Says 116 – The Word

November 16, Friday. There are more phrases and words that are coming to my awareness, this time it’s the word “Word” itself. I remember a phrase in the Bible, (New Testament) that spoke of the word. I looked it up and it was – John 1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

While I believe that the “word” is a key element of creation and creating what we desire, it’s not in the way that we think. I feel that the word is a combination of thought and feeling, and when spoken, given physical vibration, it manifests our desires. That doesn’t mean that all we need to do is to speak and express what we desire in order to create it, but that it also has to be felt, and that both the thought and the feeling have to be without any denial present, that includes expectation and that is where intent comes into play.
Spirit (our thoughts) is light and electric in frequency/vibration, while the Soul, our feelings and emotions are magnetic. This electromagnetic energy can be raised or lowered in frequency or vibration and has infinite possibilities. Our Body and physical reality that is of a lower vibration, is manifested from this electromagnetic energy. In our physical reality, this energy is stepped down in frequency to create dense physical matter like light, sound and even lower to create gases, water, animals, plants and stone.

While we commonly define frequency as cycles per second, like in the chart, it can be increased to range from (X) cycles / trillionth of a second and higher to infinity. On the other end of the frequency scale, it can be decreased to range to cycles per minute, hour, day, week, year, century, millennium, and beyond and also to infinity. Now how all this relates to the “Word” and Vibration and energy is still a mystery to me, but I feel that all this wouldn’t be coming to my awareness if there wasn’t a good reason for it.

Says 112 – The fear of power and the power of fear

I happened to catch a bit of a war program on TV and the words that caught my attention were, “the fear of power, and the power of fear.” I feel there is a fine line between the two as the fear of power, of having power and being in control can be just as debilitating as being in fear of being overpowered. Part of the fear of power is in having the responsibility associated with the wrong use of it. The mind tries to find some balance in one’s life, in order to survive without becoming a tyrant. They are constantly weaving their way through and around any potential problems to avoid unpleasant confrontations in which they consider themselves as harming others, or where others feel they are being controlled and harmed. There is also of fear of being wrong associated with the fear of having power

The power of fear similar that in order to have fear, one must have experienced a situation where one felt overwhelmed, overpowered and helpless to change the situation. Being imprinted and programmed, the person now lives in constant fear of the unknown, projecting and expecting to experience what they fear, and looking for ways to avoid encountering it. The persons fear is their weakness as they will always be afraid that what they fear will be used against them.