Says 382 – Ego – and critical thinking

I found this meme on my FB time line and I just had to comment on it. While it appears to be enlightened, in reality it lacks mental depth and critical thinking and instead, jumps to conclusions.

With just a bit more thought, one would realize that the EGO is not the problem, but the ALTERED EGO is. It’s the EGO that has become aware of itself; aware that it has been altered by old conditioned mind patterns, or, as I like to refer to them as imprints, programs and beliefs. It’s problem solving 101, something that the author of the meme and quote don’t have.

An analogy would be that a person realizes that their shoe lace has broken and is causing them to trip and stumble. Now is the person that is wearing the shoe with the broken lace  the problem, or have they just recognized that there is a problem.

Food for thought… or not.

Says 379 – The Medical Establishment and Mental Illness

There are only two things listed in this meme that are the cause of what is misunderstood and LABELED as MENTAL illness, but is really Emotional distress. They are (1) Chronic Stress and (2) Toxic subconscious programming. Until the so-called modern medical establishment separates the MENTAL from the EMOTIONAL – this same type of TOXIC SUBCONSCIOUS PROGRAMMING will continue.. SSDD.

Says 378 – Abuse – Inner and Outer Battle

While this dance routine is about domestic violence, (the outer battle) it can be seen and felt as much more. It can be seen as the violence (inner battle) between Spirit (mind) Male – and the Will, (Intuition, feelings, emotions) Female…. Where the Mind is in control of its feelings and emotions and allows no movement other than those that are aligned with the Minds beliefs and hidden agenda.

Says 377 – When we deny parts of ourselves

I saw this meme and comment on my timeline and felt I needed to post it, along with the comment.. It’s a good visual representation of how empaths, people that have real feelings and emotions try to survive in a world of people that pretend to have feelings and emotions. They are constantly denying and pushing away the parts that they feel are not acceptable to those they are trying to be like..The more they try to be like “them,” the more they become less of who they truly are.

<Quote> “By choosing not to allow parts of ourselves to exist, we are forced to expend huge amounts of psychic energy to keep them beneath the surface.” ~ Debbie Ford <end quote>       Art: Julián Totino Tedesco

Says 376 – Women are emotional – NOT!

This meme is a classic misconception that is based on our present day patriarchal society, where men are considered strong and leaders because they don’t show their feelings and emotions, while women are considered weak and submissive because they have more acceptance to show their feelings and emotions. Some men are emotional… and some women are not emotional, but only pretend to be… just as some men do.  So the gender battle really is misguided as each human being has within their divine Being, both a masculine Mind (thoughts, ideas, logic, reason) and a feminine Will (feelings, emotion, intuition, knowing, etc)  When you really think about it, the real gender battle is within you… with your mind controlling and suppressing your feelings and emotions.. End that, and your outer reality also changes.

Says 375 – Love your enemies

If you’re a follower of the Christian religion, you have undoubtedly heard of the following biblical quote.. “Love your enemies.” Christian doctrine would have you believe that the loving thing to do is to turn the other cheek and forgive their unloving actions (self sacrifice) . In doing so you deny any expression that you were harmed, and subtly imply the judgment that you are better than them. Of course denial doesn’t work, and while they may temporary befriend you, you still carry the unresolved wound that is not as forgiven as you may think.   Food for thought… or not 🙂

Says 373 – When you find truth and love, everyone will love you… NOT!

I saw this meme on my Facebook time line. I chuckled and said, yes and no…

In your arduous inner journey to your Heart Centre, you will experience ending your denials, knowing the truth, and feeling  unconditional love.. Now, when moving outwardly, there are many…and I mean MANY… that do not like love or the truth because they are living a lie and they are afraid of their denials being exposed, and that bothers them BIG time. In truth… you will be more alone (and happy) than you were before your journey when you had fake friends and relatives hanging around you. Yes, there will be people that you will connect with on different levels, but most will avoid you, which is the opposite of what is suggested in this meme.

Says 371 – Imagination and what is real.

The following image and text appeared on my Facebook timeline and I thought I’d share it and add my comments.

<Quote> “To say that a thing is imaginary is not to dispose of it in the realm of mind, for the imagination, or the image making faculty, is a very important part of our mental functioning. An image formed by the imagination is a reality from the point of view of psychology; it is quite true that it has no physical existence, but are we going to limit reality to that which is material? We shall be far out of our reckoning if we do, for mental images are potent things, and although they do not actually exist on the physical plane, they influence it far more than most people suspect.”

~ Dion Fortune                                                 Art: Zarina Situmorang <End quote>

The modern day “mentaloid” medical establishment and especially psychologists need to wrap their heads (Minds) around this. Memorized information can also be said to be imaginary as it’s a construct of the Mind. Example  2 + 2 = 4. There is no immediate physical proof that it exists, yet we believe it to be true. The same holds true for not only imagination, but also ones feelings and emotions. As an example, sadness and depression can’t be considered any less valid than happiness and excited, and while these are attributes of the psyche, they can also and be displayed in a physical manner. The labels that the positive “feel good” ones are acceptable and the so-called negative ones are not, are judgments based in ignorance. The mentaloid medical establishment still considers feelings and emotions to be a construct of the mind; to be controlled by it, and that concept and belief is seriously flawed. It’s time for the so-called medical establishment to end their authoritarian BS (Belief Systems) and get real, or move out. – Shenreed

Says 370 – Unexpressed Emotions

It’s not that the emotions are ugly… it’s what the long denied emotions are holding that is ugly..  The unlovingness that one originally experienced is taken in and accepted, and is added to by the self-imposed denial of emotional expression and this is what is finally being exposed for what it is. During an unloving physical, mental and emotional attack; if all the feelings and emotions are not expressed, the unloving energy of the attack is accepted into our being and imprints, programs and beliefs are set in place that holds and locks the denied feelings and emotions from moving and creates a cycle of similar unloving experiences. Until such time that one consciously chooses to delve into their past unresolved issues and fears, to heal and retrieve those lost and damaged parts of our being, nothing changes and death, created by denial, begins its process.- Shenreed

Says 367 – Saying No!

Saying NO… Sounds easy, but is one of the hardest things to do as GUILT will try to back you down every time you try to take a stand. You also need to learn to say NO to GUILT.

Here is a video by Lady Gag a revealing how she finally had the courage to say no to a lot of things that she was doing to please other people, and to make her feel she was worthy and accepted.

Says 365 – The Mark of the Beast 666

It’s interesting the things that pop up on my Facebook time line. Although I have studied the bible and other religions, I’m not a follower of organized religion, in this case, Christianity and so I’m not drawn to bible thumpers and the Church or Jesus saves sales pitch. But this talk interested me and I was curious as to what he had to say. At around the 2:20 min mark he states that the Mark of the Beast is not a physical thing, but rather, it’s the LOVE and TRUTH (NOT religion – my comment) that you carry in your Heart. While those with the Mark of the Beast have unloving INTENT and heartlessness, aka DENIAL.

It makes a lot of sense and was a concept I never considered before. Everyone already has the Mark of the Beast as they live their lives in various forms of denial. Everyone also has choice; whether to carry on living in denial, or, to end ones denials and live in truth. You don’t need to be a Christian or follow any other religion to have a loving Heart. There are part-truths in all religions and one must gleam the wheat from the chaff to feel the meaning of the WORD. Let those that have eyes to see and ears to hear know the truth.

Here is the link to his podcast – The Mark of the Beast 666 Part 1 with Doug Batchelor

Says 363 – Small thinking people?

While this meme appears to have some good words of advice, it’s flawed for two reasons. The first is blaming outside influences for your problems, and secondly, in denying that the problem may be with you yourself. It’s not small thinking people that are the problem, it’s your own imprints, programs and beliefs that keep you chained and confined to your “small thinking” and limited reality…  Let go of them… and you will grow…  In reality, you are living in a bubble created by  your own imprints, programs and beliefs that you believe are there to serve and protect you… No one is holding you back except you…Food for thought… or not.. 🙂

PS – Also, if (as in the meme) you find yourself surrounded by small thinking people, you need to ask yourself why have you drawn them to you in the first place..Dah!

Says 361 – What other people think of you

This is a powerful and profound message. It’s a simple and effective way of cutting through the bullshit of so-called friends, to find the truth of what they really are in your relationship. A simple change in perspective and the whole experience shifts dramatically.

Says 358 – The REAL meaning of faith

I found this meme that instills the real meaning of FAITH… without the religious overtures and overtones…. like; what faith are you? Do you have faith in Jesus Christ? Do you have faith in our lord. By faith are you saved. Have faith in Allah. etc. etc.. Faith isn’t about a religion or religious belief; it’s the inner strength and courage to keep going to find the truth  and love you are looking for in the here and now.

Faith can be blinded by hope. A false hope where one advocates responsibility for their circumstances and hopes things will change with minimum effort or that someone will come and rescue them.

Food for thought… or not.

Says 349 – Using Failure as Stepping Stones

Use failure as stepping stones. You need to know what does NOT work in order to know what does. Like riding a bike. You need to try new things and FAIL, (fall down) in order to learn what you did wrong, that you will not do the next time. If you keep falling and doing the same thing over and over, then know you are not THINKING and looking for the cause of your failure. And no. it’s NOT the bike or the road you are on, or anything else you might want to blame.

Says 325 – Gaslighting

It’s interesting how these meme’s pop up on my Facebook  time line. Gaslighting ties in with my previous post on Cognitive Dissonance, except there’s a reversal with a more assertive approach to get you to deny your truth and accept their version.

Says 323 – Love, honesty, truth and respect

While on the “surface” this seems like an OK meme – BUT – when you really feel and think into it, it’s twisted. Yes, it has a part-truth in it, and that is how “they” set you up for the rest. I say set up as it was either done intentionally, or, the person is just presently ignorant as to what love is, and has the belief that it needs to include other words to give it meaning (which is love, but love  with conditions) which isn’t what he/she was talking about.

Let me explain. Three of these words are really meaningless. If a person knows and feels what real love is, by real, I mean unconditional, and NO, you don’t have to die and go to heaven to experience unconditional love, and NO, your dog doesn’t give you unconditional love either. You can experience here on Earth if you just stop bull-shitting yourself and denying what you are really feeling and be real, honest and truthful and have respect for your soulful expression.

OK, I digressed . LOL – The only important word is LOVE. If you have love in whatever or with whoever you are experiencing, then honesty, truth and  respect are a natural given, as those are an intrinsic part of what Unconditional love (without conditions) is.  You don’t have to go and demand respect, honesty and truth, if real love is present.

Anyway, Food for thought – or not. 🙂

Says 322 – Feeling different, lost and alone. – Feeling different

Admit it. You think and feel different. You feel you don’t fit into society. You feel lost and alone. You feel like the little match girl, always on the outside looking in. You want to be like them, but you know you aren’t like them, not even close. You may dress like them, listen to the same music, watch the same TV shows, go to the same movies or clubs, do the same things they do, but at the same time, you know and feel this is not for you. The more you try to fit in and belong, the more you feel alone and like an outsider, watching the so-called “normal people” go about their robotic existence they call life. Even our customary greeting of, “How are you?” and the generic reply, “Fine, and you?” feels fake and phony, not real. You’re confused and wonder why this is happening to you. Why are you different?

Face it. You want to be your real self, yet you’re afraid to show it for fear of being rejected or even attacked like you have been in the past. You want to talk to the man or woman in the grocery store or in the mall, but you hesitate because they are strangers, and so you and deny and just walk on by. But consider this, what if the man or woman wanted to talk to you but felt the same way you do. So in that moment, both missed an opportunity to connect with another that feels and thinks alike, and so you both stay in your little box, feeling shut out from the world you desire to be a part of. It isn’t about the other person, it’s all about you. They may not respond to you the way you hoped, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you made the effort to go out of your comfort zone: to end your denials and love yourself enough to dare to be real and authentic. You will never know unless you try and unless you try, you will never know. Who knows what doors you may open by taking a chance on a conversation you intuitively feel you need to begin. Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle and everyone that comes into your life, does so for a reason. Trust your intuition, take a risk, expect the unexpected. See what magic the universe has in store for you.


Says 321 – Death is not what we have been lead to believe.

The medical establishment is finally catching up to the fact that death is not what they have thought it to be, and they are just scratching the surface. There is a lot more that happens and our current medical practices are actually barbaric.

Here is a link to the video


Says 305 – The “Beast”

The New World Order

I modified this image and added the text a few years ago as part of my attempt to try to put some of the pieces of the puzzle together. Don’t get me wrong in quoting the bible, as I’m not religious by any means, it’s just a couple of verses that stuck with me.

The reason I’m posting this now is that almost three years ago, I had a car accident, where a woman ran a red light and I broadsided her. My SUV was totaled. I didn’t have any broken bones, but suffered hearing loss, TMJ, whiplash, soft tissue damage and lower back injuries.

Anyway, I got a letter from my lawyer, notifying me of a “Discovery” meeting regarding the tort claim. He submitted a couple pages of what to expect at this meeting. The process starts with a swearing in to tell the truth, and that activated my issues with so-called “authority,” figures that have immunity, privilege, and entitlement, and are not governed by the same rules that the rest of us are supposed to follow and OBEY.

It brought up all that is wrong with this world; the denial spirits that run it and all those Order Followers who are “just doing their job” that are part of the system. When I look at all those involved in the system, (the BEAST) it’s no wonder that I feel overwhelmed and that the Earth is in the shape it’s in.

Why this is activating me is because it will be me against the system. By that, I mean that it will be my opportunity to heal a lot of issues including expressing my feelings and emotions, and challenging old imprints, programs and beliefs, that I know they will try to suppress and deny. Speaking my truth and “walking my talk” in the presence of those that will try every trick to manipulate and control me is terrifying. A few years ago I had the unpleasant court experience where I discovered first hand, the power of denial. Now it will be an opportunity to see if I will repeat, or, witness the power of love.

Says 304 – Trust your feelings – intuition

EXACTLY the OPPOSITE of what this meme says is true. If you have feelings that something is not right, TRUST your intuition and give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Ask questions to clear the air and you will soon find out if your feelings were wrong.

Says 303 – Attachments and self-sacrifice

As long as you have attachments to another person, you will continue to sacrifice yourself to make them happy. Instead, find the inner reasons of why you are afraid to be alone and why you think / feel you NEED them.