Says 260 – Shenreed Book Excerpts up and running

Well it’s taken a bit longer than I thought, but I finally got the excerpts for my three books on line. First I had to find a simple CSS – HTML responsive website template. I found what I needed at  Creative Blog that I then modified to suit my needs. Next was the learning curve as to how I was going to code it and work it into my website.  After that, was collecting the text for each book that I wanted to use, and then adding them to the various templates. Finally, there was the checking of the links, and then uploading and verifying. All in all, I only had three minor issues that were fixed in five minutes. In total, there are 42 excerpts that I hope will give readers a “feel” for what the books are about.

You can check out the new “excerpt” page, and the related pages at this link…  Shenreed

Says 151 – I’m back and there are some changes.

151 - Book 2  coverWell having my website hacked was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back as I haven’t posted for months. I had been gradually cutting back on posting to my blog for a while and when I did, it was always playing “catch up.”  This put a lot of pressure on me, as I was also trying to finish editing my 2nd and 3rd books so that I could publish them. Having my entire website hacked, make me feel what’s the use, and who really cares anyway, except the creeps that hacked me.

After getting things back on line, I slowly focused on editing my books.  There were a lot of things I had over looked, like checking my grammar and formatting.  I thought I had no grammar errors until I happened to open another Word document that said I had too many errors to continue checking my grammar. This made me wonder, so I divided my books to make them shorter and then corrected the grammar issues. I’m almost there and hope to have them available as free ebooks (PDF or.doc  format) in the next couple of weeks.

151 - Johnny AppleseedI’ve also decided to change what I post on my blog. I have been posting my personal experiences as well as what is happening in the world today, trying to wake people up.  I’m no longer going to do that as becoming aware as to what is wrong with this world , then doing something about it is a personal choice.  Instead, I’m going to use my blog as a means to plant a seed in the minds of those reading it, so that they too can begin to heal their issues and create the reality they desire. This realization came to me as I’ve recently been collecting seeds, and it occurred to me that I need to sow the seeds that I have. Not the physical seeds, like Johnny Apple Seed, but the Word seeds, that will grow and be taken in to change people’s Minds and Hearts. I’m still going to post my personal stuff and any issues I’m going through as well as healings and insights  I experience in creating  a new world reality, Heaven on Earth.

Says 149 – I went to see a Psychic

tarot cards 2013 April 01– I decided to go to a psychic fair in London, Ontario on March 31. I didn’t know why I was going, only that I needed to be there. It was a small fair with different readers and goods for sale. I struck up a conversation with one psychic and decided to have her give me a Tarot Card reading. The last time I had a reading done was over 20 years ago. It was interesting to hear her give me details of what I have been experiencing. She also picked up on the three books I’m in the process of finalizing and publishing. She also gave me information that I wasn’t aware of like this year being the year that I publish my books, that it’s now the right time and that I’ll be meeting a woman and will no longer be alone on my journey.

imprints, programs and beliefsThe biggest message I got from her that was confusing at first as she said that I was to let go of the past or it will consume and follow me. That confused me at as it is totally the opposite of my intent and journey, which is to go into the past and heal it. It wasn’t until I got home and wrote “the past” in my journal that I realized what the past I need to let go of is. What I need to let go of is the World’s imprints, programs and beliefs. I need to focus on creating what I desire and not worry about or try to change, fix or save those that want to live in this reality. New EarthI can’t change the mindset of society, nor can I solve the problems and issues they have collectively created. I can only help those that desire to change and that is only going to happen after the shit hits the proverbial fan, and the present society begins to collapse and the NWO takes over. It’s then that some people will begin to have a shift in consciousness, what I call ”quicken” and desire to awaken. That is where I come in, and that is also when I meet a woman and will no longer be alone on my journey.

Says 132 – Things coming together

way of working out





2013 Jan 11 Well things are coming together. I’ve done more cleaning and organizing. I’ve been working on editing book 2 and it’s going nicely. Yesterday I picked up a used bookcase to replace an old one-drawer dresser that is big and bulky and of little use. I also picked up an old home movie screen for $4.50 at a thrift store, which I intend to use as a backdrop when I begin to do YouTube videos. Later that morning the property owner came back with the re-finished cupboard doors that I later re-installed. He also took the one-drawer dresser away. I unpacked a couple of boxes, including my books that haven’t seen daylight for quite some time. The ceiling fan and light have been repaired, (faulty receiver). I also got hooked up to the internet that is being shared in the building. So now, I’m basically set up and settled in, and I must say, it feels good, like a home… For how long, I don’t know but for now, I will enjoy it. I’ve also begun to do my exercise again and I can even do my indoor running and jumping as there is no one below me..

Says118 – Avoidance and the unseen role of Denial

I saw a program on TV about a dog whisperer and during his interview, he used the word avoidance along with three other words, fight, flight and surrender that I often use to describe what happens when people get activated into their issues. While those three words describes their actions once they have been activated, it doesn’t describe how they are re-acting when they are not activated and that is where the word AVOIDANCE comes in. When he mentioned avoidance, it really struck a chord in me as it was another piece of the puzzle that I needed to see in a different light. With avoidance, there is also the use of lies, omission as well as outright denial. While I knew that avoidance was a form of denial, I’ve never really associated it with a three other reactions that people have when they are being activated or triggered. When he used the word avoidance, it became blatantly obvious that avoidance is the main method used to avoid having to face what you are denying and not wanting to face, because if you did, you would get activated you then react with the other three choices.

The avoidance I’m talking about isn’t running when you have been activated, but what you are doing and saying to avoid any situation that you know will activate you. Like when you have a fear of heights, water, knives, guns, fire, crowds, conflict, saying no, getting attention, public speaking, etc, and you avoid any experiences that will trigger that issue. There are countless ways and means to avoid things, from moving around or away from something or someone , procrastinating, deflecting, invalidating, keeping busy, using drugs, alcohol, work, sex, exercise, hobbies, crafts, TV, eating, and the list goes on and on. This avoidance also includes all the different forms of lies, omission and denial that a person can use to avoid an unpleasant situation and be activated. I never really felt how avoidance was linked to the unseen role of denial, but it hit home as I saw how I have been procrastinating and avoiding finishing my books.