Says 283 – It’s Magic, I’m back in the group

On Saturday night, I got a PM from the person in the group that I had spoken to previously. They said they had just chatted with the Admin of the group and that he said I wasn’t blocked. I went back to the site and tried to post a comment, and I was allowed. Next, I posted an image meme and that also went through.  It’s funny that someone inquiring if I was blocked and the Admin saying I wasn’t, was enough to change my status and allow me to post. It’s Magic.

Today, Sunday I posted a couple of more Meme topics and had a couple of good discussions.  Also today, In a different group, I had a discussion with a young woman on Spiritual energy attachments, how they are created, and how to remove them. At the end, she made the following comment.

<quote> It’s amazing how something seems so obvious to you normally, but combined with emotional issues, how suddenly your knowledge and understanding of how things should work go out the window. You clearing this path for me is much appreciated and needed. Endless thanks. <end quote>

I found it fulfilling that someone was able to grasp what I was sharing, and also see how their actions had created the situation that they were oblivious to, but now saw clearly.

Says 272 – A reversal of thought on food.

It’s interesting how the universe sets the stage and then slowly begins to shift your conscious awareness to what it wants to show you. A few days ago it was the banana thing and worrying about the food I eat. This morning I woke up thinking of food and how its been contaminated by GMO’s and chemical pesticides We worry if the food we buy will harm our bodies and so we take as many precautions as possible and keep informed of the lasted round of tainted food.

As I was thinking this, I suddenly had a thought that instead of worrying if a food is safe or not why not use INTENT and sound energy to remove anything that doesn’t serve our body’s highest purpose and good. This is not really new as Dr Emoto researched the effect of emotions and sounds on water and so have many other scientists.

Our bodies and the food we eat are made up of mostly water and other chemicals, and – common to all is that they are all energy, but at different frequencies. So there is this LINK between us, our human bodies, and food and water that we presently need to survive, that needs to be explored. Even plants respond to the human energy field that either helps them flourish, or shrivel and die. For that matter, the same holds true for animals. As I’m typing this the word that keeps popping into my head is LOVE… LOVE is LIFE and everything is connected by love, including its absence in varying degrees or what is commonly referred to as “conditional” love.

Says 262 – A Shift in Energy – A New Reality

10:40 pm – I’ve noticed a subtle shift in energy with the people in the building that I live in.  At first it was just Bob. We used to talk and joke around last summer, but by late fall, I sensed him pulling away and avoiding me. Mike, who is now dying, was also acting strange at the time.

Yesterday, I noticed other tenants and the landlord in the backyard. I joined them as they were discussing Mike’s situation. The whole conversation felt “off,” in a way that is difficult to describe. He wasn’t dead, yet they were talking about potential tenants, and getting rid of his “stuff.” Within a couple of minutes of me joining the group, the conversation changed topic. The whole situation felt odd and I felt estranged, out of place, like in a different reality, one that I didn’t belong in or one that they didn’t want me to be in.  I can’t really put my finger on it, but it felt weird.

11.30 pm – Now that I’ve reflect on it, it’s not just these people but others as well. As people that were chatty before have suddenly gone silent, while others that were silent, have become talkative and engaging. Is this the beginning of the separating of the denial Spirits and the Spirits in denial, from those choosing to end their denials? Is this the separation of the two realities, the duality that we have been living in for eons? This isn’t just being intuitively aware of loving and unloving energies, but actually sensing and seeing unloving denial energy people move away from you, or loving ones being drawn to you on a physical level.  Is this a step in creating our new reality, our new world?  Moving out of the world of illusion and into the real world. Things that make you go… hummmmm?

Says 227 – One thing leads to another

My journey is one of self-discovery and of seeking the truth that lies hidden. Body is a manifestation of both our Spirit (+) positive polarity energy and our Soul (-) negative polarity energy. Polarity is the opposing yet expanding attributes of the same power or principal, ie left right, up down, positive negative. Besides the physical Body (matter) which is a lower vibrational or energy frequency, we also have our higher frequency energy chakras that support the physical Body, including our Auras.

227-randolph-stoneHaving experienced Craniosacral Therapy reminded me of my meditation experiences and also of working with the Body that would trigger long lost and denied emotions. That then reminded me of POLARITY THERAPY by Rudolph Stone.  Years ago, a friend lent me three of his books  that intrigued me. I tried to get copies but they were out of print so I photocopied hers. At the time, I saw that he had some valid points, but that he was also missing key elements regarding our Spirituality and especially our feelings and emotions that I was personally working on.227-chart







I feel that now might be the right time to read his work again and take the parts that I feel I can use and try to see what they do in healing my physical and Spiritual bodies. I also feel that I’ll be working more with my Chakras as I feel it’s now beginning to come together, but what the together really is, I have yet to discover.  It’s interesting that Stone also combines aspects of Eastern Spirituality and healing modalities with Western Spirituality and medical concepts. East meets west; much like what I did when I was working on healing my feelings and emotions.

Says 181 – Love is not an emotion

LOve is not an emotionContrary to popular opinion, Love is not an emotion. It is a energy, a frequency or vibration that can be felt by not just empaths, but by animals, plants and the Earth itself. Not all energy is loving  and unloving (reversed polarity) love energy seeks to close, compress and control, while Unconditional Love is open, expanding, and evolving. Love, is the essence of life, while denial of love seeks death.

This concept will put an entirely new spin on what you thought love is, and the words, “I love,” will take on a different meaning and dimension. Love with conditions, or when denial is present, is what we are presently experiencing in varying degrees, and is also why we have disease and death.  Ending our denials and expressing the truth is what will enable us to create the life we desire, and yet to dream, here on Earth.

Says 110 – Feeding on energy and the money illusion

2012 Nov 04 Sunday. People feed on our energy, just as we are feeding on others. They feed on our energy by what we do, work, play, shop (consumed products) and of course money. It’s in the exchange of money that most of our energy is either given or taken. Everything is energy and we exchange our physical and mental energy to get a piece of paper (money) that we then use to get energy (things) from others.

 In all this there is always the middleman, the moneylenders, that feed on the interest they charge for the use of money that they fabricate without really putting anything of their energy into it.  The problem with this system is in the governments, corporations, banks and other financial institutions especially the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Canada that charge interest on the money they fabricate. The personal energy it takes to print a $1 or $1,000 bill is the same, yet the interest charged is 1000 fold and doesn’t represent any real work or energy by the people authorizing the printing of it. This interest charged is energy that one needs to provide that is above and beyond what they originally expended. The people receiving this interest payment of energy do so without lifting a finger as it comes from the blood, sweat, and tears of those that are slaves to the system.

Even more of a problem is that people borrow money to buy things that they can’t afford and so they are locked into working to pay the interest on the money they borrowed.  They have to work at what they don’t like so that they can have what they desire. They give up years of their lives just to pay interest on the debt they owe so, that the moneylenders can have the life they desire without having to work and do what they don’t want.

The irony is that while we desire to have the ”good life” like the moneylenders and the fat cats in big corporations and government positions, little  do we know that by our buying into the mindset they have given us, that we are the ones that have put them in that position, while we have to struggle.

Says 96 – Air, or what is classified as a gas, is really a fluid

Air behaves very much like a fluid in that it is not as light and porous as we imagine it to be. It also exhibits certain magnetic or surface tension characteristics and properties.

I say this as I was lying on my bed and noticed a speck of dust floating in the air above me as light coming through the window above and behind me was being reflected off it. I slowly raised my hand, pointing at it with my index finger. NO matter how slowly I moved, it always moved away from me. I couldn’t’ touch it as there always appeared to be a 2 – 3 inch separation. I could move it to the left or right with my finger directing its motion, but there was no way that I could capture it. It was like I was always pushing it away from me or it was being repelled from me. It reminded me of the surface tension of a leaf on water.

This also got me to thinking and questioning my beliefs of what a solid is. I feel that what we call solids is also fluid, just is a denser for. Space is a fluid. Air is a fluid, Water is a fluid, Wood is a fluid, Rock is a fluid. So why can’t everything, including what we call matter be just different forms of fluids? If everything is energy and vibration, it is constantly moving and thus, it’s a fluid. So space, gas, liquids and solids are all is a fluid state of motion. So if we can move though space, air and water, why can’t we move though solids.Things that make you go Hummmm.

Says 87 – Hate and Compassion

2012 Sept 10 Hate, like love, is energy and when you hate a person, place or thing you are projecting a part of your energy (unlovingness) toward that which you hate. This energy (thought form) goes out and attacks the person, place or thing and tries to form an attachment to it as a means of having power and control over it. If the person that is being attacked is in denial, an attachment is created and when that happens, they are literally feeding the other person their energy, as well as drawing the unloving energy that is being directed at them, into their Body. You know you have an attachment when you feel depressed and angry and you body will feel tired, drained and sore, etc., as well as having this person in your thoughts. If they are of unloving intent and have activated you, and you have gapped and gone into denial, then they thrive on your fear as that is sending them your energy (food) as that keeps them going, keeps them alive.

If you have intent to end this hatred that is being directed at others, you need to become aware of when you are being activated and triggered into this denied rage and hatred and then find the source of this hatred energy and release it. If you have intent to heal and end the hatred that is being directed at you, and your fear of confronting that hatred, you also need to find the source of your fear and release it, and in the process, heal that part of you. But, there is always a but. This is not as simple as it seems as there are also issues of denied terror and heartbreak that also have to be touched and healed for true healing to take place.

Compassion I was doing my exercises this morning and thought of a friend and how I’ve been noticing her moving further and further away, meaning having less and less mental awareness and consciousness. I know there is nothing I can do to save her, as she has free Will and must make the choice to save herself. Even if I tried to pull her out of her downward spiral, she would either fight to resist me, or, if she responded, it would only be as long as I was supporting her and as soon as I let go, she would drift back down again as she has no intent to change the heart to do it.

I then thought of the word compassion and that it’s knowing that you can’t help a person, and that you just have to let them go. That’s different than being in a situation where you know you can help another, like grabbing someone that is preoccupied and about to walk in front of a moving bus. You respond in the moment and then, what they do or don’t do after that moment is their choice. Is example is by no means the only form of compassion and while they are different situations, what is similar in all is that there is no attachment to the person, place or thing.

Says 55 – I’m Back on my Blog – Basic details of my trip out West

I’m not going to go into any details, but simply give you an outline of what has happened these past two months. Seems like time is just flying.

May 22 – Drove to Edmonton where I met an internet friend – Rick
May 23 – 24 From Edmonton, drove to Kamloops, and then the next day to Kelowna where I tried to hook up with some old friends but that was not to be, as the stores had closed and people moved. Picked up some food poisoning from a curried chicken pita I ate for supper.

May 24 – 26 From Kelowna, I drove down to Osoyoos as I was planning to spend some time in the area. After Osoyoos, I was also planning to re-visit some hot springs around Cranbrook that I had been to in 2005 and then stop in and see a friend in Lethbridge on Monday, before heading back to Regina. While I had all these plans, I wasn’t in any mood to do any exploring as I wasn’t feeling well. With the weekend coming up, I decided to skip Osoyoos, and push on to Creston BC where I spent the night. Still not feeling well on Saturday morning, I decided to drive back to Regina, arriving around 8:30 pm.

NOTE: A couple of unusual things happened to me on my trip from Penticton to Cranbrook. I was driving through the mountains when suddenly I got very dizzy and felt disoriented. It felt like I was driving though waves, like the kind you see rising off the pavement on a hot summer day. I felt I had passed though an energy field of some kind that was physically affecting me, so much so that I had to stop and get out of the Honda and get grounded. It wasn’t until later that I realized that this area is the area where there have been minor earthquake activity. So now, I am wondering if what I was feeling and sensing was the energy of the pressure points in the Earths crust that eventually will cause an earthquake. Although the Earthquake map show them as only 2.1 in magnitude, I feel that much larger one will be occurring in this area that will also have a major effect on transportation and other services in this mountainous region.

Says 33 – Message on Clearing illness and aging from the Body.

2012 March 30 2:30 am, Before I went to bed I was read a few pages in the “Right Use of Will” RUOW (Page 2) on clearing illness and habits. When I went to bed, I had been thinking of how to heal my Body and later I awoke hearing the following message. I reached now and picked up my journal that I have between my night table and my bed , turned the light on and began to write the following message.

Say this aloud and make it your intent.

Body, I am here to help you heal yourself. What is it that you desire me to help you come into full Being? I will listen to your wants, needs, and desires and will do my best to fulfill them? I know that I have not listened to you in the past and have gotten you to do what I wanted and thought was the right thing. I know you are also holding a lot of the Wills denied energy and I am ready to help you release it and to help you and the Will heal and come into full consciousness, glory and power. This is my intent, This is my intent with Body, Will and Heart. I ask that you teach me, to help me listen to you, and to know that it is your Will, your true desire. It is time to end this battle, this struggle, as it is life that we all desire and so to achieve that, we all need to let go of all that does not serve our highest purpose and good.

We sense your doubt and fear, and like your brothers comment to Peter “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt,” we want to add, that what he did not say was that,” You know that all things are possible, you have only to imagine them and they will manifest for your experience.”

I ask Father, Mother and the Company of Heaven to help me, help us bring Heaven to Earth and to live life as we have never know it. Amen.