This video provides insight not only into the Covid scam, but also behind the scenes.
Tag Archives: world
Says 396 – CoronaVirus and world control
The Virus is a distraction from the main agenda of the N.W.O. which is far deadlier than the virus could ever be. It’s a test to see if the dumbed down sheeple are ready to be totally controlled and to obey their masters. And by the looks of things, they are. I’ve mentioned “the Beast” a few times and the 10 heads or sectors that it controls..
Says 156 – A distorted view of our world.
A few days ago I read on a post on Facebook regarding Africa and the Middle East, and stating that Africa was way bigger that was shown on any maps, as was Asia. Today I did a search for “Land area of the continents” and found this link at the top of the list
It shows a small distorted image of the continental land masses, but it also shows a spread sheet with the actual size in square kilometers. You can take all of North America, (Canada, USA, Mexico, central America) and Australia, and it would just cover Africa.. Asia is almost twice the size of North America, yet here it is shown as being equal to North America..
If you do a search with Google Maps you will also see this distorted view of our World. It’s as if the USA (And I’m saying USA as they are the major world power at present) has decided that it is the centre of the World and therefor, North America, of which it is a part of, has to be BIG… (Texas Logic) 🙂
There is no logical reason why the maps can’t be drawn to scale.. It’s a no brainer, especially when you have access to US satellite images, that by the way, are also contributing to this lie.
While I’m on the topic, why is it that you never see any satellite images of the North and South Pole.. They have satellites circling in polar orbits, surely, they can provide images of our entire planet, and in a real and truth manner, not this distorted view that we have come to accept as TRUTH..
This is not the truth. This is yet another bare face lie that needs to be exposed for what it is.
PS: It’s laughable.. I just thought of some future archeologist’s digging up some ruins and finding the present day version of the world map.. They would have a good laugh, in the same way we laughed at the middle age thinking the world was flat.. They would also be puzzled in that they would also discover modern day satellite images of the moon and other planets, yet Earth is so mis-represented..
The problem appears to be that the so-called Cartographers haven’t found a way to transfer the size and shapes on a sphere to a 2 dimensional layout. Given all the modern satellite technology and powerful computers, it should be child’s play, but no, they still appear to be using the same technology that Christoper Columbus did when he proved the Earth was round. Even without satellites and computers, they have the known land areas for each continent, yet these blind buffoons are unable to even make an educated guess and give each continent the proper proportions to make a realistic map. So much for modern Science..
PS: I made this composite of two satellite images of Earth, of North and South America, and Africa and Europe, with the Earth being the same diameter..
Says 122 – 2012-12-21 The end of the World
It’s the beginning of the collapse of the system and the world as we know it, and
the beginning of a new world without the political and religious crap. What is happening now is that all the denials and shit is getting exposed and as it does, the system begins to fall and truth becomes the normal behavior…
Says 84 – Something evil this way comes
Back in February I mentioned that I felt that Israel was getting ready to start a war with Iran. Says 07 – Israel getting ready to attack Iran Well I’ve been watching the headlines on the internet and it’s not far off.
What is interesting to note is that the USA has realized that its position as a world super power is diminishing as it is being seen for power hungry opportunist that it is, and that any move it makes against Iran, will not only be condemned, but also met with not so pleasant reprisals. Not that the US doesn’t have the Military might, but without allies to do some of their dirty work and being spread out across the globe, their resources are stretched and vulnerable. Also, these allies, based on present global opinion, could turn against the US, and that would complicate matters even more.
So now the powers to be behind that US presidential puppet (Obama) have decided to enlist the aid of its neighboring puppet country, CANADA, and its redneck crony, Stephen Harper, to become the unofficial spokesman for the pentagon. Harper spouts off political hearsay and rhetoric about Iran’s nuclear program, while hob knobbing with Israel’s PM, and defending their military stance against Iran. Meanwhile, Obama has given the world the APPEARANCE that the USA is distancing itself from Israel and their military agenda to attack Iran. Note I said the APPERANCE… it’s all an illusion, a façade, as they are actively involved in trying to over throw the Iranian regime.
With all this going on, Canada has recently pulled their embassy officials out of Iran, which is a pretty good indication of things to come and that there is going to be a war… very soon…
To add to this, the illustrious schmuck Harper, has just been awarded the ‘World Statesman of the Year’ award, which is a farce and just as valid and noteworthy as Obama winning the noble peace prize weeks after coming into office.
I say farce as Canada’s international reputation has been going downhill since Harper came into power a few years ago, like recently being rejected from having a seat on the UN Security Council.
We are no longer looked on by the rest of the world as Canadians, but as dumb and numb American puppets. We are now tarred with American shit, and guilty by association, all thanks to our foreign policies of cozying up to US propaganda and the so-called war on Terrorism.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-American,…. I’m just not Pro-American. For that matter, I’m not pro any government as they are all puppets and corrupt. There are a few politicians that TRY to make a difference, but they get blocked, or killed by those in a position of power that are pulling the strings from behind the scenes.
Says 78 – Bell Canada “Prepaid plan” a rip off.
2012 Aug 09 Well it took a month to find out that was what told and sold by the Bell Canada rep, was a lie and a scam. That like my post – Says 64 – Rogers “Pay-as-you-go” a rip off and an outrage! Bell Canada is just as bad, if not worse than Rogers, just in a different way. It turns out that the ($10.75/month) prepaid plan that I was on, which stated that local calls were billed at $.10/min was a truth, but only a part truth. I started my Bell cell phone plan on July 07 and on Aug 02, I topped up my account with a $25.00/2 month prepaid amount as it was getting down to the $3.00 make . A couple of days ago I was curious as to how much I had left and it was $24.80. Today, after receiving a long distance plan which lasted maybe three minutes, I again checked my account. I was shocked to learn that I now had $13.40 in my account.
I went back to the Source (A Bell owned electronic store) where I originally got the phone activated and they told me to call #321 and I could find out what the charges were. I tried that but I got was all automated services that were of no help. I then went to the Bell store and talked to the rep and she now told me the real story of my charges.
She said that the $10.75 monthly plan I had signed up for was a MONTHLY fee for the Bell service, but that it did NOT include any airtime. So now from the $25.00/2 month I recently spent to top up my account, $10.75 goes to this month’s service fee and I’ll also be billed another $10.75 next month. That leaves me with a total of $3.50 that is available for airtime during the next 2 months and at $.10/min, that gives me 35 minutes, or a STAGGERING ….. $.714 cents/minute when I take in account the $25.00 I already paid for privilege of using Bell and divide it by the 35 minutes airtime. The next upgrade on the prepaid plan is to pay $50.00/2 months. That would give me $28.50 of airtime and at $.10/min, works out to 280 minutes. Taking the $50.00 and dividing it by 280 minutes, works out that I’ll be paying almost $.18/minute and not the $10 as advertized…
Bell Canada is just another greedy, money hungry business putting it to the consumer because they have our so-called POLITICIANS in their pocket. Canada has the highest cell phone rates in the WORLD. and our F**king politicians see nothing wrong, or they are going to spend more taxpayers money to STUDY the problem, and of course, like they do with the price of gas, they will find nothing wrong… WTF!
UPDATE: 2012 Aug 10 Bell to buy Astral Media Canada would suffer from the highest level of cross-media ownership – meaning that our communications would be controlled by a select few media conglomerates.