Fake or false emotions are expressed when a person is activated into one of their fears and they go into either a fight, flight or give up mode. These emotions are aligned with the false judgments that the mind has, that thinks this experience is the same as the original experience. Explaining is just that, re-telling an experience with the false emotions that are associated with it. Real emotions are rarely expressed in adults and you are more likely to see them in a child.
Daily Archives: 2022/09/14
SV-127G – Social Denials
Denial is so prevalent in society that most are not even aware what denial is. If you are not expressing your real feelings and emotions in the NOW moment when you feel them, you’re in denial. As an example, we set ourselves up to be in denial with our standard social greeting… “Hi, how are you?” The standard come back is… “Oh, Fine, and you?” To that, they reply, “Oh fine.“ And with that, both are living in denial.
SV-126G – Guilt
Guilt is a presence and is not to be confused with love. Guilt has been in the place of love for eons. All religions are based on guilt. Love and truth does not mind being questioned, but unlovingness, guilt and denial do. Christian beliefs in traditions of Santa Claus and the Easter bunny are lies you tell your children. If you told them the truth, guilt would be on you, telling you that you’re unloving.