This is rather a lengthy video, but it shares a lot of material that gives you just some idea of what is really going on.
This is rather a lengthy video, but it shares a lot of material that gives you just some idea of what is really going on.
A quick look at the bigger picture of this plannedemic and how the commodity of FEAR is being used to usher in the NEW NORMAL of totalitarianism.
A video presented by David Icke Video
It’s interesting how in a “dumbed-down” society, that blatant reverse psychology works so effectively in controlling the masses. The above meme’s say it all.
If you think corvid-19 is dangerous; think again. The real virus is GOVT-2020. While this article is from New South Wales – Australia, it applies to every country as this virus is global.
<quote> The new regime came as they recorded the 2000th confirmed case.
By March 31, the total COVID-19 patients in NSW are 2,032, with 8 deaths. Medical experts are warning that it’s still too early to tell if the strict social distancing measures are working.
Police Commissioner Michael Fuller has been placed in charge of the state’s overall COVID-19 response. In a letter to his colleagues, he states: <end quote>
$11,000 fine and six months jail time for anyone leaving home without a “reasonable excuse”
Hypocrisy and government control, but most are too blinded by their fear and need to OBEY the government and health “officials” to see it..
If you don’t have the flu symptoms, then why isolate yourself? Don’t you find it unusual that people in so-called “essential” services are able to function normally. They aren’t being told to self-isolate… WHY is that? That’s because if the government shut them down. all hell would break loose, and the government doesn’t want that as BEFORE the CON-virus outbreak, people all over the world were protesting corrupt governments, and they needed a way to stop that momentum, and what better way than to play to the people’s fear.. a DEADLY VIRUS…
If people working in hospitals, grocery and drug stores, trucking, border guards, police, fire dept., TV, hydro, water, gas, etc, were told to self-isolate, you can imagine what would happen. BUT… THOSE PEOPLE (as Don Cherry would say) that are “non-essential’, well they are the problem as THEY can spread the disease..
If these people ESSENTIAL (non-affected) people aren’t spreading the virus, then why are all the other non-affected people considered disease carriers and causing the death of those who MAY HAVE health issues. Can you say… Hypocrisy?
Those that can’t think for themselves and rely on the government and the so-called medical establishment and media to tell them what to do… well they can stay at home and look out their windows at all those people moving about and judge them as not LAW ABIDING good citizens like them..
Oh yea?.. I forgot the government, media and medial propaganda..
BUT you dumb cluckers (Chicken Little followers) you stay at home..
LOL…Cluckers… I just made up that word.
PS: Here is a link to the Ontario government’s information for people who think they may have the covid-19 virus.. If you don’t have the virus… It says to self-monitor.. NOT self-isolate.. BIG Difference..
Here’s a sad truth. This meme doesn’t just refer to present day children, it refers to all humanity… as we all were children at some point. We were taught what to think and believe, not how to think and form our own beliefs. It began with our parents, with language, religion and social customs, traditions, and certain physical skills. We were taught to FOLLOW ORDERS, and to OBEY our parent’s aka (superiors, authorities)
I channeled this poem a few years back. It really feels appropriate now, given the covid-19 virus and the global situation resulting in a financial and a personal liberty crisis. How governments, the medical establishments and the media all over the world are using the covid-19 virus as a distraction, a diversion to obtain their true intent. They’re feeding society part-truths and instilling fear and panic in most of the population with the continued onslaught of propaganda, to the point that most people are willing to give up their freedom on the promise that the government “authorities” and medical “experts’ know best and will take care of them.
poem is taken from my second book.
Going in Circles
Circling the tree
running round and around.
Looking for answers
That can’t be found.
Bewildered and confused
they toil and they strife.
Trying to find
the meaning of life.
While silently sitting
rubbing hands in glee.
Is the evil bushwhacker
hiding up in the tree.
Watching his subjects
beat a path in the ground.
Feeding them part truths
calling them valid and sound.
And so they do run
all day and all night.
Not even aware
of their sorry-full plight.
Joined in commonality
for this it is true.
As are the animals
caged in a zoo.
Afraid to challenge
or unable to think.
In circles they’ll go
until they all sink.
And ponder how life
has passed them all by.
Now comes to late
a tear in their eye.
Channeled by – John Rieger/Shenreed – 2002 Jan. 19
Well here we go… The collapse of the system and the old blueprint of creation and the beginning and implantation of a new blueprint….
This video holds a lot of “Food for thought” regarding the virus and current economic and social conditions and future possibilities. Take what resonates for you, but I suggest you watch at least to the first 25 minutes
Here is the video link. CORONACRASH: This is the New 9/11 That Will Be Far Worse Than The Great Depression
I posted this video via a youtube link back in 2020 March 13. The video is no longer available due to YouTube’s censorship of the truth… Luckily, I had downloaded a copy, and after some effort, I was able to get it reduced to 142MB, down from 1.3GB so that I could upload it to my blog.
The Virus is a distraction from the main agenda of the N.W.O. which is far deadlier than the virus could ever be. It’s a test to see if the dumbed down sheeple are ready to be totally controlled and to obey their masters. And by the looks of things, they are. I’ve mentioned “the Beast” a few times and the 10 heads or sectors that it controls..
I came across this article that really nails how our present society has been, and is being dumbed down. Those “otherkin” presently in a position of power and authority would like to keep it that way as it serves their hidden agenda.
I’ve provided a couple of links to the “educational system” that is a major player in this clandestine operation. Link 1 ….. Link 2
Watch the video at the bottom of the page in the link in blue. It’s just over 30 minutes, but well worth the time. It’s an eye opener. It’s Dutch with English subtitles. You might want to have paper and pen handy.
<quote> Ronald Bernard is a Dutch entrepreneur whose drive and business contacts quickly catapulted him into the world of the financial elite. However, the deeper into this world Bernard went, the more horrifying it became. In a jaw-dropping interview with De Vrije Media, Bernard details this dark and depraved elite society which he says conducted human sacrifice and celebrated destruction. <end quote>
<quote> As the Free Thought Project has reported extensively, division is the main tactic of the ruling class to force submission of the populace. As long as people remain busy fighting among themselves, they never stop to look at the rulers who are robbing them blind, using their children to fight wars for profit, and leaving them holding the bill.
Whether or not you believe everything or anything in the video below, evidence of the effects of divide and conquer is all around us and it’s working. As Bernard notes, the solution to this problem is a simple one — unity.<end quote>
<quote> Metronomes of the same frequency and resting on the same base are started randomly. They synchronize after a short period of time. In this case the base is free to move. In 1657, Christian Huygens was the first to observe this phenomenon in the form of clock synchronization.
The phenomenon of spontaneous synchronization is found in circadian rhythms, heart& intestinal muscles, insulin secreting cells in the pancreas, menstrual cycles, ambling elephants, marching soldiers, and fireflies, among others. <end quote>
As I was watching this, I felt it’s also how we (as individuals) subconsciously and consciously, try to be in sync with those around us (the otherkin). Instead of moving to our own rhythm and frequency, we adapt to be in sync (not different) to what we are exposed to. In other words, trying to be “normal” and fit in to what is considered socially acceptable.
This is a powerful video on Marketing… aka, selling you a con job, selling the sizzle and not the steak. It’s how Marketing Agencies and mass media control you. How they analyze your social patterns and manipulate (brainwash) your mind, your thoughts to either buy their product or their story line. You need to watch it to the end.
It all hinges on you, and your willingness to turn a deaf ear, close a blind eye and speak no evil. Like the three monkeys, hear, see and speak no evil. To not question, or educate yourself, but to blindly and willingly choose to remain ignorant of the truth, and accept the lies as the truth.
Jody wilson-raybould – Truth Teller
<quote> “I will conclude by saying this. I was taught to always be careful of what you say — because you cannot take it back — and I was taught to always hold true to your core values and principles and to act with integrity. These are the teachings of my parents, grandparents and community. I come from a long line of matriarchs and I am a truth teller in accordance with the laws and traditions of our Big House — this is who I am and who I will always be.” Source: <end quote>
Things are changing and changing fast. Those presently in a position of power are feeling it fade away as people who will be denied no longer; are expressing their truth and giving it voice. This is just the beginning. I’m not religious, but these words speak to these that can hear. “And the meek shall inherit the Earth… and the Truth shall set you Free.”
“After our walk, there were no babies left;”
The late James Scott, Who died around 1944 at about 110 years of age. He walked the Trail of Tears from the Alabama/Georgia region to Oklahoma when he was 7 to 8 years old. His parents died during the removal.
He was from Okemah, Oklahoma and belonged to Greenleaf Ceremonial Ground.
Since he had outlived most of of his contemporaries, he was a major resource on Creek history and culture. He was well-known for his storytelling abilities. With others he incorporated Greenleaf church in 1910, a little ways from Greenleaf traditional ceremonial grounds and stayed in touch with both groups. At over 100 years old, Scott was alert and talkative. He chewed tobacco and carried his own medicine pouch.
The following is his recollection of The Trail of Tears:
“One morning, when it was already getting cold, a runner came to our village out of breath, saying haltingly “Talking papers. They are sending people with talking papers-people are already disappearing-what’s left behind is being stolen. They are sending us to a burial ground. They keep talking about judgment day. We need to either hide or mix with other tribes up north. These demons are shooting Indians if we resist. I have to warn the next village.” He left and, even though I was just a boy, I knew that something very bad was about to happen-A dark cloud hovered over us. I don’t know how many days went by. We started gathering provisions, we talked about other tribal towns, The earth trembled, and even the trees seemed to be shaking.
The hovering dark cloud brought the evil men sooner than we expected. The soldiers started shooting. The whites rounded us up like cattle and put shackles on the strong men. There was a silent cry-no words-so devastating-silent prayers-then low humming of the chant of communal encouragement. Gun butts were hitting mouths. That morning cold winds blew-like judgment day.
We did not know where we were heading. There were talking papers-more talking papers-The whites would keep on bringing talking papers, and tragedy always followed. Along the trail, they split us up. I lost my mother and father and ended up with an uncle. Little babies sometimes would have their head smashed against a tree. Strong shackled men were used for pulling wagons and chopping wood. Those who got sick were left or dumped by the soldiers. There was hardly any food-People were hungry, cold, and frost bitten. The whites roasted meat and the aroma made you want to die. Each time someone fell, they sacrificed, saying, “Take my blanket-I am going home.” The chilling wind never left us-we have seen blizzards-now we were in one. Even Strong Buffalo would not have survived such a winter.
Somehow, the Creator was with us. Most of the time, children walked; However, sometimes they would be allowed to ride in a wagon with older folks. About the time we reached Indian territory. There were very few of us-mostly older children and shackled men. After our walk, there were no babies left; they killed the babies. Hardly any women made it. I only had one uncle left. We began with about 500 in our group and we wound up with 50 and we wound up near Okemah, Asilanabi, Greenleaf, The places where we finished growing up. These places were near some Christian Indians who had already got there before us. Nitaspoki-The last day – I was always looking for it, but it did not come. It took 20 years for the nightmares to lessen.”
Source: “A Sacred Path
The Way of the Muscogee Creeks”
Photo is of James Scott
I was thinking of the term he used… “Talking Papers,” and how things haven’t really changed. So-called civilized society writes down their rules and laws (including religion) and then uses people to go out and spread the word by reading what is written on the pages with the INTENT of having other OBEY…
The papers can’t talk for themselves. they aren’t living or conscious; they have no voice. Take away the paper and the words written on them and the TALKING HEADS that are blindly reciting them and there is nothing to obey…. Shenreed
Hummm….. ?????
Now replace some of the wording….
A TRAINED rat doing tricks for treats..
A TRAINED human doing a job for money.
What do they both have in common?
A trained rat mimicking trained human behavior
Food for thought … or not.
Another post on my FB time line that I feel is worth sharing.
One of my friends told me about a powerful lesson in her daughter’s high school class this winter. They’re learning about the Salem Witch Trials, and their teacher told them they were going to play a game.
“I’m going to come around and whisper to each of you whether you’re a witch or a normal person. Your goal is to build the largest group possible that does NOT have a witch in it. At the end, any group found to include a witch gets a failing grade.”
The teens dove into grilling each other. One fairly large group formed, but most of the students broke into small, exclusive groups, turning away anyone they thought gave off even a hint of guilt.
“Okay,” the teacher said. “You’ve got your groups. Time to find out which ones fail. All witches, please raise your hands.”
No one raised a hand.
The kids were confused and told him he’d messed up the game.
“Did I? Was anyone in Salem an actual witch? Or did everyone just believe what they’d been told?”
And that is how you teach kids how easy it is to divide a community.
Keep being welcoming, beautiful people. Shunning, scapegoating and dividing destroy far more than they protect. We’re all in this together.
I saw this meme on my FB page and I felt I needed to share it here. The caption below the image read as follows
“The worship of the state is the worship of force. There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, orvile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by governments.”
~ Ludwig von Mises
Art: unknown”
The caption doesn’t just apply to the state (government), but to any person, place or thing that you idolize and are blindly devoted to. Where you are either attracted to, or are repelled in fear, It really doesn’t matter as the effect is the same;that of an external person, place of thing having power and control over you… And YES, just because you approve and enjoy it, doesn’t mean that you aren’t controlled by it, as the only reason you are attracted to it is because it gives you a quick fix, feel good sensation and a false sense of power and control. And yes, I said FALSE, as you continually need to be re-energized by this external false idol in order to create that feeling again. Fear has the same effect on you, because you believe that the person, place or thing has power and control over you and so you obediently obey to its demands, or be punished.
This is exactly how society is controlled…by a Belief System (BS) that is an artificial construct. The same holds true for the Easter Bunny,tooth fairy AND… all levels of government and organized religion (not God)…If you believe they exist and that you need to obey and follow them and their rules, then you are their puppet, their slave..
You don’t follow Hindu or Muslim customs and traditions.. WHY? It’s because you were not TAUGHT (imprinted and programed) with those social beliefs so they don’t apply to you and you are free of their control.
Food for thought… or not.
If you’re a follower of the Christian religion, you have undoubtedly heard of the following biblical quote.. “Love your enemies.” Christian doctrine would have you believe that the loving thing to do is to turn the other cheek and forgive their unloving actions (self sacrifice) . In doing so you deny any expression that you were harmed, and subtly imply the judgment that you are better than them. Of course denial doesn’t work, and while they may temporary befriend you, you still carry the unresolved wound that is not as forgiven as you may think. Food for thought… or not 🙂
The following image and text appeared on my Facebook timeline and I thought I’d share it and add my comments.
<Quote> “To say that a thing is imaginary is not to dispose of it in the realm of mind, for the imagination, or the image making faculty, is a very important part of our mental functioning. An image formed by the imagination is a reality from the point of view of psychology; it is quite true that it has no physical existence, but are we going to limit reality to that which is material? We shall be far out of our reckoning if we do, for mental images are potent things, and although they do not actually exist on the physical plane, they influence it far more than most people suspect.”
~ Dion Fortune Art: Zarina Situmorang <End quote>
The modern day “mentaloid” medical establishment and especially psychologists need to wrap their heads (Minds) around this. Memorized information can also be said to be imaginary as it’s a construct of the Mind. Example 2 + 2 = 4. There is no immediate physical proof that it exists, yet we believe it to be true. The same holds true for not only imagination, but also ones feelings and emotions. As an example, sadness and depression can’t be considered any less valid than happiness and excited, and while these are attributes of the psyche, they can also and be displayed in a physical manner. The labels that the positive “feel good” ones are acceptable and the so-called negative ones are not, are judgments based in ignorance. The mentaloid medical establishment still considers feelings and emotions to be a construct of the mind; to be controlled by it, and that concept and belief is seriously flawed. It’s time for the so-called medical establishment to end their authoritarian BS (Belief Systems) and get real, or move out. – Shenreed
I copied this post from a post that was on my Facebook timeline… It says it very well.
“No society wants you to become wise: it is against the investment of all societies. If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced into a mechanical life, to live like robots. They will assert themselves —they will assert their individuality. They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them; they will want to live in freedom.
Freedom comes with wisdom, intrinsically —they are inseparable— and no society wants people to be free. The communist society, the fascist society, the capitalist society, the Hindu, the Mohammedan, the Christian —no society likes people to use their own intelligence because the moment they start using their intelligence they become dangerous, dangerous to the establishment, dangerous to the people who are in power, dangerous to the “haves”; dangerous to all kinds of oppression, exploitation, suppression; dangerous to the churches, dangerous to the states, dangerous to the nations.”
Credits ~ Rajneesh
Art: Diane Dillon
This post ties in to my previous post Says 365 – The Mark of the Beast 666 After I posted it, I’ve been thinking that the Mark of the Beast is involved in every aspect of our society, and as such, everyone is affected. Everyone is marked with unloving intent of the Beast in some way or another by our imprints, programs and beliefs. Whenever we lie, omit, avoid and deny being honest and forthright in our response to an experience, we are serving the Beast. We may think we are being real, honest and forthright, but that is mostly based on what we believe love is and our judgments of what we believe to be the truth.
What is wrong with this world (society) is that the unloving and as yet, unknown denial spirits are in a position of power and are running the various aspects of our society through puppet leaders put in a position of “authority”. While they have their authority rank and file, like the military, they also have their minions, the “Order Followers” who are “just doing their job.” These minions are an integral part of the system as without them, their power and rule would fall as there would be no ne to carry out their orders. It’s been a long and subtle process of dumbing down society and also of creating an environment of conflict and division, creating a social mentality of we against them and survival of the fittest.
Mass consciousness is stirring and people are slowly beginning to realize that they are living an illusion and are being played like puppets. Denials are being exposed and becoming so blatant and obvious, that only those deep in a deeps state of denial will claim there is no problem, and those are the ones that remain marked. As its been said before, when the power of love overcomes the love of power we will know peace; not only peace, but we will able to experience a reality that we have never experienced in all our existence.
It’s interesting the things that pop up on my Facebook time line. Although I have studied the bible and other religions, I’m not a follower of organized religion, in this case, Christianity and so I’m not drawn to bible thumpers and the Church or Jesus saves sales pitch. But this talk interested me and I was curious as to what he had to say. At around the 2:20 min mark he states that the Mark of the Beast is not a physical thing, but rather, it’s the LOVE and TRUTH (NOT religion – my comment) that you carry in your Heart. While those with the Mark of the Beast have unloving INTENT and heartlessness, aka DENIAL.
It makes a lot of sense and was a concept I never considered before. Everyone already has the Mark of the Beast as they live their lives in various forms of denial. Everyone also has choice; whether to carry on living in denial, or, to end ones denials and live in truth. You don’t need to be a Christian or follow any other religion to have a loving Heart. There are part-truths in all religions and one must gleam the wheat from the chaff to feel the meaning of the WORD. Let those that have eyes to see and ears to hear know the truth.
Here is the link to his podcast – The Mark of the Beast 666 Part 1 with Doug Batchelor
While this meme appears to have some good words of advice, it’s flawed for two reasons. The first is blaming outside influences for your problems, and secondly, in denying that the problem may be with you yourself. It’s not small thinking people that are the problem, it’s your own imprints, programs and beliefs that keep you chained and confined to your “small thinking” and limited reality… Let go of them… and you will grow… In reality, you are living in a bubble created by your own imprints, programs and beliefs that you believe are there to serve and protect you… No one is holding you back except you…Food for thought… or not.. 🙂
PS – Also, if (as in the meme) you find yourself surrounded by small thinking people, you need to ask yourself why have you drawn them to you in the first place..Dah!