Says 499 – Xmas truce WWI – Politics and religion

So why are they at war, killing each other? There is no personal grudge or hatred, only the instilled hatred for the other nationality that has a different political ideology. What connected them that day was what they had in common… their Christian beliefs and the fact that it was a special day. After that religious time passed, they went back to expressing their hatred and differences, forgetting their religion, and following their political mandate. The insanity of man, politics and religion. And how brainwashed the public is.

PS: I just realized that while the content of this video is over 100 years old, it’s a good example of how Christians to how how Christians haven’t changed. Using their religious beliefs as a crutch, they pretend to be what they aren’t. On Xmas day, one of the most holy days of the Christian religion, they are all devoutly put aside their differences and act humble, forgiving, kind, and loving as they put on their best Christian face to celebrate the religious belief of birth of their saviour. The hypocrisy of Christians is exposed when as soon as the festivities are over, they take off the “good Christian mask,” and revert to the old mindset, in this case of these soldiers, kill the enemy. Just goes to show you the true value of religion.

Says 427 – Changing reality – Who do you call to save you?


In the video he describes 5G and the virus and other things that are planned globally. What I found interesting was that at about the 18 minute mark, he brings religion and the church into the video as Christianity being the saviour of mankind. That reminded me of the woman (no mask) I met at a store that was aware of the things the government, medical and media were doing, and unlike the mask wears that believe the government and medical establishment will save them; she had strong religious beliefs and that the rapture was going to same her.

Here one group believes politics and another believes religion will “save” them from the present social dilemma. What this triggered in me is that neither one will save us, and that we need to save ourselves in the here and now, that is also related to the hear-after, as we’re not here to experience all this if we weren’t meant to. I say this as we are a Spiritual being having a human experience, and what happens in the physical also affects the Spiritual.

I feel that the way to protect ourselves, not really protect… but to be immune to the 5G, the virus and the other things that we are and will be exposed to including the government and media propaganda, is to raise our vibration, our frequency. We don’t do that by obeying the government or by going to church and being a good Christian. We do that by no longer living the L.O.A.D (Lies, Omission, Avoidance and Denials) that we presently experience in our everyday lives. The LOAD is also the MASK we wear to hide our true feelings in order to be accepted by others. It’s our LOAD that lowers our frequency and in the process, creates disease and aging. We need to be real with ourselves and others, and that includes openly expressing what we’re feeling about what we are experiencing in the moment we experience it. And that includes the good, bad and ugly. It’s doing what we have never done before, individually or collectively as society

I also feel that 5G is basically the carrier and not the real problem. I was thinking of the sound and a dog whistle. When the whistle hits a certain note (frequency), dogs can hear it while humans can’t and it doesn’t affect us. Another example is the take a radio or TV. We need to tune in to a certain frequency to hear or see what is being broadcast. Whatever the modulated frequency being used by the 5G network its purpose is to affect the electro/magnetic nature of the human body. I feel it can also be manipulated (tuned) to various frequencies that affect different aspects of our electro/magnetic physical Being and also be turned on and off to create confusion. Different people, different symptoms. Some immediately, while others take longer, or symptoms that seem to come and go

Says 380 – How you are being controlled by (BS) Belief Systems.

This is exactly how society is controlled…by a Belief System (BS) that is an artificial construct.  The same holds true for the Easter Bunny,tooth fairy AND… all levels of government and organized religion (not God)…If you believe they exist and that you need to obey and follow them and their rules, then you are their puppet, their slave..

You don’t follow Hindu or Muslim customs and traditions.. WHY? It’s because you were not TAUGHT (imprinted and programed) with those social beliefs so they don’t apply to you and you are free of their control.

Food for thought… or not.

Says 375 – Love your enemies

If you’re a follower of the Christian religion, you have undoubtedly heard of the following biblical quote.. “Love your enemies.” Christian doctrine would have you believe that the loving thing to do is to turn the other cheek and forgive their unloving actions (self sacrifice) . In doing so you deny any expression that you were harmed, and subtly imply the judgment that you are better than them. Of course denial doesn’t work, and while they may temporary befriend you, you still carry the unresolved wound that is not as forgiven as you may think.   Food for thought… or not 🙂

Says 365 – The Mark of the Beast 666

It’s interesting the things that pop up on my Facebook time line. Although I have studied the bible and other religions, I’m not a follower of organized religion, in this case, Christianity and so I’m not drawn to bible thumpers and the Church or Jesus saves sales pitch. But this talk interested me and I was curious as to what he had to say. At around the 2:20 min mark he states that the Mark of the Beast is not a physical thing, but rather, it’s the LOVE and TRUTH (NOT religion – my comment) that you carry in your Heart. While those with the Mark of the Beast have unloving INTENT and heartlessness, aka DENIAL.

It makes a lot of sense and was a concept I never considered before. Everyone already has the Mark of the Beast as they live their lives in various forms of denial. Everyone also has choice; whether to carry on living in denial, or, to end ones denials and live in truth. You don’t need to be a Christian or follow any other religion to have a loving Heart. There are part-truths in all religions and one must gleam the wheat from the chaff to feel the meaning of the WORD. Let those that have eyes to see and ears to hear know the truth.

Here is the link to his podcast – The Mark of the Beast 666 Part 1 with Doug Batchelor

Says 201 – Christian prayer and dumbed down society

Says 201 - Lord Jesus save mePeople claim to be awake and even Spiritual, and yet they still hang on to their old religious beliefs and recite dogma and rhetoric at infinitum. They give so little thought to what they are thinking and saying, that I find it amazing that they can even tie their shoe laces. This is a classic example of religious (Christian) meme’s that have I have come across on the internet.

First point.. If these so-called Christians believe that they are a child of a God who is all knowing and powerful, and the creator of mankind and all that exists. That he has created everything for a purpose and reason, even though mortal man can’t comprehend or fathom what that is, except to believe that it is so, based on their religious beliefs.

BUT… Stupid mankind who believes all this, also doesn’t want to accept that what they are experiencing is right or good, and that God has fucked up and made a mistake, and that they know what he (note he, as there is no she in Christian God) should do.

Second point… But even that is screwed up as now they pray to God’s son (Jesus) telling him to help and SAVE them from all that they deem is God’s wrongful and hurtful design. They cast up their hands and wail in mournful prayer, commanding to be saved and healed. Advocating that they don’t have any responsibility or power to change the experiences that they deem undesirable.

Talk about a dumbed down society, religion has to be the number one leader in how to do that, and collect a mass following of sheep, followed closely by politics. As the old saying goes.. “Bullshit baffles brains,” and until people can get their mind to question their old Belief System, or BS as I like to call it, they are doomed to remain as they are. The dilemma one faces when questioning religious BS, is that you will certainly be attacked and admonished for such behavior and will most likely be deemed a blasphemous heathen, bound to burn in hell.

Okay, so now that I’ve shit on this meme PRAYER image, let me say what a person could use this for in a way that would empower them. It’s all about intent and whether it is loving or not. Prayer can be used to tell or command, like in the image above, or it can be used to ask for guidance. If you add the words.. “Help me to…” to the text, that changes the intent to where you take responsibility for your experiences, even though you don’t understand why you are having them, but that you are open to hear what your options might be so that YOU can solve YOUR issues. And to quote the so-called good book, “Ask and ye shall receive.” Food for thought.. Or not

Says 198 – Religion Is ‘Made Up’ & Used To Control People

says 198 - Religions around teh worldHere is an good article at Collective-Evolution that exposes religion for what it really is.  It also includes a YouTube video by Jon Shelby Sponge, a retired American bishop of the Episcopal Church

<quote> In the video, Sponge affirms that “religion is always in the control business, and that’s something people don’t really understand. It’s in the guilt producing control business.”

Every church I know claims that we are the true church, and they have some ultimate authority. . .  The idea that the truth of God can be bound in any human system by any human creed by any human book, is almost beyond imagination for me. God is not a Christian, God is not a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindu a Buddhist; all of those are human systems which human beings have created to try to help us walk into the mystery of God. <end quote>

Says 168 – The unseen role of denial in guilt and shame

When purchasing the Hyundai Santa Fe, the saleswoman asked me for the copy of the company web page I had brought along, showing the Santa Fe. I saw her then show them to the others she had discussions with that were out of earshot. It wasn’t until she placed the file folder she was carrying on her desk that I noticed the price in the top right hand corner that was higher that what she had quoted me and had agreed upon. While I suspected what had happened, she and they never admitted it or approached me, which was denial on their part. In their denial, they also gave me no choice, as the matter was not up for discussion, unless of course, I listened to Guilt and Shame that were now on me, once I had this realization. They were not there before, and that I was a clue for me that there was more to this experience.

guilt-300x299However, Guilt and shame were on me, but I also knew that if I listened to them, I’d be in denial. Guilt and Shame are not of my Essence, and wold have me try to save and make things right for the people and company that was in denial, and denied anything was wrong. Guilt and Shame would have me try to CONTROL them, to make them tell the truth and end their denials.

It’s not my job or responsibility to CONTROL or FORCE people to end their denials as that is their choice… Trying to do so, even if it benefits me, only puts me back into the same old world of denial that I am slowly breaking out of. I never saw the role that Guilt and Shame played in the unseen role of denial, it’s subtle, using guile and cunning, like the Inner Critic, to get you back into being in denial by being, nice, kind, caring, sharing, co-operative, compromising, loving, yadda yadda.

On Dec. 16 I picked up my vehicle and talked to the saleswoman that had sold me it. When I asked if there was an error on the web page pricing, she told me yes, big time.. but that they felt obligated to let me have it at that price including the $1,000.00 discount. I then told her how Guilt and Shame were on me to refuse the deal, or to not take the $1,000.00 discount, or to buy the drivetrain protection package, even though I didn’t think I needed it. She assured me that it was not my fault and that I was just lucky, in the right place at the right time.. I laughed and said, that yes, even the accident was lucky.. or I wouldn’t be here.. She told me to get in and drive away before the owner changes his mind..

Sin will find you outAn imprint, program and belief I have that empowers GUILT and SHAME are my old RELIGIOUS teachings that of being a SINNER.. Holy F**K …. as any presence of GUILT and SHAME would mean that I was dammed in HELL.. That I disobeyed God, and would be punished.. Even if I was innocent.. GUILT and SHAME have set themselves up to be judge, jury and executioner and a FALSE form of LOVE… Ah HA!!… Just flashed to my family being excommunicated by the Catholic Church when I was in Grade 7 because I refused to go to confession at school on Monday…as I had been to confession on Sunday (Mother’s Orders) and I had nothing to confess…Later, I had a lot of guilt and shame on me, that things would have been okay if I had just lied and did what they asked..

Says 148 – The Unholy Trinity

2013 March 30 – There are three places on Earth that are in a country but are not a part of that country and are situated in the middle of densely populated areas. These districts are completely autonomous and answerer to no other country or laws. They are;
unholy trinity
1) The City – the financial district in London, England
2) The District of Columbia in Washington USA
3) The Vatican in Rome Italy

I also got that they are representative of the unholy trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost

With Father being the King – England
Son – the Warrior – USA
The Holy Ghost – Religion – Italy

These districts control the major wealth, military and religions of the world.
Do a Google search and you will begin to see just how powerful these groups are.

Says 144 – All the world’s a stage

All the World is a stage2013 March 13 I just realized that people put on a mask or cloak of the company or agency that they are working for. As long as they are working and getting paid (rewarded) to do their job, they feel obliged to conform and carry out the rules and duties of their employer. If the person were to take off their uniform or corporate cloak and talk to other non-cloaked human beings, they would act differently.

It’s an illusion. We live in a world where people become what the corporation (a fictitious entity) led by a person or persons that are also wearing a mask or cloak, wants us to be. The result is that it creates our present reality, which in most cases, is unloving. This is especially true in government, military, religions, media, education, etc. The imprints, programs and beliefs are so ingrained in our psyche that it is difficult, and next to impossible to even identify that we’re wearing a mask, a cloak, as it is so interwoven into our daily activities, like walking and talking, where we are not consciously aware of each step we take or word we speak. We think we are normal and natural, totally oblivious to the fact that we are controlled by our imprints programs and beliefs to such a point that we have no concept of what and who we really are. Our reality is like what Shakespeare said in,

“As you like it,” Act II Scene VII

All the world’s a stage,
All the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,

Says 133 – Land of Pan and Sandy Hook

dark Wizard2013 Jan 19 The Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut reminds me of a story in the RUOW books and the dark Wizard (Lucifer) Book 1 (Chapter – The Land of Pan). The story is about how the Dark Wizard had organized duel contests, where he defeated every wizard that challenged him by denying the validity of the others wizards approach, and by insisting that the duels had to be done according to his rules. Some wizards that saw the duels refused his challenge and said he should be stopped. Others said that he was not such a bad guy after all, and still others tried to quiet their fears by telling themselves and others that he wasn’t really gaining power, that it was only an illusion that they weren’t going to believe. Light WizardThe Dark Wizard gained a lot of energy from these denials on which to feed and he got more and more powerful and found that he could do things right in front of others that they did not want to see, and they would not see them. If he was noticed, he denied what he was actually doing and said he was doing something else. Some that didn’t want to accept the horror of what was actually happening helped the wizard explain away his outrages.

Sandy Hook is a repeat of what happened in Pan, only in a different form. As long as the general public, “sheeple” continue to deny the reality they are experiencing, their reality will not only, not change, but will get worse. They avoid and deny what they see and feel because they have a false sense of hope, and have convinced themselves that things aren’t really as bad as others make them out to be and that the government will fix the problem, or that someone will save the day. Sad to say, it doesn’t look like they are going to change their denial based point-of-view until it is right in their face and up close and personal, and then watch them scream about the injustice and heartlessness they are experiencing, and then they will either be begging for help or trying to fight their oppressors.

Sand HookWe have been brainwashed for eons and naively believe and accept the illusions we experience, as being natural and reality. Politics, religion, media, etc., are all power and control based tools used by those in a position of power to maintain and expand their empires. The hypocrisy and unlovingness that is happening now, I witnessed and felt on a smaller scale as a child and I have seen it steadily increase, to where it is now becoming blatantly obvious and an in your face experience, yet people still continue to deny the falseness and heartlessness of it all. Politicians, religious leaders, media, etc., are caught red handed in their denials, lies, deception and heartlessness, yet it’s all dismissed by the general population (sheeple) as normal, while those that are aware and speak up, are shamed and ridiculed.

The awareness that there is something majorly wrong with this reality is what I call “the quickening,” the beginning of the stirrings of consciousness. The real challenge is to awaken and heal the parts of our Essence that has been damaged by our living in this heartless reality as that is when things will truly change.

Says 85 – Israel doing more saber rattling in preparation for war

2012 Sept 17 Monday Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Iran was just six to seven months away from the brink of being able to build a nuclear bomb.”
“Netanyahu’s sharpened rhetoric in recent days had stoked speculation that Israel might attack Iran before the U.S. election, believing that Obama would give it military help and not risk alienating pro-Israeli voters.”

“It’s the same fanaticism that you see storming your embassies today. You want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?” Netanyahu asked in the NBC interview, in a clear emotional appeal to Americans still reeling from the angry protests sparked by a film that mocked the Prophet Mohammad.”
What he’s NOT saying, what is being denied is that Israel has a stockpile of Nuclear weapons, and has had for decades. As long as they are the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, they don’t want anyone else with the same capabilities as that would neutralize base of power, which of course, is backed by the USA.

What he’s also not saying about the recent events and killing of US embassy staff is that the people were provoked by the recent release of the film, “Innocence of Muslims,” which is an anti Islam video that claims Islam is a lie and that Mohammed was a pedophile. Muslims are reacting to this religious insult just as Christians would also be outraged if anyone mocked Jesus, or Jews reacting to any anti Moses propaganda. Just because they’re Muslims reacting to their religious beliefs, they are called fanatics, while if that happened to Christians or Jews, their violent outbursts would be deemed justified.

The thing that is starting to come out about this film is that the film was endorsed and funded by the US government. Similar to the recent Colorado “Dark Knight Batman” Theatre Massacre, there is also a cover-up going on as things don’t add up and clearly points the finger at the US government and their agencies.

Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu

Who’s Sabotaging Iran’s Nuclear Program?

Twenty-five plus countries prepare for strike in Iran

Says 40 – Lost hopes, dreams, desires and innocence

2012 April 9 Lost hopes, dreams and desires are directly related to experiences where you had the opportunity to fulfill those dreams and desires, but you were either denied having the experience, or you denied it yourself. As much as you now hope and long for another opportunity to re-live the experience as you would like to do things differently, it’s also futile, as that moment has passed and things have changed. It’s is impossible to even pretend and deny that the original experience never happened. Even knowing that you have a second chance, doesn’t make it the original experience, as you already have that imprint, program and belief, that it is a lost hope, dream and desire, that was put in place from the original denied experience.

With that realization comes the feelings of heartbreak, as well as anger and rage at yourself for being held back, or for holding yourself back. While these feelings and emotions are quick to surface, what is harder to reach and also the most important is your denied terror, and why you felt your terror was correct at that time, in denying the experience.

What brought this topic up was my remembering a few experiences in my early adolescence. While I was curious about girls and wanted to talk with them and be friends, I was also afraid that I was bad or that others would think that I was bad. The reason behind those thoughts was due in part to my religious upbringing and my mother, and secondly was the result of being bullied and not wanting to say or do anything that would give others a reason to attack me. This was my terror that I denied, and as such, I denied any experiences where I had the desire to do so.
Now, decades later, I wonder what would have happened if? If I had done that, if I had said that, and hundreds of other if’s. Guilt and shame were also involved in keeping me from the experiences I was curious about and desired. This is also associated with lost innocence, innocence that I denied, and now, lost youth, as I’m now decades older, and I can’t relive my youth….or at least, that is my present belief.

It’s interesting that I added that as an afterthought as that thought came from nowhere. So maybe there is a way to heal all this and to reclaim lost innocence and fulfill my lost hopes, dreams and desires.

As I’m writing this, I’m feeling over whelmed at all that I have lost. I have very few memories of my childhood, adolescence, teen and even adult life. Not like some people I know that can remember minute details and even the exact date. What I do remember mostly are things associated with lost hopes, dreams and desires. I’m realizing that I was either living in the past, heartbroken and angry over what I had experienced, or I was in terror of what was awaiting me in the future. As such, I had very little of my conscious presence fully in the present moment.