Says 170 – I’m back – kind of, sort of, maybe. :) !

170 - cartoon-man peeps-out-trap-doorI can’t believe that on Dec. 03, it will be a years since my car accident. This summer, not summer, this year, has been a washout, as I’m still going to my Chiropractor and getting massage treatments, while doing my own physiotherapy to expand my range of motion and strength. And while they are helping, it’s been a slow process. I’m still only able to do maybe 25% of what I could do before the accident, and most of it has to do with my whiplash injury that not only affects my neck, but also my back, arms and legs. Moving either my arms or legs in a who knows what manner, will trigger my neck, which then affects the rest of my body. Even walking is limited to a few blocks at most. Besides that, I still have my constant dull headache that doesn’t help the situation. On top of my physical issues, I’m also trying to get my books published in eBook formats and that is turning out to be a nightmare. So while I say, I’m back, that may be short lived, but it is my intent to resume blogging, as I feel it’s time to reconnect.

Says 139 – Yet another ear infection and flu like symptoms

Man-with-Earache2013 Feb 21 On Tuesday I started to get a sore throat and last night around 9:00 pm my left ear started ringing and plugging up. I could also feel my throat and lungs beginning to tighten up… Great, just what I need! I went to bed with a pounding head and earache and tossed and turned for hours, Finally around 3:00 am it got better and I was able to get some sleep. I was thinking that it’s been about nine months since I had my last ear infection.

The next day I still had a sinus headache and ringing in my left ear. I was also off balance and when I walked, I could feel/hear my footsteps in my left ear. After supper, my sinuses began to clear and that carried on into the middle of the night. Good thing was that as it cleared, my headache was also going away. I forgot to mention that on top of this, I still had my back pains, so life is not a joy at this time.

Says 125 – Potheads doing what potheads do best


woman-smoking-marijuana2012 Dec 27 I was working at my computer when I began getting a headache. I thought I had it because I had been at the computer too long. I decided to take a break. As I opened my bedroom door to go to the bathroom, I was greeted with a blast of the odor of marijuana that was overpowering. I immediately felt nauseous and began to cough . Paul and his girlfriend were toking up in his bedroom. This was the third time in the past week and a half that he has intentionally smoked his shit in the house. I guess he figures that as I’m leaving anyway, he can do whatever he wants.

The smell of weed not only makes me cough and wheeze but it also makes me feel sick, dizzy and disoriented and gives me a splitting headache that is focused behind my eyes and lasts for 6 – 10 hours. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper as I had to stop working on editing my book as I couldn’t focus. I hope to get the keys to my bachelor apartment this weekend and I’m out of this shit…   Hopefully… 🙂