Says 513 – NEXRAD – Another NWO weapon against humanity.

So if you have any questions about the NEXRAD Radar sites on the sat feeds, this covers a few bases on locations AND radiation fields. Those glowing areas show field strength in relation to the coverage area, just like what you see on the sat feeds. Only the color on the feed is blue. And the fact that these fields remain constant is a clear indication it is NOT weather activity… But if you watch carefully you will find they influence the weather.

Additionally when you see massive pulses lighting up the network in sync from East to West, it’s clearly being controlled.

By whom? The National Weather Service and the Department of Defence.

This is your first clue it is known as a weapon. A “Silent Weapon in a quiet war”… An Introductory Programming Manual

If you want to know what is causing the heat waves, here’s a clue. We are being microwaved in mass.

This is beyond diabolical.

On the 16th they microwaved most of the country with MASSIVE synchronized pulses for 12 hours straight, while we slept from 9:11 at night until 9:11 in the morning.

The 17th they started at 8:11 and went until 9:11 increasing it to 13 hours.

The 18th they started at 7:11 and went until 9:11 increasing it to 14 hours.

They are ramping it up each day.Like the formula for boiling frogs, increasing by one incremental degree at a time so as not to trigger their reflexes of self-preservation.

This is using the same frequency as the microwave oven. This has the same cause/effect relationship. This causes damage to DNA, which will result in many issues from cancer to brain/neurological damage. A scientific study from the official Govern Mental sources that shows microwave radiation causes the misfolding of peptides/proteins. [PMC7309322]

The misfolded proteins associated with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob diseases as well as certain cancer types such as amyloidosis can be caused by microwave radiation… The same frequencies used in Wifi/Bluetooth, SMART meters, Radar, microwave ovens and such.?And there is evidence that NEXRAD towers were being synchronized and pulsing these frequencies across the country…

CJD is similar to “Mad Cow”. A brain wasting disorder. [Zombie] [The cows are innocent]

So many people are suffering now without even realizing it.?If you want to know what is causing the heat waves, and dis ease, here’s a clue. We are being microwaved.

On the 16th they microwaved most of the country with MASSIVE synchronized pulses for 12 hours straight, while we slept from 9:11 at night until 9:11 in the morning.

Says 511 – NY, USA ( Bill- 2.13 Government taking control of population)

This relates to the post I made before (Says 509, on the WHO taking over every medical establishment in the world. This is coming into so-called law in May of 2024, as all the so-called government officials voted and approved it via the UN

Says 509 – WHO to take over World Health

Link to   Biill 2.31.  

Says 510 – The Dark Future for iPad Kids

This video isn’t just sad, it’s heartbreaking to think of the future these kids will have, and the effect it will have on society.

Says 509 – WHO to take over World Health

The WHO, (World Heath Organization) which is part of the the NWO (New World Order) is set to take over most of the Health Facilities of the world with the agreement of most of the world nations. This is to happen May of 2024

Says 508 – NWO satellite lasers attack Chile

NWO satellite lasers attack Chile, similar to the fires and devastation in Hawaii

Says 507 – Goals of Digital ID

It seems like FB censorship is getting darker, as they now don’t let you share or copy a FB Reel video… So here is what they and the dark ones are not wanting you to see.

This short video is about how the corrupt, so-called “Authority Figures” and the dark powers pulling their strings are attempting to control everybody and everything.

Says 504 – Maui Fires cover-up #3

Yet another Maui fire aftermath video… Notice the vehicles and their location, and the trees and the absence of combustable debris that could have burnt the cars.



Says 503 – Maui Fires cover-up #2

Video showing pulverized Aluminum and Liquified Glass on Vehicle caught in the Lahaina / maui grass fire. This was the work of a US military DEW weapon, (satellite lasers) that also did the rest that is being cover up.

Says 501 – NWO and Maui fires

I found this on a friends site that lives in Hawaii.
The caption was… “EXPOSED! They’re All In On it – Maui Massacre”

Wow… We here in CaNaDa have had the government ban MSM from Facebook and other social media.. . and all we are getting are bit and pieces from independent sources… Suspicion is that the current wild fires in Canada and around the world are related to DEW weapons as are the ones in Hawaii.

Says 500 – WHO to get sovereignty over 193 nations health.

Well now that NWO has played out the Covid-19 plandemic, it’s implementing the next stage of their agenda, where the US, under Biden and the UN, are proposing that 193 nations (99,4%) of the world population give their sovereignty over national Health care to the WHO. This will be voted on in Geneva on May 22-28. Forty of the most powerful nations have agreed to support Biden. Currently, 26 million people in China are in total lockdown.

Says 498 – X-Files – Fiction or a prediction?

X-Files – Fiction or a prediction? Watch the video and see how humanity has been and is being manipulated.

SV-149G – The Coming Changes

This video is to announce the suspension of this series. A few years ago, I was going to write the book “Empath’s Dilemma,” but felt it would take too long. I then decided to create these videos and again, I felt that time is running out. The reason I felt that is that everything has accelerated the past three years with the Covid-19 plan-demic, and humanity has bought the fear-mongering rhetoric and hysteria put out by the media, and as a result, most went further into denial. I feel major changes are going to be happening soon that will shake humanity to the core, and the Earth herself. With that, I’ve decided to change my focus and intent and go back to where I left off on my journey of self-discovery, and address the issues I have been unconsciously denying and avoiding. I don’t know if I’ll be making any more videos, but I thank you for subscribing and watching my videos.


Says 495 – Laws created by the Corporate System

Here is a good video on what so-called law is… and how the SYSTEM uses it to manipulate and control the masses. It is corrupt and evil to the core, while presenting a public perception of truth, justice and freedom.  The Scam-demic is a good example of how the government, medical establishment, media and legal system and others, were privy to the intent of the elite and their hidden agenda.


Says 494 – Vax’d injuries and death cover up

There was a group “Died Suddenly News” on Facebook that started a short time ago. The group shared personal experiences about people getting injured and drying from the mRNA lased vaccine.” The group had just reached 300,000 members when it was taken down… DELETED… Not only was it deleted, but any messages I had posted were also deleted… Try to find any information on vaccine injuries and deaths and there are only some, like women’s periods might last a day longer than before or there might be the odd rash that lasts two to three days. GOOGLE is covering up what is really going on… The government, medical and media are playing dumb to what is actually going on.

I have personally seen four people that have oozing sores on their arms and body. I spoke to two people that have had loved ones die days after getting jabbed. I’ve also talked to two men that have bladder cancer and another two that have had heart attacks after taking the jab.

SV-120G – Saving People (2-2)

It’s another aspect of “letting go” and releasing ones “attachments’ to the person they feel needs them. When people finally become aware of their circumstances, they need to accept responsibility for their initial choices and deal with the consequences as such. Being in denial, they will try to use the ”oh poor me” tactic to get an empath to do their bidding.

SV-119G – Saving people (1-2)

As an empath, you have the innate ability to hear, see and know what others don’t hear, see or know. The other thing is that Empaths want to help others that they see in trouble or about to get into trouble. It’s a frustrating position, and one that is needed in order to “let go” of those that don’t want to see or hear the truth.

SV-118H – Past and Expectation

When dealing with heartbreak, besides the issue of attachment is one of expectation, and projections. Your point of power is in the present moment, but if your consciousness is in the past, lamenting about what you lost, or projecting into the future and lost hopes, dreams and desire, what you could have had what you expected. Life is a journey, like a river flowing where time and space are moving. What you experience in one moment is not the same, as in the next moment as time and space have moved on, and you can’t go back. Since birth, we have been taught and programmed to believe that our happiness and self-worth depends on people, place and things. When they are taken away, we feel lost and heartbroken.

SV-117F – Fear of Authority

Besides fear of physical people, places and things, empaths also have fear of non-physical things, one being the word, authority. It begins with our parents, siblings, relatives, friends and moves out for there. Using the present Covid plan-demic as an example of how the government, medical and media use the words “authority” and “expert” as a tool to create the illusion that they have power over those that buy into their fear-mongering tactics, that manipulate herd mentality to follow their dictates.   

Says 488 – Military panicked when they saw the future

Time-lines are merging, and it’s coming down to the end of the game for the elites that have been in power for eons. They can’t change the outcome; they can only prolong the game, and that is what is happening right now. However… don’t fool yourself into thinking that you’re going to be “saved” by some miracle because you aren’t in the “elite” or 1% class, those that are the super rich and powerful and also the behind the scene players.

While I say the 1%, it’s far greater than that. The 1% can be compared to the top of a military organization, and then you have all the rank and file beneath them. The order followers, including those that directly or indirectly offer support in any number of ways. The people involved are in every station and walk in life, and most just consider their reality as normal.

There are presently two realities co-existing on Earth in the same space and time. One reality contains those that are loving and empathic and can feel the energy of love. They are loving, open and expansive. The other reality is what forms the elite and their minions. They are unloving, but “act” loving and caring, and are closed and controlling. The problem is that both groups have been trying to change the other, and so far, the unloving elite group have been in control through the use of the unseen role of denial. The thing that gives them power and control over the loving group, are one’s denials, especially the denial of one’s REAL feelings and emotions towards the energy and actions of the unloving group. Denial of real emotional expression is actually submitting or giving your power away to those that want to control you. The count-down is under way and one’s choices are going to determine which reality you will go with.

NOTE: This post has been edited – 2022-03-02

Here is a link to the ORIGINAL INTERVIEW

Says 487 – Sheeple – Amazing and Amusing

I find it amazing and amusing how the sheeple follow their political masters… I was going to add “alarmed”, but after two years of warnings, alarmed is no longer relevant. When their freedom and health are threatened with an orchestrated covid plan-demic, they silently obey their puppet masters (political, health and media); and after almost two years oppression, abuse and chicanery, there finally comes a whimper of protest and support when the truckers start to take a stand against the establishment; that dissipates and is abandoned when they are intimidated by local police and UN mercenaries and a show of force.

BUT.. Lo and behold… Now that the political leaders and media report that Russia has invaded the Ukranine, and the political leaders condemn the actions of Russia; the same sheeple that were being oppressed, suddenly applaud the actions of their abusive leader and bleat approval through their masks, and protest in numbers. There are also no repercussions to any protesters by the political leaders as there were with the truckers.

As long as there is a big enough distraction to take the sheeple’s minds off their personal dilemma, (if they even recognize it as that) and they can offer sympathy and support to others that they deem to be less fortunate, they are happy; but, only if those being oppressed are half a world away and not in their front yard.

I see no end to this cycle of denial and madness, except that it continues to spiral downwards and burns itself out; thus ridding the Earth of the puppet masters, their puppets and those that support them through their indifference, apathy, passivity, denials and lack of self-love to ensure their survival.