SV-145F – Denial – how to uncover


It’s easier to feel/see other people’s denials than your own, and while that’s a start, the second part of this experience is that you need to ask yourself. What am I denying expressing? If I’m denying, then why… and the questions go on and on. Probably the first on the list is the fear of expression. It’s easier to be real with strangers than with friends, family and one’s intimate partner. Becoming aware of your denials, and choosing to end them, is a step toward self-empowerment.

SV-144G – The Grand Paradox

You may think you know what love is, but it’s mainly based on religious beliefs. You may also think you know what denial is, and yes, the most obvious denials are easy to spot, but there’s more. Once you’ve been activated into one of your issues and choose not to react, but to end your denials and respond to what you’re experiencing, you simultaneously experience self-love and also know what denial is, and what it has been doing to your life. You realize that, like the movie “Pleasantville,” your life has been black and white and shades of gray, but now it’s in living colour and there is no going back. I spontaneously share the moment, I experienced unconditional self-love for the first time, and re-cap on what is needed to heal and empower yourself.

SV-143G – Battle of the Sexes

Society has this mass-conscious belief that men are physically stronger, rational and logical thinkers, while women are emotional, irrational and the weaker sex. But the real battle is the inner one, between one’s Spirit (male) and Soul (female) aspects of our Being. The Soul (feelings and emotions) are dominated and controlled by the mind, with its logic and reason. This inner battle is also being reflected in the outer battle. To heal this dilemma, Heart (love) presence is required to be the unconditional connection between Spirit and Soul. What we have now, ranges from a partial Heart connection (conditional love), to the complete heartlessness of rage, cold indifference and hate that creates the unloving GAP and conflict between Spirit (Male) and the Soul (Female).

SV-142F – Fear of Change

Another aspect of the unknown, is the fear of change, where the mind is caught up in its imprints, programs and beliefs. And because an Empath believes their feelings and emotions are the problem, they are afraid to change, as change is unknown. Denial is comfortable, and so nothing changes. To change, it takes courage and leap of faith to do what you have never done before. Fears come up when you try to change, and denial keeps you frozen in your point-of-view. To change, you have to be willing to lose friends, family and things that you thought are necessary, but in the process, you find and empower yourself.

Says 495 – Laws created by the Corporate System

Here is a good video on what so-called law is… and how the SYSTEM uses it to manipulate and control the masses. It is corrupt and evil to the core, while presenting a public perception of truth, justice and freedom.  The Scam-demic is a good example of how the government, medical establishment, media and legal system and others, were privy to the intent of the elite and their hidden agenda.


SV-141A – Self-Hatred and Self-Judgments

While you make think your self-hatred and judgments are not a big deal, but I assure you they are, as you’re hating and cutting off parts of your being. As a Spiritual being having a physical experience, you are casting off parts of your emotional Essence. The more you deny, the more you cut off and soon, you’ll remember less and more importantly, you will begin to feel less. Feeling less gives you the illusion that your denials are working, as you aren’t feeling what you used to feel. That’s not the truth, as you’re just too stupid to realize that you‘ve lost big parts of yourself. (Been there, done that). When you’re ignorant, you don’t know what’s really going on, and you’re just going on your mind’s imprints, programs and beliefs that it thinks is the right thing to do.

These denied emotional parts of you just don’t go away, they are still with you. Emotions are energy and when they can’t be expressed, they have no place to go except into your body where they create dis-ease, pain and illness. Journaling is a good way to begin healing, by writing down all the things that you hate about yourself. When you read what you wrote, you begin to see how you’re really talking to yourself.

SV-140A – Protesting the System

A new phrase going around is that people are “woke,” that they realize something is wrong with the system and the system needs to change. The flaw in their thinking is that they need to be the ones who change, and not the system, as the system is based in denial. The protesters don’t realize that they are going “cap in hand,” to the controllers, wanting to control them and make them do as they say. Those in a position of power aren’t going to change what they created, as their power is based in denial and MONEY. Money gives them the power to buy things, to buy people, politicians, bureaucrats, doctors, media, military, whatever they want. When the love for power is replaced with the power of love, we’ll see a change. The system is going to crumble and fall, and if you have the mindset that it can change, you are going to go with it.

So how do you create a new reality? We need to be the change, but this is something that we have never done before, as it’s the opposite of the present reality. I have a few things under my belt, but I’m just scratching the tip of the iceberg and I’ve got a lot more to do.

SV-139F – Fear of the Unknown and Judgments

While we have fears that we recognize, there are also countless fears that are unknown. Fear of the unknown is with every fear that you have. With your fears, your mind has made judgments that it now accepts as truths. Judgments are thought forms attached to the thinker, and as such, they close the mind to new possibilities and experiences. Judgments keep you in a box with no possibility of growth or change. People that have strong “religious” beliefs are a good example of judgments accepted as truth. Dealing with a person that is closed-minded and judgmental is like talking to a stone wall. It took me a long time to find out that what I believed was the truth… wasn’t. Nothing changes until YOU want to change, and the longer you wait to open your mind, the harder things get.

SV-138F – Protection

As an empath, if you aren’t sacrificing yourself to try to make others happy by giving them what they want so that you’ll not be attacked, you’re also looking for ways to protect yourself from unloving energy and entities. There are numerous ways of trying to protect oneself from unloving energy and entities, including New AGE, where you visualize yourself surrounded in light or in a bubble, or if you’re into native traditions, you do smudging. If you’re into religion, then praying is the method of choice. The thing with these techniques is that they are temporary quick fix sand don’t deal with the real issue. What is your fear? What is your denial? Empaths pickup on the energy of a person or groups, like people in a Mall, that can quickly make an empath feel drained. Once you heal your issues with dealing with unloving energy and entities by ending your denials and expressing what you feel, those experiences no longer activate and drain you.

SV-137G – Part-truths and what’s hidden

Part-truths, when taken as gospel and not questioned, are what gets an empath into trouble. Giving others the benefit of the doubt is in denial of giving yourself the benefit of the doubt and asking direct questions when you feel confused or that something is missing, or that you don’t understand. Identifying part-truths are of value if you also look for what is being denied, and what you’re feeling, as that will add to and expand the part-truth.

SV-136F – Self sacrifice & fear of expression

It’s natural for Empaths to try to help others, but that also leads to sacrificing oneself in the name of being loving and nice. Another reason for being nice is so that you will not be shunned or attacked. Being loving and nice to others, yet at the same time, hating yourself. People that deny expressing their true expression, I refer to as having the Thumper/Bambi Syndrome, where they deny their real expression just to make others feel comfortable. Suppression of real feelings and emotions creates a fear of emotional expression and a door that one needs to walk through and heal what was denied.

SV-135F – Journaling – Mini Healings

Journaling is also a tool for healing and empowering yourself. It allows you to take mini healing steps as writing and moving the emotions that want to move as you are writing, allows you to express privately what you couldn’t do before. Journaling allows your mind to physically see what it did and didn’t do, and how and why you denied your emotions any expression that was not aligned with the mind’s judgments and beliefs. While it’s hindsight, it gives you conscious awareness that you didn’t have before.

Says 494 – Vax’d injuries and death cover up

There was a group “Died Suddenly News” on Facebook that started a short time ago. The group shared personal experiences about people getting injured and drying from the mRNA lased vaccine.” The group had just reached 300,000 members when it was taken down… DELETED… Not only was it deleted, but any messages I had posted were also deleted… Try to find any information on vaccine injuries and deaths and there are only some, like women’s periods might last a day longer than before or there might be the odd rash that lasts two to three days. GOOGLE is covering up what is really going on… The government, medical and media are playing dumb to what is actually going on.

I have personally seen four people that have oozing sores on their arms and body. I spoke to two people that have had loved ones die days after getting jabbed. I’ve also talked to two men that have bladder cancer and another two that have had heart attacks after taking the jab.

SV-134A – Passive Aggressive

Narcissists are attracted to Empaths as they can easily be manipulated and controlled, and Empaths are attracted to Narcissists as they’re attracted to their charisma, or they feel they can help and change them. Empaths fall prey to Narcissists that appear to be nice, kind and loving. Once you are hooked, narcissists use four control tactics; they are, intimidation, interrogation, oh poor me, and aloft. Until the empath is aware of their game plan, the words they are saying and the words they are not saying, they remain the hapless victim.

SV-133H – Heartbreak – loyalty – Queen

Mass conscious has been programmed to believe that the so-called “common” people need a ruler that needs to be honoured, respected and obeyed. Those that have been indoctrinated, feel “offended” if others don’t do as they do. So now that the Queen is dead, we are all to suddenly show our respects and offer condolences and sympathy. People aren’t aware, or they choose to deny, that the queen and the British Empire, have blood on their hands. Those loyal to the queen have the belief that everyone should show respect for the dead. One would be a hypocrite if they had no respect for the queen and what she stood for when she was alive, to now suddenly be respectful and in mourning. While some would call this public display of loyalty and mourning as heartbreak, it’s not genuine, but a public display of pomp and ceremony to portray the ruling place of power and control as loving.

SV-132F – Fear of being real

Empaths have a morbid fear of expressing their real feelings and emotions, as it’s socially unacceptable. It’s a learnt behaviour that follows mass consciousness imprints, programs and beliefs, and a moral code of conduct that is essentially the dictates of organized religion, government, the legal system and the media. Being real and expressing the truth is frowned upon, while lies and denials are tolerated. Small children are about the only ones to speak the truth in the moment. It’s easier to be real(er) with strangers than with one’s intimate partner.

SV-131A – Rage – Release and the Pumpkin

While I said it took me another four years to understand and heal it, (my anger and rage) that was because before I could do that, I needed to heal my fear of being attacked and also my fear of expressing myself, verbally and physically. These steps or levels were needed to be completed before I was ready to express and begin to heal and understand my real anger and rage. Kind of like learning to crawl, then stand, before I could walk.

I share a personal experience dealing with denied anger and rage and the beginning of healing it. It took me another four years to understand and heal it, (my anger and rage) that was because before I could do that, I needed to heal my fear of being attacked and also my fear of expressing myself, verbally and physically. These steps or levels were needed to be completed before I was ready to express and begin to heal and understand my real anger and rage. Kind of like learning to crawl, then stand, before I could walk.

SV-130G – Guilt and Denial held in Body

I share a personal experience with a Reiki Master in a one-on-one session that involved a traumatic childhood experience, and why and how denied emotional expression and body pain, combined with guilt have a lasting negative effect on the body, and how it can be healed when the denied emotions are expressed and the guilt attachment is released.

SV-129G – Meditation – Mini Healing

Meditation as practised by Eastern religions and New Agers is based in denial; denial of any so-called negative feelings and emotions that surface. In the course of my journey, I found that meditation could be used as a tool for healing and self-empowerment, but only if it was done in non-denial. Some of the meditation “journeys”, as I called them, were: visualization, animal guides, clearing your astral attachments. past-lives, life guides and higher self, channelling, healing issues and denied emotions, Shamanic and Multi-dimensional journeys.

SV-128G – Fake, explaining & real emotions

Fake or false emotions are expressed when a person is activated into one of their fears and they go into either a fight, flight or give up mode. These emotions are aligned with the false judgments that the mind has, that thinks this experience is the same as the original experience. Explaining is just that, re-telling an experience with the false emotions that are associated with it. Real emotions are rarely expressed in adults and you are more likely to see them in a child.

SV-127G – Social Denials

Denial is so prevalent in society that most are not even aware what denial is. If you are not expressing your real feelings and emotions in the NOW moment when you feel them, you’re in denial. As an example, we set ourselves up to be in denial with our standard social greeting… “Hi, how are you?” The standard come back is… “Oh, Fine, and you?” To that, they reply, “Oh fine.“ And with that, both are living in denial.

SV-126G – Guilt

Guilt is a presence and is not to be confused with love. Guilt has been in the place of love for eons. All religions are based on guilt. Love and truth does not mind being questioned, but unlovingness, guilt and denial do. Christian beliefs in traditions of Santa Claus and the Easter bunny are lies you tell your children. If you told them the truth, guilt would be on you, telling you that you’re unloving.

SV-125G – Relationships

Whether you admit it or not; empaths are love starved, they want to be loved and accepted. They are attracted to another person that they feel completes or compliments them. In most cases, they attract a narcissist that isn’t real in their feelings and emotions, but is good at acting the part. Being in denial, is what sets an empath up to give their power away.

SV-124G – The Common Thread

My journey is a search for truth, love and the meaning of life. While reading numerous books, and coming across part-truths that felt real, something was always lacking. I was searching for something that would connect them, a common thread. When I was introduced to the first book in the RUOW (Right Use Of Will) series by Ceanne DeRohan, I realized what was missing, what I wasn’t seeing. What was common to everything was denial, and that totally changed my journey.

SV-123G – New Age Religion

Examines the New Age movement as another form of religion in that real feelings and emotions are denied, in order to be positive and feel good. Its agenda is also similar to  the “mental health” establishment, where they aren’t looking for the cause of one’s so-called “negative” feelings and emotions, but rather address the symptoms with the use of drugs, or cognitive therapy or whatever they can use to make money.