Says 325 – Gaslighting

It’s interesting how these meme’s pop up on my Facebook  time line. Gaslighting ties in with my previous post on Cognitive Dissonance, except there’s a reversal with a more assertive approach to get you to deny your truth and accept their version.

Says 324 – Cognitive Dissonance – The unseen role of denial.

I had posted this topic before Says 318 – Cognitive Dissonance & Misinformation but I didn’t realize until this morning that cognitive dissonance is so persuasive and in control of our society. Initially, I related it with politics and religion, but it is far more insidious than that as its vile tentacles reach into the very core and heart of our being.

Cognitive dissonance is when you’re basically an honest and loving person, and you know the truth and the difference between right and wrong, but have now changed to the opposite polarity, that of denial and unlovingness. Where this gets twisted and unloving is when one has been coerced, either though monetary gain, indoctrinated, or is just innocently willing to help another that seems to be in trouble to tell a lie, or a little white lie as it’s sometimes called. They tell the lie and then repeat it enough times and soon enough they begin to believe the lie is the truth. If asked, they will have either forgotten their own truth, or they choose deny it. They have been corrupted into being in denial and living a lie, and even worse, they are oblivious to that fact and will defiantly state otherwise.

Now getting down to the nitty gritty. Like I said, I originally equated it with politics and religion, but it is everywhere in society. Military, police, lawyers, judges, financial institutions, media, education, science, technology, industry, food, water, medical, doctors, pharmaceuticals, energy, transportation, etc.. Basically, anyone that is in the “work force” is living a lie. They are told how to do things if they want to keep their job, and even though they know that what they are doing is wrong, a lie and unloving, they still do it and will defend their actions, even if their only reason for doing so is that they are just, “doing their job and following orders.” So when you spend so much of your time “living a lie,” is it any wonder you can’t make the changes you would like in your life,  without a major shift in your consciousness that is terrifying, as it goes against everything that you believe to be true.

Says 323 – Love, honesty, truth and respect

While on the “surface” this seems like an OK meme – BUT – when you really feel and think into it, it’s twisted. Yes, it has a part-truth in it, and that is how “they” set you up for the rest. I say set up as it was either done intentionally, or, the person is just presently ignorant as to what love is, and has the belief that it needs to include other words to give it meaning (which is love, but love  with conditions) which isn’t what he/she was talking about.

Let me explain. Three of these words are really meaningless. If a person knows and feels what real love is, by real, I mean unconditional, and NO, you don’t have to die and go to heaven to experience unconditional love, and NO, your dog doesn’t give you unconditional love either. You can experience here on Earth if you just stop bull-shitting yourself and denying what you are really feeling and be real, honest and truthful and have respect for your soulful expression.

OK, I digressed . LOL – The only important word is LOVE. If you have love in whatever or with whoever you are experiencing, then honesty, truth and  respect are a natural given, as those are an intrinsic part of what Unconditional love (without conditions) is.  You don’t have to go and demand respect, honesty and truth, if real love is present.

Anyway, Food for thought – or not. 🙂

Says 322 – Feeling different, lost and alone. – Feeling different

Admit it. You think and feel different. You feel you don’t fit into society. You feel lost and alone. You feel like the little match girl, always on the outside looking in. You want to be like them, but you know you aren’t like them, not even close. You may dress like them, listen to the same music, watch the same TV shows, go to the same movies or clubs, do the same things they do, but at the same time, you know and feel this is not for you. The more you try to fit in and belong, the more you feel alone and like an outsider, watching the so-called “normal people” go about their robotic existence they call life. Even our customary greeting of, “How are you?” and the generic reply, “Fine, and you?” feels fake and phony, not real. You’re confused and wonder why this is happening to you. Why are you different?

Face it. You want to be your real self, yet you’re afraid to show it for fear of being rejected or even attacked like you have been in the past. You want to talk to the man or woman in the grocery store or in the mall, but you hesitate because they are strangers, and so you and deny and just walk on by. But consider this, what if the man or woman wanted to talk to you but felt the same way you do. So in that moment, both missed an opportunity to connect with another that feels and thinks alike, and so you both stay in your little box, feeling shut out from the world you desire to be a part of. It isn’t about the other person, it’s all about you. They may not respond to you the way you hoped, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you made the effort to go out of your comfort zone: to end your denials and love yourself enough to dare to be real and authentic. You will never know unless you try and unless you try, you will never know. Who knows what doors you may open by taking a chance on a conversation you intuitively feel you need to begin. Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle and everyone that comes into your life, does so for a reason. Trust your intuition, take a risk, expect the unexpected. See what magic the universe has in store for you.


Says 318 – Cognitive Dissonance and Misinformation

The image on the left is the current meme definition of cognitive dissonance that is flooding the internet. The original definition of cognitive dissonance, is when you know the truth, but have been “persuaded” to change your mind and accept and promote the lie as the truth. The most common examples can be found in politics and religion. I searched the net to find the old video where this term came from but could not find it, instead, there were a bunch of BS ones like this Meme. The original meaning, based on the 1950’s video, is what I shared on the right side.

However, I did post it on my blog a while back and I feel it important to post it again. Here is the link to the ORIGINAL psychotically experiments carried out back in the 50’s .

This video from the mid 1950’s explains, by example, what cognitive dissonance is and HOW it is created… As you can see, this modern definition twists that into something entirely different. The meaning of cognitive dissonance has now been changed, just like the word psychopath and been changed to sociopath. This change in meaning and the flooding of the internet with false and misleading videos and information is something that I’ve been noticing the past few years. Don’t be fooled by word or definition changes. Bullshit is still bullshit, even if they call it a mud pie or chocolate pudding.

Says 317 – When another person makes you suffer

So what is wrong with this advice?

What’s wrong is that it states that self-sacrifice is love. While there is a part-truth in that the person attacking you may be hurt and suffering, that’s no reason to allow them to control and manipulate you. There is no need to punish them, only to stand your ground and make it clear that you do not accept their abuse and will not tolerate it. Open a dialogue and help them help themselves. If they deny and don’t want to discuss it, let them go. If you allow this, then it is YOU that needs help.

Here is another version of the same problem. Where someone is treating you badly, but you have this denied superiority judgment on what you believe is love; that just because they are treating you badly, YOU will not stoop to their level and do what you consider to be bad to them. It’s the unseen role of denial and judgments that keeps you in the endless cycle if abuse.


Says 308 – The power of love vs the love of power

The Power of Love vs the love of power

No longer obeying and playing by the rules, doesn’t mean that one needs to physically revolt and fight those in a position of power; unless that is what you think/feel is necessary. To truly oppose those in a position of power, you need to realize that their power is derived from your, and societies, denials and belief that you are compelled to obey the laws that they have set forth as truth, and willingly accept that they have authority over your sovereign being. It’s your beliefs, judgments, fear and denials that give them the power to do what they have been, and are doing.

But, there is always the proverbial but, you can’t change the outer reality until you change your inner reality, and that means letting go of your old beliefs and judgments and also ending your denials of expressing yourself when you feel you are being controlled and manipulated. All this is the OPPOSITE of what you have been doing and that is where the POWER of LOVE comes into play. Those that have a LOVE of POWER fear the POWER of LOVE, as it means that they now have no power over you as you are not giving it to them by way of your denials. Ending your denials ends their source of power. The power of love (self-love) overcomes the love of power. Simple, but if it were that simple the world would not be in the state it is. Talking the talk is easy, but walking the talk isn’t, as it goes against everything that you believe is true, and it’s also something that you have never done before so you don’t know if it works or not.

Know that most people are denial spirits or spirits in denial, and so the truth will feel like hatred to them. They will use any means to get you to deny expressing your truth as they need you to be in denial so that they can continue to have power over you. Some of the techniques they will use are intimidation, interrogation, oh poor me, withdrawal, guilt and shame. If you still have any issues with others using these tactics on you, then you still have some inner work to do before you are ready to test it in your outer reality.

Says 305 – The “Beast”

The New World Order

I modified this image and added the text a few years ago as part of my attempt to try to put some of the pieces of the puzzle together. Don’t get me wrong in quoting the bible, as I’m not religious by any means, it’s just a couple of verses that stuck with me.

The reason I’m posting this now is that almost three years ago, I had a car accident, where a woman ran a red light and I broadsided her. My SUV was totaled. I didn’t have any broken bones, but suffered hearing loss, TMJ, whiplash, soft tissue damage and lower back injuries.

Anyway, I got a letter from my lawyer, notifying me of a “Discovery” meeting regarding the tort claim. He submitted a couple pages of what to expect at this meeting. The process starts with a swearing in to tell the truth, and that activated my issues with so-called “authority,” figures that have immunity, privilege, and entitlement, and are not governed by the same rules that the rest of us are supposed to follow and OBEY.

It brought up all that is wrong with this world; the denial spirits that run it and all those Order Followers who are “just doing their job” that are part of the system. When I look at all those involved in the system, (the BEAST) it’s no wonder that I feel overwhelmed and that the Earth is in the shape it’s in.

Why this is activating me is because it will be me against the system. By that, I mean that it will be my opportunity to heal a lot of issues including expressing my feelings and emotions, and challenging old imprints, programs and beliefs, that I know they will try to suppress and deny. Speaking my truth and “walking my talk” in the presence of those that will try every trick to manipulate and control me is terrifying. A few years ago I had the unpleasant court experience where I discovered first hand, the power of denial. Now it will be an opportunity to see if I will repeat, or, witness the power of love.

Says 304 – Trust your feelings – intuition

EXACTLY the OPPOSITE of what this meme says is true. If you have feelings that something is not right, TRUST your intuition and give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Ask questions to clear the air and you will soon find out if your feelings were wrong.

Says 303 – Attachments and self-sacrifice

As long as you have attachments to another person, you will continue to sacrifice yourself to make them happy. Instead, find the inner reasons of why you are afraid to be alone and why you think / feel you NEED them.

Says 298 – The unseen role of denial and judgments

It’s not really about what is being said, but what is not being said. I could give you a list of judgments and denials, but I feel it’s important that one should become aware of the hidden language within our words. –  Food for thought – or not

Says 293 – Religious Shift and Changes

I find it interesting that a few of the New Agers and RUOW people I know are turning toward organized religion. I don’t mean in an exploratory way, I mean getting right into the Christian saved and born again bible thumpers, or into Hinduism, Buddhism, or Muslim religions with a gung ho attitude that they’ve finally found their community, a sense of commonality, and their calling. I feel they were searching for a common thread that would unite them with other like minded / feeling people where everyone had a so-called “positive” attitude and supported one another. A community where they would feel loved, wanted, and protected, and not alone, unwanted, or in fear of being attacked. Once your Spirit is broken and you have given in to the outer reflection that you are powerless, your mind no longer challenges or searches for answers, but blindly accepts what it is told as the truth. You become part of the flock with herd mentality.

On the other hand, I’m also witnessing some friends and family members that were “born again,” saved, church going, praying, and gospel singing Christians  that have lost their “faith” in their church (aka religion) and are trying to come to terms with that. I feel these people have a better chance of healing and empowering themselves, as now they are unsure of their beliefs about what love and life are all about and are willing to question what they previously called truth.

Overall, even if you are not a devoutly religious person, (including atheists and agnostics) there is this social “religious” mindset that while it may not be obvious, has a sinister undercurrent that dictates social morals and behavior. Until one is able to let go of their religious beliefs they will be controlled by them and will also try to control others around them, thus creating conflict. They try to solve the conflict by either changing the rules or adding new and improved ones hoping that it will create peace and that things in their life will change for the better. Besides letting go of one’s religious imprints, programs and beliefs, one needs to explore and let go of, or change the social imprints and programs that are embedded in their mind that unconsciously control one’s thoughts, words and deeds. Politics, government, education, media, police and the military are but a few major players that dictate social experience and reality.

Says 292 – Thriving on anothers fear

I was watching the movie “King Arthur – Legend of the Sword,” and a comment by the present king piqued my interest. I can’t remember the exact words, but they were along the lines that he thrives on another’s fear; that even though they may hate him, it feeds him energy and power. Another comment was, “You have to break his old self completely, wear him down.”

Later, I thought about the comment and the people that feed off your fears and control you and have power over you, can only do so as long as you are denying the fear that they are activating. Say you have a fear (terror) of confrontation, then they will use whatever they can to activate your fear, be it mental, emotional, physical, or any combination thereof. Anything that threatens you; that you are afraid to face or challenge, will and can over-power and control you.

The other things people use to control and over-power you is guilt and shame. They make you think, feel, and believe that your words or actions are wrong and even hurtful to the one that is trying to control you. They are using your minds twisted beliefs of what love is, what is right and wrong, along with your false emotions that are aligned with your minds beliefs to get you to re-act in the way they want you to.

In order to activate you into your denied issues and fear (terror) as a means to control and over-power you, there are four basic tactics that others use. They are the intimidator, the interrogator, the “oh poor me,” and the aloft or withdrawn approach. If one tactic doesn’t work they will try another until they wear you down and break you, and you re-act in one of three different ways according to your imprinting and programming. You either fight, (that you can’t win) run, or you just give in to their demands to stop the conflict. In doing any of these you give them your power.

Says 290 – If it doesn’t feel right –

To follow or not to follow

It’s easy to say, but it’s also one of the most difficult things to do, as it goes against all your imprints and programs of wanting to fit in, to be accepted and loved and not be shunned, scorned and attacked for being different. Religion, politics, and customs and traditions are key elements that we feel forced to adhere to as best we can to minimize conflict.

We long for a community, for others that think, feel, and do as we do, where there is commonality. BUT in that, is also the death creating unseen role of denial as it locks you in to following the crowd, and not being the individual, the you that would deviate from the “normal,” as you fear to stand out and be noticed and shunned and rejected.

Says 289 – Facing your shadows (fears)

Another way to say it is that you are giving more energy to “denying” your fears, than in facing and healing them… So the reflection (reality) you create and experience are your denials and NOT your desires. Once you have truly faced and healed your fears (shadows) at the causal level, your outer reality also changes, and what was a fear and issue, no longer is.

Saying that is easy, doing it is quite another thing as it’s something that you have NEVER done before, or you wouldn’t be having the outer reflections you do. Ending your denial of a particular fear or issue also allows you to feel what unconditional love really feels like, and not what you presently believe it is based on some religious rhetoric.

Says 288 – Statism (Government) just another form of Religion

Religion and politics (government) are the two major players that control your life through the social illusion that they have the “authority” to make rules, laws, and conditions that “others” must follow. They both control your physical life, mentally, emotionally and physically. The government controls your physical activities through laws, rules, taxes, etc., while religion has rules and conditions that you must adhere to ensure that when you physically die, that you will have a happy afterlife.

You are lead to believe that you must accept their “authority” over you, to unquestionably follow their instructions and have faith that “they” know what is good for you. If you don’t follow your various governments’ rules, conditions and orders, you will be harassed, intimated, incarcerated or even put to death. If you don’t follow your religions voice of “authority,” they would have you believe that your Soul and Spirit will be dammed in the afterlife.

I was thinking that the main issue in healing that Empaths have in empowering themselves is their religious beliefs. I was going to say that the second thing is seeing and knowing what denial is, but as I thought that, I knew it also related to their religious beliefs that had to do with love and what a loving person is. As long as you belief that denial (of self expression) is love, you are, as the saying goes, “Screwed, glued and tattooed.” Even if you are an atheist or agnostic, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have any religious beliefs, it’s just that your beliefs are opposed to organized religion. You were raised in a society where people had religious beliefs, customs and traditions, and your parents, and their parents and so on. All were imprinted and programmed with beliefs of what is loving or not, moral standards, and codes of behavior, etc.

The second thing that controls you is the various forms of government and their agencies. If you are not a so-called “conspiracy theorist,” then you aren’t even aware of the blatant social denials that are in politics and government, military, media, food, medical, big business, etc., etc. If you can’t see the obvious lies, denials, and deception going on in your outer reality, it’s even harder to begin to see your own lies and denials, and how you are deceiving yourself. It’s far easier to pick up on what others are, or are not saying or doing, than it is with yourself. It’s sad to think that over 95% of the population is so brainwashed and in denial that they can’t see the obvious and blatant lies and denials in their outer reality (religion and politics) that is controlling them. The irony is that in ending ones denials, one begins to break away from both these illusions that control us, and that we call natural, a way of life, and the way things are.

Says 283 – It’s Magic, I’m back in the group

On Saturday night, I got a PM from the person in the group that I had spoken to previously. They said they had just chatted with the Admin of the group and that he said I wasn’t blocked. I went back to the site and tried to post a comment, and I was allowed. Next, I posted an image meme and that also went through.  It’s funny that someone inquiring if I was blocked and the Admin saying I wasn’t, was enough to change my status and allow me to post. It’s Magic.

Today, Sunday I posted a couple of more Meme topics and had a couple of good discussions.  Also today, In a different group, I had a discussion with a young woman on Spiritual energy attachments, how they are created, and how to remove them. At the end, she made the following comment.

<quote> It’s amazing how something seems so obvious to you normally, but combined with emotional issues, how suddenly your knowledge and understanding of how things should work go out the window. You clearing this path for me is much appreciated and needed. Endless thanks. <end quote>

I found it fulfilling that someone was able to grasp what I was sharing, and also see how their actions had created the situation that they were oblivious to, but now saw clearly.

Says 282 – More people seem to have a problem with me.

A couple of days ago, I posted a comment on a Facebook Empath group I’m in, and another member started posting (copy and paste) dogma from books that he had read regarding on clearing your energy field. The material he was sharing was old school material that has been around for at least 30 years, and either doesn’t work, or is a temporary quick fix as I have been there done that, tried them. He argued that since he was a “trained professional” with “credentials” he knew what he was talking about. I challenged him, stating that it was simply book knowledge and that if he had ever tried to apply the methods he was presenting, like, smudging, crystals, salt, bubble of protection, mantras, etc. he would know that they don’t offer a permanent solution. I explained that I had tried those methods years ago, and that what I’m sharing is what I have personally experienced and does work, permanently, and in any situation.

My last comment was that this discussion was good in that it showed others the difference between rhetorical book knowledge with no personal application or experience, verses information based on personal experience.

Well the next morning, I posted another picture and comment, and waited for admin approval. By 6pm, it still hadn’t appeared on the site. What I also noticed was that neither were there any comments on the previous threads I had posted on. I got the feeling that I’ve been blocked on interacting, as all that I see are posts that are days old. I never received a PM from the Admin stating there was a problem with the content of my posts.

It appears that any conflicting or opposing ideas disturbs the status quo and is a no-no. It’s too bad as while there were a few people that were clueing in to what I was sharing, the “Administration” obviously didn’t like it. It’s not really any different than a few years ago, except that now, a few more people were conscious to what I was saying and were actually interacting. Maybe I’m being paranoid and there’s something wrong with Facebook or their page.

On Saturday, I chatted with a person still in the group, and they said everything was fine and normal, so that means I’m history.

Says 281 – Neighbor angry at me.

A couple of days ago, I was outside, on the other side of my apartment building, talking to a woman tenant, when the man that lives between us walked by. I said, ”Hi,” but he never acknowledged me, and just walking with his head down. I felt he was ticked off at me as I was sure he heard me.  We used to chat and tell jokes last fall, but over winter, I only saw him a few times on the street and we never talked. With spring coming and spending more time outside, I’d see him having a cigarette in the back yard, but when he’d see me, he’d turn and go back inside, At first I just thought he had finished and was naturally going in, but a couple of times, I called out to him but he never answered back. So this meeting today was a sure sign that something was amiss.

So the next day, when I heard him in his apartment, I went around and knocked on his door. After the third knock, he answered with a hostile,”What do you want?”

I asked, “Do you have a problem with me, as you feel you are ignoring me and angry about something?”

He angrily replied, “Do you want a problem?

I said, “Whoa, so you do have a problem with me. What’s up?”

He barked, “If you want one you can have one?”  as he postured himself to make himself look bigger than he was.

I knew there was no talking to him in his denied rage, so I turned to leave and he, snarled, “You’re the one who knocked on my door, I didn’t knock on yours. You stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine.”

I didn’t say anything as I walked around the corner and then around the building to see the landlord and his helper, that was working in the apartment of the man that had recently died.  I told them what had just happened and asked if they knew why he was angry at me. They looked surprised and said they never heard anything from him. We left it at that. What the hell is going on?

Says 280 – Activated into Shame Issues

The other day I met a woman on Facebook that was in a group I was in. She liked my posts and comments and contacted me, and we chatted for over two hours. She’s an attractive 45 year old widow, with three grown children. She lives in the US; is an artist, musician, dancer, and was a child actor. She owns her own home and her father runs a new age church and her mother has her business.

We got talking about relationships and she made a comment that age doesn’t matter, and with  the other comments and questions, and I got the feeling that she was interested in me. As we chatted, I noticed and felt shame coming up for me. Feeling that I wasn’t good enough, not talented, not popular, not good looking, no money, no home, too old and the list goes on and on.

These shame feelings and judgments that I was experiencing now were similar to the shame I had in my childhood. On top of that, I also remembered being shamed by my mother if a girl showed interest in me. I took her shame comments as having a girlfriend was a bad thing and that I was wrong and bad. This was also associated with my religious beliefs at the time that you had to honor your father and mother and they knew what was good for you.

The next day, I spoke with her again and thanked her for activating me into my shame and childhood memories, and that I was working on it.  We chatted off and on, but we never got into any lengthy discussion.

Says 279 – More pieces of the Puzzle

My view of reality is changing.  A few weeks ago I was chatting with a friend who does work at a hospice, and a few things she said made me question my beliefs. I’ve believed that our “Spirit” is our Mind, that originates our conscious thoughts, ideas, words, etc.. BUT… after our conversation, I felt something was “off” with that concept. That, together with working on healing the other aspects of my Being, my Body, Will (Soul) and Heart, made me think that there is more.

Another thing that has been a recent topic has been Ego that is associated with the Mind and also false Ego. So…. I’m trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together and an idea that came up is that while our Mind is connected to our Spirit, it is NOT our entire Spirit, as that is where our “Higher Self” comes in. So… What if a portion of our Higher Self manifests itself in the physical and calls itself Spirit “Mind” or as some might say EGO. BUT… when our Spirit re-incarnated, it gradually forgot who it was and its prime purpose and came to be what I call our “altered Ego,” altered by imprints, programs and beliefs and judgments. Part of our process now is to experience and re-cover our Essence that we lost in past lives, to become whole again. EGO is not bad, as some make it out to be, as it defines us as who we really are.. it’s only our “altered Ego” that does crazy shit.
Now the other parts of our Being, our Soul, (intuition, feelings and emotions) Heart and Body also have their own consciousness and “try” to communicate with the Mind that is basically the “Controller” of our physical reality. But, besides these voices, we also have other incarnate and dis-incarnate voices vying for our attention, including our HIGHER SELF.

OK…Another thing is that for a long time, I’ve had this thought/feeling that I’m here to manifest, or bring down my entire Spiritual Essence into the Earth plane, in this physical body, in the hear and now. To Spiritilize my physical Body. This however, requires unconditional love and a total connection between my Mind (Ego) and the rest of my Being and my “higher self” …

Says – 278 – The Unseen Role of Denial

Whenever I go shopping and am cashing out, I hear the same robotic message from the cashier as they greet the customers in front of me.

“Hi, How are you?”
The customer smiles and relies, “Fine, and you/”
The cashier says, “Fine. Nice day isn’t it” – or something to that effect.

This is how people set themselves up to carry on being in denial of how they really feel.. Sure, it’s a socially acceptable custom and tradition, but that doesn’t mean it is right, real, or loving. This is part and parcel of the unseen role of denial that literally sucks the life out of us.

The FINE picture is another aspect of the unseen role of denial, and how we unconsciously live our lives as a lie.

Says 275 – Confusion between Mind and Spirit

I continued reading my RUOW book, and when I turned the page, there was another paragraph that stood out to me.  RUOW  Book 1 – pg 112  


I  also want everyone that is wanting to stay on Earth to agree to end personal denial and accept the self completely.

You need to start with yourself and make an unconditional acceptance of how it really feels to be you. Instead of feeling you must heal everything immediately, you need not. You must however, have a completely committed intent to end denial and heal all the separations of consciousness that this created. This includes:Pain of experiences that the Body holds. Pain of emotions that the Will holds. Loss of Love that Heart holds. Misunderstandings and limitations that the Mind holds disconnection from the Spirit that originated all of it.


What really caught my attention and got me thinking was this sentence.
<> Misunderstandings and limitations that the Mind holds disconnection from the Spirit that originated all of it. <>

I had associated Mind as Spirit, but I’m now thinking/feeling it in a whole new way. That Mind is our Ego or rather Altered Ego, altered by our imprints, programs and beliefs and also by “misunderstandings,” “limitations,” and judgments. That maybe the “Spirit” that is referred to, is really our Higher Self that is trying to guide and heal our Mind (and the rest of our Being.)

We associate our mind/Spirit as our I AM being, but it’s really just an aspect of our Higher Self made manifest in the physical world.  While our Higher Self KNOWS things, (past, present and future)… our mind is ignorant, as part of the process of understanding and healing is to unravel the puzzle of love and life, and not have another do it for us. To do that we need to know all the aspects of denial that have created our present situation

When we originally manifested in the physical, we were not as disconnected from our Higher Self as we are now, and it’s our denials that have created this fragmentation that now needs to be healed in order to recover lost Essence and the lost parts of our Being. This is getting deep, but I know there is a lot more to it.