Says 465 – When FAKE becomes FACT

The emergence of the man-made covid-19 virus is real, in that it exists, but it was NOT as deadly as it was being made out to be to warrant the status of a global pandemic. The FAKE government, medical and media hype blew the virus health issue out of proportion with FAKE virus “modelling” and infection and death numbers that included deaths from other causes. Even if you get the virus, unless you have serious underlying health issues, you have a 99.985% recovery rate with simple home remedies. The so-called mandates to wear a mask, sanitize one hands, social distancing, stay at home and lock-downs were tools to de-humanized, de-sensitized and divide and control society. They weaponized the media to create fear and doubt, to enable them to justify their agenda and get people to comply, willingly or by intimidation, to their own self-destruction.

Initially, virus testing was done with a thermal laser aimed at the forehead to determine if the person had a temperature, and if they did, they were deemed to have Covid-19 and were told to self-isolate for fourteen days. Next came the FAKE nasal swab (PCR test) that reached deep inside a persons nasal cavity near the brain. PCR tests are not meant to test for Covid-19 and at best, have a 2% accuracy with tests that are considered positive. I say the nasal swab is FAKE as the “original“ expert medical hype was that a persons saliva was the prime carrier and cause of the virus spreading; so why not a mouth swab. The government controlled the FAKE medical data broadcast by the media; and most people bought the LIE.

Next came the so-called mRNA “vaccine” that was rushed into production by various pharmaceutical companies with no medical trials. They were granted approval because of the so-called “state of emergency” of the FAKE global pandemic. The “vaccine” doesn’t offer any immunity to the covid-19 virus, that has also suddenly mutated and is being identified by the same PCR test. The mRNA treatment “jab” does not create immunity, it however does alter the DNA of the person that is injected and will have serious repercussions as it also alters the persons immune system. Instead of helping the body fight the virus that a vaccine should do, it alters the body’s immune system to accept the covid virus and not fight it.

Now, after over a year of all this FAKE pandemic hype and people wearing masks, sanitizing, getting tested with a suspicious nasal swab, staying at home and being locked-down, and now being injected with the “mRNA-vaccine”, the FAKE is turning into FACT.  By that I mean that the people that have complied with the fear mongering have not only weakened their immune system, but also added stress to their lungs, heart and other organs. Because of a weakened immune system, the virus is now able to attack the weakened organs in the body and is what you are beginning to see happening now. More people are being admitted to ICU with serious health issues and dying.

What was once a FAKE pandemic, has now become a FACT. The “Agenda” of the NWO is in full effect and a lot of people will now be dying from the Corona virus that originally had a 99.985% survival rate. It’s now real and will only get worse as people begin to succumb to the covid-19 virus as it attacks the body’s weakened immune system and any weakened organs, particularly lungs and heart, as a result of long term wearing a mask, nasal swab testing and the nMRNA treatment. Of course, the puppets of the NWO will blatantly state that the present social restrictions are not enough and that more are needed to “flatten the curve” and reduce the rising death rate. And so it continues, the making of a global totalitarian state.

Says 392 – Beware the Useful Idiots

I came across this article that really nails how our present society has been, and is being dumbed down. Those “otherkin” presently in a position of power and authority would like to keep it that way as it serves their hidden agenda.

I’ve provided a couple of links to the “educational system” that is a major player in this clandestine operation. Link 1 ….. Link 2

Says 357 – Human Society and Bees








I watched this video and felt sick.. Here are bees storing honey for their hive and along comes a human, and takes what they have worked so hard to gather and produce.

It reminds me of the slavery, share-croppers and workers who desire to provide for their family and live comfortably, only to have someone come and TAKE what was theirs.

What so-called civilized governments and corporations are doing to so-called third world countries.. exploiting human labor and materials for their profit and pleasure.

Says 356 – When illegal become legal

It’s a sad state of affairs that this corrupt cancer has been allowed to grow in society and gradually overtake any sense of moral values. This article: 12 Words from the Wrong Side of the Law   outlines the actions that were once consider illegal, but now are common place. The practices still go on, but now they have sugar coated with the words with the ubiquitous term Lobbyist.  Of course the various levels of government and the legal and law enforcement system, who are supposed to admonish any legal wrong doing, are in fact, the ones that are at the core of this wide scale corruption. Lobbyist are hired by corporate or private interests to “court” government politicians, bureaucrats and their agencies, as well as all members of the legal and law enforcement system to accept “favors” in return for doing favors. In other words, you have a “john” (sex trade term) looking for a prostitute. If they can’t get what they want with money, (and there is lots of that) they will use threats and intimidation.

Of course, this process has been gradual, and with political and legal double speak being the norm, society has slowly allowed this insidious monster to creep into their daily lives, where the interests of corrupt corporations and individuals are put ahead of the needs of the individual and society in general. This infiltration has taken place with more rules and laws being passed that favor corporations, and other self-interest factions, while limiting personal freedom. This “lobbying” applies to every aspect of society, and no sector, not even religion, is immune.

Says 350 – Societies need for conformity

It’s a sad state of affairs that one can’t express their thoughts and ideas openly and freely. That the individual with new ideas is mocked, ridiculed and attacked because what they say doesn’t fit into the narrow minded programs and beliefs of the brainwashed social mindset.

Unfortunately, most that have this sense of individuality and creative spark are made to feel they are wrong, and that everyone that is against them are right. To stop being attacked and to gain some semblance of social acceptance, they begin to give up on their ideals. Slowly, they are worn down by the hatred of others and their own self-hatred and they become just like the ones that hated them.

The reason for the social mobs attack is based in fear, fear of change, and the disintegration of their reality. They fear what they do not know. Others that know what the change will bring fear a loss of power and control and so they fight to maintain the status quo.

Says 305 – The “Beast”

The New World Order

I modified this image and added the text a few years ago as part of my attempt to try to put some of the pieces of the puzzle together. Don’t get me wrong in quoting the bible, as I’m not religious by any means, it’s just a couple of verses that stuck with me.

The reason I’m posting this now is that almost three years ago, I had a car accident, where a woman ran a red light and I broadsided her. My SUV was totaled. I didn’t have any broken bones, but suffered hearing loss, TMJ, whiplash, soft tissue damage and lower back injuries.

Anyway, I got a letter from my lawyer, notifying me of a “Discovery” meeting regarding the tort claim. He submitted a couple pages of what to expect at this meeting. The process starts with a swearing in to tell the truth, and that activated my issues with so-called “authority,” figures that have immunity, privilege, and entitlement, and are not governed by the same rules that the rest of us are supposed to follow and OBEY.

It brought up all that is wrong with this world; the denial spirits that run it and all those Order Followers who are “just doing their job” that are part of the system. When I look at all those involved in the system, (the BEAST) it’s no wonder that I feel overwhelmed and that the Earth is in the shape it’s in.

Why this is activating me is because it will be me against the system. By that, I mean that it will be my opportunity to heal a lot of issues including expressing my feelings and emotions, and challenging old imprints, programs and beliefs, that I know they will try to suppress and deny. Speaking my truth and “walking my talk” in the presence of those that will try every trick to manipulate and control me is terrifying. A few years ago I had the unpleasant court experience where I discovered first hand, the power of denial. Now it will be an opportunity to see if I will repeat, or, witness the power of love.

Says 284 – Labels – Social and Personal

This meme is floating around the internet and it is hogwash, NOT that it isn’t a truth, but that it’s NOT a social truth, far from it. People are socially imprinted and programmed to label (judge) people, places and things. They give other people status and authority and then kowtow or worship them. The pope, Dalai Lama, priest, minister, the Queen, president, a politician, a movie star, singer, sports player, policeman, soldier, fireman, guard, CEO, teacher, manager, supervisor, etc, etc. These are all people that we put ahead of ourselves, that we think and say have more worth or value.

But wait –  there is more! What about the labels you put on yourself. The irony is that in our brain-washed “altered” EGO state of Being, we try to be like, or at least, associate and identify ourselves with the idols we worship. I AM a Christian, I AM a Catholic, I AM a Anglican, I AM a democrat, I AM a Jennifer Lopez fan, I AM a Boston Celtics fan, I AM a patriot and support our troops, I AM Pro life, and the list goes on an on. All these I AM labels separates people and creates inner conflict, as always there will be people better or more important than you. The irony is that religion and even New Agers, put on this false bravado and rhetoric that we are all the same and equal., which is a part-truth, but what is not said, what is denied and already imprinted and programmed into our Minds is that some are more equal than others.

And now, we get to the interesting part. Because you identify yourself with another person that you think is above you; as soon as anyone says anything that appears to attack what you idolize and worship, your “altered” Ego thinks it’s a personal attack and gets it’s Belief Systems (BS) brain cells firing at anything it sees as a threat.

BUT THERE IS MORE….. Now on a more personal level, all this came about with my activation on my previous post ..  and removing the labels I had placed on others and myself, is part and parcel of working on healing my shame issues

Says 280 – Activated into Shame Issues

Says 77 – Re-focusing on eBook 2 – final edit

2012 Aug 07 The past few days I have begun proof reading and re-editing eBook 2 – My Journey – Three Levels of Healing. The present website version is still v1.9 but I’m now working on v4.3. In this edit, I’m mainly looking for and punctuation errors but I’m re-phrasing, and adding or deleting the odd word or words from the last edit. It’s amazing, as no matter how many times I edit it, there is always something that I missed. I wrote the material, so while my eyes scan what is written, I know what I said or wanted to say in my Mind. I’ve been using Natural Reader a free text to speech program to do my recent editing and that too is now becoming somewhat ineffective as I’ve listened to my material several times. I’m using Natural reader mainly to listen to how my words flows, while also using my eyes to spot what I think are punctuation errors.

It would be nice to have another person that has never read my work, do an edit, but I can’t afford a professional one so I’ll just have to do the best I can. So what it it’s not grammatically “perfect,” according to some English language rules. It’s interesting that even though society puts emphasis on good grammar and spelling, we can still read and understand what the writer meant if the spelling is terrible.. Here is an internet example. You can still read bad spelling

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it

I’m thinking that when I finish eBook 2 and Book 3, that I’ll also redo my website and have it so that if anyone wants my published eBooks, (1, 2, and 3) that they will have to email me and I will email it to them. I’ll have to wait and see what happens when I go to get the books published in print through a POD publisher, and how the eBooks will be handled. I’m not looking at making money (or at least, as little as possible) off the printed books, and would certainly still like to have the eBooks distributed for free.

Says 75 – Evolution not Revolution

In going through my stuff, I had picked up an old business card from a Doctor I visited when I was out West. I noticed the name of the Health care centre (clinic) that he worked out of at the top of the card, but what caught my attention wasn’t the name, but the caption underneath it that read,

“A Revolution in Health Care”

I thought about it for a few seconds and realized that any REVOLUTION doesn’t really change anything as a revolution by definition is simply a rotation of 360 degrees, a complete circle or cycle ending back at the same point. While it’s true that people, places and things can change with each revolution, what doesn’t change are the basic thoughts, ideas, imprints, programs and beliefs that the people have. When people feel they are being controlled and over-powered, they seek to overthrow those they feel are in a position of power so that they can become the ones in power and in control. So in reality there is only a change in form.

Later I thought that what we need is not a revolution, to overthrow the powers to be, but an evolution, a letting go of all our old imprints, programs and beliefs that will then enable us to create what we really desire in a totally new way, from a new blueprint. Humanity needs to awaken to a new awareness of themselves and all that is around them. To see themselves for who they really are, and not what they think and believe they are and what society presently projects they should be or try to be. They need to become aware that they are a Spiritual Being having a physical experience, and not just a physical Body coping as best they can with the life they are experiencing, and waiting for death to become a spiritual Being and have a better life. Humanities thinking is all backwards.

Says 26 – The power of labels and our core “I am” beliefs

I’m in a Facebook group where I’ve been having an exchange with a man that admits he is gay. As he defended his belief of his gender preference, I realized that he was no different than a person saying they were an alcoholic or a drug addict. While the man said, “I am gay” he totally missed the fact that he is a Spiritual Being having a physical experience which happens to be being in a sexual relationship with a man, which is labeled by society as the person being gay. Being gay is what he is experiencing; it is not what he is… BIG difference.

I also realized that any mental, emotional or physical affliction is the same as an addiction in that both carry the denied underlying causes related to their physical experiences. If people allow themselves to be identified by the LABELES that their Doctor, or society puts on them, then they will have resigned themselves to be defined by those limiting and crippling beliefs. They will unconsciously will live their lives in pain and misery until such time that they choose to let go of their label belief and decide to find the hidden cause, the unseen role of denial underpinning their experience.

Our fears are connected to our “I AM” core beliefs that limit us from being who we really are. Our fears are not bad or evil, but they have their origins rooted in real life traumatic unloving experiences were we fragmented a piece of our Essence out of our Being. While we are mentally unaware of the fragments that have been denied, we are aware of their presence by their magnetic draw to be accepted, yet we still deny them, or rather, deny dealing with the original cause that created the fragmentation and resultant programs and beliefs. It’s a double blind situation as we are unaware of what we are doing and what we need to do to resolve and heal the situation and therefore we ignorantly believe our denials as being the truth and the truth as being our denials.

The same goes for other beliefs like, I am not free, I am poor, homeless, unhappy, depressed, etc. All these are limiting “I AM” beliefs and as such, are locked into the CORE of our psyche, our BEING. Until they are cleared and released, it’s impossible to become our true “I AM” presence as these beliefs, and the denied feelings and emotions behind the experiences that led to these beliefs, are overriding our true essence and power.

Affirmations like, “I am happy, I am abundant. I am free,” etc., are just a forms of denial and role-playing that only serve to deepen the belief. As an example, simply saying “I am happy” when one is actually feeling sad is in blatant denial of our true feelings and emotions.