Says 355 – Monopoly – Cheaters edition

WTF is wrong with society that this is even allowed. What message is it giving kids that cheating is fine… or that it’s ONLY A GAME…  Of course in order to cheat, you have to have the mental INTENT to deceive and manipulate others so that you can accomplish your plan and win. You have to steal, lie, deny and cover up your immoral acts, and when confronted, act as if you are the innocent victim, not responsible for any wrong doing. To bully, intimidate and use any immoral tactic to gain the advantage over your opponent and win the game. Of course others can accuse you of cheating when you aren’t, in order to hide the fact that they are cheating, just to throw you off.

Sure, this is only a game, but it also sets up the program that it’s OK to do all these things as it’s only a game. They begin to lie and deny to their parents, friends and peers, and soon, they have stripped themselves of any sense of morality. Sad to say, this game is a reflection of what is going on in the world today.. When are people going to wake up?

Here is a link to their website.

Says 354 – Airing my laundry in public. V-04

Since this video is associated with the previous one, I thought I’d post both the same day. I just finished hanging out my laundry on the clothes line in the back yard. It’s a nice mainly sunny day, and the temperature is supposed to go up to around 30C or 87F.

Says 353 – Letting you in on my personal life V-03

Just a little video to let you in on my personal life. This happens to be about the little Laundromat I go to. It’s convenient, clean and also not as expensive as other ones. Even though the machines are older, they still work.

If you’re wondering what happened to V-02, I haven’t posted it yet as it is a video of the examination room I was in and my comments on how UNCLEAN it was.

Says 352 – Bitten by a dog V-01

I went out today to see about buying some computer items and couldn’t find the house (it was in the country) When I went to ask direction at a house with a car in driveway. I ran the door bell twice and a few seconds after the second ring, I heard dogs barking and then saw them round the corner barking a growling at me. One was a long hair cross breed and the other a German Shepherd. It was the Shepherd that was aggressive and when he went for my bare leg, (wearing shorts) I put my hand down to protect my leg and he bit me. It wasn’t a real bite as he never bit the palm of my hand but he tore a triangle piece of skin on the back of my hand about a inch long. It was probably a combination of his bite, and my hand going down that did the damage

The other dog was just barking and wagging his tail now so I knew he was safe, and as I reached out and petted him, the Shepherd backed off a bit. I slowly made it back to my vehicle all the while, watching the Shepherd.. I managed to get in my vehicle and got a bandage to stop the bleeding.

I drove across the highway, got directions from a woman and found the right house but I didn’t buy what he was selling. When I left the house, and was driving back to the main highway, I noticed a car pull into the house with the dogs. Turns out it was the owners and I told them what happened and showed them my wound. They were apologetic, kind of, at least the husband was. I told them they should not let their dogs run loose if they are aggressive like that. Today it was me, but what if it was a child.

I drove back to Woodstock and went to the emergency and after four hours, the doc came in and said he couldn’t stitch the wound which I figured would take 4-5 stitches, and all he did was clean up the wound, pull the skin back in place and put 5 steri-strips across the wound.. I could have done that.. Dah!

PS: This is my first selfie type video I have ever made.

Says 350 – Societies need for conformity

It’s a sad state of affairs that one can’t express their thoughts and ideas openly and freely. That the individual with new ideas is mocked, ridiculed and attacked because what they say doesn’t fit into the narrow minded programs and beliefs of the brainwashed social mindset.

Unfortunately, most that have this sense of individuality and creative spark are made to feel they are wrong, and that everyone that is against them are right. To stop being attacked and to gain some semblance of social acceptance, they begin to give up on their ideals. Slowly, they are worn down by the hatred of others and their own self-hatred and they become just like the ones that hated them.

The reason for the social mobs attack is based in fear, fear of change, and the disintegration of their reality. They fear what they do not know. Others that know what the change will bring fear a loss of power and control and so they fight to maintain the status quo.