Says 461 – When Laws are not Laws

First the so-called “government” makes laws aimed at reducing covid transmission that everyone must obey. BUT… when police and medical professionals publicly stated they would NOT COMPLY… well guess what. FORD, tucked his little tail between his legs and backtracked.
What is important here is that the “laws” the government push are NOT MANDATORY… If that were the case, then police, doctors and other professionals would also have to COMPLY and CONSENT to follow them, and not DISOBEY.
AND… if the ex-drug pusher Ford really believed his new law, that his so-called medical experts and top doctor all stated were true, then he wouldn’t be back-tracking would he. When you stand up to a POS pretending to be King Ford, you soon find out that he is indeed… King Shit of Turd Island. That just doesn’t apply to Furd, but to anyone that claims to have “authority” over you.

Says 141 – Third World Countries and USA Karma

third worldIn watching this video clip The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina, I found it interesting that one of the victims stated that he felt he was treated like he was in a third world country. (~5 min mark) I thought how strange that he has no objections over the USA committing terror, abuse and war crimes to others classified as third world countries, but doesn’t like it when he is treated that way. I felt that what is in store for America is Karma, and as they say, ”Payback is a bitch.”

Says 123 – Newtown Connecticut – Sandy Hook Shootings

Newtown Connecticut shootingThere are so many blatant loops holes that are being exposed, that unless a person is blind, deaf and dumb, they can’t see the obvious. 20 children and 6 adults killed, Shooter kills mother at home, then goes to school wearing bulletproof vest and kills the children and then himself. Hand guns found at the scene. Three shooters, one dead at the scene, one in woods and a boy says police handcuffed another that was in the back of a police car. Video and audio of a man caught in woods wearing camouflage and dark jacket says he didn’t do it. Assault weapon found in trunk of car. The Sheriff states that the FBI and other organizations have been called in to deal with “whistle blowers“ that re-post main stream videos or police interviews on social networks. County medical advisor says all children killed with a long rifle, not handgun.

And there is more… Firemen from across the county fly in and pay tribute to a boy that was killed that said he wanted to be a fireman and the media play it up to the max. Then the media posts a US service man dressed up in fatigues, pretending that he is defending against any would be attackers.

But what I really wanted to share is the following two videos clips. One is taken by a non media person and the other is by CNN that later edited and aired it… Either CNN hired an actor to play the part of Robbie Parker, or Robbie Parker is one cold hearted SOB.. See for yourself

1st Video

2nd Video – CNN video with editing: