I just had to respond to this brain dead ad posted on Yahoo.ca. It’s one of the Sportcheck ads that comes up when you try to get your Yahoo email so I can’t give you a link to it, but I did save a screen shot of it. I also added a few comments of my own…
Monthly Archives: September 2012
Says 85 – Israel doing more saber rattling in preparation for war
2012 Sept 17 Monday Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu
“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Iran was just six to seven months away from the brink of being able to build a nuclear bomb.”
“Netanyahu’s sharpened rhetoric in recent days had stoked speculation that Israel might attack Iran before the U.S. election, believing that Obama would give it military help and not risk alienating pro-Israeli voters.”
“It’s the same fanaticism that you see storming your embassies today. You want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?” Netanyahu asked in the NBC interview, in a clear emotional appeal to Americans still reeling from the angry protests sparked by a film that mocked the Prophet Mohammad.”
What he’s NOT saying, what is being denied is that Israel has a stockpile of Nuclear weapons, and has had for decades. As long as they are the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, they don’t want anyone else with the same capabilities as that would neutralize base of power, which of course, is backed by the USA.
What he’s also not saying about the recent events and killing of US embassy staff is that the people were provoked by the recent release of the film, “Innocence of Muslims,” which is an anti Islam video that claims Islam is a lie and that Mohammed was a pedophile. Muslims are reacting to this religious insult just as Christians would also be outraged if anyone mocked Jesus, or Jews reacting to any anti Moses propaganda. Just because they’re Muslims reacting to their religious beliefs, they are called fanatics, while if that happened to Christians or Jews, their violent outbursts would be deemed justified.
The thing that is starting to come out about this film is that the film was endorsed and funded by the US government. Similar to the recent Colorado “Dark Knight Batman” Theatre Massacre, there is also a cover-up going on as things don’t add up and clearly points the finger at the US government and their agencies.
Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu
Says 84 – Something evil this way comes
Back in February I mentioned that I felt that Israel was getting ready to start a war with Iran. Says 07 – Israel getting ready to attack Iran Well I’ve been watching the headlines on the internet and it’s not far off.
What is interesting to note is that the USA has realized that its position as a world super power is diminishing as it is being seen for power hungry opportunist that it is, and that any move it makes against Iran, will not only be condemned, but also met with not so pleasant reprisals. Not that the US doesn’t have the Military might, but without allies to do some of their dirty work and being spread out across the globe, their resources are stretched and vulnerable. Also, these allies, based on present global opinion, could turn against the US, and that would complicate matters even more.
So now the powers to be behind that US presidential puppet (Obama) have decided to enlist the aid of its neighboring puppet country, CANADA, and its redneck crony, Stephen Harper, to become the unofficial spokesman for the pentagon. Harper spouts off political hearsay and rhetoric about Iran’s nuclear program, while hob knobbing with Israel’s PM, and defending their military stance against Iran. Meanwhile, Obama has given the world the APPEARANCE that the USA is distancing itself from Israel and their military agenda to attack Iran. Note I said the APPERANCE… it’s all an illusion, a façade, as they are actively involved in trying to over throw the Iranian regime.
With all this going on, Canada has recently pulled their embassy officials out of Iran, which is a pretty good indication of things to come and that there is going to be a war… very soon…
To add to this, the illustrious schmuck Harper, has just been awarded the ‘World Statesman of the Year’ award, which is a farce and just as valid and noteworthy as Obama winning the noble peace prize weeks after coming into office.
I say farce as Canada’s international reputation has been going downhill since Harper came into power a few years ago, like recently being rejected from having a seat on the UN Security Council.
We are no longer looked on by the rest of the world as Canadians, but as dumb and numb American puppets. We are now tarred with American shit, and guilty by association, all thanks to our foreign policies of cozying up to US propaganda and the so-called war on Terrorism.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-American,…. I’m just not Pro-American. For that matter, I’m not pro any government as they are all puppets and corrupt. There are a few politicians that TRY to make a difference, but they get blocked, or killed by those in a position of power that are pulling the strings from behind the scenes.
Says 83 – Book 2 almost done.
2012 Sept 12 I’ve been working on finishing the editing Book 2 the past week or so and as today, I have almost finished it. There are a couple of topics I’d like to expand, and then I just need to reformat the TOC and clean up some stuff.
Says 82 – Getting organized – Generation Gap
2012 Sept 02 Sunday, I never bought any food on Saturday as I hadn’t been able to talk to Nancy or Frank as to where I could put my stuff in the refrigerator, as well as where I was going to store my non perishable food stuff. I talked to Nancy this morning after they got up around noon and she gave me some cupboard and fridge space, enough to keep my basics. Other foodstuff and some of my utensils I can keep in a cupboard in my room.
2012 Sept 07 Friday It’s kind of weird as the two young people that also room here usually eat when and what Frank and Nancy eat. No one eats breakfast and supper isn’t until 8:30 – 9:00 at night. It’s like a communal kitchen, but where it’s Nancy (depending on what shift she works) or Frank that does the cooking, and Frank doesn’t get home until after 8:30pm, and the young ones just wait until supper is ready. The young guy make spaghetti for himself the other day, but he didn’t just make one of two servings, he used the whole package, enough for 10 people, and then he stuffed the pot in the fridge as leftover’s. He then eats at it during the day for days, trying to get rid of it as no one else wants it. He told me I could help myself, but I already had my spaghetti feed a day before he made his, so I wasn’t interested.
I’ve also noticed that the two young people seem lost. They both have jobs, but they are in their own little world that doesn’t include the basics of living and caring for themselves. It’s just like they are large toddlers. They leave their bedroom door open at times and I can’t help but notice how littered and messy the rooms are. When they use the bathroom, whatever falls on the counter or floor, stays there, same goes for the kitchen and even the patio. Maybe it’s just the three generation gap at work, but there seems to be this hopelessness or indifference that is reflected, not only by their rooms, but in their general attitude. They look clean and as normal as present teens can be when they go out, as that is the public perception that they want to portray, but that is not what they are really like. The young guy had his girlfriend (mother figure) over the other day and she cleaned up his room, but a few hours after she left, he had things on the floor again.
The other part of the generation gap is with Frank and Nancy as they are in their later 40’s and are consumed with their jobs, Nancy working a rotating three shift schedule, mornings, afternoons and nights, while Frank works 8 am to 8 pm, 7 days a week. Both of them have very little time for each other, or to do things around the house, other than prepare meals and clean up after the toddlers. Nancy also tries to be this cool mother figure to them, cleaning up after them (once a week) and driving them to the store to get beer, cigarettes, or maybe some food. I know the young ones are also smoking weed, but they’re not toking up in the house or yard. They are what they are, and I just do my own thing.
I don’t know what these young kids would do if no one cleaned up after them or prepared their meals and did their laundry. They are like a hoarder or litterbug that would eventually be living in and eating their own excrement. I’m not saying that one needs to be a clean freak, BUT!….
Ahhh! I just got it… It’s all about choice. People are going to be toddlers and litterbugs as long as there are people that are willing to mother them, to pick up after them and take care of them. It’s all about power and control and of course, denial, free Will and choice.
Nancy hooked up my internet, (25 character password). Apparently, the TV and movies are also available via the computer but that hasn’t been activated as yet. I don’t rally miss TV….
Says 81 – Moved to new room and city
2012 Aug 31 Friday I had called my new room rental in Brantford a couple of days ago and this afternoon at 3:00 pm I got the phone call saying that I can move in today. I had already packed up most of my stuff by early morning as it was going to be a hot day, +32C and I’m glad I did. I planned that if I didn’t get the call that I could move in today, that I was prepared to stay the night and then move out early in the morning as I had only a few things to pack.
After I got the call, I went downstairs and told the landlord that I was leaving, I waited around until his wife went to the bank to get some money to give me back my $100.00 deposit. After I got it, I stopped in at the fish and chip shop where I used to work and got an order of fish and chips for supper, before heading out to my new digs.
I arrived around 5:30pm and the place was busy. Nancy and Frank’s son and daughter-in-law were visiting them for the weekend, along with their two yappy min-pins (dogs). There was also a young man and woman that I found out were also tenants. I had met the woman before, but I didn’t know about the guy, so that makes three of us renting rooms, still better than five. My new room is about 12’x 18’ and roughly the same area as the last one that was about 15’x15’. It’s also nice that I don’t have to deal with the 19 stairs
By 6:30 I was pretty much settled in and had some bags unpacked. I was later invited to join Frank and Nancy and the others on the patio where we chatted for a while.
2012 Sept 01 When I knew I was going to be moving, I had let my food run out, especially any perishable and frozen food. So on Saturday morning, I got dressed and went out to Tim Horton’s for breakfast. Later I had a short drive around this end of Brantford just looking at what stores and services are available.