SV-131A – Rage – Release and the Pumpkin

While I said it took me another four years to understand and heal it, (my anger and rage) that was because before I could do that, I needed to heal my fear of being attacked and also my fear of expressing myself, verbally and physically. These steps or levels were needed to be completed before I was ready to express and begin to heal and understand my real anger and rage. Kind of like learning to crawl, then stand, before I could walk.

I share a personal experience dealing with denied anger and rage and the beginning of healing it. It took me another four years to understand and heal it, (my anger and rage) that was because before I could do that, I needed to heal my fear of being attacked and also my fear of expressing myself, verbally and physically. These steps or levels were needed to be completed before I was ready to express and begin to heal and understand my real anger and rage. Kind of like learning to crawl, then stand, before I could walk.

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