Standard North American currency) is also tied in to a super highway that would link Mexico an Canada though the USA..

Bush Administration Quietly Plans NAFTA Super Highway


The video is about vaccinating people with a respiratory flu like virus that will attack certain parts of the brain in people that have strong emotional expression. The virus will dramatically suppress or eliminate any emotional based religious fundamentalism tendencies. The proposal has been to develop the virus with the prime intent of specifically targeting Islamic fundamentalists, with the goal of turning so-called Middle East fanatics into normal people..

Says 35 – How I abuse my Body…. and Body talks to me.

2012 March 30 6:50 am I was just thinking of how I do all the things that I THINK are helping my Body, but that I’m actually doing the REVERSE. I’m denying what I don’t like, what I don’t want to accept that my Body is showing me, and how I look to outside things to make my Body either feel good, or look better.

What I need to do, is what the message said, to listen to my Body. If it’s an ache, pain or illness, I need to listen and feel what my Body is holding and work on releasing that unloving denied energy that is creating the imbalance.

If I don’t like what I see with my Body, gray hair, saggy skin, wrinkles, and a lack of strength and vitality etc, then instead of trying to force the body to exercise or use external products to try to reverse the aging process, I need to do the opposite. And again, I need to listen to my Body and let it tell me what I needs to do and to help it rejuvenate itself by finding what it is holding and then releasing the programs and beliefs and the denied energy that it has been holding for years.

2012 April 01 This morning, as I was getting out of bed , I was thinking of what I was going to have for breakfast. I nonchalantly asked my Body what it would like and to my surprise, I distinctly heard a voice in my head, say, “I’d like some porridge this morning.”
I asked, “With strawberries and Blueberries?”
I heard my Body reply, “No strawberries, just blueberries as the strawberries are not healthy.”
I sat on my bed for a few moments, taking in all that just happened. I got up feeling a happiness and lightness in my Body that I haven’t felt since I was a child. It brought tears to my eyes.