When people are activated into their issues, they go into denial and re-act by either going into a fight, flight or give up mode. If your imprint is to fight, as soon as you’re activated, your denied anger and rage will be triggered. Hidden under your denied anger and rage is your denied terror; what you are afraid of that triggered you. For an empath, a confusing issue is how do you respond to a psychopath coming at you, or a person that you know is loving, but has been activated and is in denied anger and rage.
Daily Archives: 2022/09/02
SV-115H – Betrayal, Doubt and Denial
Betrayal doesn’t just come to you out of the blue. You have doubts and suspicions, but instead of expressing yourself, you deny and carry on hoping that your intuition is wrong. When a feeling of doubt comes up, your mind is consciously aware of the feeling but denies it. The feeling comes up three times in total. When it’s denied expression the third time, like in the game of baseball, you’re out, your mind is in the gap, and it goes on auto-pilot according to its imprints, programs and beliefs. All this happens in the blink of an eye. The key to healing is in spotting and ending one’s denials.
SV-114G – I Am – Religion
When you were born, you weren’t born with any religious beliefs or traditions; they were taught to you by your parents and others. Religion, like government, is organized. Religion tries to be a substitute for spirituality and as such, has rules and Belief Systems (BS) that they use to control you. When you identify yourself as etc., “I Am a Catholic,” you accept their BS as a part of who you are, and not as something that you are experiencing.
SV-113G – I Am – Government
I begin to explain how the government, through your birth certificate that your parents felt obliged to submit to the government, controls you. Your birth name ie, “Jane Doe”, appears on all government documents as “JANE DOE.” The Government is a fictitious entity, an artificial construct and not a person. The secret to the success in being society controllers, is that they have made you believe that Jane Doe is JANE DOE, and that you have to comply to their rules and mandates.