Says 423 – Journeys from the Heart Centre (eBook 1 Free)


Journeys from the Heart Centre Meditation as a tool for healing and Self-empowerment

My first book is free in the following eBook formats: PDF, ePub and Kindle Mobi.

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Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Chapter 1 – Wellness and Self-empowerment Tools
• Chapter 2 – Breath, Grounding, Relaxing, and Centering
• Chapter 3 – Denial Based Meditation
• Chapter 4 – Non-Denial Based Meditation
• Chapter 5 – Visualization Journeys
• Chapter 6 – Animal Guides and Totems
• Chapter 7 – Clearing your Astral Attachments
• Chapter 8 – Exploring Past Lives
• Chapter 9 – Life Guides and Higher Self
• Chapter 10 – Conscious Channeling
• Chapter 11 – Feeling, Healing and Understanding Emotions
• Chapter 12 – Multi-dimensional Journeys
• Chapter 13 – Other Journeys
• Conclusion
• About the Author
• Appendix

Says 412 – Speaking your truth in a reality of bullshit.

Internet image. not image of health food store.

Today I went to the health food store and they have signs on the door indicating that you must wear a mask and must use the hand sanitizers to be able to go into the store. I walked in and a man in his 40’s wearing a mask came over to me told me I have to wear masks and sanitize my hands. I stated that I can’t wear a mask because I can’t breathe and that I’m allergic to hand sanitizers.

He saw the list I had in my hand and said that he would pick up the products I wanted and that I should wait here.
I said, “No I want to shop myself. I don’t have the product names but I know what they look like.”
He said, “You can’t shop here without a mask and sanitizing your hands.”
I said, “Fine, you have a choice. You can either let me shop without a mask and using hand sanitizers, or I walk out and take my business elsewhere”

I couldn’t see his mouth but his eyes blinked a couple times, then he nodded his head indicating he was accepting my terms and waived his right arm to usher me into the store. As I walked to the shelves he said that I should use this counter, (pointing) when I wanted to check out.

I did my shopping, paid my bill with cash and briefly chatted with the girl that was not wearing a mask and not behind any plastic shield of any kind. I got the impression that she’s not a happy camper working where she is regarding all the covid-19 BS.

It’s bad enough that the government, medical and media bullshit us.. but that business also try the same shit. I spoke my truth and stood my ground. He was in denial and knew it.. An example of how truth (love) prevails over lies, omission, avoidance and denials.

Says 397 – The 2020 CoronaCrash and things to come

Well here we go… The collapse of the system and the old blueprint of creation and the beginning and implantation of a new blueprint….

This video holds a lot of “Food for thought” regarding the virus and current economic and social conditions and future possibilities. Take what resonates for you, but I suggest you watch at least to the first 25 minutes

Here is the video link.     CORONACRASH: This is the New 9/11 That Will Be Far Worse Than The Great Depression

I posted this video via a youtube link back in 2020 March 13. The video is no longer available due to YouTube’s censorship of the truth… Luckily, I had downloaded a copy, and after some effort, I was able to get it reduced to 142MB, down from 1.3GB so that I could upload it to my blog.

Says 396 – CoronaVirus and world control

The Virus is a distraction from the main agenda of the N.W.O. which is far deadlier than the virus could ever be. It’s a test to see if the dumbed down sheeple are ready to be totally controlled and to obey their masters. And by the looks of things, they are. I’ve mentioned “the Beast” a few times and the 10 heads or sectors that it controls..

Says 378 – Abuse – Inner and Outer Battle

While this dance routine is about domestic violence, (the outer battle) it can be seen and felt as much more. It can be seen as the violence (inner battle) between Spirit (mind) Male – and the Will, (Intuition, feelings, emotions) Female…. Where the Mind is in control of its feelings and emotions and allows no movement other than those that are aligned with the Minds beliefs and hidden agenda.

Says 377 – When we deny parts of ourselves

I saw this meme and comment on my timeline and felt I needed to post it, along with the comment.. It’s a good visual representation of how empaths, people that have real feelings and emotions try to survive in a world of people that pretend to have feelings and emotions. They are constantly denying and pushing away the parts that they feel are not acceptable to those they are trying to be like..The more they try to be like “them,” the more they become less of who they truly are.

<Quote> “By choosing not to allow parts of ourselves to exist, we are forced to expend huge amounts of psychic energy to keep them beneath the surface.” ~ Debbie Ford <end quote>       Art: Julián Totino Tedesco

Says 375 – Love your enemies

If you’re a follower of the Christian religion, you have undoubtedly heard of the following biblical quote.. “Love your enemies.” Christian doctrine would have you believe that the loving thing to do is to turn the other cheek and forgive their unloving actions (self sacrifice) . In doing so you deny any expression that you were harmed, and subtly imply the judgment that you are better than them. Of course denial doesn’t work, and while they may temporary befriend you, you still carry the unresolved wound that is not as forgiven as you may think.   Food for thought… or not 🙂

Says 373 – When you find truth and love, everyone will love you… NOT!

I saw this meme on my Facebook time line. I chuckled and said, yes and no…

In your arduous inner journey to your Heart Centre, you will experience ending your denials, knowing the truth, and feeling  unconditional love.. Now, when moving outwardly, there are many…and I mean MANY… that do not like love or the truth because they are living a lie and they are afraid of their denials being exposed, and that bothers them BIG time. In truth… you will be more alone (and happy) than you were before your journey when you had fake friends and relatives hanging around you. Yes, there will be people that you will connect with on different levels, but most will avoid you, which is the opposite of what is suggested in this meme.

Says 372 – Ego vs Altered Ego

As you can see, I edited this meme as I don’t agree with Mr. Dyer’s point of view. To me, the Ego defines us who we are, unique individuals separate from one another. It is the Ego that has become altered thought imprints, programs and beliefs that creates a false sense of who we are. We don’t need to let go of our Ego and as some would believe, become egoless; we need to let go of our imprints, programs and beliefs that have created the altered and false persona of our Ego.I posted on this topic a while back. Says 154 – The Death of the Altered Ego.

To get a concept of what letting go of the Ego really means, think of society where everyone thinks, acts and does the same thing.  No mind or thoughts of your own. No imagination. No feelings and emotions expressed that don’t fit into the “normal” dictated by society.

Says 370 – Unexpressed Emotions

It’s not that the emotions are ugly… it’s what the long denied emotions are holding that is ugly..  The unlovingness that one originally experienced is taken in and accepted, and is added to by the self-imposed denial of emotional expression and this is what is finally being exposed for what it is. During an unloving physical, mental and emotional attack; if all the feelings and emotions are not expressed, the unloving energy of the attack is accepted into our being and imprints, programs and beliefs are set in place that holds and locks the denied feelings and emotions from moving and creates a cycle of similar unloving experiences. Until such time that one consciously chooses to delve into their past unresolved issues and fears, to heal and retrieve those lost and damaged parts of our being, nothing changes and death, created by denial, begins its process.- Shenreed

Says 368 – Conditional love

This meme is one of the “NOT” true New Age Spiritual quotes. To know what love is, you need to know what is NOT love.

To know what unconditional love is, you need to know what denial is. And you can only know, through personal experience, not through hearsay or what you have been taught.


There are infinite forms of love, including love with conditions, which is the love we experience most of the time. Not only in our relationship with others, but ourselves  Any form of lies, omission, avoidance and denial makes love conditional. Unconditional love is love that we have only experienced fleeting moments of, and is something that we have yet to experience fully in our relationship with others and everything. It’s also not something that we can only obtain in heave nor whatever after life you believe in. – Shenreed


Says 367 – Saying No!

Saying NO… Sounds easy, but is one of the hardest things to do as GUILT will try to back you down every time you try to take a stand. You also need to learn to say NO to GUILT.

Here is a video by Lady Gag a revealing how she finally had the courage to say no to a lot of things that she was doing to please other people, and to make her feel she was worthy and accepted.

Says 365 – The Mark of the Beast 666

It’s interesting the things that pop up on my Facebook time line. Although I have studied the bible and other religions, I’m not a follower of organized religion, in this case, Christianity and so I’m not drawn to bible thumpers and the Church or Jesus saves sales pitch. But this talk interested me and I was curious as to what he had to say. At around the 2:20 min mark he states that the Mark of the Beast is not a physical thing, but rather, it’s the LOVE and TRUTH (NOT religion – my comment) that you carry in your Heart. While those with the Mark of the Beast have unloving INTENT and heartlessness, aka DENIAL.

It makes a lot of sense and was a concept I never considered before. Everyone already has the Mark of the Beast as they live their lives in various forms of denial. Everyone also has choice; whether to carry on living in denial, or, to end ones denials and live in truth. You don’t need to be a Christian or follow any other religion to have a loving Heart. There are part-truths in all religions and one must gleam the wheat from the chaff to feel the meaning of the WORD. Let those that have eyes to see and ears to hear know the truth.

Here is the link to his podcast – The Mark of the Beast 666 Part 1 with Doug Batchelor

Says 362 – Running on lukewarm

I found this post on my Facebook timeline. I found this post on my Facebook timeline. It reminded me of the phrase I often use of “bent intent.”  Where a person says the right words, but doesn’t have the courage (steam) to put them into action. I liked this story so I’ve copied it from facebook  Planet Earth One Frame At A Time

<quote> “Before water generates steam, it must register two hundred and twelve degrees of heat. Two hundred degrees will not do it; two hundred and ten will not do it. The water must boil before it will generate enough steam to move an engine, to run a train. Lukewarm water will not run anything.

A great many people are trying to move their life trains with lukewarm water—or water that is almost boiling—and they are wondering why they are stalled, why they cannot get ahead. They are trying to run a boiler with two hundred or two hundred and ten degrees of heat, and they cannot understand why they do not get anywhere.”

Lukewarmness in his work stands in the same relation to man’s achievement as lukewarm water does to the locomotive boiler. No man can hope to accomplish anything great in this world until he throws his whole soul, flings his force to his whole life, into it.” <end quote>

Says 361 – What other people think of you

This is a powerful and profound message. It’s a simple and effective way of cutting through the bullshit of so-called friends, to find the truth of what they really are in your relationship. A simple change in perspective and the whole experience shifts dramatically.

Says 360 – Becoming the Real You.

Imprints, programs and beliefs all are responsible for the altered persona that we take on to live our life and that be believe to be the true expression of who we are. When these are slowly stripped away, the real and authentic you is revealed and you then begin to live the life you desire, not the false one that you were programmed with.

Says 358 – The REAL meaning of faith

I found this meme that instills the real meaning of FAITH… without the religious overtures and overtones…. like; what faith are you? Do you have faith in Jesus Christ? Do you have faith in our lord. By faith are you saved. Have faith in Allah. etc. etc.. Faith isn’t about a religion or religious belief; it’s the inner strength and courage to keep going to find the truth  and love you are looking for in the here and now.

Faith can be blinded by hope. A false hope where one advocates responsibility for their circumstances and hopes things will change with minimum effort or that someone will come and rescue them.

Food for thought… or not.

Says 349 – Using Failure as Stepping Stones

Use failure as stepping stones. You need to know what does NOT work in order to know what does. Like riding a bike. You need to try new things and FAIL, (fall down) in order to learn what you did wrong, that you will not do the next time. If you keep falling and doing the same thing over and over, then know you are not THINKING and looking for the cause of your failure. And no. it’s NOT the bike or the road you are on, or anything else you might want to blame.

Says 345 – Love, Receiving and Giving

This video is a Part-truth… The Rabi went off on a tangent when he said that “self love is a given.” If that were a truth, then we would not have a fish love need to give, to invest part of yourself in another, as that is just the opposite of receiving. Just because it’s the opposite, doesn’t mean it is true. Night is the opposite of day, Hot is the opposite of cold, Dry is the opposite of wet…

To fine the truth, one really needs to THINK and QUESTION what one believes to be the truth and fact. Asking yourself, who, what, where, when, why and how are the basic “mental” tools required to solve a problem. The next criteria to solving the problem is to apply the “mental” concepts to ones physical reality, in other words, to “Walk your talk” to see if what you THINK is really the truth or simply a part-truth that requires more thought and application to uncover the hidden denials.

Says 323 – Love, honesty, truth and respect

While on the “surface” this seems like an OK meme – BUT – when you really feel and think into it, it’s twisted. Yes, it has a part-truth in it, and that is how “they” set you up for the rest. I say set up as it was either done intentionally, or, the person is just presently ignorant as to what love is, and has the belief that it needs to include other words to give it meaning (which is love, but love  with conditions) which isn’t what he/she was talking about.

Let me explain. Three of these words are really meaningless. If a person knows and feels what real love is, by real, I mean unconditional, and NO, you don’t have to die and go to heaven to experience unconditional love, and NO, your dog doesn’t give you unconditional love either. You can experience here on Earth if you just stop bull-shitting yourself and denying what you are really feeling and be real, honest and truthful and have respect for your soulful expression.

OK, I digressed . LOL – The only important word is LOVE. If you have love in whatever or with whoever you are experiencing, then honesty, truth and  respect are a natural given, as those are an intrinsic part of what Unconditional love (without conditions) is.  You don’t have to go and demand respect, honesty and truth, if real love is present.

Anyway, Food for thought – or not. 🙂

Says 322 – Feeling different, lost and alone. – Feeling different

Admit it. You think and feel different. You feel you don’t fit into society. You feel lost and alone. You feel like the little match girl, always on the outside looking in. You want to be like them, but you know you aren’t like them, not even close. You may dress like them, listen to the same music, watch the same TV shows, go to the same movies or clubs, do the same things they do, but at the same time, you know and feel this is not for you. The more you try to fit in and belong, the more you feel alone and like an outsider, watching the so-called “normal people” go about their robotic existence they call life. Even our customary greeting of, “How are you?” and the generic reply, “Fine, and you?” feels fake and phony, not real. You’re confused and wonder why this is happening to you. Why are you different?

Face it. You want to be your real self, yet you’re afraid to show it for fear of being rejected or even attacked like you have been in the past. You want to talk to the man or woman in the grocery store or in the mall, but you hesitate because they are strangers, and so you and deny and just walk on by. But consider this, what if the man or woman wanted to talk to you but felt the same way you do. So in that moment, both missed an opportunity to connect with another that feels and thinks alike, and so you both stay in your little box, feeling shut out from the world you desire to be a part of. It isn’t about the other person, it’s all about you. They may not respond to you the way you hoped, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you made the effort to go out of your comfort zone: to end your denials and love yourself enough to dare to be real and authentic. You will never know unless you try and unless you try, you will never know. Who knows what doors you may open by taking a chance on a conversation you intuitively feel you need to begin. Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle and everyone that comes into your life, does so for a reason. Trust your intuition, take a risk, expect the unexpected. See what magic the universe has in store for you.


Says 317 – When another person makes you suffer

So what is wrong with this advice?

What’s wrong is that it states that self-sacrifice is love. While there is a part-truth in that the person attacking you may be hurt and suffering, that’s no reason to allow them to control and manipulate you. There is no need to punish them, only to stand your ground and make it clear that you do not accept their abuse and will not tolerate it. Open a dialogue and help them help themselves. If they deny and don’t want to discuss it, let them go. If you allow this, then it is YOU that needs help.

Here is another version of the same problem. Where someone is treating you badly, but you have this denied superiority judgment on what you believe is love; that just because they are treating you badly, YOU will not stoop to their level and do what you consider to be bad to them. It’s the unseen role of denial and judgments that keeps you in the endless cycle if abuse.


Says 315 – Authority – But it’s illegal

I‘ve known for years that there is bullshit going on in Society, but until it smacks you in the face PERSONALLY it seems unreal and distant, like a story you heard others repeat. The Insurance companies, doctors, medical experts, government, police, lawyers, etc., that I‘ve had to recently deal with, have really hit this issue home. How CORRUPT the SYSTEM really is and how much denial is present in everyday interactions with these Denial Spirits or love Spirits in denial.
They are everywhere and the people you TRUST, that you have been told and believe they are there for you – AREN’T. They are there for themselves, either with greed to get as much power and gelt as they can, or they are just following orders and doing their job to get money to survive. Either way, they aren’t being honest and real and are just putting on an ACT that may have some part-truths, but only enough to get you to trust THEM and doubt yourself, and in that they have power over you. Of course, now I’m speaking up and calling bullshit when I see and smell it, and guess what happens? NOTHING! They either don’t comment or reply, or they change the subject. This latest exchange is with the person that represents me as a so-called lawyer and legal advisor. I won’t say too much as those that know, know what I mean, and those that don’t. – well – keep on guessing. LOL