This is rather a lengthy video, but it shares a lot of material that gives you just some idea of what is really going on.
This is rather a lengthy video, but it shares a lot of material that gives you just some idea of what is really going on.
Now that the “planned” con-vid-19 Virus pandemic is being exposed for what it really is, the next “planned” economic pandemic is about to unfold.
I channeled this poem a few years back. It really feels appropriate now, given the covid-19 virus and the global situation resulting in a financial and a personal liberty crisis. How governments, the medical establishments and the media all over the world are using the covid-19 virus as a distraction, a diversion to obtain their true intent. They’re feeding society part-truths and instilling fear and panic in most of the population with the continued onslaught of propaganda, to the point that most people are willing to give up their freedom on the promise that the government “authorities” and medical “experts’ know best and will take care of them.
poem is taken from my second book.
Going in Circles
Circling the tree
running round and around.
Looking for answers
That can’t be found.
Bewildered and confused
they toil and they strife.
Trying to find
the meaning of life.
While silently sitting
rubbing hands in glee.
Is the evil bushwhacker
hiding up in the tree.
Watching his subjects
beat a path in the ground.
Feeding them part truths
calling them valid and sound.
And so they do run
all day and all night.
Not even aware
of their sorry-full plight.
Joined in commonality
for this it is true.
As are the animals
caged in a zoo.
Afraid to challenge
or unable to think.
In circles they’ll go
until they all sink.
And ponder how life
has passed them all by.
Now comes to late
a tear in their eye.
Channeled by – John Rieger/Shenreed – 2002 Jan. 19
Think of all the protests against governments that were going on world-wide… and then… CRONAVIRUS and then a new term… COVID-19. and __________ everything changes.
how did “they” do it? How did the governments find the right crisis to change the momentum of the opposition against their corruption? They found a COMMON FEAR and are using it to CONTROL people.. Fear of death creating disease and fear of the unknown. Gradually at first, but then increasing the FEAR propaganda and reducing individual FREEDOM. Most people accept the limitations (quarantine) put on them without question, even going so far as to self-isolate (quarantine) themselves, believing the government is looking after their best interests and HEALTH, as they don’t want to die… by the fear based propaganda, they panic and go into survival mode, and like sheep to the slaughter… they become trapped and the NWO is in control.
Well here we go… The collapse of the system and the old blueprint of creation and the beginning and implantation of a new blueprint….
This video holds a lot of “Food for thought” regarding the virus and current economic and social conditions and future possibilities. Take what resonates for you, but I suggest you watch at least to the first 25 minutes
Here is the video link. CORONACRASH: This is the New 9/11 That Will Be Far Worse Than The Great Depression
I posted this video via a youtube link back in 2020 March 13. The video is no longer available due to YouTube’s censorship of the truth… Luckily, I had downloaded a copy, and after some effort, I was able to get it reduced to 142MB, down from 1.3GB so that I could upload it to my blog.
The Virus is a distraction from the main agenda of the N.W.O. which is far deadlier than the virus could ever be. It’s a test to see if the dumbed down sheeple are ready to be totally controlled and to obey their masters. And by the looks of things, they are. I’ve mentioned “the Beast” a few times and the 10 heads or sectors that it controls..
As I read this article the penny dropped.. Sure the convid-19 virus is real with a “listed” death rate of ~2% if …. IF… you have underlying medical conditions. This is also the case even if a person got a cold or flu that further compromised their immune system. All the WORLD governments and the media’s FEAR propaganda is working; as most people “believe” they are in mortal danger if they catch the convid-19 virus.. Keyword above is WORLD…
When I read <quote> two groups announced major developments in COVID-19 vaccine developments. <end quote> the penny dropped… What better way for WORLD governments to entice people to get a VACCINATION than to them to believe it’s to prevent them from getting the DEADLY convid-19 virus that has been labeled by the WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) as a GLOBAL PANDEMIC.. Keyword again.. WORLD…
My “gut” feeling is that the so-called “vaccine” has a more sinister application… If not immediately, then in the times to come… Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever, but this is a NWO operation… WORLD GOVERNMENT
Another thought is that if the convid-19 was so SERIOUS, why would the government and medical propaganda encourage people to self-isolate… quarantine themselves and HEAL their themselves without any so-called medical intervention except for the normal things people do when they get a cold or the flu… And when they feel better, (98 % do recover) they go about their regular routine.. Yet another psychological tactic to get people to believe and trust the government and the medical corporation….. for FUTURE events.
This article just adds to my story I just posted..
After a few months of Massage and Chiropractic adjustments and my own “experimental” approach, I again worked on my knotted muscles. The past few weeks, I’ve noticed that after a serious session of working on my knotted muscles, my urine was discoloured and a dark yellowish brown, BUT, not only that, it had a toxic chemical smell to it AND the smell of an exterior flesh wound that had gone septic.
I checked the internet and my first link was on TOXIC MUSCLE KNOTS
So now I know I’m on the right track as I’ve been gradually feeling better as I go.. There is more to it, a lot more… but that will be in my next book. 🙂
I haven’t posted for a while as I’ve been busy trying to restore my health and also in dealing with doctors, insurance companies and lawyers. I’m dealing with new experiences where I don’t know what I don’t know, and I’m like a novice tennis player playing against a trained professional that pretend they are just a beginner like me.
It’s been nearly five years since the car accident and a lot has happened. What I’ve been having to deal with are the corrupt insurance companies, lawyers, doctors, and all the minions (order followers) that are not interested in the facts and truth, but in manipulating the facts to suit their version of the truth. Lying, omitting, avoiding and denying are the “professional” tools they use to win at any cost. There is next to no morality or conscience in their actions and so to me, I don’t know how to compete with those lack of ethics and humanity. I feel trapped as I’m forced to play on their turf, with their rules that they constantly change.
Being on unfamiliar turf was daunting, but I could hold my own when contact was in a written form like an email or snail mail, as I could see and feel what they were saying and had time to respond to any bullshit. Where I had issues was in verbal communication like a telephone call or in one-on-one discussions. When I’d question them on their BS, they would lie and deny or change the subject, so I couldn’t pin them down to deal with the truth of what they said like I could in a written form. I was like a fish out of water in dealing with them as no matter what facts I presented, they deny, lie or avoid answering direct questions. It’s been frustrating to say the least, but it’s now coming to a close and I can get back to having a life, free at least of having to deal with their bullshit. On the positive side, the past five years has been an eye-opener as I’ve gotten to experience how “they” operate and realizing that they aren’t going to change.
Mental health is about being able to read, write and do arithmetic and other MENTAL and problem-solving activities.
Emotional health is what this meme is talking about. which has been deliberately combined with mental functions and mental health.
It’s the deliberate mixing of apples and oranges… so that those with emotional issues live in denial and thereby remain perpetual victims. Having the mind (mental) control and dictate to the emotional body is the problem, not the cure.
Until the so-called medical establishment changes its ideology that the Mind is supposed to be in control of its emotions and body, this false Belief System (BS) will continue.
This meme goes with the one above.. People KNOW there is a difference and yet…. they still follow the old pattern… But even here, they mix up intuition with logic. as Intuition is related to one’s feelings and emotions.
I saw this meme on my FB page and I felt I needed to share it here. The caption below the image read as follows
“The worship of the state is the worship of force. There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, orvile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by governments.”
~ Ludwig von Mises
Art: unknown”
The caption doesn’t just apply to the state (government), but to any person, place or thing that you idolize and are blindly devoted to. Where you are either attracted to, or are repelled in fear, It really doesn’t matter as the effect is the same;that of an external person, place of thing having power and control over you… And YES, just because you approve and enjoy it, doesn’t mean that you aren’t controlled by it, as the only reason you are attracted to it is because it gives you a quick fix, feel good sensation and a false sense of power and control. And yes, I said FALSE, as you continually need to be re-energized by this external false idol in order to create that feeling again. Fear has the same effect on you, because you believe that the person, place or thing has power and control over you and so you obediently obey to its demands, or be punished.
I saw this meme and comment on my timeline and felt I needed to post it, along with the comment.. It’s a good visual representation of how empaths, people that have real feelings and emotions try to survive in a world of people that pretend to have feelings and emotions. They are constantly denying and pushing away the parts that they feel are not acceptable to those they are trying to be like..The more they try to be like “them,” the more they become less of who they truly are.
<Quote> “By choosing not to allow parts of ourselves to exist, we are forced to expend huge amounts of psychic energy to keep them beneath the surface.” ~ Debbie Ford <end quote> Art: Julián Totino Tedesco
This meme is a classic misconception that is based on our present day patriarchal society, where men are considered strong and leaders because they don’t show their feelings and emotions, while women are considered weak and submissive because they have more acceptance to show their feelings and emotions. Some men are emotional… and some women are not emotional, but only pretend to be… just as some men do. So the gender battle really is misguided as each human being has within their divine Being, both a masculine Mind (thoughts, ideas, logic, reason) and a feminine Will (feelings, emotion, intuition, knowing, etc) When you really think about it, the real gender battle is within you… with your mind controlling and suppressing your feelings and emotions.. End that, and your outer reality also changes.
If you’re a follower of the Christian religion, you have undoubtedly heard of the following biblical quote.. “Love your enemies.” Christian doctrine would have you believe that the loving thing to do is to turn the other cheek and forgive their unloving actions (self sacrifice) . In doing so you deny any expression that you were harmed, and subtly imply the judgment that you are better than them. Of course denial doesn’t work, and while they may temporary befriend you, you still carry the unresolved wound that is not as forgiven as you may think. Food for thought… or not 🙂
I saw this meme on my Facebook time line. I chuckled and said, yes and no…
In your arduous inner journey to your Heart Centre, you will experience ending your denials, knowing the truth, and feeling unconditional love.. Now, when moving outwardly, there are many…and I mean MANY… that do not like love or the truth because they are living a lie and they are afraid of their denials being exposed, and that bothers them BIG time. In truth… you will be more alone (and happy) than you were before your journey when you had fake friends and relatives hanging around you. Yes, there will be people that you will connect with on different levels, but most will avoid you, which is the opposite of what is suggested in this meme.
As you can see, I edited this meme as I don’t agree with Mr. Dyer’s point of view. To me, the Ego defines us who we are, unique individuals separate from one another. It is the Ego that has become altered thought imprints, programs and beliefs that creates a false sense of who we are. We don’t need to let go of our Ego and as some would believe, become egoless; we need to let go of our imprints, programs and beliefs that have created the altered and false persona of our Ego.I posted on this topic a while back. Says 154 – The Death of the Altered Ego.
To get a concept of what letting go of the Ego really means, think of society where everyone thinks, acts and does the same thing. No mind or thoughts of your own. No imagination. No feelings and emotions expressed that don’t fit into the “normal” dictated by society.
It’s not that the emotions are ugly… it’s what the long denied emotions are holding that is ugly.. The unlovingness that one originally experienced is taken in and accepted, and is added to by the self-imposed denial of emotional expression and this is what is finally being exposed for what it is. During an unloving physical, mental and emotional attack; if all the feelings and emotions are not expressed, the unloving energy of the attack is accepted into our being and imprints, programs and beliefs are set in place that holds and locks the denied feelings and emotions from moving and creates a cycle of similar unloving experiences. Until such time that one consciously chooses to delve into their past unresolved issues and fears, to heal and retrieve those lost and damaged parts of our being, nothing changes and death, created by denial, begins its process.- Shenreed
I copied this post from a post that was on my Facebook timeline… It says it very well.
“No society wants you to become wise: it is against the investment of all societies. If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced into a mechanical life, to live like robots. They will assert themselves —they will assert their individuality. They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them; they will want to live in freedom.
Freedom comes with wisdom, intrinsically —they are inseparable— and no society wants people to be free. The communist society, the fascist society, the capitalist society, the Hindu, the Mohammedan, the Christian —no society likes people to use their own intelligence because the moment they start using their intelligence they become dangerous, dangerous to the establishment, dangerous to the people who are in power, dangerous to the “haves”; dangerous to all kinds of oppression, exploitation, suppression; dangerous to the churches, dangerous to the states, dangerous to the nations.”
Credits ~ Rajneesh
Art: Diane Dillon
This meme is one of the “NOT” true New Age Spiritual quotes. To know what love is, you need to know what is NOT love.
To know what unconditional love is, you need to know what denial is. And you can only know, through personal experience, not through hearsay or what you have been taught.
There are infinite forms of love, including love with conditions, which is the love we experience most of the time. Not only in our relationship with others, but ourselves Any form of lies, omission, avoidance and denial makes love conditional. Unconditional love is love that we have only experienced fleeting moments of, and is something that we have yet to experience fully in our relationship with others and everything. It’s also not something that we can only obtain in heave nor whatever after life you believe in. – Shenreed
Saying NO… Sounds easy, but is one of the hardest things to do as GUILT will try to back you down every time you try to take a stand. You also need to learn to say NO to GUILT.
Here is a video by Lady Gag a revealing how she finally had the courage to say no to a lot of things that she was doing to please other people, and to make her feel she was worthy and accepted.
It’s interesting the things that pop up on my Facebook time line. Although I have studied the bible and other religions, I’m not a follower of organized religion, in this case, Christianity and so I’m not drawn to bible thumpers and the Church or Jesus saves sales pitch. But this talk interested me and I was curious as to what he had to say. At around the 2:20 min mark he states that the Mark of the Beast is not a physical thing, but rather, it’s the LOVE and TRUTH (NOT religion – my comment) that you carry in your Heart. While those with the Mark of the Beast have unloving INTENT and heartlessness, aka DENIAL.
It makes a lot of sense and was a concept I never considered before. Everyone already has the Mark of the Beast as they live their lives in various forms of denial. Everyone also has choice; whether to carry on living in denial, or, to end ones denials and live in truth. You don’t need to be a Christian or follow any other religion to have a loving Heart. There are part-truths in all religions and one must gleam the wheat from the chaff to feel the meaning of the WORD. Let those that have eyes to see and ears to hear know the truth.
Here is the link to his podcast – The Mark of the Beast 666 Part 1 with Doug Batchelor
While this meme appears to have some good words of advice, it’s flawed for two reasons. The first is blaming outside influences for your problems, and secondly, in denying that the problem may be with you yourself. It’s not small thinking people that are the problem, it’s your own imprints, programs and beliefs that keep you chained and confined to your “small thinking” and limited reality… Let go of them… and you will grow… In reality, you are living in a bubble created by your own imprints, programs and beliefs that you believe are there to serve and protect you… No one is holding you back except you…Food for thought… or not.. 🙂
PS – Also, if (as in the meme) you find yourself surrounded by small thinking people, you need to ask yourself why have you drawn them to you in the first place..Dah!
I found this post on my Facebook timeline. I found this post on my Facebook timeline. It reminded me of the phrase I often use of “bent intent.” Where a person says the right words, but doesn’t have the courage (steam) to put them into action. I liked this story so I’ve copied it from facebook Planet Earth One Frame At A Time
<quote> “Before water generates steam, it must register two hundred and twelve degrees of heat. Two hundred degrees will not do it; two hundred and ten will not do it. The water must boil before it will generate enough steam to move an engine, to run a train. Lukewarm water will not run anything.
A great many people are trying to move their life trains with lukewarm water—or water that is almost boiling—and they are wondering why they are stalled, why they cannot get ahead. They are trying to run a boiler with two hundred or two hundred and ten degrees of heat, and they cannot understand why they do not get anywhere.”
Lukewarmness in his work stands in the same relation to man’s achievement as lukewarm water does to the locomotive boiler. No man can hope to accomplish anything great in this world until he throws his whole soul, flings his force to his whole life, into it.” <end quote>
Well today was laundry day and at the laundromat bulletin board, there was this notice posted on good and bad lawyers and also on the abuse of the CAS – Children’s Aid Society.. It’s time that these A**holes be not only held accountable, but also punished for their evil deeds, and I don’t mean a slap on the wrist or a paid vacation or a promotion. It’s time to end the PIE (Privilege, Immunity, Entitlement) that these A**holes have that allow them to do what they do. That goes for politicians, bureaucrats, agents, lawyers, judges, police, doctors, military, Big business, CEO’s, rich individuals, and the list goes on. All those that claim you must obey the law and rules, that somehow don’t apply to them.
I felt compelled to add the list of abuses by the CAS abuse and also the so-called Justice system as it’s pure EVIL.. by intent and action..
All abuses by a CAS are considered ‘bad faith acts’ by the courts when you prove it. The courts are seldom angry or outraged at the conduct of the CAS, while they instantly stomp on ordinary citizens who cannot possibly overcome professionally perjured affidavits of the CAS!
– CAS abuse of children – CAS abuse of disabled parents – CAS abuse of parents – CAS misleading courts
CAS abuse of children / disabled children:
– denying treatment orders for disabled children *
– willfully blind /contrived medical assessments to prevent treatment *
– denying treatment for disability through a ‘reluctance’ to ‘label’ a child disabled
– ignoring children in distress due to separation
– on apprehension, cut off established treatments claiming parents ’caused disability’, ignoring long term OHIP medical records @
– deny disabled children contact with their long-term OHIP medical care providers @
– destroy the continuity of care of disabled children on apprehension @
– denying care needs in custody *
– denying autistic children access to their specifically trained service dog /animal @
– CAS abuse of ‘Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy’ claims even when children are born with genetic disabilities
– ignore ERIK, Nipissing Test Screens indicating need for treatment for disabilities *
– ignore, suppress or destroy in custody records indicating need for treatment
– corrupting children by coaching them to recite false sex assault claims
– Plans of Care that ignore actual care needs/disabilities *
– denying treatment for children after Crown Ward orders
– denying / failing to provide the necessities of life, s 215 cc
– denying access to children’s own religion / culture
– falsified Adoptability Reports *
– preventing reunification of families
– avoiding records of parent’s disability to prevent child’s treatment *
– allowing foster home abuse
– moving foster children multiple times inflicting attachment disorders
– inflicting child Attachment Disorders
– allowing abuse in group homes
– violating child’s Statutory Care requirement in CFSA s 15(3)(d) *
– violating child’s Statutory Interests in CFSA s 37(3) *
CAS abuse of disabled parents:
– contrived assessment consent forms to enable CAS abuse *
– willfully blind /contrived CFSA s 54 assessments to deny treatment *
– CAS assessments using doctors with undisclosed adverse decisions/deficits *
– violating Ont. Reg. 25/07 – assessments *
– denying treatment services to disabled parents in CFSA s 15(3)(c) *
– Abuse of medical consents – avoiding records to prevent treatment *
– Perjured affidavits *
– CAS Abuse Of Process noted below *
– misleading disabled parents in meetings, compelling parents to sign documents under threat
– manipulation of Visitation access to destroy child’s bond to parents
– false claims of ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’ even though SBS has been discredited in criminal Courts**
-forcing parents to provide hair samples at CAS offices for drug tests then switching samples
-play acting ‘chain of custody’ for collected hair samples with ‘sealed’ envelopes signed by unsuspecting parents
CAS abuse of parents:
– contrived assessment consent forms to enable CAS abuse
– willfully blind /contrived CFSA s 54 assessments *
– CAS assessments using doctors with undisclosed adverse decisions/deficits *
– violating Ont. Reg. 25/07 – assessments *
– denying services to parents in CFSA s 15(3)(c)
– perjured affidavits *
– preventing reunification of families
– pitting parents against each other with threats of losing custody of children
– forcing parents to separate or divorce with threats of losing custody of children
– CAS misleading courts noted below *
– manipulation of Visitation access to destroy child’s bond to parents
-false claims of ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’ even though SBS has been discredited in criminal Courts**
-forcing parents to provide hair samples at CAS offices for drug tests then switching samples
-play acting ‘chain of custody’ for collected hair samples with ‘sealed’ envelopes signed by unsuspecting parents
CAS Misleading Parents and Courts (ie, Bad Faith conduct, Abuse Of Process, etc):
– Aggressive litigation lacking impartiality *
– Perjuring affidavits *
– Refusing to consider/allow/disclose favourable evidence by affidavit (one sided documents) *
– Falsifying Plans of Care, denying treatment *
– Suppressing, withholding evidence from the courts *
– Infringing on court’s jurisdiction to know all the facts *
– Refusing to comply with court orders
– Misleading submissions in court by CAS lawyers *
– Violating the CFSA *
– Violating any and all Case Law *
– CAS claims of acts as abuse that are not within the Child Abuse Spectrum, ie, inventing offenses.
– Selective disclosure or nondisclosure to parents *
– Disclosing unreadable documents
– Refusing/failing to sign own documents
– CAS employees disavowing documents written by their own hand
– Falsifying records
– Using Motherisk(1) drug test reports from switched hair samples to mislead the courts
– CAS misleading courts with Motherisk FAEE drug tests knowing EtG tests clears the parent
– misrepresenting false or nonexistent ‘chain of custody’ on evidence to mislead the courts
– CAS refusing to investigate unreliable claims of one vindictive parent against another parent
– CAS workers abusing ‘Qualified Privilege’ to lie on affidavits *
– CAS lawyers abusing ‘Absolute Privilege’ contrary to Rules of Professional Conduct to mislead courts *
– Destroying Notices of Appeal served by Fax, disavowing service *
– Using Doctors who are married to each other as ‘independent Expert Witnesses’ on same cases
– Using Doctors with clinical deficits & negative court decisions to mislead subsequent courts and parents *
– Using Doctors to deny treatment needs of parents and children contrary to Ont. Reg. 25/07 *
– Using Doctors to make report findings that are outside their scope of qualifications
– Supplying misleading records to Doctors and questions to steer assessment away from treatment needs *
– Removing Records from Case file to prevent disclosure.
– Refusing to communicate with parents, claiming a policy of ‘no emails’, etc *
– Repeating false claims after dismissal in new sworn affidavits – violates ‘Res Judicata’ *
– CASs taking advantage of parents with poor or no english language skills
– Abusing the time limit provisions in the FLR to back a court into a forced Crown Ward order
– Refusing/failing to amend claims on new evidence *
– Refusing/failing to amend affidavits
– Misleading respondents in person or in writing
– Refusing/failing to revise it’s litigation position on new evidence before the court *
– Affidavits used in ‘Oath Helping’ scams to mislead court violating case law *
– Disingenuous Offers to Settle *
– CAS gaining a private interest over child’s Statutory Interest by misleading the court *
– Cropping or altering pictures as ‘evidence’ that were lifted from unrelated case files
– Abusing the court’s ‘presumption’ to mislead
– Abusing ‘Applicant’ role under the CFSA *
– CAS filing ‘Motion Records’ for Summary Judgment Motions to confuse the court, not allowed by FLR *
– Violating contractual obligations under the CFSA *
– Obtaining public funding by Fraud with Crown Ward orders obtained by Fraud
– Falsifying Adoption claims in court to prevent Appeals, while collecting funds for a continuing Crown Ward order
– Excessive censoring of Disclosure documents violating R v Stinchcombe and other CAS related disclosure decisions
– Willful blindness by CAS management, staff, workers and lawyers *
– Sharp Practice by CAS lawyers
– CAS lawyers who violate the Rules of Professional Conduct *
– CAS sides with abusive, vindictive parent to smear innocent parent in court while ignoring evidence of real abuse ***
– Refusing to re-assess litigation position *
– False ‘Emotional Harm’ claims, s 37(2)(g) without expert evidence violating case law *
– Falsifying legal names of children on all CAS filings for 1 1/2yrs to humiliate parents, mislead the courts *
– Crown ward Orders obtained by Fraud contrary to FLR Rule 25(19) *
– False claims of ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’ even though SBS has been discredited in criminal Courts**
– Abuse of ‘litigation privilege’ to deny Disclosure of exculpatory evidence, etc
– CAS inserting ” s 37(2)(l) ” in Statement of Agreed Facts and other documents out of context to mislead parents,
s 37(2)(l) amounts to consent to Crown Ward that is used against parents later. (Violating Case Law against this
misleading conduct involving the very same CAS!) * @@